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While business models and technological innovations continue to disrupt journalistic practice, global image culture has never been stronger. Developed society is inundated daily with a torrent of images. Yet some of these are barely seen, while others almost instantly accrue scores of likes, shares, and comments. What, then, are the factors that constitute engaging, social photojournalism? Using Q methodology, which bridges qualitative and quantitative approaches, 30 participants ranked photos published on Instagram by news organizations or photographers and shared insight through interviews on what factors affect their engagement. In this way, the users' and the images' characteristics were both studied to shed light on why certain photos accrue more engagement and why certain types of people “like” certain types of content. The findings identify three types of users—feature lovers, newshounds, and optimists—and describe their motivations for interacting on the platform. Insights on how the number of people in the frame, the visibility of facial features, the presence of watermarks, and the post type affect user engagement were also gathered and discussed.  相似文献   

2.6联机交谈(IRC Internet Relay chat) Internet上的用户在电子论坛上就各种同题互相交换观点,增进了解和理解.但是一些用户觉得这种信息交流的方式太慢,特别是在争论时,两人之间递送电子邮件很不过瘾.  相似文献   

本文以《纽约时报》的食品新闻报道“If It SaysMcDonald's,Then It Must Be Good”为由头,分析如何将食品科学实验报告发展成为优秀的食品新闻报道,总结在这一过程中的方法和特点.并以此为启发,对比目前中国的食品新闻报道,探讨中美两国在食品新闻报道方面的差异、寻找两者的差距,以促进中国食品新闻报道更高效地传播.  相似文献   

This study examines a survey of embedded journalists worldwide to explore their opinions about press freedom and the degree to which they believe their reports were censored during the Iraq War. Our findings suggest most journalists took a social responsibility approach to freedom of the press during the war in Iraq, saying the needs of the media and the military need to be balanced. Overall, embeds reported that they experienced little censorship in Iraq and explained that they did not self-censor their stories.  相似文献   

This essay critically examines debates about the supposed inborn nature of sexual orientation. Although popular discourses suggest that sexual orientation is an immutable characteristic, several scholars and activists have argued there is danger in postulating same-sex desire is innate. This analysis looks to another feature of the controversy, arguing that when queers themselves utilize “born this way” rhetoric, they frequently do so in surprising ways that rest outside dichotomist forms of reasoning. Exploring posts on the “Born This Way” blog, this essay argues that vernacular appropriations of the phrase are more fluid among LGBT publics than often imagined, allowing for a rethinking of the epistemology of the closet.  相似文献   


In this article we argue that an important landmark in the revival of spoken Hebrew has been overlooked by historians, linguists, and culture scholars: The launching of Kol Yerushalayim, the Hebrew Service of British Mandatory Radio, on 30 March 1936. Between 1936 and 1948 the Hebrew Hour became the shared public space in which spoken Hebrew – dynamic, updated, meticulously pronounced – was realized. The important role of the Hebrew radio in the Yishuv can be attributed to five factors that were responsible for the spread of spoken Hebrew among both veterans and newcomers: (1) its ability to reach into listeners’ homes, which served as a metonym for the yet-absent Zionist sovereignty, creating a shared, exclusive Hebrew space; (2) its contribution to the standardization of Hebrew by adopting the Sephardic accent; (3) its enrichment and updating of the language by inventing and suggesting vital neologisms; (4) its institutionalization of regular time-slots for teaching the language; (5) its innovative ways of addressing audiences, who were simultaneously far away and very close, in accordance with the characteristics of the new medium.  相似文献   

Internet的热点研究(上)成金爱Internet是二十世纪晚期影响人类生活的最重要的事件之一,其发展速度之迅猛、涉及领域之宽泛、卷入人数之众多、社会影响之深远都是史无前例的,人类迄今为止还无法准确地预测它将给人类社会所造成的影响以及将把人类引向...  相似文献   

nternet的热点研究(下)成金爱(接上期)四、Internet的安全的研究Internet吸引潜在用户需要至少有一部分企业信息向世界开放。这样做当然会引起安全问题,但允许顾客、雇员和销售代理人使用企业信息资源所带来的巨大利益完全可以冲销这种安全顾...  相似文献   

国际互联网(Internet)域名解说   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对域名体系结构、域名的命名及域名注册法则的详细解说,介绍了国际互联网(Internet)域名以及申请注册Internet域名的程序.  相似文献   

