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取消高中文理分科被正式列入《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要》征求意见稿中,再次成为各界讨论的焦点。高中文理分科争议的背后是课程观的问题,现行高中文理分科政策与新课程改革的课程知识整合、课程价值观取向、课程结构的调整及其培养模式产生了实践上的背离,取消高中文理分科培养学生整体素质,实现学生的全面发展是课程改革乃至教育改革的.必然趋势。  相似文献   

早就风闻高考“小综合”要变成“大综合”。日前著名教育专家、教育部新教育实验课题组总负责人朱永新教授在南京一学校演讲时就提出了“鉴于过早文理分科带来的一系列问题,高中阶段应取消文理分科”的建议。算起来,高考文理分科考试已有20多年的历史了。其间,为高考该不该分科考试,教育系统及社会各界也进行过多次论争,但最后还是维持了现状,可见这看似简单的“分”与“合”还真不是想要做就能做的事。过早分科导致文科学生理科知识的缺陷和理科学生文科知识的欠缺,从知识结构的角度来讲,是合乎逻辑的判断。但取消文理分科就一定能提升学生…  相似文献   

顾彬彬  杨小微 《中学教育》2011,8(1):42-47,41
高中文理分科问题正引起社会的热切关注.本文从对高中文理分科的百年历史回顾和其与高考改革及课程改革的纵横经纬中,分析文理分科问题演变的过程和纠结的性质.通过国际比较,提出高中文理分科应该超越分不分科的争论,在理念上从分科施教转向分类育人;并应在终身教育的关照下,重新思考高中教育在人生发展中的意义,重新反思高等教育与高中教...  相似文献   

在高考文理分科指挥棒的指导作用下,高中阶段的教学中也出现文理分科教学。关于高中文理分科的争论主要分为两派:支持和反对。轰轰烈烈的争论背后反映的是不同的教育理念,是学校教育"升学主义"与"培养人"不同的目的。进行招生考试制度改革,区分"高中教学文理分科"和"高考文理分科"是破解该争论的关键。高中教学中文理合科,实现了培养全面发展的人的教育目的;高校根据专业需要依据学生不同学科的成绩录取学生也充分发挥了高考的选拔功能。  相似文献   

在高中阶段取消文理分科,多数人赞成,少数人反对。反对者认为,取消文理分科将加重学生学业负担。因此,学业负担成为取消文理分科的焦点。目前,学生负担已经很重,那么,哪些因素导致该现象?对高三学生的调研发现,学生学业负担过重与教学内容量大且难度高、教学进度快、课后作业量大且难度高、教学方法不适合学生、理科学生记忆难以及文科学生逻辑思维不强等多种因素有关,而与取消文理分科无关。  相似文献   

高中文理分科会阻碍学生的全面发展和教师的专业发展,弊大于利。文理分科因高考招生而产生,理论上讲,改革高考科目设置完全可以引导中学课程实施与教学,即可以改变文理分科教育的现象。高中文理分科对学生全面发展的负面影响表现在知识结构、能力结构、情感态度价值观的形成等方面;对教师专业发展的局限性表现在职前的学科教育与在职的专业发展。取消文理分科的目的就是要培养文理兼修、全面发展的通才和全人;是为了打破高中学科界线,消除文理割裂状况,使学科互相通融。取消高中文理分科,需要配套改革,合理设置高考科目,实施高中学业水平考试,推进大类招生大类培养等。  相似文献   

最近一段时间,“高中文理分科”迅速引发社会各界关注。赞成者表示,取消分科会造成考试课程增多,学生负担也会相应增加。反对者认为文理分科难以造就知识全面的高素质人才。  相似文献   

目前,在高中阶段,学校普遍在高二开始分文理科。对此,有教育专家呼吁:“鉴于过早文理分科会带来一系列问题,高中阶段应取消文理分科。”对于这个关系切身利益的问题,各地中学生纷纷来信,各抒己见。  相似文献   

也论高中文理分科   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关于高中文理分科的争论沸沸扬扬,一部分人倾向于取消文理分科,以人大代表朱永新的意见为代表:文理分科削弱了文科水平;分科后文理分家,影响学生的素质;分科加剧了应试的竞争;分科有可能导致选错专业.反对意见则集中认为文理分科加剧了学生学业负担.作者认为,分不分科只是表面问题,实质上在于知识观和教学观的改变.  相似文献   

高中文理分科的前提是对学生进行专业预设,并且文理科目的选择带有强制性--这种"非文即理"的排他性选择,是对受教育者思维和发展的一种限制.关于文理分科制度存在种种质疑,其中包含对于分科制度下人的专业性假设的质疑、高中教育本体性的质疑、高中教育基础性的质疑、文理分科背后人的全面素质的质疑等,在质疑中应进一步明确高中教育的本体功能和发展目标,为取消文理分科制度提供理论依据.  相似文献   

