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Extramural funding to support communication research influences and is influenced by the culture of our discipline, universities, and departments. Both the National Communication Association and the International Communication Association have established closer ties to funding agencies and encouraged members' grant writing pursuits through mentorship and convention programs, newsletter columns, and publicity. Universities vary in how much support they have available as infrastructure to assist in the submission and administration of grants. Some institutions facilitate extramural funding endeavors through mentoring programs, university-wide research centers, sharing of indirect costs, and space. Department cultures, too, vary in the resources available to support grants. Departments in many ways have the most direct effects on grant-supporting cultures. In addition to activities indicated for the discipline and university, departments can build a grant culture by recognizing grant writing in their personnel practices, creating systems for rewarding and supporting grant activities, and having policies in place for the many related issues (e.g., release time, indirect cost sharing, research assistants). Finally, the interpersonal culture, whether colleagues recognize and support grants, plays a major role in individual pursuit of, and satisfaction with, seeking extramural funding to support communication research.  相似文献   

In this special forum, communication researchers relate their experiences and perspectives on funded research. Their thoughts highlight that (a) communication studies are coming of age in funded research; (b) funded research requires institutional investment and professional recognition; (c) the processes and skill needed to successfully seek and manage funded research can be learned; (d) it is important to recognize the similarities and differences among funding organizations; and (e) funded research can produce intellectual and organizational creativity within the field. The special forum is intended to stimulate thinking about the contribution of funded research to the knowledge base, research careers, academic reputation, and social responsibility of the communication field.  相似文献   

In this special forum, communication researchers relate their experiences and perspectives on funded research. Their thoughts highlight that (a) communication studies are coming of age in funded research; (b) funded research requires institutional investment and professional recognition; (c) the processes and skill needed to successfully seek and manage funded research can be learned; (d) it is important to recognize the similarities and differences among funding organizations; and (e) funded research can produce intellectual and organizational creativity within the field. The special forum is intended to stimulate thinking about the contribution of funded research to the knowledge base, research careers, academic reputation, and social responsibility of the communication field.  相似文献   

The centrality of communication in health promotion is described in Healthy People 2010: Objectives for Improving Health, which noted that "health communication can contribute to all aspects of disease prevention and health promotion." In this paper we build on this argument by suggesting that communication science can be advanced by pursuing a "big-science" strategy where important and challenging questions about the role of communication in modern life are studied through rigorous research designs and research findings are applied to addressing significant social issues and problems. A significant dimension of a "big-science" strategy is the pursuit of programs of research using longitudinal designs and large samples with adequate controls. Given that such large-scale studies necessarily involve funding, we review some major funding initiatives and programs in different agencies of the federal governmental.  相似文献   

The centrality of communication in health promotion is described in Healthy People 2010: Objectives for Improving Health, which noted that "health communication can contribute to all aspects of disease prevention and health promotion." In this paper we build on this argument by suggesting that communication science can be advanced by pursuing a "big-science" strategy where important and challenging questions about the role of communication in modern life are studied through rigorous research designs and research findings are applied to addressing significant social issues and problems. A significant dimension of a "big-science" strategy is the pursuit of programs of research using longitudinal designs and large samples with adequate controls. Given that such large-scale studies necessarily involve funding, we review some major funding initiatives and programs in different agencies of the federal governmental.  相似文献   

Advice is offered to help scholars write successful communication grant applications, including practical issues such as learning about opportunities, finding the time to write, planning personnel, budgeting, negotiating internal resources, institutional review boards, and deliverables. Additional tips are offered on theoretically rich research with socially meaningful applied outcomes, counterintuitive mechanisms and outcomes, simplicity, detail orientation, demonstrating expertise in the content area, and demonstrating expertise with the population under investigation. Finally, we mention some important traits for getting through the review process-persistence and low ego-involvement.  相似文献   

