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议论文写作在我国的语文教学中扮演者极为重要的角色,它不仅仅能够让学生们在日积月累的写作过程中,不断锻炼自己的抽象逻辑思维能力和思辨能力,还可以让学生的议论能力得到大幅度的提高。但是,从我国学生整体的写作水平来看,学生们在议论文写作上仍旧令人堪忧,无论是学生自身的写作能力还是对议论文写作的态度都存在着严重的问题。本文从我国当前议论文写作教学的现状入手,深入分析了造成议论文写作现状的原因,从而对如何加强学生在议论文写作过程中"活用"能力提出了相关建议,希望能为我国的议论文写作教学起到一定指导作用。  相似文献   

参照Altenberg和卫乃兴的框架体系,描述了中国英语学习者议论文中的4词词块特征,并分别讨论了多种分句成分和不完全词组的功能特征.通过对本族语学习者语料库和英语学习者语料库中词块使用的差异进行对比分析,发现英语学习者过度使用某些表达主题意义的词块,词块空缺处运用的词汇范围比较狭窄;而本族语者更多使用功能性词块,词块空缺处所使用的词汇不但丰富,而且比例分布均衡.文中还探讨了词块在英语教学中的意义.  相似文献   

中国英语专业学生议论文中使用第一人称主格代词具有一定的特征,不同年级学习者在使用第一人称主格代词方面又存在差异.在WECCL中随机抽取90篇某大学英语专业1~3年级学生的同题议论文中发现,学生更倾向于使用"I"和"we"来表述自己的立场或观念,而非通过描述个人的过去经历采阐述自己观点,且更倾向于选择使用"we",来实现第一人称主格代词的主要功能,但随着英语水平的提高,这种倾向有明显的逐渐减弱的趋势.  相似文献   

Collins  Alyson A.  Ciullo  Stephen  Graham  Steve  Sigafoos  Lisa L.  Guerra  Sara  David  Marie  Judd  Laura 《Reading and writing》2021,34(7):1623-1651
Reading and Writing - This study examined the effectiveness of Self-Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD) to improve students’ ability to write expository essays after reading social studies...  相似文献   

The development of argumentative writing is studied here by examining the structural organization of argumentative texts. It is assumed that the ability to construct supporting relationships, that is, a conclusion statement supported by argument statements, is acquired gradually with age. The following stages of acquisition are postulated: (1) a preargumentation stage, where at first no explicit position is stated, and then an explicit position is stated but is not supported by an argument; (2) a minimal argumentation stage, where a position is explicitly taken and supported by one argument; and (3) an elaborated argumentation stage, where at least two unrelated supporting arguments are used, and then two related arguments are used. Two corpora were gathered under similar conditions: collective debate in the classroom, followed by individual essays written on the chosen topic. The first corpus was produced by 147 children aged 7 to 14, and a group of 34 college students. The second corpus included the protocols of 92 children aged 11 to 16 the essays were graded for the presence or absence of each structural level, and then classified at the highest structural level exhibited. The resulting classification largely confirmed the hypothesized order for the stages of argumentative development. The minimal argumentative structure (standpoint + one supporting argument) was mastered by nearly 90% of the 7 and 8 year-olds. The most elaborate structural level in our model (two related arguments) was attained later: less than one out of four 7–8 year olds versus three out of four beyond age 14. Techniques involving more complex argumentative relations such as refutations and counterarguments, or restriction of one argument by another, are mastered even later and seem to be strongly linked to the nature of the issues under debate. Three main conclusions can be drawn from these results: precocious argumentative skills exist in children before age 11 or 12, argumentative discourse complexity continues to increase up to age 14 and beyond, and the characteristics of the referential domain of argumentation have an impact on this structural elaboration process.  相似文献   

