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This paper explores the emergingapproaches to the governance and management ofinstitutional change at South African higher educationinstitutions. The discussion firstly locates theseapproaches within the broader context of the newgovernance framework that is contained in the newhigher education legislation, and in particular theemerging forms of institutional governance that thishas spawned. The paper then describes and discussesthe challenges facing institutional leaders in shapinghigher education organisational change in the light ofthe transformation challenges that arise from theimplementation of the new legislation.  相似文献   

Institutional leadership and management are two entirely different, yet intimately intertwined, aspects of the overall effective functioning of a higher education institution (HEI). This paper is intended to (1) define and differentiate between the two concepts, (2) critically discuss their importance and vital interdependence, (3) discuss circumstances that can create conflict or compatibility between these concepts, (4) critically examine models of strategic planning and suggest a better approach to this process, and (5) offer suggestions for the improvement of both leadership and management in the context of co-existence within a redefined strategic planning environment.  相似文献   

美国高等教育领导研究:范式流变与理论解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国高等教育领导研究的特征和行为理论、权力和影响理论、复杂和混乱理论以及认知理论等,从不同的侧面阐释了有效的高等教育领导者的价值倾向、个性特征、行为模式和影响因素。随着研究的不断深入和人类知识的日益丰富,美国高等教育领导研究的研究内容、研究路径和研究对象发生变革,后现代建构主义理论成为构建新研究范式的主导思想。  相似文献   

This article comments on leadership within mainstream literature on school effectiveness/improvement, where it is almost always considered to be a factor of change. The article argues that systemic school improvement, particularly for disadvantaged children, is inextricably linked to wider social, economic and political conditions—in South Africa’s case, the political transition from apartheid to democratic government. These structural conditions and specific historical contexts are often glossed over in models of school effectiveness/improvement. Through an analysis of dysfunctional and resilient schools as a legacy of apartheid, and of the slow reconstruction of education in the post‐apartheid period, the article argues for the importance of political legitimacy and authority in school improvement. The article concludes by suggesting that states in transition require a different theoretical lens in order to understand the impact of wider social changes on schools. In such societies, the establishment of legitimacy and authority is a precondition for sustainable effectiveness and improvement, and this has implications for theorising the role of leadership in school change more generally.  相似文献   

South African higher education institutions are increasingly under scrutiny to produce knowledge that is more relevant to South Africa’s social and economic needs, more representative of the diversity of its knowledge producers, and more inclusive of the variety of the sites where knowledge is produced. Only a small percentage of South Africans are graduates of universities or technology institutes, and these graduates are not representative of the diversity of the South African population. As a result there is a shortage of skills to address the country’s reconstruction and developmental needs. This places a burden on higher education institutions to expand access to their programmes, and to ensure that their programmes are relevant to the developmental context. Policy makers have found in the Gibbons [Gibbons, M., et al. (1994). The New Production of Knowledge. The Dynamics of Science and Research in Contemporary Societies. London Sage Publishers] thesis on ‘Mode 2 knowledge production’ a rationale for the transformation of higher education through the inclusion of practices which are less abstract, less discipline bound and closer to those processes which characterise the diversity and distribution of knowledge production in the wider society. Nowotny et al. [Nowtony et al. (2001). Re-thinking Science. Knowledge and the Public in an Age of Uncertainty. Cambridge: Polity Press.] have taken Gibbons’ thesis further and have described society itself as becoming increasingly ‘Mode 2’. In a Mode 2 society, differentiation is replaced with integration, and networks of knowledge producers conduct their work in transdisciplinary teams across widely distributed sites. Such ‘transgressivity’ both pushes knowledge production systems forward and distributes and diffuses knowledge more widely throughout society. In this paper, it is argued that there is a need for higher education practitioners to engage critically – and constructively – with the knowledge bases of policy directives to ensure that the new teaching and learning processes and systems adequately prepare students for the complexity and diversity of South African society, and enable them to contribute meaningfully to its reconstruction and development.  相似文献   

作为非洲经济最发达的国家,南非高等教育发展在发展中国家具有一定的典型性,其独特的社会和历史条件造成了南非在高等教育管理与评估方面的独特之处。南非高等教育及其评估有一个不断完善和提高的过程。本文简要叙述了南非高等教育及其评估的过程,并在分析南非高等教育管理和评估的基础上,分析了其高教管理和评估特点,探讨了建立在适合本国国情基础上的南非大学课程改革模式,并探讨了其对我国高等教育发展的启示与借鉴意义。  相似文献   

论高等教育全球化对中国高等教育的冲击   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当今世界高等教育全球化已初见端倪。由于高等教育全球化客观上为发达国家所倡导和主导,因而对作为发展中国家的中国高等教育产生巨大的冲击。冲击突出表现为国家的教育主权面临新的挑战、发展差距扩大、高等教育性质的嬗变与矛盾的滋生。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on educational leadership in the context of social transition to post-apartheid democracy in South Africa. Transitional leaders manifest behaviours, attitudes, values and strategies that are deeply related to the contexts within which they work. Social norms and political climate may not be supportive of educational leaders wishing to rise to the challenge of unplanned transition; however this paper focuses on leaders who take up this challenge. Narratives of three educational leaders, two white and one black, provide an understanding of the complexities and challenges involved in bringing about change that goes against the grain of social, community, or institutional expectations. Five common strands that bind the narratives of the three leaders are revealed. These commonalities are: a sense of moral purpose, a sense of human frailty, a sense of racial inclusion, a sense of political complexity, and a sense of personal growth. In conclusion, seven propositions that may form the building blocks for new ways of thinking about leadership in post conflict societies are presented.  相似文献   

