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Ever since the transnational education trend took off since the 1980s, transnational education has come to bearing political, economic and cultural implications. Different approaches have been formulated to achieve specific policy objectives by both importing and exporting countries. Such approaches demonstrate a four dimensional composition, which includes generating economic revenue, boosting capacity building, developing human resources and promoting international understanding. Transnational education is, to a great extent, economically oriented and has now become dominated by market principles. In addition, it is characterized by its borderless nature and the innovation of delivery models. Alongside the opportunities, transnational education tends to erode national educational sovereignty and threatens cultural security of importing countries, undermines the public nature of education, and challenges the existing institutional arrangements for quality assurance, accreditation and qualification recognition in higher education. With recent global education trends in mind, China urgently needs to adopt adequate measures to ensure a sustainable and healthy development of transnational education.  相似文献   

Reehana R. Raza 《Compare》2008,38(4):483-500
To policy planners in developing countries open and distance learning (ODL), because of its cost and delivery characteristics, is and has been a very attractive option for delivering tertiary education. Yet we have very little evidence on outcomes and the system's effectiveness. Providing some of this evidence is the main contribution of this article. South Asian institutions are some of the oldest of this type and enrol a large number of students. New data from a number of ODL tertiary institutions in South Asia, gathered though a UK DFID funded project, are presented here. This data is some of the most comprehensive material gathered on the ODL experience and offers new comparative data with conventional tertiary programmes and, data on completion rates and pass rates. All this provides the basis to reach new conclusions and reaffirm old ones on where ODL tertiary institutions are most effectively able to deliver.  相似文献   

This paper argues that globalisation has implications for research and theory in the social sciences, demanding that the social no longer be seen as homologous with nation, but also linked to postnational or global fields. This situation has theoretical and methodological implications for comparative education specifically focused on education policy, which traditionally has taken the nation-state as the unit of analysis, and also worked with ‘methodological nationalism’. The paper argues that globalisation has witnessed a rescaling of educational politics and policymaking and relocated some political authority to an emergent global education policy field, with implications for the functioning of national political authority and national education policy fields. This rescaling and this reworking of political authority are illustrated through two cases: the first is concerned with the impact of a globalised policy discourse of the ‘knowledge economy’ proselytised by the OECD and its impact in Australian policy developments; the second is concerned explicitly with the constitution of a global education policy field as a commensurate space of equivalence, as evidenced in the OECD’s PISA and educational indicators work and their increasing global coverage. The paper indicatively utilises Bourdieu’s ‘thinking tools’ to understand the emergent global education policy field and suggests these are very useful for doing comparative education policy analysis.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was toinvestigate the outcome of restructuring thetertiary system in New South Wales, Australiafive years after its announcement in the late1980s. It was hoped that lessons could belearned to assist policy makers in Nova Scotia,Canada in their attempt to restructure highereducation. Twenty-four senior administratorswere interviewed to collect data on `why' and`how' decisions were made in response to avoluntary restructuring policy. Qualitativedata analysis revealed that (1) voluntaryamalgamations and federations take place whentertiary institutions fear governments willmandate restructuring; (2) restructuring oldestablished institutions is more difficult; (3)personal ambitions of leaders negotiatingmergers play an important role; (4) loosefederations are likely to become morebureaucratic and less efficient; (5)organisational change and development arepoorly understood by senior administrators.To achieve organisational change, more than onefactor must be present. Congruence betweenthese factors is critical to achieve desiredoutcomes. The data inferred that there is arelationship between leadership, restructuring,managing staff relations, organisationaldevelopment, external pressure for change, andorganisational change. To illustrate thisrelationship, the `primary triad model' wascreated suggesting a holistic approach toachieving desired outcomes. Otherwise,organisational change may be perception ratherthan reality.  相似文献   

In Queensland, Australia, the school system is being reformed to be more ‘inclusive’. However, the enthusiasm for ‘inclusive education’ in Queensland seems to be waning amongst practitioners, and the ‘confusion, frustration, guilt and exhaustion’ that has emerged with teachers and support practitioners in the UK is emerging amongst support practitioners and teachers in Queensland. This paper argues that this is happening because inclusive education reforms that intend to provide an equitable education for all students regardless of cultural, physical, social/emotional and behavioural differences are being introduced, but these policies, procedures and structures continue to label, isolate and segregate students within schools in the way in which segregated special education facilities did in the past. Also, new policies and structures are being introduced without practitioners having the time and support to examine critically the underlying assumptions about disability, difference and inclusion that underpin their practices. These reforms need to be reviewed in terms of their effectiveness in achieving their ‘inclusive’ goals, i.e. in terms of the impacts that these reforms are having on the students themselves, and on the educational practitioners who support the students.  相似文献   

