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The Library of Congress’ Cataloging in Publication (CIP) Program has been in existence for forty years. During this time, the CIP Program has moved from a model where the Library of Congress created all pre-publication metadata for publishers to a partnership where other libraries share in the creation of metadata. This article documents the evolution of the Electronic Cataloging in Publication (ECIP) Cataloging Partnership Program. The ECIP Cataloging Partnership Program can be used as a model to leverage limited resources across libraries to the benefit of library users nationwide.  相似文献   


By early 1994, the Cooperative Cataloging Council had created the framework for a Program for Cooperative Cataloging to put its principles and goals into action, but much remained to be done. Decisions taken in the months ahead regarding standards, training, uses of technology and the future of existing cooperative programs would be crucial in gaining buy-in from catalogers and administrators, and determining whether the PCC would achieve the goals of better, cheaper, faster, and more cataloging.  相似文献   

易基圣 《编辑学报》2017,29(1):55-57
针对科技期刊编委会成员产生方式主观性较强、编委作用发挥不充分等问题,提出一种基于文献计量学的期刊编委遴选方法.从专家学术影响力、学术活跃度和编委贡献度3个维度选取H指数、前3年年均发表文章数、本刊投稿数、审稿数等4个指标进行统计分析,以《中国舰船研究》编委会换届为例给出了计量结果.结果表明,该方法可遴选出学术影响力较高、符合期刊发展预期的编委,尤其是遴选出处于学术研究上升期的中青年编委.  相似文献   

二十世纪九十年代我国文献编目研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对上世纪 90年代我国文献编目工作进行了概括 ,总结了自《中国文献编目规则》颁布以后 ,我国文献编目标准化与规范化的研究成果 ,评述了关于文献著录标准化研究、文献著录国家标准体系研究、书目规范控制研究以及《中国文献编目规则》研究诸方面 ,指出我国实施文献编目标准化与规范化研究过程中存在的问题及今后努力方向。  相似文献   

Cataloging librarianship has a tradition of innovation. Currently, professional and instructional innovations must be considered in a new Cataloging curriculum. Using as a framework Rogers’ Diffusion of Innovation, this reflective study explores one solution being considered at the University of Missouri while revising the Cataloging curriculum. A balance between theory and practice is suggested through the establishment of a set of core theoretical topics to be covered in the first part of the Cataloging class; Web-based modular elements to be covered in the second part will focus on cataloging practice in specific kinds of libraries.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to describe the reasoning, methodology, and impact behind a semi-automated cataloging process for electronic theses and dissertations, and to explain the importance of the retention and addition of cataloger-created metadata. The authors explain an automated process that is initiated by ProQuest and student (author) entered data, and through the addition of metadata by catalogers, including the subject headings, classification number, and so on. The study includes a survey of the public service librarians’ perceived usefulness of the cataloger- and ProQuest-generated metadata to describe theses and dissertations.  相似文献   

政府大数据治理规则体系构建研究构想   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
[目的/意义] 弥补大数据发展应用背景下政府大数据治理规则体系缺失及其研究的不足。[方法/过程] 从大数据认知多维视角出发,分析大数据治理主体、治理客体、治理活动和治理风险4个方面所面临的挑战及其大数据规则制定需求;诊断政府大数据治理规则体系构建研究的阻碍问题及原因。以公共价值理论、数字连续性理论和多元价值理论为主要理论支持,提出政府大数据治理规则体系构建研究的基本框架。[结果/结论] 明晰了政府大数据治理规则体系构建的关键性要素及其关系,对构建政府大数据治理的长效规则体系提供了一种多维视角的研究思路和一个综合集成的研究方案。  相似文献   

对光盘型电子资源进行了界定,结合工作实例对图书馆光盘型电子资源的编目进行分析。  相似文献   

HORIZON系统编目模块与CALIS联机编目客户端之比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章客观比较了美国的Hotizon系统编目模块和CALIS联机编目系统在编目工作应用中的利弊,以期对我国图书馆系统设计和图书馆的联机编目工作有所参考。参考文献8。  相似文献   


This article investigates an innovative approach to training non-traditional employees, particularly student workers, in a library's cataloging department. The author presents guidelines and pedagogical aspects of designing e-learning courseware for basic cataloging training, reviews some challenges and difficulties encountered in the project, and introduces the content and structure of prototype 2 of the courseware. This e-learning courseware for basic cataloging can be adapted to facilitate the training of other groups of new staff in the cataloging department.  相似文献   

