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This is a case study at Mississippi State University where a business librarian taught a one-credit financial literacy course for undergraduate freshmen during the 2010 Fall term. In this case, the librarian acted as a faculty teacher and an instructional librarian to teach the students financial literacy as well as information literacy. The course curriculum was embedded with a library orientation to introduce the library services. Pre- and post-course assessments were conducted to analyze the students’ learning level in financial knowledge and the level of familiarity with various library services.  相似文献   

This article was written by Patti Gibbons and Debra A. Werner. Patti is the Head of Collection Management at the University of Chicago Library’s Special Collections Research Center and holds a MLIS from the University of Illinois and a MA from the University of Washington. Debra is the Librarian for Science Instruction & Outreach and Biomedical Reference Librarian at the University of Chicago Library and the University of Chicago’s Pritzker School of Medicine’s Director of Library Research in Medical Education and she holds a MLIS from Dominican University. This article covers an experimental project at the University of Chicago where the library’s medical librarian teamed up with the hospital’s clinical team during patient rounds to provide real-time reference services. The project’s effectiveness was studied by a medical student who found that the embedded librarian’s services improved the clinical team’s evidence-based medical decision-making abilities without increasing the length of bedside rounds.  相似文献   

Moving beyond typical embedded librarianship, Purchase College (State University of New York) introduced in 2010 an interdisciplinary course hosted by the library. Art and the Environment was a second-year elective co-taught by an art librarian and an environmental studies assistant professor. Successes included outreach to infrequent library users, student satisfaction, and collegial relations. Challenges stemmed from the “gray zone” librarians occupy in academic settings, with librarians and teaching faculty viewed distinctly by the administration.  相似文献   

Academic librarians engage students in the learning management system to provide information literacy instruction and answer individual reference questions related to scholarly research. When collaborating with faculty, embedded librarians deliver the library’s authoritative electronic resources to students working on research projects. Trends in academic publishing and technological innovations make possible online search for a generation reliant on mobile devices. Although students are able to access much digital content available through academic libraries and open access initiatives, they still appreciate guidance from embedded librarians who visit their learning management system courses to explain the complexities of scholarly research and suggest solutions.  相似文献   

国外嵌入式图书馆服务研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在大量文献调阅与成功案例研究的基础上,对20世纪以来国外嵌入式图书馆服务的理论与实践进行梳理,认为嵌入式图书馆服务的概念逐步深入人心、理论与实践框架日益清晰、嵌入式馆员越来越受到人们青睐、嵌入式实践遍地开花、学术机构的嵌入式服务独占鳌头、不断探索嵌入式技术与应用等几大研究进展,希望能为我国的图书馆服务创新提供借鉴与启示。  相似文献   


Describes the role of a systems librarian at a small academic library. Although online catalogs and the Internet are making library accessibility more convenient, the need for library buildings and professionals has not diminished. Typical duties of a systems librarian and the effects of new technology on librarianship are discussed. Services provided to other constituencies on campus and the blurring relationship between the library and computer services are also presented.  相似文献   

Embedded librarians serve an important role in assisting remote users. Despite the varying degrees of embeddedness, all maintain the goal of ensuring the same high-quality reference and instruction services that users have come to expect from the traditional library setting. Embedded librarians select and use technology that most effectively meets the needs of this unique user group. This technology can include the library Web site, course management systems, research guides, lecture and screen capture software, remote reference (including telephone, chat, and email), web conferencing, online survey tools, citation management, and social media.  相似文献   


Medical libraries continue to face the challenge of demonstrating relevance and value in hard economic times. Job titles such as “embedded librarians,” “clinical medical librarian,” and “informationist” have become more common as medical libraries strive to meet patrons at the point of need within a natural workflow. This article provides an overview of such positions, including necessary skills and expertise, added value, administrative challenges, and a discussion of evaluation.  相似文献   

Librarians are increasingly moving out of the library and into the wider university setting as patrons spend more time seeking information online and less time visiting the library. The move to embed librarians in colleges, departments, or customer groups has been going on for some time but has recently received more attention as libraries work to find new ways to reach patrons that no longer need to come to the physical library. Few universities have attempted to embed all their librarians. This case study describes how one group of health sciences librarians dispersed its professional staff throughout its campuses and medical centers.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

