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Although it is not yet known for certain what will replace MARC, eventually bibliographic data will need to be transformed to move into a linked data environment. This article discusses why the National Library of Medicine chose to add Uniform Resource Identifiers for Medical Subject Headings as our starting point and details the process by which they were added to the MeSH MARC authority records, the legacy bibliographic records, and the records for newly cataloged items. The article outlines the various enhancement methods available, decisions made, and the rationale for the selected method.  相似文献   

Librarians and faculty members are now working together through Open Access (OA) publishing to make faculty-produced scholarly content available to researchers worldwide. The University of South Florida Tampa Library has been working with the Berkeley Electronic Press (bepress) Digital Commons platform to create a substantial institutional repository (IR) that includes OA journals, conference proceedings, and data sets, among other materials. Library staff members are currently involved in a variety of activities, including negotiating memoranda of understanding, loading backfiles, registering Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) with CrossRef, designing layout, doing final publication steps, and assisting with technical issues. In 2011, the IR, Scholar Commons @ USF, went live, allowing the library to pull fragmented collections previously hosted on other platforms into a single system with improved discoverability. This article discusses how the repository was established, what is involved, lessons learned, and plans for future directions.  相似文献   

����ISA�������̽��   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
对美国《情报学文摘》(ISA)的《受控标引词表》、ISA的主题标引深度和标引词的标引频率,以及ISA所用的自由词作了6年的统计分析,并在此基础上,指出了ISA主题标引的优缺点和存在的问题,提出了改进ISA主题标引工具的5点意见和提高主题标引质量的3条措施。  相似文献   

DC词表的维护:实践、策略与模型   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
DCMI维护着一个包含众多元数据术语的词表,其中最主要的是包括15个元素的都柏林核心。然而,DCMI所关注和讨论的并不只是这个核心集,以及围绕这个核心集的实践、策略和模型,DC元数据模型已经由最初的单一模型进化成一个完整的框架,可以通过这个框架对应用DC元数据的各种实践进行评估。这些术语及其以前的版本现在都由统一资源标识符(URI)来标识,并建立了网页和形式化的schema文档,在注册系统中被编成索引,在具体的应用纲要(application profiles)中被引用。DCMI正在寻求一种简单易行的维护机制,一方面推荐使用不断变化和增长的核心标准,另一方面承认和重用其它的词表作为必要的补充,这两者之间需要建立一种平衡。  相似文献   

Successful implementation of standards like Shared E-Resource Understanding (SERU), Counting Online Usage of NeTworked Electronic Resources (COUNTER), Standardized Usage Statistics Harvesting Initiative (SUSHI), and I2 (Institutional Identifiers) can simplify and improve your ability to manage your e-resources. Other initiatives like the Journal Usage Factor, EigenFactor?, and Metrics from Scholarly Usage of Resources (MESUR) are envisioned to become the basis for future tools to evaluate the impact of scholarly information. This article will provide a brief survey of current and future standards and initiatives related to e-resources and discuss why they should matter to you.  相似文献   

出版工作是党意识形态工作的重要组成部分,是宣传党的路线、方针、政策与社会主义先进文化的重要途径。科技期刊作为促进科学知识传播、展示科学研究成果、提高学术话语权的重要媒介,有必要加强党对科技期刊出版工作的直接领导,促进科技期刊党建工作与业务工作的深度融合发展。本文分析了党建工作与业务工作融合存在的问题,并以笔者工作的农业科技期刊为例,提出强化意识引领、创新工作形式、织密组织机制及盘活人才资源等农业科技期刊党建工作与业务工作深度融合发展策略,以期促进我国农业科技期刊党建工作与业务工作的创新发展。  相似文献   

This was the introductory paper at a workshop held in Melbourne in July 1989 on demands and directions in Australian acquisitions education. The paper reviews a previous seminar on orders work and the main areas of concern identified in 1984. It explains the purpose of and context in which “Guidelines for Collection Development Courses in Australian Library Schools” were prepared and distributed. Areas in which progress might be made at the 1989 workshop are identified; these relate to professional and Paraprofessional aspects, the content of acquisitions courses, and modes of delivery. Finally, the establishment of a Working Party on Acquisitions Education is proposed, and tasks for such a group are listed.  相似文献   

李进西 《大观周刊》2012,(40):48-48
石化企业作为国家的特大型能源企业,更应该加强党员教育管理工作,充分发挥党员的先锋模范作用,努力造就一支素质过硬的石化企业党员队伍。加强石化企业系统党员教育管理工作应着重从两方面入手,即党员教育和党员管理,党员教育是提高党员素质的手段,党员管理是提高党员素质的必要条件。  相似文献   

本文在公文正文三大要素理论基础上,为引导写作者方便、快速、规范成文,彻底解决公文难学难写的历史性难题,提出以"主旨、依据、分旨"三大要素为固定段名,按照文本结构、词语标志、语言形式、内容评价等系统组合规则,循格撰制的"三段式"表格化《党政机关公文正文写作格式》基本思路框架。  相似文献   

This paper explores the dynamic between media and social-political forces through a content analysis of Chinese media coverage of intellectual property rights (IPRs) since China's accession to the World Trade Organization in 2001. We examined how media attributes, such as party affiliation and media location, have influenced the use of media frames. Three media frames were extracted from previous studies: (1) national interest; (2) cost and benefit; and (3) legal/contractual. Our results demonstrate that both media attributes exert significant influence on the use of media frames in IPRs coverage: the closer a news organization is affiliated with the Chinese Communist Party, the more likely it would adopt a national interest frame. Moreover, national press and party newspapers are more likely to adopt the national interest frame in covering IPRs-related issues; whereas, regional/popular and professional press are more likely to report the IPRs-related issues from economic and legal perspectives.  相似文献   