Context one: the computer classroom It is period three on Tuesday. 8H is in the computer room. Wendy is tapping at her keyboard energetically, stopping every few minutes to read over the evolving text on the screen. The writing task is a letter to the members of the school's Student Representative Council (SRC) to persuade them that Our school is the perfect school. She is engrossed in her writing, oblivious to any movement or talk in the classroom. At another table, Susan stands behind Samantha who is peering at her monitor. Susan points to a sentence on the screen and suggests that Samantha move it to the beginning of the paragraph where, she argues, it might be more effective. Samantha uses a block command and inserts the sentence in its new position. They confer, then decide that it worked better where it was, so Samantha moves it back to its original location. Mary and Jill have been working at adjacent computers. They turn away from their keyboards and screens, move their chairs closer together and talk about the possible directions Mary's letter could take. Lauren has just printed her letter to the SRC. As she tears off the perforated edges, she approaches Tina and asks her to read it. They stand together, resting against a table, their eyes moving down the printed page. Tina suggests to Lauren that the tone is too formal. Lauren agrees and asks Tina's advice about how to loosen it up. Jacqui, the teacher, sits beside Anabelle who is reading her piece out loud. They are concentrating on the cohesiveness of the letter. Jacqui suggests where a conjunction would be useful. All the students in the classroom are engaged in writing, some independently, some collaboratively. Context two: the pen classroom English, Friday morning. The students of 8K are working on their letters to the members of the SRC. Jacqui, the teacher, sits next to Petula, but their discussion of the sequencing of the text is regularly broken. For the third time since the lesson began, Jacqui stands up and asks the girls to stop talking and get on with their writing. The students sit four to a table: they whisper to each other; the giggles and nudges indicate that they're not discussing writing. Jill has decided to move to an unoccupied table: as she gathers her books, Jill explains to Peta that she hopes she'll be able to concentrate better away from the interruptions of her friends. Abigail looks at her watch and exclaims that the bell is about to go and she has written only one paragraph. Jodie and Penny also announce that they are nowhere near finishing their letters. Jodie remarks that it's boring writing in class. Penny agrees and comments: “It's also too hard!”  相似文献   

柳宗元在中国山水文学史上地位独特、影响深远,究其原因,至少有以下几个方面值得我们特别注意:第一,在唐人中,柳宗元于山水别有深情,但他的深情,是一种熔铸了整个生命的深情,而绝非王、孟式的闲适。以生命为膏脂、照亮暗夜的写作姿态,使他明显区别于历史上任何一位山水文学的创作者。第二,在柳宗元的山水游记中,他多次体验并表现了山水审美的最高境界——"天人合一"境界。置身于"心凝神释,与万化冥合"境界之中,审美的主体与对象已完全融合,从而获得一种忘怀一切的自由感,一种奇特的精神愉悦。第三、柳宗元的山水游记,最突出的特点就是以心写境、借境传心。虽多实写,但也不时造境,在造境的同时,作者主体的情感已不露痕迹地融注在了其中。  相似文献   

鲍尔吉原野是20世纪80年代末以来取得较大成就的蒙古族散文家。他在对文化异质性深刻理解的基础上,真实再现了现阶段蒙古族的生存方式,并充分表现出对自己民族文化和整个中华民族文化的深厚热爱。在艺术表达方面,鲍尔吉原野在两种不同语言系统的对照与影响下,追求“语言像血肉一样和人的心灵结为一体”的境界,并由此形成了多种美学元素交织的独特风格。  相似文献   

“定+(所+动)”不能准确地反映“名+所+动”的结构关系;名词不可以做“所+动”的定语,“所+动”亦不可以独立为“所”字词组,更不可以为名词所修饰。“名+所+动”应是一个主谓结构加入“所”字的“主+所+谓(动)”式的“所”字词组;“主+所+谓(动)”是先秦书面语中“所”字词组的两种基本结构之一。  相似文献   

Abstract Following a brief review of research using multidimensional scaling as a measure of literary perception, it is proposed that the technique provides one possible route to an illumination of Bransford & Johnson's (1973) idea that when people understand a text they create a model within which events described in the text might reasonably occur. Two hypotheses are proposed and tested. First, that models are constructed, in memory, of the inter‐relationships and cross‐relationships of character attributions made in accordance with those themes understood in reading a piece of work of novel length. Secondly, that similar models are constructed from viewing a feature length film. Orwell's (1945) Animal Farm, the book and the film (Halas & Bachelor, 1955), were selected as content because of their known distinctive structures. Results support both hypotheses. They also support the earlier work of Bisanz (Bisanz, La Porte, Vesonder & Voss, 1978) concerning the validity of multidimensional scaling for representing mental organisations of the thematic structure of short stories, extending their results to the reading and viewing, respectively, of a novel length book and film. Two related issues concerning the possible effects of medium of communication on modelling and the educational implications of modelling are discussed.  相似文献   

