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常听人说,听了某节汉语文课,觉得学生读出了“味”,或没读出“味”。何为“味”?“味”,本指味道,酸、甜、苦、辣、麻,人之五味也。说读汉语文读出了“味道”,是指学习者在阅读过程中,领会了汉语文的精神实质,品出了它的神韵和风味。依我看,汉语文阅读应有“五味”:一、象之思有的语文课上得干巴巴的,学生学起来味同嚼蜡,虽言情,但学生悟不出情感来,只是机械模仿教师的语气来读读而已,如某教师教《再见了,亲人》,为了让学生读出情味来,“扔掉”了具体描述大娘、小金花、大嫂具体事件的语句,而一味指导学生读抒情的句子…  相似文献   

As one of the central institutions of society, schooling is subject to significant public interest and scrutiny. Fads and fashion successfully developed elsewhere are often rebadged and relaunched in education for the purpose of improvement. Such interventions are often quickly identified as intruders and frequently fade into obscurity, but what of internal interventions, the education research that becomes widely accepted and promoted? In this paper I argue that contemporary thought and analysis in Australian school leadership has submitted to the cult of the guru. Specifically, I contend that dialogue (much less debate) has settled on the work of John Hattie’s meta-meta-analysis giving rise to the Cult of Hattie. This paper is not an attack on Hattie as a person, or even his work, rather an argument about the conditions which have facilitated the rise of a guru. I argue that the uncritical acceptance and proliferation of this cult is a tragedy for Australian school leadership.  相似文献   

The number of older people in Australia is growing fast, and gerontology has recently become a recognised area of study in tertiary institutions. However, negative attitudes persist among health and welfare professionals, and ways in which gerontology courses can combat the myths associated with aging and the aged are discussed. It is pointed out that people do not grow old in isolation, but in a social context. Education for older people should be seen as a part of social policy, recognising the lifelong right to education. The University of the Third Age (U3A) is a response to the demand for education from older people. The origins of this movement in Europe, and its spread to North America and Australia, are outlined. To meet the needs of older people, courses offered by U3A's have to be multidisciplinary.
Zusammenfassung Die Anzahl der älteren Menschen in Australien wächst schnell, und die Gerontologie hat sich in letzter Zeit in den Hochschulen zu einem anerkannten Studienfach entwickelt. Die negative Einstellung der im Gesundheitswesen und in der Wohlfahrt Beschäftigten bleibt jedoch bestehen. Es wird erörtert, wie Geronotologiekurse den mit dem Altern und den Älteren zusammenhängenden Mythus entkräften können und darauf hingewiesen, daß Menschen nicht isoliert sondern in einem sozialen Kontext altern. Bildung für Ältere sollte als Teil einer sozialen Politik gesehen werden, die das Recht auf lebenslanges Lernen anerkennt. Die University of the Third Age (U3A — Seniorenuniversität) is die Antwort auf die Nachfrage der älteren Menschen nach Bildung. Der Ursprung dieser Bewegung in Europa und ihre Ausdehnung nach Nordamerika und Australien werden kurz umrissen. Die von der U3A angebotenen Kurse müssen aus verschiedenen Studienbereichen zusammengesetzt sein, um den Bedürfnissen der Senioren gerecht zu werden.

Résumé Le nombre des personnes âgées augmente rapidement en Australie, tandis que la gérontologie a été récemment reconnue comme discipline dans les institutions d'éducation supérieure. En même temps, peristent parmi les adhérents des professions médicales et sociales des attitudes négatives, et on discute comment les cours de gérontologie peuvent combattre les mythes associés au viellissement et à l'âge avancé. On souligne que l'on ne vieillit pas en isolation, mais dans un contexte social. L'éducation pour les personnes âgées devrait être considérée comme partie d'une politique social qui reconnaît le droit à l'éducation permanente. L'Université du troisième âge (U3A) constate une réponse à la demande d'éducation émanant de la population âgée. L'article présente une esquisse des origines de ce mouvement en Europe et de sa diffusion en Amérique du Nord ainsi qu'en Australie. Pour répondre aux besoins des personnes âgées, les cours offerts par les U3As doivent être multidisciplinaires.

