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根据心理语言学我们可以知道,儿童的母语习得与成人学习外语的过程有着质的区别.王初明教授提出的补缺假设正好为分析中学外语学习中存在的问题提供了新的视角,并把中学外语学习中忽视的语境知识学习提升到一个必要的位置.本文试图引入这一新的概念,从而为提高中学外语学习找到一些新思路.  相似文献   

语境在英语学习中起着非常重要的作用。“补缺假说”论的提出有效的阐述了语境与教学的紧密关系。本文从王初明补缺假说论出发,从实践与理论上剖析语境在语言学习与教学中的作用,并对当前大学英语教学提出建议。  相似文献   

结合中国学生学习和使用英语的实际环境,运用补缺假说理论,分析当前英语阅读教学中存在的一些问题,并提出在阅读教学中要重视语境知识的教学,弥补我国学生英语学习中语境的缺失,减少母语语境对英语学习和使用带来的补缺。  相似文献   

从补缺假说的角度看网络热词的英译   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马媛 《海外英语》2011,(13):325-326
网络文化已经成为中国主流文化之一,层出不穷的网络热词及其英译不断即时的反映现实生活,寄寓了人们丰富的社会情感,成为了一种独特的表达手段。该文试图从补缺假说的角度分析一些热词的英译及其所透露出的中国式英语的发展趋势。  相似文献   

语用失误是跨文化交际中普遍存在的问题.文章以"补缺假说"理论为切入点,分析了语用失误产生的根源,即母语文化语境补缺产生的负迁移,并用几类不同的语用失误现象进行说明,最后提出了避免语用失误的几种外语语境补缺措施.  相似文献   

本文针对当前高职商务英语教学面临的挑战和存在的问题,从外语学习机理之补缺假说阐述跨文化差异的有效介入在该课程教学中的重要性,并结合自己的教学实践从微观角度阐述如何在高职商务英语教学中进行文化导入。  相似文献   

语言测试的真实性是指,受试者在测试中使用目标语完成测试任务与其在现实生活中完成任务的相似程度。补缺假说强调在学习外语时,要同时学习外语语境知识。二者都强调语境的作用。因此,本文认为,既然补缺假说要求我们无论是外语的教还是学都必须在语境中进行,而测试又对教学有巨大的反拨作用,我们在设计测试时,就应该遵循语言测试的真实性原则,把测试置于真实的语境中,以促进教师和学生对外语语境知识的教学的重视。  相似文献   

“补缺假说”是我国语言学者王初明提出的一个外语学习理论。该理论围绕着“语言离不开语境”这个观点.指出语言的使用依赖语境,正确、流利、恰当地使用英语,必须把语言知识与语境知识有机的结合在一起,尽量避免因母语语境知识的补缺而引起的母语负迁移,影响英语学习效果。笔者受补缺假说的启发,从母语语境补缺而引起的母语迁移角度审视英语思维能力培养在英语学习中的作用,并阐述了该理论在对学生进行英语思维能力培养过程中的启示。  相似文献   

我国大多数英语学习者在英语学习和使用过程中缺少真实语境,缺少与英语本族语人互动的机会.本文基于补缺假说理论探究外籍教师英语教学的优势:减少母语语言形式、母语文化背景知识和母语语境知识的介入补缺.  相似文献   

补缺假说阐述了中国普遍的"哑巴英语"和"汉式英语"外语学习者的成因——母语语境知识补缺影响外语学习。高校英语改革应重视语言学习与语境知识的融合,测试的反拨作用和魅力英语课堂的营造可以促使学生主动学习外语语境知识,促进外语学习。  相似文献   

语言是人类生存交往的工具,随着经济全球化步伐的加快,人们越来越清楚地认识到只有高度掌握语言的运用能力,才能在激烈的社会竞争中抢占先机。本文从日语助词的分类入手,就日语助词的作用做了简单介绍,就常用助词的用法做了概括论述,以期为广发日语爱好者提供一些参考。  相似文献   

在语言习得过程中,词汇起着至关重要的作用。非日语专业学生若想提高日语能力水平,词汇量的积累是前提。因此非日语专业学生要学好日语词汇,关键是要明确学习日语词汇的动机和掌握正确的认知策略。本文通过对非日语专业学生日语词汇学习动机的分析,以及日语词汇学习中认知策略与巩固策略的阐述,使非日语专业学生能够有效地认知日语词汇,有效地掌握所学日语词汇。  相似文献   