以1994年废除种族隔离政策为分水岭,南非的高等学校分类体系经历了由分化到整合的治理逻辑变迁。1994年之前,南非政府以学生人种、教育属性、语言文化等为维度,将全国高等学校强行区隔,多轨运作,分而治之。1994年之后,南非新政府开始调整高等学校分类体系,以高校学术职能为中心,整合教育资源,致力于促进普通教育与职业教育的融汇贯通。南非的高等学校分类变迁史表明,高校分类必须尊重教育自身的发展规律,坚持政府在高等教育发展中的主导地位,同时保持不同类型高校的特色化、差异化发展。  相似文献   

1961年南非成为一个独立的共和国后,南非高等教育研究开始发展。南非高等教育学科发展经历了一个历史变迁过程,南非通过在国家层面、院校层面开展高等教育研究,开设高等教育学科专业培养专业研究人员,助推南非高等教育学科的发展。南非高等教育学科发展尚面临诸多挑战。最后以斯坦陵布什大学的高等教育与成人教育研究中心所开展的工作为例,进行具体阐述。  相似文献   

公平与效率是南非高等教育改革中的两大主题词.在政策重点取向上,该国从关注公平基础上的效率提高转向效率优先兼顾公平.本文拟对南非高等教育在公平与效率问题上采取的策略、取得的进展、所面临的问题作一些简单介绍与分析,试图为大家带来一些启示.  相似文献   

人工智能技术和高等教育的深度融合已成为高等教育变革的必然趋势。人工智能技术已深度介入高等教育,使高等教育的培养理念、教学模式、教育管理等发生深刻变革;高等教育凭借人才培养、科研创新及成果转化等基本功能,推动着人工智能技术的创新发展。人工智能与高等教育的融合发展需要政府、企业、高校的协同合作,使人工智能技术朝向可持续、可控制的方向发展。  相似文献   

In South Africa under apartheid higher education was inaccessible to the majority. This article argues that in the new South Africa there is an opportunity to redress this situation and promote equity though lifelong learning. This would involve greatly widening access and providing programmes to develop broadly applicable abilities such as computer literacy and problem-solving skills, which would increase the economic competitiveness and personal empowerment of learners. At the same time, the author argues, new educational approaches are needed to promote active citizenship.  相似文献   

本文论述了在知识经济条件下高等教育改革的问题.  相似文献   

南非的远程高等教育有着悠久的历史,近年来,各种旨在提高南非远程高等教育质量和影响力的政策和策略不断提出,有效地保障和促进了南非远程高等教育的发展。南非远程高等教育的形成、发展及其运作框架和质量保障等方面都独具特色,值得深入研究。  相似文献   

This paper explores the international experience in respect of school-leaving examinations and selection for higher education. It briefly states some theories of selection for equity in societies with severe structural inequalities, why and when formal selection is done. It then advances an argument to explain the dual functions of selection in education. International trends in selection for higher education are analysed, also school-leaving examinations and university access in South Africa. The policy and experience in selection for equity at the University of the Western Cape is then discussed, as well as the academic development programme initiated. It concludes with an analysis of some of the dilemmas facing universities committed to redress and equity in the current climate of entitlement.  相似文献   

章总结了福建师大福清分校(原福建省福清师范高等专科学校)从高等师范专科教育到高职高专教育的办学转轨工作,阐述了接轨的必要性和紧迫性。章主要从转变观念、制定高职高专新的教学计划,加强实践环节、办出特色,加强师资队伍建设、培养“双师型”和一专多能的教师等三个方面有理论有事实地叙述了如何做好办学的转轨工作和实施高职高专教学工作。  相似文献   

从认知到情境:高等职业教育教学理念的转变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基础教育与高职教育之间的"鸿沟"与高职教育"高素质技能型人才"的培养目标决定了高职教育教学理念应从重视"认知"转为重视"情境"。基础教育与高职教育之间存在较大的差异,从目前来看,基础教育并没有为学生接受高职教育做好充分的准备,情境教学在高职教育中将大有作为。因此,"双师型"师资队伍建设、实训基地建设和学生学习方式的转变应与情境教学的实施方式相协调。  相似文献   

南非高等教育变革及其主要成效   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民主新南非高等教育发展的最显著的特征是广泛而深入的变革.本文依据南非高等教育变革政策的演进逻辑和指向将整个变革历程划分为三个阶段,介绍了各阶段的主要政策活动和变革动议,总结了南非高等教育变革在管理体制、办学体制、结构与规模、教育公平和效率等方面取得的主要成效.  相似文献   

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