While backlogs have existed in libraries and the literature that describes them, the decline in the acquisition of physical collections relative to digital resources, as well as the availability of cataloging copy has called into question the continued viability and relevance of arrearages. Yet, at a time of economic restraint, a rethinking of library operations is timely, if not urgent. What does nearly sixty years of research tell us about materials that are removed from cataloging workflow pending availability of a bibliographic record? This article analyzes the characteristics of, and reasons for, arrearages, and assesses approaches to reducing or eliminating backlogs.  相似文献   


This paper examines the addition of “asexuality” to the Library of Congress Subject Headings as a case study from which to examine the critical cataloging movement. Beginning with a review of some of the theoretical and practical issues around subject access for minoritized and marginalized sexualities, this paper then contextualizes, historicizes, and introduces the critical cataloging movement to the literature, situating it within a larger and longer history of radical cataloging. It will define critical cataloging as a social justice-oriented style of radical cataloging that places an emphasis on radical empathy, outreach work, and recognizes the importance of information maintenance and care. This paper introduces the concept of “catalogic warrant” to characterize the process of “reading” the catalog to examine the harm or benefit of terms on users and the wider library community.  相似文献   

Subject specialist college librarians can become producers and disseminators of knowledge by pursuing an active research agenda in their nonlibrary field. Research in an academic discipline can inform and enhance the college librarian's teaching, research, and collection development practices. Through such research, college librarians can elevate their personal status among their nonlibrary colleagues and students, as well as the prestige of their library and the library profession. Suggestions for managing traditional librarian duties and pursuing a nonlibrary research agenda are included.  相似文献   

Cataloging has seen substantial change since 2000, and the cataloging of maps, geospatial data, and other cartographic resources is no exception. The pace and scale of change, tied to the evolution of technology and cataloging/metadata standards, have been swift and broad. This paper highlights the most important changes and trends in the cataloging of cartographic resources during the first thirteen years of the twenty-first century through a review of the published literature and summarizes the state of map cataloging today. The author concludes by proposing future directions for research and practice.  相似文献   

The Journal of the Medical Library Association (JMLA) selects new editorial board members every year. In the spring of 2021, JMLA used a new process for reviewing and selecting applicants for the limited number of open editorial board positions. This reevaluation of the selection process was spurred by a desire to create a more diverse and representative board. Changes to the procedures for selecting new editorial board members included having an open call for editorial board members, creating an application form, creating a selection committee to screen applicants, creating a form for the selection committee to extract data from applications, and creating a two-step process for screening and then selecting board members. As part of construction of this new process, areas for continued improvement were also identified, such as refining the application form to allow more specific answers to areas of interest to the selection committee. The newly created selection process for editorial board members constitutes a significant change in JMLA processes; however, more can be done to build on this work by further refining the selection process and ensuring that new members are selected in a transparent and streamlined manner.  相似文献   


Education for library cataloging and the organization of information (OI) continues to evolve. The current condition of graduate courses in these areas is examined through a review of the curricula of the 56 ALA-accredited graduate schools of library and information sciences (LIS) in the United States and Canada. This article, the second installment of a longitudinal study that began in 2000 to examine the state of cataloging education, contains a snapshot of this component of LIS education from the 2005–2006 academic year. It examines the types of OI courses being offered, the number of these courses actually being taught, and current trends and developments in cataloging education based on comparisons with earlier studies.  相似文献   

This article first examines cultural limitations embedded in the Eurocentric Library of Congress Classification and calls for catalogers' sensitivity to authors' cultural background while cataloging the Bronze China archaeological materials. It then discusses the ambiguity in Library of Congress Subject Headings Manual H1225 and presents a debate on the necessity of including Chinese dynastic information in constructing subject headings through comparing facets extracted from this manual and title patterns of Chinese archaeological reports. Furthermore, this article elaborates the significance of the chronological issue from three different perspectives: Faceted Application of Subject Terminology headings, local library users' need, and next-generation catalogs.  相似文献   

Efforts at networking and cooperation have flourished for some time at the University of the West Indies (UWI), a regional institution in the English-speaking Caribbean. Due to their common mission and shared goals, libraries within the system have collaborated on projects to enhance the services provided to their clients. In its attempt at collaboration, the Mona Campus established the UWI Mona Information Network, the primary goal of which is the creation of a campus-wide online catalog with member libraries having access to a larger pool of resources. Most of the departmental libraries within the system have struggled with their inability to adequately acquire and provide access to their collections. To this end some of these libraries have collaborated with the UWI Library to have their holdings added to the online public access catalog (OPAC). This article presents an overview of the collaborative efforts of the UWI Mona Libraries.  相似文献   

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