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This paper explores how a group of 83 young, white, working class women became involved in the state's most recent attempt at restructuring social relations through vocational initiatives. Using ethnographic research conducted in a caring course department of a northern further education college, it examines how the students everyday practical experiences of the vocational caring curriculum involves them in the construction of subjectivity and gender and class reproduction. The central argument is that caring courses are little more than domestic apprenticeships which anticipate both the family household structure and the labour market. The students implicate themselves in this process, through their attempts to gain autonomy and self‐esteem, by constructing ‘ideal’ caring standards, which come to prioritise exclusive, familial forms of care over and above occupational roles. Thus, they socialise themselves out of the labour market and establish familial responsibilities, which can be drawn upon by the state to maintain unpaid welfare provision.  相似文献   


This report gives an account of work in progress using biographical/life story methods to explore the under‐representation of women on computing courses in further education in the United Kingdom. It gives an illustrated account of the progress to date of our research, concentrating on exposition and analysis of the methodology of the study. By refining and extending the methods described here we hope to explore further the idea of the gendering of activities and interest in the field of computing.  相似文献   

20世纪的中国文学研究,有两种倾向值得注意。一种是王瑶等学者所强调的,一种是董乃斌等学者所强调的。王瑶先生对中国文学研究的现代化进程给予热情洋溢的肯定,他从著述方式和研究对象的选择等方面描述了现代学者的成就。就研究对象的选择而言,"小说、戏曲等在封建社会没有地位,研究的人很少",至现代,我们才有了第一本戏曲史专著即王国维的《宋元戏曲史》和第一本小说史专著即鲁迅的《中国小说史略》。就著述方式而言,"叙述和论证都比较条理化和逻辑化"(陈平原《中国文学研究现代化进程》)。与王瑶先生的视角有所不同,董乃斌先生则较多强调中国文学研究的现代化进程所带来的负面后果,他认为:20世纪的趋势是"西方纯文学观影响日大,文学的范围日益集于诗歌、散文、小说、戏剧四大文体,这种文学观对一般中国文学史著作的面貌有很明显的影响。但现已发现,要讲清楚中国文学,特别是古典文学,不能不顾及中国古人的文学观,不能不注重文学观念在历史中的变迁,不能简单地用今人文学观去裁剪史料(说严重些,是削足适履)。"(董乃斌《近世名家与古典文学研究》)中国文学研究中的这种状况,无论是将其定性为"现代化",还是描述为"削足适履",所显示的是同一个事实:如何准确地辨别或呈现中国文学的历史面目,仍是一个需要解决的问题。而古典小说名著的现代误读,由于它不仅在学界也在民间造成了巨大的负面后果,问题尤大。沿着上面的思路来看中国古典小说名著的研究状况,我们发现,层出不穷的现代误读亟待清理并需要从学理的层面加以批评和引导。我们的基本立场是:立足于"了解之同情"(陈寅恪语),反对简单地用"现代性"或现代价值尺度去裁断古人或古人的作品。本期发表的三篇短文,从不同层面讨论了对《三国演义》、《水浒传》和《红楼梦》的误读,并明确表达了对一种理想的阐释境界的期待。我们不敢自以为是,目的仅在于抛砖引玉,以引起学界对误读现象的关注,并企盼诸位同道积极参与清理误读的工作。  相似文献   

发展,是人类的永恒主题.百万年文明史,留下了人类追求发展的足迹.在公元第二个千年的"暮鼓"敲响的时候,人类似乎在发展之路上取得了包括对自然界在内的决定性胜利.然而,当人类陶醉于种种胜利时,蓦然回首,却惊异地发现,人类为此而付出了包括生态代价在内的高昂代价!展望人类的发展之路,处处布满了陷阱--最危险的陷阱莫过于对地球生命支持系统的侵蚀而诱致的生态灾难.稍有不慎,就会掉进危机四伏的陷阱中.任何一个陷阱,都足以抵消乃至吞噬人类的所有文明成果,使人类的所有发展成果毁于一旦.因此,及时发现并尽快走出或绕过危险的发展陷阱,摆脱恶意发展(或恶性发展)的怪圈,是摆在全人类面前最重大的共同课题.陷阱重重,发展永恒!  相似文献   

性别公正的出场是社会历史发展的必然趋势,是在实践、质疑、反思新中国以来妇女解放运动理论的基础上,对男女平等内涵的发展与注释。构建先进性别文化的提出从理念上把性别公正作为核心的价值诉求,但是我国现阶段的性别文化发展现状决定了实现性别公正还有很长的路程要走,如理论层面上多种性别文化理论并存,大众文化领域尚未形成合力,政策法规中还存在很多不公正的方面。突破现状首先应从理论创新入手,坚持"一体"与"两翼"的紧密结合;其次要宣传与研究并重,在大众文化领域逐层推进;同时要引导和规制并行,建立全面立体的法律法规体系。  相似文献   

Although university-level distance education often sets itself up in contradistinction to conventional educational provision, the thinking most distance educators is framed by a set of un-stated axioms that derive from the conventional system. This axiomatically framed approach to university education at a distance may well blunt the potential for distance education to achieve its true potential. This paper describes the axioms and attempts to explain their continuing power to constrain education thinking in the light abundant evidence that such thinking flies in the face of the facts. It uses Athabasca University, a free-standing distance education university located in Alberta Canada, as a case in point.  相似文献   

