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近几年区块链技术作为“信任机器”在文件档案的可信管理研究中引起广泛关注,基于此,本文从资源层、管理层和服务层具体分析文件档案管理的现实需求,应用生态学方法,解析文件档案管理生态系统构成的要素:主体、客体、技术和环境,再引入区块链视角构建由供需管理系统、区块链系统和文档数据系统组成的文件档案管理可信生态系统,并从“点”“线”“面”三个角度阐释区块链如何实现可信,为后续区块链的应用以及文件档案的可信管理实践提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(3):347-360
The idea of geography is fundamental to local newspapers, both in the sense of community news and news from a community perspective. It has been suggested that “geography is dead.” This idea was tested through a self-administered mail survey of a sample of adults living in Maricopa County, Arizona, using geographic and online senses of community measures to determine the importance of geography in today's Internet-rich environment and determine if geography is really “dead.” The analysis focused on evaluating the mean sense of community measures among groups, and examining the use of newspaper weblogs in light of the print newspaper's coverage of a particular geographic area. Results rebuff suggestions that geography is “dead” and indicate that respondents are still attached to their geographic communities. In the struggle to find new models of journalism, newspapers must find a way to remain geographically relevant in print and on the Web.  相似文献   

In this article, data generated in an isolated town in the Rocky Mountain West is used to examine perceptions related to government regulation of natural resources. Assessing which perceptions dominate citizen's depictions of their community and the social forces that account for the specific pattern of those themes suggests that, despite desires to maintain a quality of life tied to the natural environment, community respondents reject government intrusion, opting for personal land stewardship rather than governmental regulation. Implications for advocacy related to natural resource management are discussed.  相似文献   

In the United States, much of historic preservation is carried out in a framework of cultural resource management. Cultural resource management is increasingly being conducted as heritage management in the larger context of ecosystem management or ecological stewardship. Cultural resources are an important factor in the human environment, and must be managed in the context of all other biological, social, and geophysical elements in that environment or ecosystem. Good environmental stewardship requires affirmative resource management, including management of our tangible and intangible cultural resources. Many scientists are involved in cultural resource management, either directly or indirectly and either consciously or unconsciously. There is increased public awareness of the value of cultural resources, and their protection involves the knowledgeable and caring collaboration of resource specialists (e.g., anthropologists, archaeologists, architects, archivists, engineers, folklorists, historians), material scientists, decision-making land managers, and the living community with ties to the heritage resources. This in turn involves each participating community and individual (including the scientists) managing the interfaces among themselves. This is done by learning something about (and learning to appreciate) other groups' values and special languages and their operating constraints and opportunities, and about the overall public benefits and costs of cultural resource management decisions.  相似文献   

在技术时代,公共图书馆作为实体空间的"场所"价值,是关乎图书馆未来发展的重要内容。从公众认知角度探索图书馆"场所"价值,能够发现影响图书馆事业发展的重要因素。经过全面梳理和系统分析,选择上海图书馆、浦东图书馆和滨海新区图书馆三所代表性公共图书馆在公共平台上的网络评论信息,综合运用Python、Jieba分词、SnowNLP等数据采集与分析工具,从高频词分布、情感分析和时间序列三个维度,对社会公众认知情况进行了文本挖掘。分析结果表明,公共图书馆仍然是重要的公共阅读"场所";公共图书馆"场所"服务颇受欢迎,社会评价极为正面;促进文旅融合发展,是当前社会公众对公共图书馆"场所"价值认知的特征所在。在技术时代,公共图书馆应当高度重视"场所"价值的公众认知新变化,可以将文旅融合作为未来发展阶段的重要内容,助力公共图书馆高质量发展。  相似文献   

Television's liveness has long been seen as one of its key features. This paper argues that “liveness” is not a textual feature, but a more fundamental category (in Durkheim's sense) that contributes to underlying conceptions of how media are involved in social organization through their provision of privileged access to central social “realities.” This ideological view of liveness (cf. Jane Feuer's early work) is then extended in two ways: first, to consider two new forms of “liveness” that do not involve television (online liveness via the Internet and “group liveness” via the mobile phone); and second, by connecting liveness with Bourdieu's concept of habitus, and thereby linking “liveness” (including in its extended senses) with other parts of the materialized system of classification through which we make sense of the everyday world.  相似文献   

