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The article discusses the Jagiellonian Library's scanned version of its catalog of books published up to 1949. This case study analyzes the issue of information management in light of the history of the catalog from 1802 onwards and the process of making the catalog accessible via the Internet. It examines the consequences of the decision to scan the catalog on the various library departments' current procedures, as well as on library users.  相似文献   

The changing roles and relationships of professional staff in Reference and Cataloging departments in the catalog creation process are discussed. Specific examples are given for handling classification, subject headings and cross references. The article stresses the importance of interface between the two departments in making the catalog more accessible to the users of the library.  相似文献   

This research concerns the frequency of the assignment of author-supplied keyword strings and cataloger supplied subject heading strings within a library catalog. The results reveal that, on average, more author-assigned keywords and more cataloger-assigned Library of Congress Subject Headings were assigned to works emerging from the arts & humanities than to works emerging from the social sciences and science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines. STEM disciplines in particular received a lower amount of topical metadata, in part because of the under-assignment of name/title, geographical, and corporate subject headings. These findings reveal how librarians could increase their understanding of how topical access is functioning within academic disciplines.  相似文献   

This paper describes the procedures used at the Library of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia to divide its ninety-year-old dictionary card catalog. The division was necessitated by overcrowding, obsolete subject headings, and lack of a complete authority list which resulted in like materials being scattered throughout the catalog under several headings. Two catalogs were created: the historical-biographical catalog, representing all works published before 1950 and all works of historical or biographical nature; and the current catalog, containing all works published from 1950 on, excepting historical or biographical materials. The 1950- catalog was further divided into name and subject catalogs, and the subject section was revised according to MeSH. The project was completed in about two years. As a result, searching time has been much reduced, and the library is able to take advantage of the annual revisions of MeSH to update the subject catalog.  相似文献   


The Fresnes public library chose to enhance its bibliographic catalog by loading the complete backfile and regular updates of the BNF authority files. This unique solution allows them to put an end to local cataloging (notably subject assignment and the maintenance of the subject index) and to considerably reduce the “cost per title cataloged” based on the formula proposed by ISO Standard 11620: Information and Documentation—Library Performance Indicators.

The authority files improve the quality of online services: they reduce the number of unsuccessful searches, reduce aberrant responses and allow for numerous OPAC possibilities; they offer library staff a valuable aid in their mission of assisting the public; they facilitate and improve the tasks of collection development and management.

The new information system anticipated for the opening of the new library in March will give the authority files a larger role. Beyond assisting the simple catalog search, the authority files will function as a search engine for the whole network. The CD-ROM and DVD-ROM readers, and a selected number of Internet sites will, in fact, link to the authority files (notably subject and corporate author files) by the authority record number, using the same headings as in the library catalog.  相似文献   


Mounting digital images of art objects on a Web site is only the first step in providing patron access to such materials. Libraries and museums have a responsibility to provide not only high-quality digital reproductions but also high-quality access from an integrated library catalog with controlled vocabulary and consistent access points. While some digital collections may have excellent internal searchability and require no more than collection level cataloging in a library's OPAC, others may demand cataloging of individual components of the collection. A particular collection's significance, its potential audience, the types of access required, as well as factors such as its size and cohesiveness need to be considered before becoming locked into a specific Web designespecially when it is that of another institution.

This paper examines several online library catalogs in which records for art objects as well as historical objects and natural history specimens have been merged, with varying degrees of success, and briefly addresses a modest proposal to catalog ceramic objects at the Ohio State University Libraries. The importance of consistent subject access in a merged catalog, regardless of the thesaurus or thesauri used, is stressed. Library consortia and bibliographic utilities may offer an economically appealing alternative for libraries that cannot design and construct their own digital libraries but these external organizations often have limited capability for-or interest in-modifying the design for a particular library and even less interest in cataloging the collections. Libraries, too, must be faulted for simply listing available electronic resources, either alphabetically or in broad subject categories, on a separate portion of their Web page and failing to provide full catalog records in their catalog. Finally, it is emphasized that the current debate over the viability of MARC 21 versus other metadata standards remains largely irrelevant to the importance of continuing to cultivate a monolithic online catalog, maintaining cataloging standards, and not mindlessly developing what amounts to a separate, rudimentary catalog solely for electronic resources.  相似文献   