为了从微观角度系统分析沥青老化行为和老化机理,通过对TC-90#基质沥青进行短期老化和长期老化试验,模拟沥青从拌合、运输、施工以及服役过程中发生的老化行为。采用动态剪切流变(dynamic shear rheometer,DSR)试验对比分析老化前后沥青流变性能差异,并结合沥青组分试验与傅里叶变换红外光谱(Fourier transform infrared spectrum,FTIR)试验,从微观角度探究老化前后沥青性能发生变化的原因,揭示沥青老化行为及其机理。结果表明:老化过程中,轻质组分受热与氧气发生反应,生成硬质组分,并产生新的官能团;分子间作用力增强,导致沥青流变性能变差,黏性降低,脆性增强。试验数据表明,压力老化对沥青老化的影响是短期老化的3~4倍,说明沥青的老化主要发生在服役阶段。  相似文献   


Although workforce aging is among the major challenges facing developed countries, organizational communication about this issue has received little scholarly attention. Drawing on a content analysis of corporate media, we reconstruct how Dutch organizations (N = 50) framed older workers’ employability during the period 2006–2013 in diagnostic (problem-definitions) and prognostic (solution-definitions) terms, and we trace the influence of corporate media types and organizational characteristics on these frames. Results reveal that organizations frequently highlight problems on the macrolevel (societal) and the mesolevel (organizational), while most solutions are located on the microlevel (individual). Using multilevel modelling, we found support for the expectation that the issue is more strongly problematized in internal compared to external corporate media, and that problems related to individual older employees are most pronounced in public sector organizations’ communication. Our findings highlight diverse ways in which organizations can communicatively address factors that hamper older workers’ employability.  相似文献   

从健康老龄化、成功老龄化到积极老龄化,是人类在人口老龄化研究道路上实现的重大转变。第二次世界老龄大会提出的"积极老龄化"战略,为解决人口老龄化问题提供了新的想法和思路。为应对人口老龄化的挑战,实施和贯彻"积极老龄化"的战略是非常必要的。  相似文献   


This study aims to establish an understanding of (a) health-care professionals’ knowledge and attitudes; and (b) tools used to assess sexuality in older people living with/(out) dementia and those identified as lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, or intersex (LGBTI) individuals. An integrative review of the literature, as registered on the PROSPERO international Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (CRD42019129589), was conducted. A comprehensive and systematic literature search was performed for the period between 2009 to 2019 across eight electronic databases: CINAHL, PubMed, MEDLINE, Web of Science, Cochrane library, Embase, PsycINFO, and Scopus, together with a manual search of reference lists. Screening of titles, abstracts, and full texts of eligible studies plus quality appraisal (using the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool) were independently conducted by two reviewers with disagreements resolved via discussion with a third reviewer. Nineteen articles were reviewed with three themes identified from the synthesis: 1) varying knowledge and attitudes amongst health-care professionals; 2) needs for professional development opportunities and support from workplace and 3) lack of recent validated tools to assess knowledge and attitudes. Health-care professionals’ knowledge and attitudes toward sexuality in older people living with/(out) dementia and those identified as LGBTI individuals are varying. Sexuality education and professional development training are needed to enhance their knowledge and attitudes and build skills in order to manage sexuality concerns. Current assessment tools are inadequate, highlighting the need for an appropriate assessment tool to be developed.  相似文献   

我国人口老龄化程度日益加重,随之而来的不仅是社会抚养负担增大,其对社会经济各方面的负面影响也逐渐显现。这将给社会经济的发展带来很大的负面效应。西安市作为西部的一个重要城市,随着体制改革和经济社会发展,人口老龄化的问题比较突出。本文基于历次人口统计数据,对西安市的人口老龄化可能给经济社会中劳动力供给与生产效率、储蓄水平、产业结构、消费市场、养老保障带来的影响进行分析,指出目前所处的现状,并对存在的问题提出建议,希望对西安市人口老龄化问题以及未来的经济发展有所参考。  相似文献   