This study explored participants' perceptions of instructor use of positive slang (e.g., “cool,” “awesome,” “sweet”) and its perceived impact on the classroom environment and teacher's credibility, as well as the rules governing its usage. Participants viewed a video of a positive slang-using teacher and then responded to several open-ended survey questions. The results demonstrate that students generally appreciate teacher use of positive slang and cite the potential benefits of its usage. Implications of teacher use of positive slang are discussed.  相似文献   

A sense of belonging is an integral aspect of success in a long-term, group-oriented endeavor such as the pursuit of a college education. When students feel their presence at college is fraudulent, their achievements unfounded, or that they will be further disenfranchised if their true self is discovered, it is less likely that they will connect to the people who and services that can help them achieve their educational goals. This “imposter syndrome” or “imposter phenomenon” can be addressed and turned around through a concerted effort. While that effort involves a personal journey, like any journey it is often aided and accompanied by others. Through strategic outreach efforts, academic libraries are positioned to be important players in that journey, helping these “imposters” renegotiate their self-images to include a sense of their essential place in academia and belief in their ability to successfully complete their academic goals.  相似文献   


Ethnocentrism affects perception and choices, and scholars, teachers, and students may not see or seek the “global” in our “global information revolution,” especially in such vast monolingual social spaces as the United States and the Anglophone world. Russia illuminates how unfortunate this state of affairs is because perceptions of Russia are so negative; whereas online information and open access there are so plentiful. Elibrary.ru offers free, full-text access to Russia’s periodical scholarship in all disciplines. Postnauka.ru is a lecture platform for Russian academics that rivals TED Talks in scale and production quality. Kul’tura is a federal television channel devoted entirely to education. Academic talk shows constitute part of the programming there and elsewhere. High-quality and reliable online tools such as these can enhance “Western” scholars’ and educators’ resource repertoires.  相似文献   

为实现图书馆在数字时代的有效转型,提高图书馆主动知识服务的价值,提出依托图书馆平台建设知识生态系统的目标,利用互联网的高连接性优势,通过开发“知联网”、“人联网”、“务联网”等未来互联网应用支柱技术,完成面向服务目标的知识组织和资源整合,并利用云计算技术实现能面向广众的支持按需知识获取的“知识云服务”,使互联网的应用价值从原先的信息高速公路进一步提升为“知识高速公路”,成为建设智慧城市和国家的重要软基础设施。为此,还提出“群体知识工程方法学”,利用可支持广泛参与的公共生态平台,实现开放创新与众包共创,设计方案已实际应用于舟山海洋数字图书馆建设,有望将图书馆生态系统建成名符其实的经济发展和创新驱动引擎。  相似文献   

The shift to archives as rhetorical places creates opportunities to examine environmental accessibility, the role of archives in legitimating official public memory, and tactics to evoke memory at the margins. I conceptualize the relation between archival environments, feeling, and memory as “archival ambience.” Ambience challenges modern theories of invention and foregrounds the entanglements of sensory culture, corporeality, sensation, feeling, and memory. Ambience reimagines invention and circulation as the relational materiality of bodies and as central to the generation of intimacies. This essay models a sensory engagement with archives at the American Heritage Center and Grace Hebard and Agnes Wergeland collections. Guided by the settler colonial environment of the American Heritage Center (AHC) and what remains of Hebard and Wergeland, I craft a queer sense of their “intimate friendship” and argue that perception of Hebard and Wergeland's intimate friendship takes shape through the sensory culture of the AHC and that their queerness is an effect of the archive.  相似文献   


AIDS activist Larry Kramer's 1983 essay, “1,112 and Counting,” was a key rhetorical event in the development of AIDS activism by gays. This analysis relies on perspective by incongruity to explain Kramer's attempts to stimulate AIDS activism by altering gays’ perceptions of the disease and its implications for their lives and identities. The author argues that the power of perspective by incongruity in this case is linked to its facilitation of genuine argument, a personalized form of persuasion that forces both arguer and audience to confront an argument's implications for their own identities and behavior as moral human beings. The conclusion suggests that “1,112 and Counting” functions as a variant of constitutive rhetoric that de‐constructs and re‐constructs audience identity.  相似文献   