二战之后日本的对外赔偿作为国际关系史上的特例,配合了美国"冷战"遏制战略的开展,违反了战后初期盟国的决议,是美国东亚政策演变的结果之一;战后赔偿是不彻底和不完善的,日本政府内外有别,对本国受害者的赔偿是对外战争赔款的数倍,未能起到战争赔款的作用,对日本战后战争反省的态度影响深远。  相似文献   

This paper reports design experiments on two Japanese elementary science lesson units in a sixth‐grade classroom supported by computer support for collaborative learning (CSCL) technology as a collaborative reflection tool. We took different approaches in the experiments depending on their instructional goals. In the unit ‘air and how things burn’, we designed the unit where groups of students engaged in building theories on ‘how a candle stops burning in a closed jar’. In the unit ‘characteristics of various solutions’, groups of students collaboratively constructed a pH scale as knowledge artefact. In both studies, the CSCL technology was implemented mainly for facilitating collaboration between groups. Results showed that: (1) students were more likely to engage in symmetric communication (i.e. between groups as well as within groups) in the second unit, and (2) they were also more idea‐centred and more frequently shared their ideas in the second unit. The results were discussed from the perspectives of the scientific practices students engaged in and task structure.  相似文献   

合作学习理念是当代教育理念中的亮点,包含着新课程精神和教育理念革新的内涵要件。而日语学习作为外国语学习和跨文化交流活动,在一定程度上是依赖这一学习理念、方法和模式的。本文就从这个背景下探讨日语学习如何开展合理学习模式。  相似文献   

多媒体教学要与传统教学方法相结合,各展其长,相辅相成;教师要正确发挥其作用;教师制作多媒体课件时要尽量全面考虑,注意教学目标和教学对象的特点等一些拙见,希望有助于高校目语教学改革。  相似文献   

随着信息化社会的到来,学习者对资源的认识、获取和利用对日语学习越来越重要。特别是随着电脑的应用,不仅学生可以获取更丰富的学习资源,而且也产生了新的教育模式。本文选取武汉地区三所大学的27名学生和6名教师作为调查对象,结合调查问卷和访谈分析现阶段日语资源利用现状,探讨教师在培养学生资源利用能力中应发挥的作用,针对如何引导学生通过资源利用进行自主学习提出一些建设性的意见。  相似文献   

This paper explores the social dimension of lifelong learning from the perspective of demographics, with particular focus on the issue of the birth of fewer children, which has become one of the most important current social issues in Japanese society. When considering the relationship between lifelong learning and demographics, the issues arising from an ageing population are usually the focus of policy‐makers. This perspective often overlooks crucial children’s issues, such as child development and the influence of the child’s daily environment. This paper suggests that it is necessary to analyse the issues arising from a society with fewer children independent of the concept of an aged society with fewer children in an attempt to emphasize these essential issues. The presented relationship between lifelong learning and the issues surrounding the birth of fewer children is based on two perspectives. The first perspective seeks to remove barriers such as the economic burden of educating children and the traditional stereotypical gender‐roles that have contributed to the birth of fewer children. The second perspective includes a response to the negative influences that the birth of fewer children has had on family’s experiences of child rearing and on children’s growth. Specifically, this paper develops the second perspective by focusing on three aspects: the development of children’s social skills; children’s growth as influenced by a high adult:child ratio; a decline in the quality of child rearing. Three issues are identified as necessary in order to build a Japanese society that fosters children: (1) embracing the concept of the ‘family‐friendly company’; (2)creating opportunities for mixed age groups to participate in learning programmes based on communities and schools; (3) reconsidering an intergenerational exchange programme.  相似文献   

The translational-symmetry hypothesis of abstract-concept learning was tested in a same/different (S/D) task with pairs of pictures. The translational-symmetry hypothesis proposes that subjects discriminate same trials by the simultaneous repetition of features in the two pictures (and different trials by the lack of feature repetition). Pigeons that had learned a simultaneous S/D task were tested with delays between the two pictures to remove emergent perceptual cues. In Experiment 1, we tested delays of 0 and 1 sec. The results did not show the accuracy decrease expected according to the translational-symmetry hypothesis. In Experiment 2, we expanded the delays to 2 and 6 sec. Even at the longest delay, there was no evidence of the precipitous performance decline or default strategy that would be predicted by translational symmetry. The results provide evidence against translational symmetry (or other perceptually emergent features) that might control these pigeons’ performance in our two-item S/D task.  相似文献   

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