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This research investigates structural change made by Naver's online news section and how it has impacted the overall traffic flow of Korea's online news. This paper examined 45 websites in 2008 and 2010, and the total number of pages viewed within these sites was considered in the analysis. Social network analysis was applied to study the relationships between the news sites. The analysis through degree centrality and Bonacich powers shows that there has been a shift in market leadership. In 2007, Naver, the top search engine in Korea, stepped down from its leading position after they started to provide news services. Daum, the second largest search engine, has taken over the central position as the most influential news site. Based on the results of this study, practical implications for online service markets and theoretical implications for online services are recommended accordingly.  相似文献   

In studying online political communication in China, many researchers apply theories generated in the West (particularly that of the public sphere) without questioning their applicability in the Chinese context. Others argue that new theories must be generated from the ground up, often basing these theories on traditional Chinese philosophies. However, the applicability of these approaches remains unproven. This research uses a content analysis to compare comments on news stories on Chinese and Western social media sites. It finds that there is little evidence to support either the use of public sphere theory in China or the use of traditional conceptions of Eastern styles of communication. Chinese netizens were no more subtle or harmonious (if anything, they were more divisive) and were less likely to talk with others, attempt to understand others’ opinions or attempt to work towards consensus or resolution. Based on these findings, I propose that future research should attempt to build more appropriate theories based on an understanding of how political ideas are actually produced, transmitted and received in society, rather than continuing to apply foreign or ancient theoretical frameworks without a critical interrogation of their applicability in their context of application.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes how major U.S. print and broadcast news media framed depression causal and problem-solving responsibilities at individual and societal levels over the past three decades. Results from the content analysis showed that the media placed more causal and problem-solving responsibilities on individuals than the society. However, references to societal solutions increased moderately over time. Organizational differences emerged in news attribution of responsibilities, as print media presented more individual-level causes while broadcast media focused more on solutions at both individual and societal levels. Additionally, local newspapers put more problem-solving responsibilities on individuals than national newspapers, while a cable news channel allocated more time to the discussion of overall depression responsibilities than network TV. Findings are discussed in the context of cultural orientations, organizational constraints, changing practice and trends in health news reporting, and the broader political/social environment in which the news media operate. Practical implications for health journalism, mental health communication and advocacy, and public health policy-making are discussed.  相似文献   

This article examines how journalists defend their boundaries and epistemic authority in the face of the challenges from user-generated content (UGC). It investigates the issue through exploring 51 Chinese journalists’ views of UGC producers and journalism. The interviews reveal that in this case study, Chinese journalists’ commitment to their social identity as ‘people of work units’ (danwei ren), i.e. their identity is defined by the employment relationship between journalists and news organisations, forms the ground of demarcating the boundaries between journalists and UGC producers. As a result, this group of Chinese journalists reinforces their conventional journalistic norms and identity as ‘organisational men/women’ and keeps old-fashioned journalism alive. In the meantime, however, they are aware of changes in the environment within which they practice, and therefore they reflect on their work and (re-)define what journalism is in order to adapt to the changes. This case study shows that the boundary work of Chinese journalists interviewed in the study and their understanding of boundaries are contextually bound. The boundary work of journalism is not only about defence but also about adaptation. It offers a perspective for understanding both continuity and change in the transformation of Chinese journalism as well as the boundaries of journalism in general.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the feeling of communities of female social viewers who watch television fiction and participate in social networks and forums dedicated to the programs. The sample is made up of 7,849 comments from 157 platforms (49 Facebook pages, 71 Twitter accounts, and 37 forums). We describe the characteristics of these communities of fans, which differ significantly from cult fandoms and are based on ICT interweaving between reception and female viewers’ daily lives. The results reveal that these active online poster and lurker communities express themselves through their emotional ties with the television series, self-reflection, and the manifestation of intimacy. Identification with the group is based on the relationship of the storylines with their own lives, with no attempts at constructing a cultural or political identity.  相似文献   

In many scholarly writings about journalism, the idea can be found that competitive pressure urges journalists to make news more arousing. This hypothesis was tested in two cultural settings: the Western European culture and the Chinese-dominated culture. A total of 3028 TV news stories from seven different markets, or 12 different news programs, were analyzed on the presence of arousing news characteristics. High competitive pressure at the market level appeared to contribute to the prevalence of arousing news, but this effect was more pronounced in the Chinese-dominated culture than in the Western European culture. Effects of high competitive pressure at the station level were only observed in the Western European culture.  相似文献   

