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The Development of Memory and Processing Capacity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The assumption of some developmental theories that short-term memory is the workspace of higher cognitive processes, and consequently that span measures processing capacity, is claimed to be inconsistent with the working memory literature. 4 experiments, using children aged 5 to 12 years, contrast this theory with a model in which short-term memory and the processing space component of working memory are at least partly distinct. Experiments 1 and 2 varied processing load, holding duration constant. The processing load manipulation had little effect on recall of a short-term memory preload. Experiments 3 and 4 failed to support the prediction that the greater processing efficiency of older children would be associated with slower loss of information from short-term memory. Although counting and rehearsal rates increased with age, and correlated with span, they did not predict the rate of loss of memory preload due to intervening counting. The data suggest that effects obtained with short-term memory span do not provide clear indications of overall working memory development, because short-term memory span and the processing space component of working memory entail distinct systems.  相似文献   

当今的小学生,绝大多数沉浸在家庭“爱”的怀抱中,他们品尝到了上辈所未能尝到的“甜果”。凡事都由父母包揽一切,父母抵挡了一切的“风风雨雨”,但与此同时,孩子们也失去了体验人生挫折后获得成功的喜悦。“出人头地”的育子观念,使得父母对孩子的期望值不断升高,“升学第一”的教育观念又使得孩子们把眼睛只盯着分数和名牌学校。  相似文献   

本文讨论了增加外存储器容量的问题 ,提出了分层式磁光盘和利用自组织材料制大容量存储盘的猜想。  相似文献   

为探讨提取干扰是否会影响语义分类任务中的概念启动效应,以及该影响是否源于动作反应资源的竞争,实验分成无干扰、同时干扰和继时干扰三种条件,在继时干扰条件下设置有反应竞争与无反应竞争两种条件,实验结果表明,提取干扰会影响概念启动效应,只要存在提取干扰,启动效应就会被破坏,但仅在继时干扰有反应竞争时才存在负启动效应。因此,提取干扰效应源于双任务操作中注意资源的分散,而反应竞争会在此基础上更大地破坏启动效应。  相似文献   

托尔曼认知行为主义理论及其对幼儿学习的启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
托尔曼是新行为主义的代表,在他的理论中,他以整体行为反对华生的分子行为,并在此基础上提出了中介变量,即注重有机体自身的内部状态。此外,他认为有机体的学习是形成“认知地图”的过程,从而提出了三个概念:期待、位置学习、潜伏学习。托尔曼的认知行为主义理论对幼儿的学习有重要启示,即要注重幼儿学习的整体性、中介性,明确幼儿具有主动学习的愿望.注重幼儿学习中的不随意性。  相似文献   

良心是指在成人或社会化媒介控制的外部调节系统向儿童自我控制的内部系统转化的过程中,儿童形成遵守社会行为准则和抑制自私和破坏性冲动的内部调节机制。这种内部机制形成的标志就是即使在没有成人监督的情况下。儿童也能遵守规则和抑制行为。本文将从影响儿童良心的因素出发探讨促进儿童良心发展的有效措施。  相似文献   

This study examined the extent to which memory and processing speed accounted for relations we had found earlier between infant information processing and childhood IQ. The measures of speed and memory were obtained when the children were 11 years of age using paper-and-pencil tasks and an extensive battery of computer-administered tasks. The relations of 7 month visual recognition memory and 1 years cross-modal transfer to 11 years IQ were both substantially reduced with statistical control of factors dericed from these measures. These results suggest that speed and memory underlie some of the infant-childhood continuities in cognition. Path and stuctural equation modeling indicated that the significant pathways from 7 month visual recognition memory to 11 year IQ were nboth directr and indirect, the indirect paths going through memory and speed.  相似文献   

美国心理学家John Riddly Stroop在关于经典色字测试(The Stroop Color—Word Test,CWT)的研究中,初步揭示了大脑的干扰控制效应(The stroop interfere effect),随着神经心理科学的发展,人们对信息加工的工作原理及对干扰控制效应的研究日益深入,STROOP测试的运用越来越广泛,但是随着研究的深入.产生的争议也逐渐增多。  相似文献   

本文综述了体育兴奋剂的种类、作用及其对人体的危害,探讨了体育兴奋剂控制及检测的方式和方法。  相似文献   

随着微型计算机的发展,其速度、性能、稳定性都有了很大的提高和改善,作为计算机的重要硬件之一的内存,其各种性能在计算机的发展过程中也在不断地改进.了解和掌握内存的发展、性能指标及其工作原理,对于从事计算机工作的人员来说是必要的.  相似文献   

以往较多的研究探讨过提取干扰与外显记忆之间的关系,且所获得的结果较为一致。而关于提取干扰与内隐记忆关系的研究相对较少,并存在差异化的结果。为了进一步证实提取干扰下内隐记忆的表现,以及同外显记忆的差异,该实验采用经典的“学习-测验”范式,并通过在提取阶段设置箭头干扰任务来探讨。结果发现,提取干扰下内隐测验中获得的启动效应受到显著的破坏作用,而外显测验中的成绩不受影响。可见,内隐记忆的提取需要一定的注意资源,而外显记忆的提取表现出相对完整的自动化。  相似文献   