This study aims to assess the information literacy skills of a sample of undergraduate teacher education students and explore their perceptions about those skills. Participants completed iSkills, an online assessment from the Educational Testing Service aligned with the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Standards, and a subsample participated in focus-group discussions regarding their test experience and perceptions of information literacy. This article focuses on the qualitative findings from these discussions. Participants were unfamiliar with the term “information literacy” but see it as essential to their success and that of their future students, especially in the context of a diverse, urban school district.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(4):547-562
“Trolling” and other negative behaviour on magazine websites is widespread, ranging from subtly provocative behaviour to outright abuse. Publishers have sought to develop lively online communities, with high levels of user-generated content. Methods of building sites have developed quickly, but methods of managing them have lagged behind. Some publishers have then felt overwhelmed by the size and behaviour of the communities they have created. This paper considers the reasons behind trolling and the tools digital editors have developed to manage their communities, taking up the role of Zygmunt Bauman's gardeners in what they sometimes refer to as “walled gardens” within the Internet's wild domains. Interviews were conducted with online editors at the front line of site management at Bauer, Giraffe, IPC, Natmags, RBI and the Times. This article shows how publishers are designing sites that encourage constructive posting, and taking a more active part in site management. Web 2.0 and the spread of broadband, which have made management of fast-growing communities difficult, may themselves bring positive change. As uploading material becomes technically easier, “ordinary” citizens can outnumber those who, lacking social skills or with little regard for social norms, originally made the Internet their natural habitat.  相似文献   


This article contends that it is essential for academic librarians to identify and remain mindful of the unique needs of an increasingly diverse student demographic to ensure that academic libraries are a welcoming place for all students. It is through diversity initiatives that we can expect to improve the educational outcome for students by presenting the library as a vital part of their college experience. The article defines diversity in the most “elastic” sense of the word—including minority racial groups, but expanding the term to include international students, graduate students, returning students, distance learners, transfer students, “at-risk” students, and lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender students.  相似文献   

Contemporary “dyadic” perspectives on symbolic and material exchange emphasize reception or consumption in place of longstanding concentration on transmission or production. Analysis of the dyadic model reveals its limitations and suggests a triadic approach to specify how the resource environment—the integrative “field”—of exchange provides material‐symbolic support for creative action. The historical example of the Hawthorne Studies, in organizational communication, and the contemporary effort of hardware and software designers to derive user‐based approaches to computer‐mediated communication illustrate how (a) consumption‐production; (b) textual; and (c) ritual models can usefully inform (d) a participatory design approach that expands comprehension of the dynamics of triadic exchange.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(2):171-179
Recent studies indicate that members' perceptions of differential treatment influence their communication with coworkers. This study examined the ways in which coworkers socially construct perceptions of differential treatment through discourse. Results indicated that coworker conversations regarding differential treatment serve two primary functions: (1) they create perceptions of differential treatment, and (2) they reinforce preexisting perceptions of differential treatment. Members tend to emphasize the subordinate's role in the incident over the supervisor's and rely heavily on equity standards in evaluating incidents of differential treatment. Contributions to the sense‐making literature and organizational control literature are noted.  相似文献   


This article outlines some of the opportunities and challenges of changing what the library “brand” means to academic and professional services staff in the rapidly changing environment of UK higher education, taking the University of Leicester as a case study. It makes a practitioner contribution to the growing body of evidence of how libraries are extending their role and how their customers are responding. It begins by considering the drivers for change in the higher education and scholarly information environments and how these are influencing the development of library services at the University of Leicester. The topics considered include researcher development, Digital Humanities, Open Access, independent learning, and curating the university's own information assets. The impact of these developments is outlined and how an evolving approach to strategic marketing is beginning to change perceptions as the boundaries of the library's role extend.  相似文献   

Applifam, a global Instagram community that edits and shares images daily, has grown steadily since its late-2011 founding. Since then, the group (led by founder Johan Du Toit) has grappled with ethical and legal ways to use images in a technological environment that makes image theft easy, a cultural “remix” environment that finds unauthorized uses natural, an artistic environment that values the symbolic statements of appropriation art, a legal environment that varies by country, and a socially collaborative environment that may not reward adherence to copyright standards. In June 2012, when Applifam took a stand about original work, a conversation began as to what that meant. It yielded a rare look at evolving standards regarding our common visual heritage.  相似文献   

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