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以社会标注在医药卫生网络信息资源中的典型应用网站为研究对象,介绍社会标注在医药卫生网络信息资源组织与管理中的具体应用,分析指出:社会标注在医药卫生资源管理中可实现信息组织、信息检索、信息推荐、信息分享等功能和服务,在医药卫生信息资源的有效组织与揭示、快速传播和利用及挖掘领域中的关注热点和主题等方面具有重要作用。但是,社会标注在医药卫生网络资源网站中的应用也存在对标签缺乏控制和控制过死、个性化服务能力有限和对标注数据的利用不足等问题,作者对此提出针对性的改进建议。  相似文献   

Library integration into the medical school curriculum is a crucial aspect of meeting Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) Accreditation Standards and the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Medical School Objectives Project (MSOP) guidelines. To accomplish this, academic health sciences libraries seek to develop evidence-based medicine (EBM) literature searching classes within the medical school curriculum. Establishing a basic understanding of the fundamental concepts behind health sciences database searching among medical students is a prerequisite for a more demanding evidence-based literature searching curriculum. The George T. Harrell Health Sciences Library, Penn State College of Medicine, sought to incorporate an evidence-based medicine literature searching structure by working within the existing problem-based learning system during the preclinical years. Students in the clinical years will participate in evidence-based assignments during their rotations. A fourth-year EBM elective will be created to reinforce and round out students' exposure to these concepts.  相似文献   

通过对比研究中国、美国医学图书馆及图书馆员的基本情况、需求及服务等,指出我国医学图书馆、图书馆建筑、图书馆协会及图书馆馆员存在的优势及不足,强调我国医学图书馆的管理应更科学化,信息服务工作应更主动、深入,医学图书馆协会应搞得更活,井注意引导我国医学图书馆的工作与国际接轨。  相似文献   

Over the past ten years, there has been a growing interest in integrating arts and humanities in medicine to increase learners'' empathy and resilience; improve personal well-being, communication, and observational skills; enhance self-reflection; and promote professionalism. These desired skills and qualities are becoming increasingly important for the physicians of tomorrow. Parallel to curricular interventions of integrating arts and humanities to medical education, there has been an increasing research interest in investigating the impact of such interventions on medical students with respect to improving and sustaining students'' empathy as they progress in their medical education and develop their professional identity. Research has yielded interesting findings on the types and effect of the interventions in the medical curriculum. The Association of the American Medical Colleges (AAMC), recognizing the unique and unrealized role of arts and humanities in preparing and equipping physicians for twenty-first-century challenges, proposed seven recommendations for advancing arts and humanities integration into medical education to improve the education, practice, and well-being of physicians and physician learners across the spectrum of medical education. Institutional initiatives of arts and humanities integration in the medical curriculum in response to the AAMC''s recommendations afford health sciences librarians expansive opportunities and a new landscape of playing an important role in these initiatives. With their diverse educational background in arts, humanities, social sciences, and many other disciplines and fields, health sciences librarians are poised for meaningful contributions to their institutional goals in developing a humanistic, compassionate workforce of future physicians.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 在中医医案管理过程中存在中医医案元数据不统一、精度不足等问题,不利于中医医案知识库的信息检索、知识共享和挖掘,研究建立规范的中医医案元数据模型,对于支持中医医案的深度多维检索、知识共享和挖掘具有重要作用。[方法/过程] 通过文献调研法对现用中医相关标准规范、元数据标准进行总结;通过网络调查法收集中医医案实例,结合内容分析法对医案内容进行分析,初步界定医案元数据元素;再通过实地调查法,在中医诊疗现场对中医诊疗过程进行观察和访问,对初步界定的医案元数据元素进行优化,得到最终医案元数据元素集。[结果/结论] 构建了面向中医诊疗知识库的医案元数据模型,全面描述中医诊疗过程,为统一中医医案元数据提供参考。  相似文献   

针对我国公众健康信息素养的现状,分析了医学院校图书馆参与公众健康信息素养教育的必要性和可行性,并提出医学院校图书馆参与公众健康信息素养教育的方法与措施。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]对老年用户在线医疗健康服务使用的价值进行研究,为在线医疗网站吸引老年用户、提高用户黏性提出建议。[方法/过程]利用手段-目的链理论,采用软式攀梯法进行一对一深入访谈,从访谈数据中提取属性、结果和价值要素,找出要素之间的关系,建立含义矩阵、形成分层价值图,对主要路径进行探讨。[结果/结论]经过对分层价值图中的三条主要路径进行分析发现,老年人使用在线医疗健康服务的价值体现在:追求自我实现、寻求安全感和归属感等。在线医疗平台可以通过分析老年人需求,提供有效健康资源来满足老年人追求自我实现的价值;通过提供针对性服务和便捷的即时通讯方式来满足老年人寻求安全感和归属感的价值。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]在医疗信息化迅速发展过程中,医疗大数据信息安全保护存在数据丢失、难以共享等问题.为了更好地对健康医疗大数据进行保护,本文构建面向健康医疗大数据安全保护的医疗区块链模型,解决健康医疗大数据集中存储、不可追溯、易受攻击等问题,为进一步推动区块链技术在健康医疗领域的应用提供方案.[方法/过程]构建基于区块链技术...  相似文献   

Fulfilling the need for a course in medical informatics to be taught to medical students requires an effort on the part of the teaching faculty and administration. Creators of the curriculum must take into account contemporary pedagogical trends and the direction of medical education. Producing a course of study requires a firm conviction that practicing medicine in the 21st century demands currency, accuracy, and literacy with the available information sources.  相似文献   