Education policy has been undergoing great transformation in China since the initiation of economic reforms and the open-door policy in the late 1970s. These market-oriented reforms and the pursuit of rapid economic growth in a globalized economy have significantly impacted China’s education policy and development. In line with the development of the market-oriented economy and its increasing integration with the global market, a more pragmatic perception of education has gradually taken shape in the post-Mao era, resulting in the decentralization and marketization of education in China. This article aims to examine the development of Chinese education policy in the context of decentralization and marketization since the start of the economic reforms. It will firstly make a brief contrast between the education policies before and after the economic reforms. Then, the decentralization and marketization in the field of education since the initiation of the economic reforms will be examined. What follows is an assessment of the impacts that marketization and decentralization had on education policy. This paper argues that the weakening role of the state in education provision and the disparity between rural and urban areas are key issues facing China’s education policy following the economic reforms and the open-door policy. It concludes by suggesting that equal and balanced development in education in China entails bringing the state back into the education sector.  相似文献   


The future of Malaysia as a high-income and competitive nation largely depends on its pool of highly skilled human capital. Hence, the issue of human capital development has taken centre stage in numerous reform agendas of Malaysia. This paper seeks to provide examples of policy initiatives aimed at facilitating the management of highly educated talent in Malaysia. It subsequently considers the role of higher education institutions, particularly the universities, as attractors, educators and retainers of intellectuals, in shaping talent. In conclusion, we argue that more significant underlying shortcomings of talent development are derived from the still transitional nature of the reforms and incomplete structural changes occurring in the national system, and that a change in mindset is the first necessary step towards nurturing and developing a human resource talent pool.  相似文献   

In 2016, approximately 5 million students, about 2% of global tertiary enrolments, studied abroad. As globalisation of education advances, tertiary student mobility is an important channel through which highly skilled immigrants arrive and work in different nation states. Informed by the multidisciplinary internationalisation frameworks, this study applies social network analysis techniques to the UNESCO data, to explore and compare the international tertiary student mobility networks in 1999 and in 2012. Based on the network visualisation and statistical analyses, this research emphasises that an individual country’s economic and political power and geographic location are increasingly significant in determining its position in the network. Compared to the 1999 networks, the developing world has played a more important role in the networks by becoming the new destination for study and sending out more students. Yet it is still the economically leading nations that serve as the critical bridges connecting the less developed countries/regions to the world. Underneath the seemingly balanced development, the developing nations might be in a more disadvantaged and peripheral position in 2012. This study is concluded with a discussion of the brain drain issue and how various nation states confront it in light of the global flow of tertiary students.  相似文献   

韩国、马来西亚、菲律宾三国私立高等教育经费政策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
韩国、马来西亚和菲律宾等国的私立高等院校所占比例均在85%以上,在校生数占一半以上,高者达74%。这与所在国的高等教育发展政策、经费政策和管理政策是分不开的,其政府实施的经费资助政策更是私立高等教育发展、稳定与否的"晴雨表"。三国私立高等教育发展变化显示,私立高等教育发展与政府的经费政策,尤其是多元化教育投入有着很强的联系。  相似文献   

We now have ample evidence that public policies diffuse across the American states; that is, policy adoption is due at least in part to the emulation of policies enacted in nearby states. But, policy adoption is the result of a complex process, a process that often takes years and sometimes decades to complete. According to the ‘stage’ or ‘step’ approach, the lawmaking process begins with the identification of a public problem for which redress by governments is sought and ends when programmes are implemented and effects are evaluated. Using the tertiary education system in the USA as a case, this study considers at what stage(s) in the policymaking process pressures created from neighbouring states are brought to bear. Analysis of data from state policymakers reveals that the experiences of neighbours are most pronounced during the agenda‐setting and proposal formulation stages and least during adoption.  相似文献   

During the 1980s, individual member state government policy and that of the eu as a whole began to emphasise integration and multiculturalism, often in an attempt to diffuse tensions resulting from continued hardship and unemployment amongst minority communities. Although this signalled a move away from former assimilation approaches, there remains an ambiguity in policies which now advocate highly restrictive border controls on the one hand, and integration for those already ‘in’ on the other. Criticisms levelled at the eu's inability to acknowledge inequalities within migrant communities in the field of vocational training have recently increased, particularly in discussions about post‐1992 harmonisation and the benefit, if any, open borders will have on such communities. Current provision aiming to right these wrongs is primarily emphasising the insertion or re‐insertion of individuals into the labour market. Attempts have been made to link vocational training courses to labour market opportunities. Positive action strategies, positive career routes and job creation also play roles in this process. Funding however, especially from government sources, still tends to favour traditional providers, in spite of recent studies which have found that strategies emanating from the community ('consumer‐led') have a much more positive image amongst participants and tend to be more successful in their outcomes. Ideally, communities would set up their own projects, but failing this they can be empowered to do so by training professionals working in close collaboration with minority groups.  相似文献   