论中共中央西北局《党内通讯》的批评性报道   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对1948年中共中央西北局《党内通讯》的批评性报道原文的研究分析,认为该刊的批评性报道是在瑞金时期革命报刊批评性报道的基础上发展和成熟起来的。《党内通讯》批评性报道的主体是党组织,客体是工作中的各种错误,乃至政策方面存在的问题和党员干部中存在的普遍问题。本文归纳总结了批评性报道的内容、类型,指出这种批评性报道是一种自上而下的自我监督,其目的是组织和指导工作,确立的批评性报道原则是实事求是,认真负责,而且将报刊的批评性报道常规化、规范化,使批评性报道走向了成熟时期。  相似文献   

《“十四五”全国档案事业发展规划》指出要做好新修订的《档案法》配套法规、规章、行政规范性文件的立改废释工作。《机关档案工作条例》作为国家重要的档案行政法规文件、机关档案工作的重要指导性文件,其修订工作势在必行。本文指出,《机关档案工作条例》的修订应遵循政治性、服务性、逻辑性、指导性和规范性的原则思路,并针对立法宗旨定位不高、核心概念界定模糊、基本任务内容滞后、机构人员配置欠妥等主要问题,提出以党为领、彰显重要地位,明本释义、厘清内涵外延,体系为源、增强履职能力,配置从优、提高专业水平,与时俱进、丰富管理内容,固本培元、完善档案保护等建设性意见。  相似文献   

1942年整风运动之后,在中共"全党办报、群众办报"的号召下,各抗日根据地的黑板报开始普及,经过通讯小组"代办"和干部教师"包办",逐步形成了民众自办的局面,从传播内容到媒介形态均呈现出鲜明的大众化特征.黑板报以广泛的普及性弥补了大报的不足,在社会动员方面发挥了独特作用,同时丰富和拓展了群众办报的理论内涵及实践外延,在以此为中心构成的公共空间里,舆论作为一种新的力量登上了乡村社会的历史舞台,改变了原有的社会组织方式和人际关系,推动了基层民主的初步尝试.  相似文献   

文章对党校图书馆服务社会的模式提出了初步构想,对模式运行过程中可能遇到的问题进行了探讨,以期在较合理的架构下,取得党校图书馆服务社会的最佳成效。  相似文献   

VPN技术在党校信息资源共享中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着党校系统信息化建设进程不断推进,党校系统信息资源的共建共享问题越来越显得重要和急迫。文章详细分析了党校VPN专网的技术方案和功能优势,并对资源共建共享亟待解决的问题进行了探讨。该研究对管理、维护和使用VPN专网,以及信息资源共建共享都具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

学习型社会是十六大确立的全面建设小康社会的重要内容,在我国,随着社会的不断发展和进步,学习已成为国人之必需。承担着社会教育职能的图书馆在学习型社会中具有不可替代的教育功效。公共图书馆应该抓住这一契机,充分发挥和完善其教育职能。  相似文献   

党校图书馆为领导决策服务的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着经济社会的高速发展,政府决策的难度越来越大,党校图书馆应抓住契机,发挥其为党政机关决策服务的功能,积极为党政机关领导决策服务。文章从党校图书馆加强决策信息资源建设、加强与党政机关沟通、建立学科馆员制度、提高馆员信息服务综合素质、发挥党校图书馆在信息素质教育中的作用、探索和创新党校图书馆为党校教研人员科研课题服务的方式方法等六个方面提出完善党校图书馆为领导决策服务的措施。  相似文献   

Past research concerning the theoretical framework of Resistance Performance (RP) has been based on observations of liberal organizations and activists. In the following essay, we engage in a qualitative content analysis of alternative media utilized by conservative “Tea Party” activists to build on the concept of RP. Overall, we discovered that the dominant theme found in much of the content focuses on “purity,” which is considerably different from past RP research that found broad themes of “human rights,” “democracy,” “be the media,” and “principles of unity” embedded within liberal alternative media content. We conclude that the theme of “purity” gives rise to narrowmobilization, which constructs very focused protest communities within right-leaning politics.  相似文献   

党的十八大报告凸显出“以人为本”的时代已经到来,在“以人为本”从理念到现实跨越的时代背景下,以人为本,服务读者、服务教学、服务科研已成为高校图书馆的特色职能。文章紧密结合新形势下对高校图书馆党员的新要求,结合工作实际,提出通过高校图书馆的基层党组织开展创先争优长效机制,建设学习型党组织与推进文化建设,加强基层党员队伍建设等党建活动,充分发挥党员先锋模范作用,引导图书馆员工转变服务意识,增强服务能力,提高读者服务质量,从而促进高校图书馆事业的大发展。  相似文献   

本文以中共正式成立为时间节点考察了共产国际对建党前后中共报刊出版的影响。认为,虽然共产国际是为革命而来,但在其帮助筹建中国共产党的过程中,对于中共报刊出版产生了全方位的影响。在中共正式成立之前,共产国际对中共报刊的影响主要是通过其代表的个人活动实现的,中共正式成立之后,则主要通过组织层面进行。鉴于当时苏维埃俄国在共产主义运动中的领导地位,以及共产国际与中共的上下级关系,共产国际与建党前后中共报刊之间的关系表现为苏俄单方向地影响了中共的报刊出版,涉及内容、资金、管理等方面。  相似文献   

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