女性主义本身是围绕"性别问题"发展起来的,至今经历了三次浪潮。在论述和解决"性别问题"时,女性主义有三条清晰的线索:一是关注点从侧重生理性别转到强调社会性别,从性别本质论转到性别建构论;二是围绕"性别差异"与"性别平等"的关系,从主张通过缩小、消除性别差异,转到主张通过承认乃至张扬性别差异来实现性别平等;三是从对男性与女性之间差异产生的根源及不平等表现的反思,发展到对整个传统西方哲学中根深蒂固的二元对立思维的批判与颠覆。  相似文献   

《College Teaching》2013,61(3):263-270
Abstract. Perceptions of student/professor competence and the reasons for a "chilly" classroom were investigated through a survey of 2,042 students from seventy-seven liberal arts colleges. Chi-square and Mann-Whitney tests showed statistically significant different responses by gender for all the questions. The perceptions of competence survey showed mixed results. With regards to professor competence, female students were much more likely to believe that male professors were viewed as more competent and treated with more respect. With regards to reasons for a "chilly" classroom, neither female nor minority students cited gender or race as a primary reason. In fact, the three most frequent reasons given by all students (regardless of race or gender) were difficulty of course content, professor's teaching style/personality, and personality style of classmates.  相似文献   

女性杂志中的消费主义陷阱和女性主义陷阱   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
消费主义和女性主义是当今传播学研究的两个重要命题。在当今的后现代社会中,出现了”传媒拜物教”。当代传媒以各种方式形成消费意识,其话语渐渐进入受众的神经之中。而在当今男权制的社会结构之下,女性主义作为一个理论流派,在导入传播学研究后,对传播学理论和方法的研究,都组出了巨大的贡献。这篇文章将会从消费主义和女性主义这两个视角出发来分析研究女性杂志。  相似文献   

IBM PC 高级 BASIC 语言向用户提供了独特的中断陷阱设置与处理功能。陷阱技术的使用方法是,在用户程序中,通过设置陷阱语句,指定要捕捉的事件及处理相应事件的子程序入口,并在程序中编制好预想事件的子程序。本文介绍几种在管理系统程序设计中使用陷阱技术的简单方法。  相似文献   

The Robbins Report (1963) helped to justify and chart the great expansion of British higher education in the decade and a half following up its publication. But this liberal and expansionist document has also served to limit the growth of British higher education by affirming the values and assumptions that define the English ‘idea of a university’. Among these values are:
  • (i) the monopoly by state supported institutions of study leading to degrees;
  • (ii) their commitment to high and common academic standards for the honours degree;
  • (iii) a degree earned through full-time study over three years; and
  • (iv) the costs of student maintenance and instruction being borne wholly (or nearly so) by the state.
These values and commitments, accepted by Robbins and the academic community as a whole, are incompatible with the provision of mass higher education to much more than the 15 per cent of the age grade currently enrolled in British higher education.  相似文献   

The present study used a contextual and transactional approach to examine age and gender differences in the experience and consequences of life stress in clinic-referred preadolescents and adolescents. Eighty-eight youngsters and their parents completed the Child Episodic Life Stress Interview, a detailed semistructured interview assessing the occurrence of stressful events in multiple life domains. Interviews were coded using a contextual threat rating method to determine event stressfulness and dependence. Youngsters also completed the Children's Depression Inventory and the Revised Child Manifest Anxiety Scale to assess self-reported symptoms of depression and anxiety. Consistent with predictions, age- and gender-related patterns of life stress varied across the type and context of stressors. Most notably, adolescent girls experienced the highest levels of interpersonal stress, especially stress and conflict that they generated within parent-child and peer relationships. Preadolescent girls experienced the highest levels of independent stress and conflict in the family context. Adolescent boys experienced the highest levels of noninterpersonal stress associated with self-generated events. Girls demonstrated particular vulnerability to depressive responses to dependent stress. The results build on and extend previous theory and research on age and gender differences in close relationships and stress, and illustrate the value of more refined conceptual models and more sophisticated methodologies in child life stress research.  相似文献   

上海师大版初一历史新教材,2003年9月开始在我区全面推开。新教材“简、易、少、新”,受到师生们的欢迎,学生的学习兴趣提高了,老师的教学方法也随着教学理念的更新而更显科学合理,学生的学习方法也发生了很大变化;然而,在这一新旧观念与教法转变的实践过程中,也存在一些  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of an investigation into the proportional participation of West Indian boys in secondary school sports teams. Information on participation in the first two years was obtained by questionnaire from 969 third‐year boys of whom 13 per cent were West Indian, and analysed in two groupings, the top and botton half streams. An overwhelming predominance of West Indian boys proportionate to their numbers were found in soccer, cricket and athletics. A secondary finding was a high correlation between academic ability and participation; both West Indian and white English participation was proportionally higher in the top streams.  相似文献   

在当代文学史写作中,"还原历史"是必要的,但是我们一定要警惕潜伏于"还原历史"背后的三大陷阱,力图对曾以各种理由遮蔽与覆盖的真实历史和真实生命经验进行真正的还原,并以此写作出最有活力的当代文学史.  相似文献   

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