顾艳  崔金贵  盛杰 《编辑学报》2014,26(2):162-165
对新浪微博认证的粉丝数在3 500以上的10家高影响力医学期刊官方微博进行实证研究。通过分析几个有代表性的内容发布指标,探讨医学期刊官方微博的内容发布现状,并从内容定位、内容策划和内容传播3个方面提出内容发布策略,以期为学术期刊官方微博的建设与运营提供参考。  相似文献   

Despite news fragmentation, declining levels of voter knowledge, and waning interest in U.S. politics, debates attract mass audiences, reduce barriers of learning, and offer a greater focus on policy issues than that typically found in campaign news coverage. Nonetheless, debates are routinely driven by the same commercial, for-profit news journalists who routinely emphasize strategic campaign issues (e.g. the horserace) at the expense of policy content. As moderators, journalists have been scrutinized for the agenda they set in electoral debates. Using a multiyear dataset that treats debate questions as the unit of analysis, this quantitative content analysis explores news routines in the context of mediated debates while isolating media characteristics predictive of news attention to policy matters. The data show that journalists working for local news outlets and those working for commercial outlets are more likely to emphasize policy issues. Implications for debate sponsorship and campaigns are discussed.  相似文献   

Research has analyzed media framing of cause and solution responsibility attribution in diabetes discourse. Studies have not similarly engaged with how media frame diabetes ‘effects’, an integral framing component because it comprises the ‘problem definition’ of diabetes. Moreover, the combination of causal attribution and effects provides a ‘moral evaluation’ on who carries the burden of the disease. This paper asks ‘how does the New Zealand print media frame diabetes definition and responsibility attribution?’ We identify key frames used to discursively construct Gestational, Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes discourse. Content and thematic analysis reveal that media predominantly discuss diabetes without type-specification and with a high reference to obesity and behavioral choices as causal factors. Diabetes is defined as an individual’s medical concern, which when mismanaged results in amputation, blindness, kidney disease and coronary disease. We consider the implications of media coverage on public response to diabetes as a societal concern.  相似文献   

Through a case study on the news flow of an online protest in China, this study explores how the power relations among the mainstream media affect, and are affected by, the spillover effect of news. Even though the Internet does serve as a catalyst to initiate alternative voices that otherwise wouldn't be heard in the established media, the results reveal that the power structure inherent in the mainstream media (particularly within their online versions) such as bureaucratic ranks and institutional ties with party organs, plays a significant role in shaping the trajectory of news flow and media framing strategies. The Internet compensates for the disadvantage of the lower-level media that are short of political resources, while the higher-level media tend to rely on the political capital to exercise their influence. At the same time, the media with more political resources have become increasingly intrepid in challenging the state. Such a dynamic takes place in the context of the changing state-media relations that have seen the authoritarian state shift its information control from a totalitarian mode to a practical one, even though the latter may open up a space for flow of information that can sometimes undermine state power.  相似文献   

A large sample of entertainment television programs that were aired on 28 channels in China in 2004 was analyzed for romantic and sexual content. Romantic scenes, typically portraying men and women already in committed relationships, appeared in 80% of the 196 programs analyzed. The analysis suggested that, according to Chinese television in the early part of the twenty-first century, emotional love was more important than physical sexual interaction in romantic relationships. More than half of the 1112 romantic scenes analyzed depicted love between the partners without any discussion or display of physical sexual behavior. Only 8% of scenes included discussion or depiction of sexual behavior (e.g., touching, kissing, and intercourse) without some sense that the partners were in a loving, committed relationship. Sexual intercourse was implied or depicted in fewer than 2% of the romantic scenes. Findings are discussed in light of the Chinese government's periodic regulation of sexually suggestive media content and attempts to filter Internet content. The extent to which such content may affect young viewers' perceptions of romantic relationships and sexual behavior is also discussed.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]通过搜集和分析国内外社交媒体网络谣言的相关文献,以期了解社交媒体环境下网络谣言国内外的研究进展及未来的研究趋势,为网络谣言治理和学术研究提供一定的指导。[方法/过程]本文运用文献分析和知识图谱可视化分析方法,对国内外网络谣言研究的起源和发展、国内外研究热点及未来研究趋势进行对比和可视化分析。[结果/结论]从研究发展趋势看,国内外相关研究成果的数量呈递增态势,国外研究主要围绕网络谣言的传播、社交媒体网络谣言的监测、社交媒体网络谣言的传播原因进行研究;国内研究主要围绕社交媒体网络谣言的传播模型、社交媒体突发事件网络谣言、不同类型社交媒体平台的网络谣言三个方面;从研究趋势看,未来研究会主要围绕区块链技术在社交媒体网络谣言中的治理、机器学习技术在社交媒体网络谣言中应用、老年群体社交媒体网络谣言治理等。  相似文献   