While it is common to claim that university reforms are based on universal and standardised ideas about ‘modernising’ the university, few studies have examined in a more coherent way how the combined external pressure for change with respect to the areas of education, research and innovation has affected the university. In this paper it is argued that one can identify three different sets of logics concerning the current external reform agenda, and that these logics together create new challenges as to how knowledge is created, diffused and governed by the university. In the conclusion, it is discussed whether the current pressure for reform might change the university as we know it, or whether new institutional translations might emerge from the process renewing the university while maintaining its identity.  相似文献   

Research in the teaching and learning of evolutionary biology has revealed persistent difficulties in student understanding of fundamental Darwinian concepts. These difficulties may be traced, in part, to science instruction that is based on philosophical conceptions of science that are no longer viewed as adequately characterizing the diverse nature of scientific practice, especially in evolutionary biology. This mismatch between evolution as practiced and the nature of science as perceived by researchers and educators has a long history extending back to the publication of Darwin's theory of natural selection. An examination of how this theory was received by the scientific community of the time may provide insight into some of the difficulties that students have today in learning these important biological concepts. The primary difficulties center around issues of metaphysics and scientific method, aspects of the nature of science too often ignored in science education. Our intent is not to offer a specific course of action to remedy the problems educators currently face, but rather to suggest an alternative path one might take to eventually reach a solution. That path, we argue, should include the use of broader models of science that incorporate these elements of scientific practice to structure teaching and education research in evolution. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 35: 1069–1089, 1998  相似文献   

Moral education is always closely associated with politics in China, and the term ‘moral education’ is often interchangeable with such other terms as ideological and political education. Officially, moral education is seen as an important tool in upholding the socialist nature of the school and society. This paper examines the changing political and ideological orientations in China, and their implications for policy change in moral education since 1978. The paper reports on a case study on The new three character classic movement in Guangdong province, a focal point of opening up. This demonstrates some changes in the orientations of the moral education curriculum, including the growing concern about individual well‐being and the moral quality of citizens that would fit with a society that is fast changing under the reform and opening‐up policy, and being integrated into the world. It is argued that there is a clear reorientation for moral education to be disassociated from politics, and replaced by an emphasis on personal moral quality, as well as individual well‐being, such as psychological health.  相似文献   

Although English is only an extra-curricular subject at primary level in Indonesia, expectations over the improved quality of the teachers are exceptionally high . This is the case in the past few years in which the low proficiency of primary English teachers and their lack of teaching competencies have repeatedly been pointed out as major constraints. Unfortunately, it remains unclear whether this problem is attributed to the delivery of pre-service education in preparing primary school English teachers. This paper gathered data from teachers, language teacher educators, primary school principals, members of educational boards, and educational consultants. The data were analysed using Grounded Theory in order to examine the adequacy of pre-service education in Indonesia to prepare primary school English teachers as well as factors that contribute to its efficacy or lack thereof. The findings of the study demonstrate the need for specific preparation for primary school English teachers as well as further training for teacher educators. This present study is highly relevant to Indonesia and other Asian countries where teacher efficacy is a major concern.  相似文献   

探讨物理教育课程的内容、体裁和方法,应该为中学生学习科学知识和步入社会提供终身学习的基础。  相似文献   

The large range of jobs that Malaysian undergraduates of foreign languages are often employed in after completion of their studies (education, tourism, banking, business, management, etc.) is not necessarily related to their major field of study. This situation often makes it difficult for lecturers to develop a comprehensive professional training for their benefit. In the early 2010s, unemployment rates of Malaysian undergraduates were increasing, although the job market was quite flexible. In order to improve students’ employability, Malaysian universities decided to restructure their curricula. Industrial training, or Latihan Industri (LI), became a new mandatory requirement for all future undergraduates of the new programmes from 2011. LI aims to match students’ academic training with the needs of the private sector. However, most companies were not prepared to accept the first influx of trainees from all types of programmes (sciences, social sciences or the humanities) in 2014. Consequently, many students could not find an appropriate LI position in the field they were studying, and were placed in positions for which they were poorly prepared. At the end of their LI, students had to submit a logbook of their activities as well as provide a final report in which they were asked to evaluate their experiences. A content analysis of these reports from four foreign language students who did their LI in different sectors (finance, education, industry and retail) provides interesting insights into the different skills required by Malaysian employers, irrespective of their sector of activity. The analysis of the reports raises the question of the adequacy of the academic training of foreign language students for the Malaysian job market, and the transferability of their acquired language skills to their new work environment.  相似文献   

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