Mozilla's Firefox web browser is well-known among developers for its functionality and extensibility. Now, with a market share of more than 8 percent, Firefox is becoming more popular with library users and offers opportunity to increase access to library tools through browser plugins. This tutorial explains how to integrate the library catalog into the Firefox search bar. Step-by-step instructions are provided for interpreting your library catalog's URL structure, building an XML file that will control how the search box functions when your search is selected, creating an icon, and testing the new search tool. This tutorial is appropriate for beginning to intermediate users.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(45-46):241-251
For years, Library of Congress (LC) subject headings have been criticized for not keeping up with the times. This has never been so much in evidence as at present, when so many countries have been going through a state of flux. There has seemed to be a stubborness on the part of LC to change ethnic and racial, as well as sexual and medical headings. While it is well and good not to jump to conclusions and change everything in sigh, delaying change can frustrate users of today's online and card catalogs. After bringing readers up-to-date on the changes that have occurred over the last 20-some years, I will show how your own library's catalog can be updated, or at least rendered more useful to your patrons. In doing so, it is seen that automation can enhance, as well as prevent, subject heading updating.  相似文献   


Library pathfinders are a time-tested method of leading library users to important resources. However, paper-based pathfinders suffer from space limitations, and both paper-based and Web-based pathfinders require frequent updates to keep up with new library acquisitions. This article details a step-by-step method to create an online dynamic pathfinder with a clean, intuitive interface that performs predetermined searches in online library catalogs. This tool leads users to resources much as a traditional pathfinder does, but it is always up-to-date, requires almost no maintenance, and familiarizes patrons with the library's catalog as they use it. This article requires a basic knowledge of HTML. PHP and JavaScript are also used. While knowledge of these languages is helpful, these parts of the dynamic pathfinder are described in enough detail that no prior knowledge is required.  相似文献   


For decades libraries have created subject guides to assist users in navigating their collections. These guides are universally accepted as a core library product of high value across all user groups. No longer confined to paper stashed in kiosks and on counter tops, subject guides are now available online from library Web sites and often emphasize and link to other Web resources. Typically, a link on the library's home page directs users to a Subject Guide List which offers active links to the topical guides. But are these links and listings sufficient to attract users? This article describes the results of a study to catalog selected subject guides on U.S. and British History and analyze usage statistics before and after cataloging. It appears that the library catalog is effective at exposing subject guides and should be considered an additional point of access amidst a growing number of discovery mechanisms.  相似文献   

Library catalogs do not provide catalog users with the assistance they need to easily and confidently select the person they are interested in. Examples are provided of Web services that do a better job of helping information seekers differentiate the person they are seeking from those with similar names. Some of the reasons for this failure in library catalogs are examined. This article then looks at how much information is necessary to help users disambiguate names, how that information could be captured and shared, and some ways the information could be displayed in library catalogs.  相似文献   

介绍《国际编目原则声明》根据编目工作实践和理念发生的重大变化,以检索点的功能作为选择与确定书目系统查找途径的出发点。指出必备检索点以实体的主要属性或关系为基础,对实现目录的查找功能具有关键的作用;它与主要款目的观念有联系,可是已远远超出主要款目标目的范围,尽管中文编目规则遵循交替标目的原则,但是就实现目录的查找功能而言,仍有必要区分必备检索点及附加检索点。  相似文献   

End users at the University of Southern California (USC) have free access to the last ten years of MEDLINE through a local online system known as USCInfo. Librarians at USC Norris Medical Library provide documentation and offer formal and informal training on the use of the system to search MEDLINE. To assess the educational needs of the end users, 643 searches were analyzed. Although a high proportion (84%) of the searches were judged to be successful, the use of medical subject headings (MeSH) to obtain optimal results was low; only 20% of all successful subject searches employed MeSH. Also, the advanced features of the system were underutilized. While it is promising to learn that many end users are obtaining positive results, methods which will encourage end users improve their retrievals need to be developed.  相似文献   

As studies show, undergraduates needing information frequently begin their research in a search engine such as Google rather than a library online catalog. To test the efficacy of that research approach, a local usability study of fifty topics in ten disciplines of study was performed. In a comparison of WorldCat.org and Google Books to the library catalog, it was found that more than double the number of hits to library-held material was found by searching WorldCat.org than the library online catalog alone. It was also learned that twice as many hits to articles and material within a thirty-mile radius were found in WorldCat.org and Google Books as compared to searching the online catalog alone. These results suggest the need to improve the native interface of catalogs and for continued placement of resources outside the library catalog.  相似文献   

Column Editor's Notes

The “Advances in Library Data and Access” column examines technological advances internal and external to libraries. The focus is on how library data is created and used. The strength of the column is its broad, international focus, and contributors are encouraged to explore issues and recent advances in information technology relevant to their geographical region, as well as the larger, global audience. Interested authors are invited to submit proposals and articles to the column editor at moulaisonhe@missouri.edu. Please include “IILR Submission” in the subject line of the e-mail.  相似文献   

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