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This essay critiques the main responses to 9/11 by US intellectuals and analyzes how these reactions reinforced a determined ignorance of the consequences of US economic, foreign, and military policy and a further depoliticization of the culture in general. As a class, faculty have the resources—material and intellectual—to make a serious contribution to progressive political and social change in the world. They need to start putting those resources to work.  相似文献   

This case study reports the identification strategies and related tactics that American Airlines CEO Don Carty and his team of professional communicators used in their employee crisis response to the September 11 attack. Data analyzed in the study include 78 internal documents; 10 articles from the airline's corporate newspaper; and interviews with Timothy Doke, then American Airlines Vice President of Corporate Communications, and Andrea Rader, a senior member of Doke's team. The results of this study provide guidance to corporate communicators tasked with rebuilding employee morale after a malevolent-type crisis.  相似文献   

The Internet has become a crucial source of health information for health sciences students. They increasingly rely on the Internet for health information to support their educational projects, academic activities, clinical practice and research. Surprisingly, it has been shown that students' health information skills for conducting research on the Internet are inadequate. Indeed, developing and improving the health information skill set of health sciences students is required in order for students to effectively locate, critically evaluate, and efficiently use online health information for the effective location, critical evaluation and efficient use of online health information. This paper undertakes a systematic review of the literature with a focus on electronic health information literacy skills with the aim of identifying the current trends, contributions to, and practices in health sciences students' education, and informing researchers in the field universally about the essential baseline for the design and development of effective course contents, pedagogy and assessment approaches. However, majority of students have limited skills for the location, evaluation and effective use of health information on the Internet. Other articles suggest that health sciences students need fully fledged health information skills programs that are integrated with their health sciences education curricula.  相似文献   

While the role of the librarian as an expert searcher in the systematic review process is widely recognized, librarians also can be enlisted to help systematic review teams with other challenges. This article reviews the contributions of librarians to systematic reviews, including communicating methods of the review process, collaboratively formulating the research question and exclusion criteria, formulating the search strategy on a variety of databases, documenting the searches, record keeping, and writing the search methodology. It also discusses challenges encountered such as irregular timelines, providing education, communication, and learning new technologies for record keeping. Rewards include building relationships with researchers, expanding professional expertise, and receiving recognition for contributions to health care outcomes.  相似文献   

The focus of this article is to review the literature relating to health and safety in UK Higher Education libraries. This will include an overview of the literature on accident theories and also the human element. Various key findings emerge from this analysis. Personal safety is achieved through self-responsibility, following guidelines and having a working knowledge of reporting procedures. A safety culture in the work environment is developed through a proactive approach on the part of management, the provision of information, training, and carrying out safety inspections. These inspections are aimed at preventing the environment from creating a situation where an accident could occur. There can never be a work environment in which no accidents will occur and best practice can only minimize the risk of accidents.  相似文献   

In recent years the professional literature has seen an increase in articles written about Library 2.0 implementation in academic reference departments. These articles have focused on the integration and introduction of services such as blogs, wikis, social networking Websites, RSS, and podcasting. This article reviews the content of this literature to see which articles demonstrate a qualitative or quantitative benefit to the libraries where they are used.  相似文献   

To meet the evolving demands of health care delivery, University of Utah Health Care is transforming at an unprecedented pace. The Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library is supporting this transformation through strategic sharing of physical space and critical evaluation of the collection. Key partners have been invited to share library space. To accommodate these new partners, the library had to quickly eliminate most of its print collection. The de-accessioning of print materials afforded an opportunity to evaluate the way in which the library provides content to users and to explore creative alternatives that continue and enhance library services.  相似文献   

The literature on health in people who identify as sexual minorities is scattered in many types of resources and disciplines. To help address the need for relevant, well-organized information for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people and health care providers, this study first identified books published in a ten-year period and then examined the topics, the number of books published per year, most prolific authors, and primary publishers. A wide range of publishers published a relatively small number of books (521). Most were about mental health or relationships and 24% were personal accounts. There were many subject deficiencies in the published book corpus.  相似文献   

认为与国内图书馆核心竞争力研究热形成鲜明对比的是,反映国外图书馆核心竞争力研究情况的研究论文在国内相对欠缺。从图书馆核心竞争力概念的界定、培育目的、发展历程及构建模式等方面对国外相关研究成果作初步概述,以期对国内处于热潮中的“图书馆核心竞争力”研究有所启示和帮助。  相似文献   

Information literacy is a constellation of skills related to information use, one of which is information seeking. Proficiency in information seeking alone is not sufficient, though, because having the procedural knowledge necessary to complete a task is irrelevant without the confidence to act on that knowledge. Despite its importance, researchers have only begun investigating information-seeking self-efficacy in the last few decades, and multiple studies have demonstrated the importance of information literacy instruction in developing self-efficacy. How and why self-efficacy changes are key questions in this line of research, and both require a reliable and valid method of measuring self-efficacy, as well as an objective, quantitative measure of performance. Multiple researchers have addressed this issue in their research, often in relationship with another topic, including the efficacy of different pedagogical approaches, the relationship between self-efficacy and performance, human-computer interaction with search systems, and the interrelationships between self-efficacy and multiple other variables. Although progress has been made, a great deal of research is required to properly understand the relationship between self-efficacy and performance, and the complex interrelationships with other factors, which would allow for the development of better information literacy instruction.  相似文献   

