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王姝 《文化交流》2012,(5):56-59
台湾作家琦君忆起父亲在她牙牙学语时便把她带到一个年轻人面前,告诉她:"这个年轻人将来学问不可限量,你的学业就托付给他了。"这个20岁出头的青年叫夏承焘,当时才从温州师范毕业,任教于琦君家乡的瞿溪中学。  相似文献   

王静 《文化交流》2009,(2):27-30
徐訏以创作小说《鬼恋》而成名,作品先后三次被搬上银幕,其中被陈逸飞改变成电影《人约黄昏》。徐訏的《风萧萧》成为一代人的爱国启蒙,当时出现“重庆江轮上,几乎人手一册”的“洛阳纸贵”情景,这一年文学界堪称“徐訏 年”。香港浸会大学设有“徐訏文学奖”。1967年,海外出版了18卷960万字的《徐訏全集》,40年后,上海再版了《徐訏文集》。  相似文献   

范敬宜的名字新闻界如雷贯耳,现在早已越出新闻界而成为文化名人了。1931年,他生于苏州吴县,为北宋大政治家、文学家范仲淹之二十八世孙。他毕业于无锡国学专修学校、上海圣约翰大学。1951年分配到东北从事新闻工作。1957年被错划为右派,下放农村蹉跎20年。平反后,回辽宁日报工作,后出任国家外文局局长。1986年-1993年任经济日报总编,1993—1998年任人民日报总编,同时出任全国人大常委、教科文卫委员会副主任委员,并被聘为清华大学新闻传播学院院长。  相似文献   

Reprinted from Hendon, W.S., Shanahan, J.L. and MacDonald, A.J., eds. (1980)Economic Policy For the Arts. Abt Books, Cambridge, Mass. with kind permission of the publisher. David Austen-Smith, born 1953, wrote his Ph.D. thesis on cultural economics at the University of Cambridge, U.K.; he worked at the University of York and wrote several articles in the field before moving to the Department of Political Science at the University of Rochester in the U.S. His research is now primarily in positive political theory.  相似文献   

郭梅  丁乐慢 《文化交流》2009,(10):17-20
不久前逝世的著名哲学家任继愈先生在学术研究的道路上走了一辈子,并且乐此不疲。在90岁这年,他动了一次大手术,大家都劝他好好休息养病,任继愈却正色回答:“我比不得你们,你们好比在时间的银行里还有100元钱,我却只有5毛钱了,我得好好利用这5毛钱才行。”  相似文献   

This paper examines the use of language and metaphor in the reception of recombinant DNA in the USA between 1973 and 1988. The Archives of Stanford University are used to show how changing images of production were conveyed, and how academic–industrial policies were shaped, in a rapidly advancing field of biotechnology.  相似文献   

2008年秋,台湾省最高的农业学术团体“中华农学会”将今年的“谢和寿研究奖”颁给了台湾农科院校内茶业学的潜心研究者。这一项事业奖金,从1982年设立至今,已有整整26个春秋了,已有近百位在茶业学上有抱负而家境清寒的研究者得到过这项基金的资助。“谢和寿研究奖”的基金,来源于世界著名茶叶专家谢和寿先生的毕生遗款以及他生前好友的慷慨捐赠,这是中华农学会自1917年创立以来所设立的唯一一项专业性研究基会。  相似文献   

张科 《文化交流》2009,(1):48-51
2008年11月17日,在司徒雷登离世将近半个世纪之后,他的骨灰终于回归,静静地安放在杭州安贤陵园内,墓碑上镌刻着:司徒雷登。1876—1962,燕京大学首任校长。  相似文献   

凤子 《文化交流》2012,(8):50-53
叶景葵(1874-1949),字揆初,号卷庵,浙江杭州人。光绪癸卯年(1903)进士。辛亥革命后,弃官就商,走上实业救国的道路,担任浙江兴业银行上海总行董事长达三十年,是著名的银行家。在民国的金融业发展中,“叶氏”的名字鲜明地浮现,除了银行家的风采之外,更缘于其在另一片书香弥漫的世界中所留下的印迹,  相似文献   

为译《红楼梦》竞折腰 上世纪90年代初,我远在澳大利亚墨尔本拉特罗布大学(La Trobe University)亚州研究院读研究生,暑假期间趁回国度假的机会,到母校四川师范大学拜望外语系黄新渠教授。那是一个雨后乍晴的午后,校园里雨滴淋着一丛丛浓密的芭蕉林,知了的欢唱灌入耳膜。黄新渠先生特地沏了上好的四川特级茉莉花茶款待我。  相似文献   

Achim Trunk 《Minerva》2006,44(3):285-306
This essay discusses the wartime work of one of the world’s leading biochemists, the Nobel Prize winner, Adolf Butenandt. It describes the influence of the war on Butenandt’s Institute, and considers his role as a representative figure in the collusion of science, government, and the military in Nazi Germany.Achim Trunk is a biologist and historian who specializes in the history of the life sciences. He studied at the University of Cologne, and now works at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Science, where he is editing the scientific and medical papers of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. Between 2001 and 2004, he was a member of the Berlin team that studied the history of the Kaiser Wilhelm Society during National Socialism. As part of that work, he coordinated the working party on Adolf Butenandt.  相似文献   

