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进入21世纪后,亚洲成人教育沿着包容性路径发展,其核心价值诉求是保障成人特别是受排斥和边缘化群体的受教育权利,实现成人教育的平等和公平。为此,联合国教科文组织亚太地区教育局在全民教育框架内与成员国共同制定成人教育包容性发展战略,构建相关法律制度和实施机制,成人教育领域反“社会排斥”力度增强,包容性不断提升。  相似文献   

进入新世纪以来,小布什政府和奥巴马政府都将有条件的拨款资助与政策的贯彻执行紧密结合,以此作为改造薄弱学校的核心手段。虽然因所处的历史背景不同,政策的具体内容有所差异,但政策价值目标都始终指向公平与效率,并经历了一个不断修正和完善的过程。  相似文献   

新世纪以来马克思主义在中国早期传播史研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新世纪以来,马克思主义在中国早期传播史研究取得了丰硕成果,围绕着马克思主义在中国早期传播的主体、媒介、渠道、特点以及马克思主义在中国不同地区的早期传播、《共产党宣言》在中国的早期传播、三次论争与马克思主义在中国的早期传播等问题取得了重大进展.本文对其主要成果作一归纳梳理和简要评述,并对如何加强该问题的研究作了进一步的思考.  相似文献   

对英国、德国、加拿大三国在新世纪出台或更新的国家资格框架的分析表明,高等教育人才培养的目标在三个国家表现出一定的共性:除了创新能力、独立思考与工作的能力、批判思维能力、团队合作能力等关键能力之外,新世纪的人才还应该能够认识到并善于应对知识的不确定性、模糊性和局限性,能够在复杂的和信息不完备的情况下作出合理的判断,能够和专业内外的人士进行有效的沟通,善于进行跨学科的思考和合作,掌握终身学习的能力。这些能力在一定程度上反映出21世纪知识经济社会对高等教育人才培养所提出的特定要求和期待。  相似文献   

21世纪初,俄罗斯普通高中教育领域最显著的改革举措之一是政府颁布了旨在扩大学生社会化可能性,保证普通教育与职业教育之间衔接性的《普通教育高级阶段侧重专业式教学构想》,而这种构想在俄罗斯联邦2004年颁布的最新《普通教育国家教育标准联邦部分》中被确认。促进个性品质的发展、重视知识系统性的掌握、培养个体关键性能力的形成、提升运用知识与技能解决问题能力的课程的目标,成为当今俄罗斯国家普通高中侧重专业式教学标准的核心价值取向。  相似文献   

The association of the mother-grandmother relationship with parenting of preschoolers was examined in a sample of 96 African-American multigenerational families. Mother-grandmother and parent-child interactions were assessed at home with videotaped problem-solving tasks. The Scale of Intergenerational Relationship Quality (SIRQ), a global observational coding system, was developed to assess the quality of the mother-grandmother relationship via observational ratings of mothers' and grandmothers' discussion of conflict. It yielded 4 factors: Emotional Closeness (connectedness), Positive Affect (upbeat tone), Grandmother Directness (demandingness and clarity), and Individuation (balance of autonomy and mutuality). Regression analyses controlling for socioeco-nomic background variables showed that SIRQ factors, particularly Individuation, were consistently related to mothers' parenting. Relationship effects varied when interacted with age and coresidence. The importance of a multigenerational, contextual perspective for research and intervention with young African-American mothers is discussed.  相似文献   

博客开创了一种自媒体时代,它使得人人可以成为信息的发布者。当私人信息豁然呈现在公共空间,并利用博客这种"社会公器"的传播特性得以广为传播,昭示出其背后的主体对个人名利的追逐。博客正日渐成为虚拟空间的一个盛大的名利场。  相似文献   

历史和文本间似乎有种纠缠不清的关系.英国当代小说家巴恩斯在其小说<10(1/2)卷人的历史>中以后现代主义的怀疑精神和独特的实验手法探讨历史的进程和文本诞生过程的联系,消解了传统的历史观,还原了历史和文本的辨证关系.  相似文献   

由暨南大学与世界华语文教育学会主办的“第一届世界华文教学研究生论坛”于2008年1月17~18日在暨南大学举行,论坛以“汉语走向国际背景下的世界华文教学”为主题,旨在为从事华文教学的研究生搭建一个学术交流平台,探讨世界华文教学发展问题,交流华文教学高层次人才培养经验。论坛取得了积极的学术成果。  相似文献   

