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通过982份调查问卷和座谈会得到学生关心的实习问题包括薪资、工作时长、加班与否和实习考核等.84%的同学认为实习安排合理,97%的同学对实习表示满意.为准确地评价学生的实习情况,以中心组合试验对校外教师、校内教师、实习相关材料及实习座谈交流所占的权重比例进行优化.结果表明当校外教师评分所占权重为38%、校内教师评分所占权重为26%、实习相关材料所占权重为26%.实习座谈交流所占权重为10%时,RSD值为2.9%,即学生自评得分和校内外教师评分比较接近.优化评分指标权重为涉农专业群学生实习效果的合理评价提供理论基础.  相似文献   

学生在企业实习期间,实习带队教师有非常重要的作用,在很大程度上决定了学生实习的质量.因此在整个实习过程中,实习带队教师角色有必要作准确定位, 当好"教书育人"、"朋友"、"医生"、"模特"、"学生"的角色.  相似文献   

旅游系专业实习带队教师的角色塑造   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
带队教师的有效工作是旅游系专业实习顺利进行的一个保证。带队教师应明确自己在实习过程中的角色定位,并以相应的行动塑造好学生与学校的沟通者、学生与宾馆的协调者、学生生活的管理者和实习管理制度的完善者的角色形象。  相似文献   

生产实习在能源与动力工程专业学生的学习过程中起到很重要的作用,但是目前的实习方式、方法存在一些问题和弊端,需要我们考虑如何才能更好地提升能源与动力工程专业生产实习的效果。通过分析生产实习安排及实施过程中存在的问题,如实习单位联系存在困难、实习过程流于形式化、年轻带队教师缺乏经验、实习时间不适宜等方面,提出了几点提升生产实习效果的方法,如充分利用电厂仿真系统、注意榜样效应在学生实习中的作用、增加提问面试等环节、带队教师深入一线为自己充电等方法。  相似文献   

顶岗实习是职业院校普遍采用的人才培养模式。该文从使学生满意的角度,以L学校高职实习生为调查对象,针对实习满意情况进行了实证研究。根据实习管理中存在的问题,设计了实习过程管理模式优化方案,从制定实习计划、计划实施、实习过程监控与反馈、实习总结、对实习带队教师和专业指导教师的管理等方面加强了对实习过程的管理。  相似文献   

从八四年起,我一直承担教育实习带队教师的任务。九六、九七两年同样接受了此任。九六年是屯溪一中实习组带队老师兼休宁中学实习组生物系实习生的业务指导,九七年是黟县碧阳中学实习组带队教师兼任黟县中学实习组生物系十一位实习生的业务指导。我一贯来坚守实习阵地,全身心地投入,精心组织、指导实习生的实习,关心实习生的生活,通过努力两次  相似文献   

本文以建立更加完善的认识实习体制为目标,提出了实习带队教师培养、认识实习学生培训、实习管理等方面一系列的改革和完善意见.通过改革措施的实施,可望解决实习过程中常遇到的一些问题,从而使认识实习获得更好的效果.  相似文献   

在“准员工式2+1”人才培养模式的实施过程中,一年企业项岗实习的过程管理起着关键作用。本文从专业教师担任“顶岗实习”带队老师的角度,充分发挥专业教师易与学生沟通的优势,对顶岗实习的过程管理进行了探索与实践。探索出分阶段指导实习的方法,即实习前期的动员与心理调适、顶岗实习过程中全方位的耐心指导及实习后期的评价与总结,实践证明效果较理想。  相似文献   

实习带队教师情感管理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高师教育实习是培养教师全程化教育中不可或缺的重要环节,而实习成效的好坏很大程度上取决于实习管理与指导的质量(P7-10)。实习管理是一项非常复杂的工作,它涉及到培养学校、实习学校、业务指导教师、实习生,作为管理责任人——实习带队教师(实习带队教师蹲点负责制)则成了整个教育实习中的关键人物,他必须具有高度的责任心、事业心与爱心,同时要对教育实习的目标、意义、学生特点等有充分的了解,还要正确处理好培养学校、实习学校、业务指导教师和实习生之间关系,只有这样才能达到预期目标。  相似文献   

教育实习中的"三角关系"探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育实习是职前教师教育中教学实践的关键环节,也是一名教师专业成长的重要阶段。通过实习来探索教学实践的要义和良方,是每个师范生必须经历的学习过程。这个过程是复杂而艰辛的,因为师范生需要在适应实习环境的同时,还要穿梭于不同的指导教师对他们的期望和要求之间。本文旨在通过展示一项实证研究的结果,探讨教育实习中师范生、学校指导老师和大学带队老师之间的三角关系,并分析其对师范生学习教学的影响。研究发现,学校指导老师和大学带队老师都认为自己在实习中的作用有限,并且双方之间缺乏有效的沟通。我们建议应在教育实习中明确双方的指导角色和功能,积极建立相应机制鼓励双方合作督导。  相似文献   

Can reflective practice be taught?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