“十三五”期间,宁夏回族自治区图书馆坚持正确的办馆理念,在党建、空间综合服务改造、读者服务、资源建设及人才队伍建设等方面均取得了满意的成绩。“十四五”时期,秉持打造高质量图书馆理念,在智慧图书馆建设、资源建设、省级图书馆功能拓展、研究与协作及人才培养等方面再上台阶,取得实绩。  相似文献   

Within the next few years, traditional online public access catalogs will be replaced by more robust and interconnected discovery layers that can serve as primary public interfaces to simultaneously search many separate collections of resources. Librarians have envisioned this type of discovery tool since the 1980s, and research shows that discovery layer functionality and features have already resolved, or will soon remedy, many of the known issues with the traditional online public access catalog. The authors of this article review the literature on discovery, focusing on the evolution from the traditional online public access catalog to newer discovery interfaces, and summarize what has been published regarding the selection and evaluation of these new tools. Based on this review, emerging trends in the acquisition of discovery layers are described, including: the amount of time libraries devote to selection and evaluation, the staff involved and their areas of expertise, which discovery tools were selected to review, the evaluation methods used, and the features and functionality evaluated. The authors conclude with a discussion of the opportunities and concerns for libraries and their patrons related to discovery efforts, and provide direction for future research. While discovery layers are still developing, they show great promise in increasing the use and usability of library resources.  相似文献   

An academic librarian, especially one who works primarily in a research consultation capacity, often encounters individuals who are seeking in-depth help with research projects that they struggle to explain. The number of concepts, interdependencies and assumptions involved in research projects today can make them difficult to define and discuss with other people. The multidisciplinary nature and globalization of many areas of research is forcing researchers to not only discuss, but to collaborate with many others from different academic backgrounds and disparate physical locations. Many researchers struggle with project paralysis at various points along the way as they attempt to manage both the myriad of details and the bigger picture relationships and implications of their project.A number of visual tools including concept mappers and mind mappers are well suited to help advanced students, faculty, researchers and librarians to organize the ideas and knowledge throughout the various stages of complex research, from envisioning an idea to the early stages of actively researching and documenting research findings. This paper will discuss the potential uses of visual mapping tools and review the current state of academic literature surrounding the topics of mind mapping and concept mapping.  相似文献   


Advances in computing power have accelerated the growth of knowledge and created opportunities. However, the resulting tidal wave of information presents challenges, including vast quantity with varying quality. In higher education, curation offers one solution as librarians and faculty, as educators and researchers, increasingly curate knowledge for students, colleagues, and other stakeholders. Using integrative and systematic methods, the purpose of this literature review was to examine curation in education. This article presents major findings related to the panorama, perspective, people, product, place, purpose, and process of curation in education. We also discuss major themes including the changing and expanding landscape of curation from curating artifacts to content and data, from non-formal to formal learning contexts, from individual to collaborative curation, and the role of curation in education in bridging people, communities, and knowledge.  相似文献   

The combination of new technologies, changing librarian roles, and a generation of “digital native” students has led to an increase in noise levels in academic libraries. The authors present a review of the literature on increased noise levels in academic libraries in an attempt to identify best practices for adapting libraries to noise and to assist reference librarians who must confront disruptive patrons. They discuss such practices as zoning libraries, furniture arrangement, written policies, signage, and peer policing for noise.  相似文献   


This article investigates the course literature in the curricula of 12 major journalism schools at Northern European universities. This analysis of the course literature listed in documentation of bachelor programmes traces how journalism education institutions constitute their knowledge base on journalism. It is found that Nordic journalism students are required to read almost four books per study credit on average. Undergraduate academic journalism programmes are professionally oriented, and professional literature by non-scientific publishers occupies a major place in the course literature. A strong emphasis is placed on professional books written in the domestic language, with an average age of seven years. Though the Scandinavian languages show high degrees of similarities with each other, there is very little circulation of literature across the countries within the Nordic area. This analysis of the literature points to a relatively homogeneous educational culture with small differences and raises questions about the qualitative dimensions of instructional design.  相似文献   

As educators and members of the academic community, reference librarians should take a proactive stance toward instructing students about the ethics of information use. The authors summarize the best practices found in the existing library literature, consider the context of ethical information use from a global perspective, and make an argument for the role of librarians. Our goal is to provide a guide for librarians attempting to successfully integrate ethical issues, such as intellectual property and academic integrity, into their reference instruction.  相似文献   

由国际图联主办的第十一届馆际互借与文献传递大会于2009年10月20日至23日在德国汉诺威举行,会议分为5个议题,共有约20个大会发言。作者结合大会发言与自身的所见所闻,在对大会内容进行总结的基础上,结合自身文献传递与馆际互借的工作体会,思考了文献传递与馆际互借服务今后发展的趋势。  相似文献   

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