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This ethnographic portrayal relies on participant observations at two supplemental support programs for youth without homes, narratives collected through in-depth interviews with educators and case managers, and focus group interviews with youth participants to explore the discursive (re)production of invisibility among youth without homes. Structuration theory is used to frame macro and micro forces coalescing to enable and constrain processes of invisibility among the hidden homeless. Analysis reveals how invisibility shapes (and is shaped by) processes of stigmatization, “street smarts” as enacted by youth, and “Mayberry” and “not in my backyard” community discourses, and how the disappearance of youth without homes simultaneously serves and undermines various stakeholders.  相似文献   

Health care benevolence laws, a form of tort reform law, mandate statements of sympathy or apology by health care providers and facilities in cases of medical mistakes. These laws create a shared language and sense of meaning for individuals involved in the legal aftermath of medical mistakes. Structuration theory guides this textual analysis to explore how benevolence laws discursively create and structure shared meaning about apology. This analysis highlights how benevolence laws structure apology and discursively discipline medical practitioners, underscoring the importance of ambiguity in law interpretation.  相似文献   

《人民日报》对玉树地震的新闻传播体现了国家、民族一体化的宣传话语和媒介空间;而一体化的国家、民族也构成了一种社会与政治空间。此种空间的建构通过语言表述、报道对象的数量、评论、话语组接等方式达成。值得注意的是,以《人民日报》为代表的国家党政宣传强调了认同的同一性而淡化了身份及认同的差异性。同时,新闻表述多次出现人民、公民等指称,既体现了基于中华血缘的国家文化认同也体现了对公民身份的认可。与汶川地震的互文式表述以及上海世博等的语境衔接不仅在时间上构筑了民族国家一体化的历史血脉,也在空间层面构筑了国家民族的全球坐标。  相似文献   

基于个人知识管理的用户信息空间模型构建   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
文章从用户的角度出发,探讨学科信息门户中个人信息空间的构建问题。基于个人知识管理的用户信息空间模型包括知识的积累获取模块、知识的加工整合模块、知识的交流共享模块和知识的创新应用模块。论文还对基于个人知识管理的用户信息空间构建的技术进行研究。  相似文献   

高校图书馆正从信息资源库向学术共享空间转型,空间服务是其核心服务之一。本文通过对2010年以来新加坡公立大学图书馆空间再造的案例研究,分析了协作与社交空间、安静学习空间、资源服务支持空间及校园文化集聚空间这四大读者空间的再造路径及其成效,旨在为我国高校图书馆空间再造研究与实践提供参考和借鉴;提出我国高校图书馆空间再造需前瞻性地分析本校读者的需求,合理配置4种读者空间,并采用基于评估的空间管理方法。  相似文献   

Although our popular culture stereotypes relationships with in-laws as problematic, these relationships have largely been overlooked by communication researchers. In contrast to existing studies focusing on dyadic relationships, this study looked at how in-laws are assimilated into the family group as newcomers, using structuration theory to examine how routines are reproduced in families. In personal interviews, participants described how their families had assimilated newcomers or how they themselves were received into their spouse's families. A thematic analysis revealed specific communication routines that had to be adjusted upon entry of newcomers, including conversational topics, expected amount of interaction, use of joking, and conversational styles. Adjustments to these routines, although difficult to negotiate because they were not openly discussed, helped to transform the family of childhood into the family of adulthood. Structuration theory would suggest that the perceived stress in relationships with in-laws occurs because newcomers upset the comfort of families by disrupting their communication routines.  相似文献   

Although our popular culture stereotypes relationships with in-laws as problematic, these relationships have largely been overlooked by communication researchers. In contrast to existing studies focusing on dyadic relationships, this study looked at how in-laws are assimilated into the family group as newcomers, using structuration theory to examine how routines are reproduced in families. In personal interviews, participants described how their families had assimilated newcomers or how they themselves were received into their spouse's families. A thematic analysis revealed specific communication routines that had to be adjusted upon entry of newcomers, including conversational topics, expected amount of interaction, use of joking, and conversational styles. Adjustments to these routines, although difficult to negotiate because they were not openly discussed, helped to transform the family of childhood into the family of adulthood. Structuration theory would suggest that the perceived stress in relationships with in-laws occurs because newcomers upset the comfort of families by disrupting their communication routines.  相似文献   

文章借助文献调研法、问卷调查法和访谈法对高校图书馆馆员与读者的空间需求进行了实证调研,并借鉴Censydiam模型等理论对需求背后的动机内容展开了分析,旨在明晰和比较高校图书馆馆员和读者的空间需求、空间利用动机的具体内容,为图书馆空间再造实践提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

The purpose of this survey was to investigate the perceptions that public librarians have of their user populations with regard to serious mental illness and its relationship to homelessness. The results found that a large number of public librarians experience concerns about the impact of such users upon other users and about the potential violence in these populations. Public librarians who took the survey expressed an interest in learning more about serious mental illness and a wish to achieve greater awareness of serious mental illness that could help them in their interactions with users who are experiencing serious mental illness.  相似文献   

城市与电视,都是重要的社会空间。通过这种空间属性的交互,城市社会学可以拓展电视研究的空间视野。对于城市现象与城市过程理解不同的四个流派(古典城市理论、人文主义城市理论、城市政治经济学理论、全球化城市理论),在研究态度、生态观念、生活方式、人文思考、时空观念、知识生产以及从社会功能等维度,对于电视研究的空间有所拓展。  相似文献   