Community-building is studied as a multidimensional process that leads to sustainable improvements in the well-being of individuals, families, communities, and society as a whole. The study looks at the role organizations play in developing countries as an integral function of inter-connectedness between organizations and community. A total of 100 Indian and Chinese organizations were analyzed for the available corporate social responsibility (CSR) information and initiatives using quantitative content analysis. The sample was drawn from the 2011 Forbes Global 2000 list. Significant differences were found between Indian and Chinese organizations in the levels of community-building. Findings also revealed information on the most common CSR terms, issues, and modes used by the organizations and how those differ culturally. Cultural scores on collectivism were also looked at for each country to analyze the relationship between organizations and community-building.  相似文献   

科技期刊把握时事热点策划选题是体现社会责任的需要,是进一步把握学术话语权的需要,也是提高影响力的需要。以《江苏中医药》杂志前期成功策划的2个时事类选题为例,总结科技期刊时事类选题的策划与落实路径——敏锐把握行业时事热点,结合期刊特点落实选题,把握时效迅速组(撰)稿,以多种形式扩大选题影响力。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]探析用户在学术社交网站中社交不足的影响机理,为用户优化学术社交行为提供理论指引,同时也为学术社交网站探索和开发社交功能提供一定借鉴与参考。[方法/过程]借助NVivo 11质性分析软件,对获取的41篇研究文献进行内容分析,梳理出学术社交网站用户社交不足的9个关键影响因素并聚焦为3个主要影响因素,在此基础上构建学术社交网站用户社交不足影响因素理论模型。[结果/结论]通过文献梳理表明,个体意向因素是学术社交网站用户社交不足的直接影响因素和内部驱动因素,平台客观条件与信息因素是间接影响因素和外部情境因素。其中,个体意向因素包括学术资本、主观规范、分享意识以及时间精力;平台客观条件包括学术声誉机制和后发劣势;信息因素包括信息效益、隐私信息和专业知识。  相似文献   

Organizational awareness has been viewed as a critical factor in facilitating collaboration and knowledge sharing, particularly among dispersed workers. Drawing on the findings of three studies, we disentangle the complex nature of organizational awareness, with a focus on its role in distributed knowledge sharing. First, we developed and validated an organizational awareness scale to investigate organizational awareness as a multidimensional construct that consists of availability awareness, task awareness, and social awareness. Second, employing the scale, we examined the relationships among organizational awareness, the use of enterprise social media (ESM), and knowledge acquisition in a global organization. The results of structural equation modeling demonstrated that ESM use was positively linked to distributed workers’ task awareness, which subsequently enhanced knowledge acquisition. Lastly, interview findings revealed how task awareness was cultivated by ESM use. Synthesizing the findings, we offer detailed accounts of organizational awareness and its relationships with dispersed workers’ knowledge sharing practice.  相似文献   

网络媒介的发展重构了社会传播生态。在泛众传播语境下,作为共识性仪式的传统媒介事件让位于作为冲突性实践的网络公共事件,探索新的共识凝聚方式被提上议程。本文认为,网络公共事件的常态化并不代表共识基础的完全丧失,原本由传统媒介事件提供的仪式整合功能可以在公众一致性的话语实践中重新实现。为了实现网络公共事件中的社会认同重构,应当从话语争夺、多方协作、培育"公共理性"等思路出发对公众展开话语引导。  相似文献   

The television medium has occupied a dominant place in Bangladesh. With the unprecedented expansion of the television industry, questions are being raised about a palpable rise in market-oriented journalism (MOJ) in the country. This article examines the theoretical and empirical relationship between MOJ and credibility of TV news. Three surrogate factors of MOJ including independence, social role, and objectivity, along with TV news credibility are analyzed for insights. The findings suggest that there is a complex relationship between the two constructs. To improve the perception of credibility of TV news, our findings suggest an important role of public journalism as an alternative to MOJ.  相似文献   

This column is adapted from a presentation given at the 2018 Library Marketing and Communications Conference. In it, we describe our marketing team’s approach to developing sustainable marketing practices with our library’s strategic goals in mind. In an effort to create reusable, platform-flexible content, we developed social media posts that highlighted concepts from the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy. Our success on social media inspired us to consider how this content could be implemented on additional platforms. With this column, we invite you to engage with new ways of developing content for use on multiple marketing platforms.  相似文献   

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