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一位老年妇女因虔诚的信仰和敢于没完没了地表达自己的信仰而出名。她经常站在她家前廊上大声呼喊:“感谢上帝!”  相似文献   

通过对一例小学求助者心理问题的形成原因与发展过程的了解、分析,对求助者的心理状态进行评估,对其做出诊断,制定了相应的咨询目标和咨询方案,咨询过程中运用行为疗法、认知疗法对学生的行为问题进行干预,经过十次咨询,学生行为得以改善,取得较好的咨询效果。  相似文献   

吴秀明的《中国当代文学史写真》对近年现当代文学史编写过度突出"思想"的现象有所纠偏。全书从"历史的文学"(史料)入,从"文学的历史"(生命)出,以动态、开放、多元、包容的理念和丰富的史料,构造出充满原生趣味和现场感的文学史。书名虽曰"写真",然全书贯穿的对话、史论互证的特点,依稀可辨出其中淋漓的生气。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to discuss the problems that effectively prevent secondary physical education teachers from utilizing the theoretically sound pupil assessment practices that are taught in professional preparation courses. After the need for formal, systematic pupil assessment as demonstrated in the professional literature is identified, six critical issues are discussed: a narrow and negative view of assessment, lack of responsibility for learning, the problem of vague and long-term goals, the problem of lack of record keeping, the need for administrative and collegial support, and professional preparation. Suggestions for teacher education focus on making pupil assessment a priority from the beginning to the end of the preparation period, and on weaving assessment practices directly into the teaching process.  相似文献   

The typical school in large city or small town is hard pressed by the enormous piling up of educational laggards. Unless there has been a special sorting it appears that every school, indeed every class, has a considerable number of unadjusted pupils. It is reported that there are 60,000 unadjusted pupils in the high schools of New York City alone. Professor Schorling of the University of Michigan, who has carried forward a study of the slow-learning pupil, reported recently some findings in a speech to Section Q of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. In this address he emphasized the importance of keeping constantly before teachers and parents the facts concerning the dull normal or slow-learning pupil in so far as they are established. The following article presents this section of his recent discussion of the subject.  相似文献   

从前有一个摔跤大师,精通360种摔跤绝技,没有人能赢他。他最得意的徒弟学了所有的这些绝技后,打败过很多对手。令人吃惊的是这个徒弟在国王面前夸起海口来:摔跤大师是我的长辈,也教过我,但是我的摔跤技术和他一样高超,因为我也掌握了360个绝技。  相似文献   

文章指出了我国在电子商务发展中所面临的诚信问题,分析了产生问题的原因,并着重阐述加强电子商务诚信建设的途径。  相似文献   

正2014年1月4日,国人在新年的第一次大规模英语考试——考研英语终于拨开了"雾霾",露出了"真容"。本次考试的大背景有点特殊——高考英语改革在全国相继推开,针对大学英语四六级考试的诟病也日益加深,出国留学持续升温,考研人数陡降9万,毕业研究生就业市场持续低迷等诸多因素都给此次考试增添了许多神秘色彩。面对令人捉摸不透的考研英语,且看拥有一线教学与和考研辅导经验的高校教师如何深度解读2014年考研作文。  相似文献   

随着新课程改革和素质教育的不断深入,家庭作业和家庭教育问题越来越受到人们的关注。本文针对家长和教师对小学生家庭作业的指导行为现状及问题,问题成因,对学生的影响和改进策略4个方面研究成果进行归纳,总结现有研究成果,分析目前研究的不足,力争为小学生家庭作业的指导行为研究指明方向。  相似文献   

介绍了在小学自然教学中,将演示实验让给学生做之后出现的新现象,从而证明了将部分演示实验交给学生做的教学实践符合自主学习的教育理念。  相似文献   

School improvement, as Ruth Jonathan (1990, p. 568) has said, is not merely a matter of 'rapid response to changing market forces through a trivialised curriculum', but a question of dealing with the deep structures of school and the habits of thought and values they embody. To manage school improvement we need to look at schools from the pupils' perspective and that means tuning in to their experiences and views and creating a new order of experience for them as active participants.  相似文献   

This study examined the influence of two widely used instructional programs on first-grade-level pupil achievement in economics. A total student population of 116 was studied. Six intact groups from four elementary schools in West Springfield, Massachusetts, were divided into three groups of two each. One group was assigned the Science Research Associates (SRA) materials for a full year, one group was assigned the use of the Follett materials for a full year, and the third group spent a semester using each of these programs. Data were gathered through the administration of the Spear’s Test For Achievement In Economics in a pretest-posttest fashion. The data collected were submitted to both analysis of variance and covariance techniques. The results of this study indicate that pupils taught with a full year of SRA materials achieved significantly higher than pupils taught with a full year of Follett. When intelligence and pretest scores were held constant the combination SRA and Follett group scored significantly higher in pupil achievement than the Follett group alone. When teacher understanding of economics concepts was held constant, the combination group did not score significantly higher than the Follett group on pupil achievement.  相似文献   

夫妻忠实义务是夫妻之间专一性行为的义务,我国《婚姻法》应当承认夫妻忠实义务的可诉性,将重婚、有配偶而与他人同居之外的违反夫妻忠实义务情形也纳入损害赔偿范围,同时建构配套的婚内赔偿制度。  相似文献   

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