The purpose of this literature review was exploring how medical librarians are addressing health literacy barriers, with an emphasis on enhancing the patient care experience. This literature review contributes up-to-date information related to health literacy barriers, with a specific focus on medical librarianship and enhancing the patient care experience. Medical librarians can positively impact health literacy barriers. By partnering with other healthcare professionals, medical librarians are in a position to ensure health information can be understood, which will ultimately improve health literacy and enhance the patient care experience. Improving health literacy rates may improve health outcomes and decrease healthcare costs.  相似文献   

中国医学图书情报事业的世纪回眸与展望   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
鉴于新技术、新理论、新方法在医学图书情报领域的应用日趋频繁,网络的发展和数字化图书馆建设给图书情报事业带来的革命性变化,本文从医学数字图书馆计划、中国需要国家医学图书馆、中文在线编目平台的研制、图书馆员应当成为知识管理者、权威医学全文数据库建设应当走联合开发之路、加强网络医学信息计量学研究、医学图书情报学教育应培养和造就高层次医学情报研究人才、WTO环境下医学图书情报事业如何发展、如何应对是亟待研究和解决的问题等有关中国医学图书情报事业发展过程中一些带趋势性问题进行粗浅的探讨。  相似文献   

医疗保健信息体量巨大、增长迅速,且用户需求多样,是医学信息资源和用户行为研究的热点领域。文章 采用文本分析等内容分析方法对1980—2015年的101篇主要相关研究文献进行梳理,论述医疗保健信息搜寻行为在需 求类型和寻求障碍的表现,并且发现搜寻者个人、情境、信息资源等因素对职业信息搜寻皆有影响,指出医疗保健信 息搜寻行为研究主要集中在基本情况的研究方面,而在改善信息质量、信息寻求困难问题方面研究不足,这将对于我 国医疗保健信息领域的理论研究维度和实践解决方案有所启示。  相似文献   

This article elaborates on the opportunities and challenges that evidence-based medicine (EBM) has posed to the development of medical libraries and summarizes the research in the field of evidence-based medicine and achievements of EBM practice in Chinese medical libraries. Issues such as building collections of information resources, transformation of information services models, human resources management, and training of medical librarians, clinicians, and EBM users are addressed. In view of problems encountered in EBM research and practice, several suggestions are made about important roles medical libraries can play in the future development of EBM in China.  相似文献   

医学期刊不仅要服务于医学和医疗卫生工作科研,还要为医学和医疗卫生工作科研发展提供学术引领。文章结合办刊实践就医学期刊如何通过编辑出版服务提升学术引领能力问题进行探讨。提出医学期刊要通过精准定位、合理设置栏目、创新选题策划及优先做好读者服务等,明确服务功能及其范围和方向,发挥学术引领作用;通过建立服务管理体系,优化服务机制,激发服务活力,保证服务质量;通过提高编辑的服务素养和能力,不断提升服务于医学科研和创新引领能力。  相似文献   

在现有区域医疗数字资源整合模式研究的基础上,提出加入区域医学信息学术资源,即"N+M"整合新模式。从医疗服务人员、医学院校科研人员、公共卫生工作人员、卫生监管人员、社区居民和图书情报机构等多个用户角度阐述新模式研究的必要性,并从区域数据库和因特网医学资源两方面论证新模式的可行性。最后从整合资源、整合技术、整合界面三个方面提出新模式的具体整合方案,以促进区域医疗数字资源整合模式研究的进一步发展。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 以哮喘为例,对其相关手机应用程序的可信性及全面性作详细探讨。[方法/过程] 以中英文关键词"哮喘"asthma"肺功能"lung function"峰流量"peak flow"吸入器"inhaler",在App Store、Google Play及安卓市场上搜寻,并下载相关程序进行筛查及评估。根据英国BTS/SIGN、美国EPR-3、国际GINA及HONcode的医学及信息指引去统计哮喘疾病和相关治疗资料并评估其可信性及全面性。[结果/结论] 研究发现许多手机应用程序的内容与医学指引不一致,如果医护工作者以手机应用程序内容作学习用途并依此为患者提供医学意见,有可能对患者健康造成危害。目前在市场上较难找出优质的应用程序,应用程序的开发者及应用程序平台的管理者应作出改善。  相似文献   

文章对医学生心理健康与心理健康教育的现状进行了分析,认为目前我国大学生的心理健康教育缺乏专业的心理健康教育团队,心理健康教育课程也不完善,并且缺乏综合性的管理机制;论证了图书馆阅读疗法对于当今的医学生心理健康教育的可行性,提出了开展阅读疗法的具体措施。  相似文献   

With the increasing amount of health information available, the Association of American Medical Colleges recommends that medical students be proficient in information management. Librarians can and should play a role in teaching students these skills. Medical information management instruction is most effective if integrated into the curriculum. However, if options are limited for librarians to teach within courses, there are ways to reach students outside the classroom. This article describes strategies librarians are implementing, outside the curriculum, to teach Texas A & M Health Science Center's first- and second-year medical students how to use library resources.  相似文献   

中美医学图书馆员继续教育历史、现状与区域化CME模式探讨   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
夏旭 《图书馆论坛》2002,22(5):143-146,148
在回顾中美医学图书馆员继续教育的基础上,对网络环境下医学图书馆员继续教育的必要性、内容、实施形式进行分析和探讨,提出粤港澳地区区域化CME新模式,探讨组织结构、特点和实施办法,给出医学图书馆员继续教育模式图,虚拟网状分层模型。  相似文献   

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