In our commentary on this excellent set of articles on Sourcing in the Reading Process, we endeavor to synthesize the findings from the seven articles and discuss future research. We discuss significant contributions related to source memory, source evaluation, use of sources in action and belief, integration of information from multiple sources, and instruction in sourcing. Next we discuss several issues for future research raised by these articles, including expert sourcing, embedded sources, epistemic justice, and explanations of disagreement. Finally, we argue that the credibility of sources and their claims is determined by the reliability of the processes used by the sources to produce their claims. Our focus on the reliability of processes used by sources has implications for understanding sourcing processes, for evaluating normative claims about which sources are most reliable, for explaining how people evaluate sources, and for developing instruction on sourcing.  相似文献   

Blended learning is a diverse and expanding area of design and inquiry that combines face-to-face and online modalities. As blended learning research matures, numerous voices enter the conversation. This study begins the search for the center of this emerging area of study by finding the most cited scholarship on blended learning. Using Harzing’s Publish or Perish software (http://www.harzing.com/pop.htm), we determined the most frequently cited books, book chapters, and articles on the subject of blended learning, as well as the journals in which these highly cited articles appeared. Through these findings we offer some conclusions about where the conversations about blended learning are happening, which scholars are at the forefront of these conversations, and other emerging trends in blended learning scholarship.  相似文献   

由于种种原因而被尘封已久的萧红,新时期以来受到了越来越多的研究者们的关注,对她及其作品的研究性文章也纷至沓来,文章力求对这些研究性文章作整体性、规律性的梳理与点评,总结其中的“得”与“失”,并期待会有更多更好的研究成果出现。  相似文献   

邹韬奋在《生活》周期时期对孙中山的三民主义理论的学习,宣传和介绍,构成邹韬奋思想中的一个重要方面,这些字对我们今天分别邹韬奋思想演进的轨迹,是不可或缺的前提,而揭示其中的复杂性,矛盾性和规律性,有助于我们扬弃以往邹韬奋研究中的程式化倾向,并形成研究邹韬奋思想的内在逻辑视角。  相似文献   


The articles in this issue represent an effort to understand how whiteness as a social construct embodies unique characteristics, behavior, and collective enterprise in the context of schooling. The author's goal in this article is to discuss the notion of whiteness and when possible to comment on the articles of this special issue devoted to the topic. The examination of "whiteness" as a theoretical construct is a relatively new phenomenon in educational research. The fact that "whiteness" has gone unexamined for so long is a function of the power of paradigmatic thinking in the social sciences. The predominant viewpoint in the social sciences has been that people of color lack many of the characteristics associated with being white, thus the focus of scholarship has been on documenting these differences or examining interventions designed to remedy these so-called deficiencies. The articles of this special issue represent an intellectual challenge to this mode of thought.  相似文献   

The term "design experiments" was introduced in 1992, in articles by Ann Brown (1992) and Allan Collins (1992). Design experiments were developed as a way to carry out formative research to test and refine educational designs based on principles derived from prior research. More recently the term design research has been applied to this kind of work. In this article, we outline the goals of design research and how it is related to other methodologies. We illustrate how design research is carried out with two very different examples. And we provide guidelines for how design research can best be carried out in the future.  相似文献   

<杜十娘怒沉百宝箱>是古典文学著作的精品之一,是值得品评赏析的好文章.但以往对此文的批评,多是从悲剧成因、杜十娘人物形象、性格或女性比较的角度来谈,而对其中百宝箱这一物象的隐喻作用重视不够.从百宝箱这一物象可以见出明代社会、杜十娘人物性格乃至其命运悲剧,它是文章的贯穿线索.  相似文献   

This article examined a database of Australian daily newspapers on the terms cochlear implant and deaf children to investigate how journalists and columnists report competing models of deafness: as either "medical" (deafness is a condition to be cured) or "sociocultural" (deafness provides a way of life to be lived). The results from the cochlear implant search favored a medical model, but the results from the deaf children search were more balanced, with a slight preponderance of articles favoring the sociocultural model. A number of representative quotes from articles in each model are provided and discussion entered into as to the possible effects of the articles on public reactions to deafness and especially hearing parental responses to the birth of a deaf child and the life choices that this event presents them.  相似文献   

The Academic Journal of Peking University No. 4 of this year carried in its "Philosophy and Social Science Section" Mr. Feng Yu-lan's two articles entitled "On Criticism of Confucius and Self-Criticism of My Past Ideological Inclination To Honor Confucius" and "The Struggle between the Two Lines for and against the Restoration of the Old Order." In his articles, while criticizing the reactionary thought of Confucius, he also criticized his past ideological inclination to honor Confucius and to give publicity to the "abstract law of inheritance" with regard to the legacy of Chinese philosophy. This is progress that deserves to be welcomed. These two articles will be reproduced by this paper today and tomorrow for the reference of the reading public.  相似文献   

苏轼很敬佩屈原。他虽然没有写过专门评论屈原的文章,但我们可以从他的诗、赋、书信和杂文里,找到一些和屈原与《离骚》有关的文字,《屈原塔》诗和《屈原庙赋》,就是其中最详细的资料。本文尝试尽量把这些资料集中在一起,加以分析和讨论,使我们能够比较全面地了解苏轼对屈原和《离骚》的看法。  相似文献   

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