This paper presents a historiographical analysis of documents related to the development of the Emergency Broadcast System. The study concludes EBS replaced the earlier CONELRAD (Control of Electromagnetic Radiation) system when CONELRAD's primary purpose, to deny navigational aid to enemy aircraft, became obsolete in 1961. EBS continued CONELRAD's secondary purpose of warning the public of an impending attack. Both programs have been used only for severe weather alerts. EBS may today be as obsolete as CONELRAD.  相似文献   

“Internet”的诞生   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王萍 《国外情报科学》1995,(1):33-34,41

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(73):351-360

Library school provides librarians with a good background in library science, but to be a professional reference librarian, continuous improvement must be sought. Professionalism can include developing basic employee skills, supporting library standards, participating in university and library functions; presenting papers; and publishing. Being sensitive to communication skills can impact how a librarian is perceived by library users. Image does play a role in the effectiveness of the library professional.

Professional reference librarians must market themselves by being visible on campus, in the community, and on the Internet. Being a professional librarian is an opportunity for personal growth and educating the public about a very exciting discipline.  相似文献   


The Internet has become a medium for contentious political journalism in Malaysia and Singapore, two countries known for their enthusiastic adoption of information technologies as well as their illiberal controls on political expression. These alternative sites inhabit a regulatory gap within an otherwise closed media system. Internet laws in these two settings provide a degree of freedom that is significantly greater than experienced in print and broadcast media. This article tries to explain this anomaly. It argues that the Internet’s perceived economic value dominated the authorities’ policy formulation, subordinating the goal of political control that historically shaped media policy. When dealing with print and broadcast media, the authorities had been able to tailor their political interventions narrowly, such that these actions did not smother their economic priorities. In contrast, the Internet was not as amenable to narrow tailoring. The two governments decided to tolerate a lesser degree of political control than that to which they were accustomed. While the governments maintained the prerogative to mete out after-the-fact punishments against any offending Internet publication, they were less capable of imposing prior restraints or encouraging self-censorship-their more routine forms of media control. It is not argued that the resulting advantage for radical journalism was either absolute or permanent, only that it presented a sufficiently attractive opportunity for action.  相似文献   

在计算机技术日新月异的时代,大范围内信息的共享成为计算机网络技术发展的动力.因特网的出现,为世界范围内信息的交换提供了"信息高速公路"为世界范围内信息的交流与共享提出了新的概念.如果能将高校图书馆引入因特网,必将为世界范围的科研、学习提供极大的帮助.从整体的高度阐述了利用Web和多媒体技术,在因特网网络上建立高校图书馆站点的必要性和可行性,以及高校图书馆在因特网上可呈现的面貌,同时对几种方位的实用开发工具作了简要的介绍.  相似文献   

着重对The Internet Scout Project(以下简称ISP)提供的11项信息服务中的侦察报告、侦察报告路标和侦察工具箱等进行分析研究。认为侦察报告具有内容专深、更新及时等特点;侦察报告路标是对因特网资源进行标引和编目,重新组织成为有序的、可有效检索的成功例证;侦察工具箱能够满足用户畅游因特网的不同需求。  相似文献   

The article examines shifting patterns of ownership for cable programming services from 1994 to 2003. In these years, vertical integration in the cable industry declined, as cable's multi-system operators divested equity in programming services. Meanwhile, broadcast network-owning media conglomerates invested heavily in cable, tripling their holdings among the top 20 most fully distributed cable channels, as well as launching and acquiring dozens of additional, less widely distributed channels. In light of the Federal Communications Commissions' recent attempts to revise rules regarding television ownership, the author argues that while vertical integration has declined, the market power of the broadcast networks has grown by means of a new kind of horizontal integration that reaches across broadcast and cable channels. This shift is reshaping cable as a market which, despite growing product differentiation, is trending toward less competitive conditions that are akin to the broadcast oligopoly. This article shows that these broadcast-cable alliances contributed to the development of the new synergistic practice of repurposing.  相似文献   

公布了一批(共26条)供推荐使用的名词术语,现列表如下:注释又称“内连网”。使用因特网技术建立的可支持企事业内部业务处理和信息交流的综合网络信息系统,通常采用一定的安全措施与企事业外部的因特网用户相隔离,对内部用户在信息使用的权限上也有严格的规定。又...  相似文献   

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