The present study assessed knowledge of aging, attitudes toward aging, ageism, and contact with older adults in a sample of 271 Non-Hispanic White and African-American undergraduates. Research examining racial differences in knowledge of aging, attitudes toward aging, ageism, and contact with older adults has been sparse. Results for the current study demonstrated a significant correlation between knowledge of aging measured by the Facts on Aging Quiz-Revised (FAQ-R) and attitudes toward aging measured by the Aging Semantic Differential (ASD) for Non-Hispanic Whites but not African-Americans. In contrast, correlations between the FAQ-R and the Fraboni Scale of Ageism (FSA) were significant for both groups. Significant group differences were also noted for the ASD-total score and ASD-Instrumentality subscale as well as for the FSA-total score, Antilocution, and Discrimination subscales. Discussion focuses on the importance of identifying cultural and contextual factors that have been neglected in the “one size fits all” approach to promoting more positive attitudes toward older adults across different racial and ethnic groups.  相似文献   

线粒体DNA与衰老   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
尽管线粒体DNA只编码少量的线粒体蛋白,但这些蛋白对细胞正常功能的维持却是至关重要的。本文主要介绍线粒体DNA的结构和功能、线粒体DNA的氧化损伤及其突变与衰老的关系。  相似文献   

对绵延流逝的线性时间的恐惧是每一个有意识的个体都能体察到的.面对一去不返的时间之箭,女性感到了难以抑制的焦虑,继而是恐惧.在京派小说中也可以看到男性的衰老恐惧,只是没有上升到建功立业、保家卫国的层次.京派作家揭穿了在时间的追杀中生命最终走向死亡与沉寂、一切终将成为过去的悲剧,透析了生命荒诞而沉重的本真,使我们麻钝的心灵感到蓦然的震悚.  相似文献   

最初,研究者们认为老年人相比青年人在做风险决策时会更加保守。然而,近期的一些研究发现了不一致的结论。本文探索了出现矛盾结论的原因。最后,我们展望了该领域未来需要继续深入进行的研究。  相似文献   

"生产性老龄化"的实践与启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在发达国家,生产性老龄化的实践涉及老年人就业、志愿服务、照料工作等方面.其经验表明:挖掘老年人口的"产出"是应对老龄化的积极举措;消除年龄歧视、促进参与、增强政策的包容性有助于扩大生产性老龄化的作用.我国应借鉴发达国家的经验,深入研究生产性老龄化问题,推动老年志愿服务和老年人才开发,建构"政府主导,多方参与"的运行机制,以解决老龄社会的突出问题.  相似文献   


As the number of older people in society increases, gaining an awareness of the needs of an aging population is important for university students from all academic backgrounds. Using a multidisciplinary approach to aging, we developed a new teaching module (NU-AGE [Newcastle University Aging Generations Education]) aimed at students enrolled in all undergraduate degree programs at our university. In acknowledgement of the important role that members of the public can play in higher education, we recruited a team of older adults to help design and deliver the module. The curriculum was constructed through collaboration with older members of the public and students to outline both the pertinent challenges facing an aging society, and the positive aspects of aging. The team of older adults contributed to the development and delivery of a series of interactive teaching sessions for a cohort of undergraduate students and collaborated with evaluation of the module. Early analysis of evaluation data suggested that students and members of the public highly valued the opportunity to interact and exchange ideas about the importance of aging in society in a multidisciplinary environment.  相似文献   

随着老龄人口的增长,我国已经逐步进入老龄化社会。关心、关注老年人居住生活状况,是小辈们义不容辞职责,也是全社会的责任,是社会发展、文明程度提高的重要表现。文章主要在住宅空间设计中考虑老龄人生理、心理、生活习惯等因素,提高老年人在住宅的适应性,探索如何为老年人提供安全、舒适、健康的居住环境。  相似文献   

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