Attitudes towards disabilities of 156 hearing students who experienced different levels of contacts with mainstreamed hearing impaired students were evaluated by a multi‐dimensional questionnaire, the Disability Factor Scale—General. Forty‐four subjects were studying in the same classes with hearing impaired students (high level of contact), 57 students were studying in the same school but not in the same classes with the hearing impaired students (moderate level of contact) and 55 subjects did not have any contact with hearing impaired children.

Subjects who had a moderate level of contact expressed more negative attitudes than subjects of the two other groups on a scale which measured the tendency to advocate segregation of disabled people and to hold a derogatory approach towards them. Subjects of the group with a moderate level of contact tended to attribute more functional limitations to disabled persons than subjects who had a high level of contact. No differences were found between attitudes of subjects who experienced high level of contact and of those who had no contact.

These results are discussed in relation to the characteristics of the different contact situations which the three groups of subjects had and the affective, behavioural and cognitive‐evaluative components of their attitudes.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine specific word- and sentence-level features most frequently used in the expository writing of four groups of college writers. Three groups were writers who demonstrated disabilities. Group 1 students (n = 87) demonstrated learning disabilities (LD); Group 2 (n = 50), attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD); and Group 3 (n = 58), combined LD and ADHD. Group 4 consisted of writers with no history of a documented disability (n = 92). Computer-based analysis and structural equation modeling were used to group specific linguistic features identified in the expository essays across all four groups. The frequency of linguistic features, not errors, was analyzed. Four communication dimensions (factors) were identified for the four groups of writers, but the factor loadings and correlations were significantly different across groups. Furthermore, the relationships of specific linguistic features were studied as to their impact on the verbosity, quality, and lexical complexity of students' expository essays. It is interesting to note that very high correlations were found between verbosity, quality, and lexical complexity, suggesting that these constructs are not as separate in their functioning as might be supposed. Implications for assessment and instruction are provided.  相似文献   

高校专业设置滞后的多元分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从教育学、管理学和经济学的角度对我国高校专业设置滞后进行分析,其原因是当代人主义教育的复兴、高校专业设置权的不足和存在专业调整成本。因此,对策在于正确认识科学主义教育和人主义教育的关系、扩大高校专业设置权和理性对待专业调整成本。  相似文献   

With the characteristics of diversity, randomness, concurrency and decomposability, tasks in manufacturing field are very complicated, and so manufacturing grid(MG)should have considerable flexibility to deal with this problem. With the definition of node and arc, MG structure is converted into a small-world network. Given construction cost constraint, the problem of shortest task waiting time is transformed into the constrained optimization problem, and a corresponding flexibility analysis model based on average path length(APL)is proposed, and the premise of arc-length and node-distance are defined. The results of application example show that the analysis model is effective.  相似文献   

The analysis of argumentative discourse produced by 68 students aged 10–17 reveals two facets: argumentative discourse involves both dialogal and argumentative operations. When the dialogue goal calls for the speakers to reach a compromise on a debate topic, they are prompted to negotiate the discourse object: negotiation on content of the exchanges (argumentative cooperativeness which presupposes an articulation of each partner’s arguments with the other partner’) and on the level of the formal argumentative markers of negotiation. The key finding is that dialogal and argumentative operations are functionally linked: the percentage of markers of utterance involvement, axiological forms and modalizations is much higher in argumentative cooperative discourse as compared to discourse where cooperativeness is only dialogal (in which the speakers merely regulate turn taking and maintain thematic continuity). Furthermore, the differentiation in frequency of use of negotiation markers as a function of type of cooperativeness increases with age. Argumentative dialogue thus emerges as a complex form of language behavior which brings interconnected language operations into play.  相似文献   

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