国家级教师最高奖具有鼓励全国教师热爱并积极从事教育事业的重要作用。美国"国家年度教师"、英国"年度教师奖"和新加坡"卓越教师总统奖"作为三国的教师最高荣誉制度各有特色,激励教师的政策目标明确,评选流程规范,荣誉获得者作为教师的代言人和学习楷模具有显著的示范作用,且获奖教师普遍在情感教育、创新思维、关注弱势群体等方面有着独特的贡献。  相似文献   

This article focuses on the process of change experienced by a group of third grade teachers and the factors that facilitated and impeded that process, during their participation in the University of Colorado Assessment Project. The project's purpose was to help teachers design and implement classroom-based performance assessments compatible with their instructional goals in mathematics and literacy. We examined the change process in mathematics by analyzing conversations between teachers and researchers during workshops conducted throughout the school year and interviews conducted at the beginning, middle, and end of the year. Results are organized around five themes: (1) Situating the change process in the actual contexts where new ideas will be implemented is an effective strategy for helping teachers change their practice; (2) Group discussions can be an effective tool for the social construction of new ideas; (3) Staff development personnel can facilitate change by introducing new ideas based on teachers' current levels of interest, understanding, and skill; (4) When teachers' beliefs are incompatible with the intentions of the staff development team and are not challenged, the teachers are likely to either ignore new ideas or inappropriately assimilate them into existing practice; and (5) Time is a major obstacle to changing classroom practice.  相似文献   

This New Zealand‐based study of the classroom practice of nine exemplary teachers of writing to upper primary‐age students explored the significance of task orientation as a component of effective teacher instruction and the instructional strategies or actions that effective teachers utilise to promote such. Effectiveness pertains to teachers being able to generate a positive impact on learners' engagement and academic outcomes. Particular attention was given to the content and organisation of the tasks and activities that teachers required of their students. Analysis of observed teacher practice in relation to learner gains showed actions associated with task orientation to be strongly associated with student progress in writing. Two indicators linked particularly with learner gains in writing. They relate to teachers being able to select and promote learning tasks that are purposeful and challenging for students and to students being involved in the selection or construction of learning tasks. There were relatively high levels of proficiency with regard to teachers being able to select and promote purposeful and challenging tasks but significant operational variability with regard to teachers involving their students in task selection or construction. Classroom illustrations are provided on how effective teachers promote learner involvement in task selection or construction.  相似文献   

This article is based on a study which aimed to explore the use of reflective practices to develop professionalism among pre-service teachers at the National University of Lesotho. The study sought to contribute to the local and international debate on best practice in encouraging and scaffolding constructivism through reflective practice among teachers. Forty final year pre-service teachers participated in the study and were interviewed individually and in groups. They shared their conceptions and views about how they plan to engender professional growth in their own teaching. By engaging in this exercise, this group of future teachers was empowered to develop into reflective professionals. The findings are discussed against the Centric Reflection Model which posits the different stages and dimensions of the reflective exercise. The author argues that reinforcing reflective dispositions could promote professional growth, and decrease misconduct and lack of professionalism associated with some teachers in Lesotho.  相似文献   

Using a communities-of-practice framework, this 2-year qualitative study centered on five elementary teachers the year following their participation in the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards certification process. Focused on teachers’ appropriation of the Board's standards and portfolio as conceptual tools related to literacy instruction, the study suggests that the National Board process does provide a learning opportunity for teachers and can positively impact teachers’ practice over time. However, personal and institutional constraints influence the degree to which teachers are able to implement instruction aligned with National Board standards.  相似文献   

我国台湾地区暨南国际大学1999年开始招收成人教育学专业研究生,在十几年的探索与发展中,逐步形成了注重学生个性化发展的课程设置、理论与实践相结合的人才培养方案、以学生为中心的灵活的授课形式、多元化的评价体系、立足本土面向国际的培养视野以及专业化的师资队伍的培养特色,对我国大陆研究生培养过程中的课程体系、教学模式、教育视野、评价办法与师资建设等方面提供了有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

教学观念向教学行为的转化并非应然的直线式运动,而是曲折复杂的,其中既包含了教师的主体性要求,又渗透着教师所用认识工具的影响。还会受到许多外在因素的制约。根据认识论和当代思维学等相关理论,本文分析了教学观念向教学行为转化的历时态结构。认为教学观念向教学行为的转化可分为理解、评价、选择、践行四个相对的阶段。  相似文献   

Individual recommendation plans (IRP) for student teaching practice were co-constructed with two methods students based on the select application of National Science Teachers Association’s National Standards for Science Teacher Preparation. Methods students completed a resume, an interview on pedagogical preferences, and a learning styles survey to determine the reform-based standards and pedagogical approaches that better fit their personal histories and identity formation as science teachers. Each case was unique with one student better meeting the Standards of “Issues” and “Science in the Community” and the other student better meeting the standards of “Inquiry” and the “Nature of Science”. Student teachers planned and taught lessons based on their IRP and were mostly successful in meeting their prescribed standards and utilizing their preferred pedagogies. However, their success in use of specific strategies supporting their approach was highly dependent upon classroom context. The use of the IRP process as a reflective tool strengthening identity formation and early practice is discussed.  相似文献   

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