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Title 44 of the United States Code, containing the law governing the printing, publication, dissemination, and access to government publications, was written over 100 years ago. In the past decade, this law has come under attack, undermining the ability of the American citizenry to be fully informed about the activities of the federal government. This article examines the needed reforms to Title 44 and other legislative initiatives required to ensure the right of the citizenry to be informed.  相似文献   

This article examines the forces that have made federal scientific publication an essentially private enterprise. Particular attention is paid to the rise of the scientific community in the American political system. The period under review begins roughly with 1941 and American involvement in World War II, which coincides with the establishment of the Office of Scientific Research and Development (ORSD). The article examines OSRD’s method of conducting federal scientific research, its contractual system, and the new publishing paradigm that it engendered. The article concludes in the 1960s with congressional efforts to revise provisions in Title 17, the  相似文献   

Title IX, the 1972 federal law that guarantees girls and young women access to scholastic sporting opportunities, has been the catalyst for explosive growth in female athletics. Despite evidence that Title IX has opened doors for female athletes without closing them to boys, the law continues to be a source of controversy. This research explores the ways stories in U.S. regional and national newspapers framed Title IX issues between 2002 and 2005, critical years for the civil-rights legislation because of political and legal activity at the national level. Content analysis found that although most stories avoided negative framing devices, stories about the Title IX Commission during 2002 and 2003 more often used negative framing that could perpetuate misunderstanding about the law. Further, paper size, placement of stories and reporter gender were factors in the way stories framed and sourced Title IX coverage. This study points to the need of journalists for a better understanding of the law and its impact on high school and collegiate athletics. Journalists also need to better understand Title IX's relationship with the fiscal hierarchy of collegiate athletics in U.S. universities so “blame the victim” mythology is not reinforced. Journalists should reject patriarchal frames and report about Title IX in ways that benefit public discourse.  相似文献   

The Code of Federal Regulations, Title 21 (21 CFR), contains the U.S. federal regulations for every product regulated by the Food and Drug Administration and Drug Enforcement Administration, including pharmaceuticals, veterinary products, medical devices, cosmetics, and foods. A new online database, 21CFR Online, now allows access to the full-text of these regulations as file CF21 on BRS and Data-Star. In this article, the structure of the file is outlined; sample searches illustrate some of the features and content of the database.  相似文献   

The basic legal framework covering government information procurement, production, and dissemination has been in place for over 100 years. Congress is currently developing revisions to Title 44 of the United State Code in order to reform this system. Fundamental principles of public access to government information, embodied in the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP), must guide these revisions. The strategic planning process, currently underway by federal agencies, must give due consideration to the entire life cycle of government information, particularly the dissemination and public access responsibilities.  相似文献   

In this collection evaluation study, the AMIGOS/OCLC Collection Analysis CD (CACD) was used to determine areas of comparative weakness and strength in the history holdings at the University of Central Arkansas. North American Title Count statistics from an appropriate peer group were matched, as closely as possible, with current course offerings at the University of Central Arkansas to identify holdings deficiencies in the various subfields of history. In order to estimate potential demand for materials, student credit hours for history courses presently being offered were calculated and correlated with the North American Title Counts. Comparative holdings data were then compared to potential demand statistics and current acquisitions computations. The findings indicated that in areas that already demonstrated comparative weaknesses, new acquisitions were failing to keep pace with enrollment trends. Based on the evidence produced by this study, the Department of History decided to modify its selection procedures and its method of allocating the book fund.  相似文献   

Legislation has been introduced in the 104th Congress that would make sweeping changes to Title 44 of the U.S. Code, the authorizing laws for the U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO). An analysis of this legislation, which was originally provided to Congress in August 1995 during hearings before the Committee on House Oversight, shows that it would have a substantially negative impact on government printing and distribution, in terms of increasing costs and reducing public access to government information. GPO today faces three major challenges: cutting costs, expanding the dissemination of government information in electronic formats, and combatting the decentralization of federal printing and distribution activities, which increases costs and impairs public access to government information through GPO's Federal Depository Library Program. The question is whether a complete overhaul of Title 44 would be more likely to place at risk a system of cost-effective, comprehensive, and equitable public access to government information that currently serves the nation well. This article suggests that the alternative is to continue with the program of downsizing and technological innovation and to seek statutory changes that would be consistent with GPO's strategic direction and that would recognize GPO's role in the emergent information age.  相似文献   

This article presents a comprehensive survey of the U.S. federal government's documentation of the single most important American military action of the second half of the twentieth century. Included is an essay on resources and an accompanying bibliography pertaining to U.S. government documents related to the Vietnam conflict. Most of the materials noted are derived from archival sources. Major historical works published by federal government historical agencies are also included. Finding aids are listed as appropriate.  相似文献   

Should state or federal governmental units regulate pornography? Are existing constitutional standards clear enough to create and enforce restrictions on printed materials? In this article the author posits that the federal government should not attempt to curb offensive sexually explicit speech or printed works. However, he argues that the government has the authority to craft regulations addressing narrow issues related to materials combining sex with violence or coercion.  相似文献   

The concept of wellness, although an old one, has recently become an important part of health education. The theory behind wellness is that the person tries to achieve a state of self-directed wellness with the guidance of facilitators and educational materials, rather than being directed by an instructor. In 1981, York Hospital, York Hospital Library and the York County Public Library System, through an LSCA Title III grant, joined forces to promote wellness in the community through a series of Wellness Institutes and a combined, computerized health education bibliography, of which an updated edition is attached.  相似文献   