淘气包 梁思成年轻时是学建筑专业的,但他在音乐和绘画方面都有很好的修养。他在美国宾夕法尼亚大学留学时,宾大要求学生自己设计作品,他的第一件作品便是给林徽因做了面仿古铜镜。那是用一个现代的圆玻璃镜面,镶嵌在仿古铜镜里合成的。铜镜正中刻着两个云冈石窟中的飞天浮雕,飞天的外围是一圈卷草花纹,花环与飞天组合成完美的圆形图案,图案中间刻着:徽因自鉴之用,思成自镌并铸喻其晶莹不珏也。  相似文献   

Nyle DiMarco, a Deaf, sexually fluid celebrity, helps audiences reimagine ways of being through mediated representations of his cultural body. Within the framework of a critical intercultural communication study and through a thick intersectional approach, we analyze DiMarco’s personae as texts across three TV shows: America’s Next Top Model, Dancing with the Stars, and Difficult People. First, we attend to his moments of sexual fluidity. Next, we attend to his moments of Deaf Gain. Finally, we attend to his character’s denouncing of the hearing homonormative. Through each performance, a Deaf Queer world-making is conjured, offering discursive possibilities beyond the normative.  相似文献   

从湖州的赤脚医生到美国的医学博士,美国整体医学研究所所长、国际著名的临床针灸师兼神经生理学家与时间生物学家金观源40年“磨”一针,20年来,在大洋彼岸的美国,孜孜不倦地传播中医文化—  相似文献   

海岛地名记忆 舟山群岛有1390个岛屿和3360处礁石,犹如一颗颗璀璨明珠,散落在中国东海的海面上.这些岛礁中,无居民的有1287个,大多一一有名,造就了海洋文化中独特的地名群落事象.这些岛礁之名有些出自王建富.他是舟山市地名办公室主任,1989年从杭州大学地理系地理专业毕业后,就来到舟山市民政局从事当时处于边缘化的海岛地名工作.  相似文献   

2009年5月,春意盎然的深圳迎来了目前我国唯一的国家级、综合性文化产业博览交易盛会。在这次盛会上,钱高潮凭借鸡血石雕新作《孔子圣迹图》荣获“中国工艺美术文化创意奖”金奖。在艺术精品琳琅满目的现场,即使是最不懂鸡血石雕的人也对这位雕刻大师有了起码的认知:他的展位前总是围满了人,他雕刻的鸡血石作品好看,好卖。他的笑容憨厚淡定,时不时闪出天真与顽皮。那份笃定也许源于自信,也许源于责任,就像他所说,自己所有的美誉包括大师的头衔都是因鸡血石而生,因鸡血石而存,因鸡血石而荣。  相似文献   

Here, representations of Black masculinity and emasculation are explored on NBC’s Parenthood. We question whether depictions of Black masculinity represented through Parenthood’s character, Alex, are empowering or stereotypical; how do they reflect, destabilize, and/or reinforce heteronormative depictions of Black community members? Two seasons were analyzed using Owen’s thematic analysis. Ultimately, Black males are portrayed as being societal failures, criminals, violent, and hypersexualized through his character. This embodiment ultimately preserves long-held images of Black men as “Toms, coons?…?bucks?…?as oversexed, aggressive, violent, animalistic, or emasculated” (Jackson, R. L. II. 2006. Scripting the black masculine body: Identity, discourse, and racial politics in popular media. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press). Practical recommendations and suggestions for researchers and media practitioners are provided.  相似文献   

While originally Lacan seconds Heidegger's contention that ‘anxiety has no object’, in the early 1960s, he dismisses his own earlier position as a childish reassurance and argues, to the contrary, that ‘anxiety is not without an object’. With particular attention to his use of the double negative, ‘not without’, this essay examines this turning point in Lacan's thinking in order to explain the opposition between his psychoanalytic critical theory and Derrida's deconstruction. The arguments that Lacan brings to bear on his work of the 1950s closely approximate those that Derrida levels against Heidegger in the formulation of his own concept of ‘the aporia of the impossible’. Indeed, as commentators often emphasise, the formal logic of Lacan's later thinking is strictly isomorphic with Derrida's philosophy; and their respective concepts of anxiety and aporia are frequently misconstrued, accordingly, as simply identical. However, insofar as Lacan discerns a content in this formal negativity, contesting the idealism of his earlier theory and reasserting the materialist objectivity of the Freudian ‘lost object,’ as intractably Real, the two do not coincide. On the contrary, Lacan's repudiation of Heidegger's concept of anxiety extends equally to Derrida's aporia, as if, for Derrida, Heidegger's existential phenomenology were not reassuring enough.  相似文献   

碧天 《文化交流》2009,(10):60-63
在非洲小国纳米比亚,有一条神奇的“钻石海岸”。已探明的陆上钻矿石储量高达5000万吨。这里的钻石质地最纯,其中95%以上为宝石级。作为全球最大的钻石出产地,它是当之无愧的“钻石王国”。然而在这个国家,由于医疗技求落后,疟疾、阿米巴痢疾等各种疾病横行,给人们带来了无尽的痛苦和烦恼。一位叫王军的安徽小伙,在鲸湾港开了第一家华人“爱心医院”。挽救了很多人的生命,受到当地黑人与钻石老板的敬重。  相似文献   

胡新谷 《文化交流》2009,(10):53-56
浙江兰溪籍著名烫画家胡海明已入选《中国非物质文化遗产通览》一书,他的烫画通过各种形式的展览和交流,已饮誉神州大地及世界。迈入“知天命”之年的胡海明,在人生和艺术的道路上已走出了不同寻常的轨迹,令业内外人士赞叹不已。  相似文献   

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