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This paper gives suggestions to librarians on how to get started with electronic mail. It discusses the cost- and time-saving advantages of using electronic mail rather than TWX, United States mail, or telephones for communicating ILL requests and messages. For instance, preliminary cost data show that electronic mail is often half as expensive as TWX and costs no more than a 22 stamp. Key management concerns that must be considered when setting up electronic mail are discussed, including the need for subscribers to agree on one system. Also covered are the types of equipment that can be used with electronic mail, including print terminals.  相似文献   

This article compares the use of electronic mail (e-mail) and postal mail in the follow-up stage of a library research project using a mailed questionnaire. Results from the Internet-Related Technologies: Occupational Impacts for Government Documents Librarians survey show that e-mail as a follow-up method is as effective as postal mail in terms of both the speed and size of the survey response. Additional benefits and drawbacks of using e-mail during the follow-up stage are then discussed to illuminate the contexts in which each method may be most appropriate.  相似文献   


Although stations, networks and advertisers spend hundreds of thousands of dollars annually on various rating services and audience measurement surveys, they often overlook a gold mine of voluntarily submitted feedback from their audience: the fan letter. It is true that the “pan” letter condemning a program often gets inordinate attention on decision‐making levels, but the run‐of‐the‐mill fan letter, if properly analyzed, can provide a wealth of information about the effect of a program upon its audience. Charles Winick is author of Taste and the Censor in Television (an Occasional Paper for the Fund for the Republic) and numerous articles in publications dealing with the mass media, such as Gazette, and the Journal op Broadcasting (“Censor and Sensibility,” Spring, 1962). Dr. Winick is a research psychologist and children's television program consultant at NBC who has taught and conducted research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Columbia University and New York University.  相似文献   

Commonly recognized computer-mediated communication (CMC) tools include virtual environments, bibliographic databases, listservers, newsgroups, group teleconferencing, interactive messaging systems and electronic mail. The use of these technologies in libraries has grown exponentially over the past decade. Electronic mail has emerged as an especially popular communication tool for librarians, and their colleagues and patrons. This paper explores the use of a reference department electronic mail service and its impact on reference services and librarian-client interactions. Several issues related to the implementation of CMC technologies are presented, including the maintenance and monitoring of reference electronic mail systems, the types of questions that are typically posted, and potential barriers to the implementation and use of reference e-mail.  相似文献   


This article is an examination of electronic privacy, specifically as it relates to e‐mail and related communication issues in the computer environment. Since the passage of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986 (U.S. C. 18, §§ 2510–2711), there have been questions raised as to whether the Act goes far enough in protecting privacy.

The article attempts to clarify the status of e‐mail privacy under the ECPA. It examines current law and the paucity of definitive case law that until now has left the ECPA untested. A review of cases and literature suggests there is a gap in the existing ECPA that allows for potentially abusive electronic monitoring and interception of e‐mail, particularly in the workplace. “Electronic Mail, Privacy, and the Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986: Technology in Search of Law.”;  相似文献   

本文探讨了EMSTP协议工作原理和工作过程以及利用VB的winsock控件发送电子邮件的客户端程序的编写步骤。  相似文献   

获取科技信息的新方式——浏览电子邮件列表   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍电子邮件列表在网络时代的意义和怎样寻找并加入相关的邮件列表,最后举例做进一步说明。  相似文献   

The interaction of the public library with the environment is analyzed based on an empirical study of six California public libraries. Two adaptive responses are defined: changes in the organization and attempts to change the environment. Both kinds of techniques are described, followed by an analysis of the factors influencing library behavior.  相似文献   

电子文件系列讲座之一电子文件归档与电子档案管理概述   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
一、电子文件将成为未来社会现行文件的主导形式 大家都知道,纸是我们过去文件的主导介质,现在从总体上看也还是以纸为主导介质.电子文件和计算机是密不可分的.综观这几年,随计算机的科学计算、数据处理、实时控制、辅助设计、智能模拟、数字通信等功能日趋完善,特别是中文信息处理、计算机图形学、数据图象处理、计算机辅助技术、计算机多媒体技术、计算机控制、信息系统以及计算机仿真等又都各自发展成为一个领域,使计算机在整个社会、经济、文化、军事以及人类生活各个领域的应用愈加普遍,也可以说已成为现代社会不可缺少的一部分.  相似文献   

电子邮件在图书馆流通服务中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
电子邮件是人们沟通交流、共享信息的重要工具。本文介绍了电子邮件的特点,探讨了其在图书馆流通服务工作中的具体应用,并指出其存在的不足之处及对策。  相似文献   

Requirements for electronic resource positions in libraries advertised between the years 2000 and 2008 are reviewed and analyzed according to how they relate to developments in electronic resource management tools and standards taking place during the associated time periods. The research reveals that the job requirements for electronic resource personnel have not changed significantly over these years, despite overwhelming changes in quantity of material and quality of system resources and despite the recommendations of the Digital Library Federation's Electronic Resource Management Initiative documentation, which is used as a focal point for this study.  相似文献   


Cable regulation should be based on the unique characteristics of cable, the rights of speakers to be as free as possible from government regulation, and a First Amendment theory that recognizes the public's right to a diverse marketplace of ideas. As a consequence, it is recommended that cable be defined as a limited public forum to include both the utility poles/conduits and the attached coaxial cable. This approach suggests that de facto monopoly franchise agreements and franchise fees are unconstitutional, but that limited access channel requirements such as one or two public access channels would be constitutional.  相似文献   

电子期刊简介   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
章论述了电子期刊的含义、类型、特点及如何在因特网上获取电子期刊信息.并介绍国内外电子期刊的发展状况。  相似文献   

本文提出利用E-mail营销策略来开展读者服务工作的三种模式。  相似文献   

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