郑樵《通志·校雠略》首先总结出“以人类书”“以书类人”两种著录原则,章学诚《校雠通义》将之上推到《汉书·艺文志》。此后,学者多有论述,但不循名实,对郑、章之说误读曲解,造成了长期的基本概念混乱。其实,“以人类书”与“以书类人”两种著录形式在《七略》中即已出现,《汉志》承之。“以人类书”以知识类型或学科归类,“以书类人”突出不同的学人、学派,各有千秋,可以根据实际需求灵活掌握运用。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(94):139-162

The National Commission on Libraries and Information Science published recommendations for a national information policy in 1976, and concerns regarding the protection of privacy and equal public access to online information were introduced. From the mid 1970s to the early 1990s, federal government agencies were beginning to publish materials and maintain records electronically. Most current U.S. government information was available on the Internet by the late 1990s, and depository libraries were required to provide workstations that would facilitate access to documents. Documents librarians, already concerned with the lack of attention to archiving online federal information, were provided with an example of the vulnerability of online publications in the early 2000s when federal agency Web sites were made inaccessible-quickly and easily. The possibility that too much government information was available to anyone with access to the Internet was becoming a national concern. Using government documents as resources, this article retraces the events that were occurring in federal government agencies during the movement of government information to the Internet.  相似文献   

Do public federal depository libraries located in private colleges have paradoxical characteristics? Private academe may have an aura of exclusivity, but federal depository library status ensures that the public has access to government materials. In the first segment of this two-part study, general depository and institutional characteristics are profiled. Comparisons are made between public and private academic depositories and depositories as a whole. Most private academic depositories are located in religiously affiliated small colleges with higher than average tuitions. Due to the small size of many private academic depositories, many may rely on the larger public institutions. Although the average GPO item selection for private academe is far less than the average public academic counterpart, if item selection is compared to student enrollment, private depositories select more than their share. Depository promotion and issues of public access will be further explored in the second article in this study.  相似文献   

According to the administrative office of the U.S. Courts, a significant part of the present docket of federal district courts consists of prisoner litigation. This category of litigation, composed largely of habeas corpus petitions, civil rights suits, and suits related to prison conditions, is often pressed by prisoners whose only legal assistance is the resources and materials available in their prison law library. Although prisoner litigation is an essential means of ensuring that our prisons and criminal justice systems operate within the confines of the U.S. Constitution, these often poorly researched and poorly written lawsuits also present special challenges to the federal courts tasked with processing them. This article explores how establishing programs that involve law students in teaching legal research in prison law libraries could help to both ameliorate the burdens that prisoner litigation places on the federal court system and improve prison law libraries’ ability to provide prisoners with meaningful access to the courts. The article begins by discussing the history of prisoner litigation in federal courts and describes four models of legal research instruction and assistance that have been employed in prisons. Based on the lessons learned from these efforts, the article presents a proposal for a prison legal research clinic that could be established by interested law schools and their librarians, and discusses the benefits to law students, prisoners, and the courts that such a program has the potential to deliver.  相似文献   

买地券脱眙于契约原件,它是对买卖行为或买卖关系进行规范的一种文字记录.东汉"大吉买地山地记刻石"和"建宁五风里买地券",为绍兴地区现存土地买卖契约有确切年代的最早文物之一和金石文献,是一种从形制和内容上都具特殊意义的地方文献资料,其拓片绍账图书馆有藏.文章从两件买地券的符号、内容及其保存的时代知识信息等方面.略述这种特殊载体形式文献的价值.  相似文献   

The American Library Association Government Documents Round Table in the early 1980s prepared statistics guidelines for government documents collections. These guidelines suggested that a collection's federal publications be counted and reported in the same manner as similar materials that are nongovernmental. This paper demonstrates how statistics might be maintained on federal publications acquisitions and holdings to describe trends in GPO depository distribution. Such data included in annual reports may be graphically displayed for comparison over a number of years to show how trends in GPO depository distribution have affected budget and space needs.  相似文献   

The Internet and its World Wide Web (Web) have an important role to play in the economic development of China. The government of the People's Republic of China has declared its intention to open opportunities for foreign trade and investment in China. Part of the commitment is a commitment to rule of law. Rule of law acceptable to commercial interests requires transparency and decisional rationality. These two features can be realized most quickly by connecting legal institutions through the Internet's Web to bodies of international commercial law, thus creating a virtual library for Chinese legal decision makers, and using the Web as a quick and cheap electronic “printing press” for Chinese legal decision makers. As a result, their statutes, rules, and decisional law become available to commercial interests. But technology is not enough. Innovative cross-cultural exchange programs aimed at the legal, managerial, and Web-master professions will round out this rule of law support for commercial globalization.  相似文献   


The author discusses the practical nature of Internet legal research by providing examples of actual research problems solved on the Internet and by providing a selective listing of Internet legal resources for judicial materials, federal legislative and administrative materials, and state materials.  相似文献   

曾平  李陵 《大观周刊》2012,(32):255-255
设计小标题的意义;阅读中训练打造小标题;作文编列小标题的方法.  相似文献   

The author reviews the primary and secondary sources which can be used to research the federal law of labor-management relations, public sector labor relations, employment discrimination, labor arbitration, and labor conditions. Excluded ae materials on occupational safety and health, employee benefits or pension plans under ERISA, workers' compensation, social security, manpower and training, the special benefits and protections offered longshoremen or miners, or federal controls under anti-inflation programs.  相似文献   

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