We examined the contribution of working memory capacity to the development of children’s reading comprehension. We present data from three waves of a longitudinal study when the children were 7 years (Grade 1), 8 years (Grade 2) and 9 years (Grade 3). Two questions were raised: The first question concerned the developmental changes of the relative contribution of working memory in predicting reading comprehension compared to vocabulary and decoding skills. The second question explored to what extent reading comprehension could be predicted by working memory capacity measured at a prior time. At the end of each grade, reading comprehension, nonword reading, vocabulary knowledge and working memory capacity were assessed. To test the first question, the predictive power of working memory capacity was compared to vocabulary and decoding skills by performing concurrent multiple-regression analyses in each grade. The results showed that working memory capacity emerged as a direct predictor of reading comprehension in Grade 3. To address the second question, we performed multiple-regression analyses predicting reading comprehension from working memory, nonword reading, and vocabulary measured at a prior time. In these analyses, the autoregressive effect was taken into account to separately assess the unique contribution of each predictor to the development of later reading comprehension. The results showed that Grade 1 vocabulary and Grade 2 working memory had additional effects on Grade 3 reading comprehension after the autoregressive effect of reading comprehension had been accounted for. These findings support the idea that, as word recognition becomes automated throughout the early grade levels, working memory becomes an important determinant of reading comprehension. There is also evidence that working memory capacity directly influences the development of reading comprehension skills. The direction of the causal flow is discussed.  相似文献   

This study was an investigation of whether the language history of deaf children is related to their delayed emergence of spontaneous memory strategy use. Use of rehearsal on a serial recall task was compared for 41 deaf (age 5 to 15 years) and 45 hearing (age 5 to 8 years) children. A lag of several years was noted in the emergence of spontaneous rehearsal for the deaf. Hierarchical discriminant function analysis showed language history to be a nearly perfect mediator of the relation between age and rehearsal use, effectively eliminating the lag in the emergence of rehearsal use. Increased language experience was hypothesized to be associated with automatization of language skills, and thus with decreased processing demands when language-based strategies are used.  相似文献   

教育资源承载力及其测评研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教育资源作为一种有限的社会资源,对其承载力的研究有着十分重要的现实意义。本文在借鉴国内外关于资源承载力研究成果的基础上,结合教育资源的特点及其影响因素对教育资源承载力的概念、评价指标及测评方法进行了探讨。目的在于为各级各类学校和教育行政部门进行教育承载力研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Various forms of optical memory technology (OMT) have recently become commercially viable products and thus available for use by educational measurement professionals. A single optical disk can hold the equivalent of over a thousand floppy diskettes. Further, many optical media can also be easily and inexpensively reproduced. These two characteristics make optical media a promising technology for the distribution of test item banks, test reports and statistics, student records, and other educational data. Unfortunately, factors such as high initial cost, slow retrieval speeds, and the lack of standardization of formats mitigate the use of OMT. In addition, the enhancements offered by OMT over competing media (such as magnetic disks) come into play in relatively few educational measurement situations. The article calls for a careful consideration of the true merit of such technologies and cautions against adopting the technology without an unbiased assessment of the practicality of the venture.  相似文献   

从相干长度的角度,回答了劈尖干涉条纹出现的条件。  相似文献   

干扰负载对注意缺陷多动障碍儿童视觉工作记忆的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为考察编码和提取阶段的干扰负载对注意缺陷多动障碍(ADHD)儿童视觉工作记忆的影响。本研究采用纸笔测验,分别要求被试对编码和提取阶段的材料进行操作。结果发现,编码阶段,干扰负载对两组被试的影响没有显著差异;提取阶段,干扰负载对ADHD组被试的影响显著大于普通组被试。相对于普通组儿童而言,ADHD儿童的视觉工作记忆更易受到干扰负载的影响,这种影响体现在提取阶段。  相似文献   

记忆心理学研究发现,测试不仅是评价先前学习效果的手段,它还可以改变长时记忆中的信息。与简单重复学习相比,学习过程中进行一次或几次不给予任何反馈的测试能显著促进学习内容的长时保持。测试对学习的促进获得了多方面实验证据的支持,对此研究者也提出了不同的理论解释,包括侧重于理论机制的记忆失用新理论和强调内在机制的精细提取假设。影响测试促进学习效果的因素则包括了测试次数、测试间隔时间、测试形式及测试后反馈等四个方面。在当前教学实践中,需要重视测试本身对学习的促进作用,如教师要学会合理利用课堂测试,培养学生学会和使用自我测试的学习策略,在设计教材与各类辅导书中的习题以及开发多媒体学习软件时要充分利用测试促进学习研究的发现等。  相似文献   

古今中外有无数的教育家曾对于儿童教育发表了他们自己的见解和观点,很多杰出的著作也伴随着面世。17世纪英国的教育家洛克就在论述孩子的教育上提出了自己的见解,其中,很多思想的现代价值在今天仍然凸显。  相似文献   

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