The current developments in technology and the various societal forces that are driving the major changes in librarianship are very similar to what was recognized as the birth of reference services during the latter half of the nineteenth century. Reference services evolved partly as a result of the spread of education which was iin a state of explosive development. As the general population of the time became better educated, more emphasis was put on the use of the library as an integral part of the educational curriculum. Libraries realized they needed skilled smmg to explain or instruct users in how to use the library and the collections. The intermediary between users and the library collections eventually came to be called reference librarians. From these beginnings, the role of reference librarianship has evolved to its present state. This paper discusses the current state of reference librarianship and the roles and duties of today's reference librarians.  相似文献   

嵌入式信息素质教育服务   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
嵌入式信息素质教育工作是学科服务嵌入科研一线、嵌入教学一线的重要工作内容和工作模式,是通过目标、内容、环境和机制4个方面的嵌入,实现围绕“创新型科研工作流”来支持关于科学研究、专业教育与学习的图书馆服务工作,是借助先进的技术工具,与数字知识环境和相关知识服务密切耦合所开展的有体系的、协作式的、互动的信息素质教育工作。分析中国科学院国家科学图书馆信息素质教育服务体系及哈佛大学教学支持服务这两个典型案例,认为嵌入式信息素质教育工作是一种融入过程、面向问题的教育模式。  相似文献   

This article reports on a study-abroad class to St. Petersburg, Russia, for students in library and information sciences, which took place in May–June 2012. The development of this class has led to other partnership opportunities between the University of Maryland Libraries and libraries and institutions in St. Petersburg.  相似文献   

浅议图林博客   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文通过对图林博客-网络图书馆学这一实践群体的总体介绍,总结了图林博客的发展过程、特点及对图书馆学研究的积极影响,指出了图林博客发展中的几个重要问题,并试着给出了解决方案.  相似文献   

在欧美图书馆界尤其是医学图书馆界的引领和国际图书馆学界、专业图书馆协会的推动下,实证图书馆学正成为图书馆学的主流范式。实证研究这一更注重科学性、实践性的方法,由于符合图书馆学实践性的学科特性,日益受到图书馆学领域的重视而成为图书馆学的常用研究方法。中国图书馆学发展倡导实证研究。但实证研究仍有一定的局限性,需结合其它方法进行运用。而正确认识和评价实证研究方法,可以促进图书馆事业健康发展。  相似文献   

With the growth of automation and decline of catalogers, dual function librarianship is becoming a more attractive option for medium to large sized libraries. Background information and advantages and disadvantages are discussed for two variations of dual function librarianship; the divisional plan and decentralized cataloging. The University of Nebraska successfully used the divisional plan for twenty years without the aid of automation. For the past six years the Pennsylvania State University Libraries have utilized decentralized catalogers largely due to the support of the administration and the automation of technical services.  相似文献   


This paper will discuss a method of incorporating demonstrations into online information and technology literacy courses. The demonstrations are designed to increase the visual component and to address point-of-need questions and problems. Also discussed will be experimentations with this method in other library services, such as electronic reference services, one-shot course-related instruction, subject research guides, and outreach to faculty for their own professional development and as a way to incorporate information and technology literacy in their courses. Recent developments in tutorial software have made it possible to quickly create brief demonstration modules to visually illustrate information literacy concepts and research tools. The primary example presented here is the incorporation of short, task-oriented demonstrations into lesson modules, answers to student questions, and assignment instructions and feedback in an online information and technology literacy course. Initial comments from students and instructors indicate high satisfaction with this method.  相似文献   

刘兹恒 《图书情报工作》1995,39(2):50-52,49
该文介绍了国际图书馆学和比较图书馆学这两个概念的最初含义及发展变化,分析了造成混淆的原因,探讨了它们各自的科学定义,并对这两门学科不同的研究对象,研究方法和研究目的进行了界定。  相似文献   

图书馆必须立足于公益性的根本原则,因地制宜、慎重选择收费服务项目.  相似文献   

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