大家都了解21世纪是华人和中国人的世纪,世界各地许多国家在中学和大学都开设了华语课程,民间更是成立了很多补习班,仅拿日本来说,就有五千间中文补习学校。东南亚国家有三千多万华人,这些国家过去纵然对华文打压,但近年来由于中文已经成为国际重要的语言,他们不但鼓励人民学习华语,更开放当地的华文教学。  相似文献   

This article describes and critically analyzes how educational sociologists in the Netherlands have studied the relationship between race/ethnicity and educational inequality between 1980 and 2008. Five major research traditions are identified: (1) political arithmetic; (2) racism and ethnic discrimination; (3) school characteristics; (4) school choice; and (5) family background. The development of particular research traditions is explained by pointing to more general developments in terms of social policy and intellectual climate in the Netherlands. This study builds on a similar, recently published literature review that focuses on the UK context by critically comparing the development and findings from these different bodies of research literature. The conclusions suggest that the Netherlands, like England, developed strong research traditions in this area of research since the 1980s and that both countries can learn from each other and advance future research in this area by developing more comprehensive research agendas. More generally, this review illustrates the usefulness of conducting nationally comparative literature reviews in assessing the development of particular bodies of research and in bringing together knowledge produced in different national settings.  相似文献   

“零句”和“流水句”——为赵元任先生诞辰120周年而作   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
沈家煊 《中国语文》2012,(5):403-415,479
赵元任先生的"零句说"是从整体上根本上揭示汉语语法特点的重要学说,包含三个互相联系的要点:(一)整句由零句组成。(二)零句是根本。(三)零句可以独立。从零句说引申出关于主语和谓语的两个重要观点:汉语的主语就是话题,汉语的谓语不宜按名词和动词区分类型。零句说能解释为什么汉语多"流水句",对零句说理解不透彻是流水句的研究不能深入的原因。本文在零句说的基础上阐述流水句的"并置性"和"指称性",这两个特性对语法理论中句法递归性和名动分立的普适性提出挑战。  相似文献   

ISO/IEC JTC1 SC36是国际标准组织(ISO)和国际电工委员会(IEC)共建的联合技术委员会(JTC1)下的第36分技术委员会(以下简称SC36),专门负责学习、教育和培训领域信息技术(Information Tech-nology for Learning,Education,Training,简称ITLET)标准的研制、发布和推广工作,该委员会以国家为参与单位,目前包括23个正式参与成员国和21个观察成员国。第24届学习、教育和培训中的信息技术国际标准化组织全会、工作组会议及开放论坛于2011年9月9-17日在中国上海成功举办。本文介绍了本次全会和工作组会议情况;阐述了国际标准发展现状;并重点对本次开放论坛中的论文和报告进行了综述,分析了论文和报告中的特点和问题;希望能对相关领域的后续研究提供思路和指导,推进中国教育信息化及技术标准的发展。  相似文献   



This study aimed to compare the learning curves of percutaneous endoscopic lumbar discectomy (PELD) in a transforaminal approach at the L4/5 and L5/S1 levels.


We retrospectively reviewed the first 60 cases at the L4/5 level (Group I) and the first 60 cases at the L5/S1 level (Group II) of PELD performed by one spine surgeon. The patients were divided into subgroups A, B, and C (Group I: A cases 1–20, B cases 21–40, C cases 41–60; Group II: A cases 1–20, B cases 21–40, C cases 41–60). Operation time was thoroughly analyzed.


Compared with the L4/5 level, the learning curve of transforaminal PELD at the L5/S1 level was flatter. The mean operation times of Groups IA, IB, and IC were (88.75±17.02), (67.75±6.16), and (64.85±7.82) min, respectively. There was a significant difference between Groups A and B (P<0.05), but no significant difference between Groups B and C (P=0.20). The mean operation times of Groups IIA, IIB, and IIC were (117.25±13.62), (109.50±11.20), and (92.15±11.94) min, respectively. There was no significant difference between Groups A and B (P=0.06), but there was a significant difference between Groups B and C (P<0.05). There were 6 cases of postoperative dysesthesia (POD) in Group I and 2 cases in Group IIA (P=0.27). There were 2 cases of residual disc in Group I, and 4 cases in Group II (P=0.67). There were 3 cases of recurrence in Group I, and 2 cases in Group II (P>0.05).


Compared with the L5/S1 level, the learning curve of PELD in a transforaminal approach at the L4/5 level was steeper, suggesting that the L4/5 level might be easier to master after short-term professional training.

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