Although work-family benefits are increasingly important organizational policies, limited research addresses the impact of communication on benefit utilization. However, communication is significant because the perceived appropriateness of work-family benefits emerges through interaction. For example, when coworkers complain about "picking up the slack" for those using family leave, their discourse may impact future decisions of other workers regarding whether they utilize the work-family benefits available to them. We apply Giddens' (1984) Structuration Theory to examine organizational members' discursive responses to conditions (and contradictions) present in utilizing work-family benefits in a governmental organization. We argue the daily discursive practices of individuals can either reinforce or undermine formally stated work-family initiatives, and in turn discuss the implications of this "structuration" of policy.  相似文献   

移动视频融合了网络视频、手机电视与小型移动媒体的可移动性,从而重构了传统意义上视频媒介的收视空间。本文从梅罗维茨的媒介——场景——行为理论出发,梳理了移动视频使用过程中创造出的新的空间特质,并结合经验例证论述了移动视频建构的新型空间对人们收视行为的影响。研究发现,在传统公共空间/私人空间的物理空间基础上,通过移动视频媒介的使用,人们主动地建构了三种新的空间:私人空间中的公共空间、公共空间中的私人空间以及深度私人空间。对应不同的空间,人们产生了不同的新的收视行为,使社会空间呈现出更为流动化的特征。  相似文献   

图书馆空间的审美化与阅读环境设计   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
人类在构建知识社会的同时,也需要构建审美社会。图书馆在认知文化与审美文化之间具有纽带和桥梁作用。图书馆能够推动读者读书生活的审美化,促进知识社会与审美社会的融合,构建真正和谐美好的社会。  相似文献   

Although work-family benefits are increasingly important organizational policies, limited research addresses the impact of communication on benefit utilization. However, communication is significant because the perceived appropriateness of work-family benefits emerges through interaction. For example, when coworkers complain about "picking up the slack" for those using family leave, their discourse may impact future decisions of other workers regarding whether they utilize the work-family benefits available to them. We apply Giddens' (1984) Structuration Theory to examine organizational members' discursive responses to conditions (and contradictions) present in utilizing work-family benefits in a governmental organization. We argue the daily discursive practices of individuals can either reinforce or undermine formally stated work-family initiatives, and in turn discuss the implications of this "structuration" of policy.  相似文献   

空间再造作为当前高校图书馆空间研究的前沿热点,是图书馆战略转型发展及提升服务能力的重要抓手。文章采用网站调研和案例研究法,概述了美国普林斯顿大学燧石图书馆空间再造过程,并分析历史文化、建筑本体、馆藏资源、技术革新、服务提升、设施配置六个方面与空间再造之间的融合,最后以空间生产理论为基础,指出高校图书馆空间再造与服务转型是当下发展的必然趋势,并提出空间再造及服务转型必须坚持以读者为中心、必须打造具有温度的文化空间、必须保持空间的可扩张性。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 通过图书馆智慧空间建设:概念、演变、评价与设计等的探讨,憧憬图书馆智慧空间服务的美好未来。[方法/过程] 回顾图书馆空间服务的探索历程,对实体空间、主题空间、知识空间建设和服务中的智慧因素进行概念界定和具体分析,对其背后起到关键支撑作用的ABCDE (人工智能artificial,intelligence、区块链blockchain、云计算cloud,computing、大数据big,data和扩展现实extended,reality)5类技术进行介绍。[结果/结论] 通过案例分析,提出图书馆智慧空间建设的目标、愿景、需求、设计、实施和评估等诸多方面的考虑,展望未来图书馆智慧空间服务激动人心的远景。  相似文献   

This study investigates how organizational members communicatively enact identification and more specifically how tensions in identification are expressed through members’ talk and behaviors. Using a case-study approach, we explored the experiences of members in an organization in turmoil. Semi-structured interviews, questionnaires given at two times, and observations of organizational events were used to understand the identification tensions these individuals negotiated and ways that identification, disidentification, and ambivalent identification were enacted. The study provides empirical evidence of changing identifications and articulates their communicative manifestations. The findings not only support the notion that identification is a complex and dynamic process but also contribute to the identification literature by illustrating specific ways that various forms of identification tensions are enacted and communicated in response to organizational change.  相似文献   

Lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) adolescents are avid users of computer-mediated communication (CMC), but few empirical studies have investigated the function of CMC in the lives of LGB youth. Grounded in the media practice model, the present study explored the relationships among CMC, sexual identity commitment, and well-being by surveying LGB adolescents (N = 570). Results indicated that a positive relationship existed between time spent on social network sites and well-being that was mediated by sexual identity commitment. Time spent instant messaging, sending/receiving e-mail, or in chat rooms was not related to sexual identity commitment or well-being. Social network sites may aid LGB youth in understanding their sexual identities in ways that other CMC modalities cannot.  相似文献   

This paper examines how US TV news on abortion-related protest forecloses possibilities for democracy and political action. Representing abortion-related activism as a battle, news segments portray activists, correspondents, and viewers as villains, witnesses, and victims in a tale of a nation decimated by civil war. While activists describe their work militaristically, the news's war is not the war that activists describe. News discourse represents activists as threatening the American family/community/nation. Applying Hannah Arendt's and Mary Douglas's work shows how the news eclipses public spheres by mapping a pollution narrative onto those who threaten myths of national homogeneity and proper citizenship.  相似文献   

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