Advice is offered to help scholars write successful communication grant applications, including practical issues such as learning about opportunities, finding the time to write, planning personnel, budgeting, negotiating internal resources, institutional review boards, and deliverables. Additional tips are offered on theoretically rich research with socially meaningful applied outcomes, counterintuitive mechanisms and outcomes, simplicity, detail orientation, demonstrating expertise in the content area, and demonstrating expertise with the population under investigation. Finally, we mention some important traits for getting through the review process-persistence and low ego-involvement.  相似文献   

This essay introduces the special forum on funded research in communication. It briefly discusses the relationship of funded research with theoretical and methodological development in the communication discipline and the impact of receiving grant support on the professional life of an academic and on collegiality, resources, and university recognition for a department of communication. It also addresses the potential impact of funded research for strengthening the role and visibility of the communication discipline in the social sciences, and for increasing the impact of communication scholarship on policy.  相似文献   

This essay introduces the special forum on funded research in communication. It briefly discusses the relationship of funded research with theoretical and methodological development in the communication discipline and the impact of receiving grant support on the professional life of an academic and on collegiality, resources, and university recognition for a department of communication. It also addresses the potential impact of funded research for strengthening the role and visibility of the communication discipline in the social sciences, and for increasing the impact of communication scholarship on policy.  相似文献   


Sustainability is the capacity to endure. For academic libraries, sustainability may well require a radical recalibration of their historic value proposition. The “Great Recession” has accelerated profound changes in higher education funding and in the perception of higher education as a public good. Can libraries use scarcity to fuel the imagination? Can the singular strengths of libraries boost the ability of higher education to thrive, not merely survive? What can be learned from strategies employed in the Great Depression and other periods of severe constraint? Ultimately, how might libraries increase revenue, engender flexibility, foster collaboration, align activities, reduce costs, strengthen infrastructure, and encourage innovation within the framework of a sustainable academic business plan? This article examines these questions by using the University of Washington's 2Y2D (Two Years to Two Decades) initiative and the UW Libraries companion effort, Building Sustainable Futures, as a case study. 2Y2D provides an inclusive framework for near term action (two years) that will realize an aspirational future in the long-term (two decades). Building Sustainable Futures places a library lens over 2Y2D. The Libraries Research Commons exemplifies the synergistic intersection of the two initiatives and may be instructive for other environments and institutions.  相似文献   

创制亲近性文本:跨文化有效传播的重要基础   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
本文从精神文化传播的文本角度提出 ,创制“亲近性”文本是实现跨文化有效传播的重要基础。这种亲近性主要是指 :文本的表达方式与文化解读者期望的方式相一致 ,与其思维方式相一致 ,与其解读心理相一致。  相似文献   



The New York University (NYU) Health Sciences Library used a new method to arrange in-depth discussions with basic science researchers. The objective was to identify collaborators for a new National Library of Medicine administrative supplement.


The research took place at the NYU Health Sciences Library.


Using the National Institutes of Health (NIH) RePORTER, forty-four researchers were identified and later contacted through individualized emails.


Nine researchers responded to the email followed by six in-person or phone discussions. At the conclusion of this process, two researchers submitted applications for supplemental funding, and both of these applications were successful.


This method confirmed these users could benefit from the skills and knowledge of health sciences librarians, but they are largely unaware of this.  相似文献   

数字人文以其新实践、新途径和新方法丰富了传统的人文学科领域。进入21世纪以来,暑期学校、研讨会和其他类似形式的教育活动普及了一系列与之相关的必备技能,以保证学生、学者们能够把握数字时代的新机会,同时世界各地推出了越来越多相关的学士和硕士项目。本文论述的焦点--数字人文课程登记中心(Digital Humanities Course Registry,DHCR)的创建就是为了展现全球日益兴盛的数字人文教育状况,其使命是广泛收集同类课程的资料,提供数字人文领域教学和培训的最新动态。文章探讨了数字人文这一新兴领域,并对CLARIN和DARIAH这两个欧洲基础设施进行介绍--它们是DHCR的共同运营者。文中还具体描述了DHCR的数据模型和数据管护流程,简要介绍其历史。利用DHCR实时数据,以定量方式描绘了数字人文教学的国际格局。  相似文献   

This study investigated an on-line cancer support community emphasizing communication concerns important to the community administrators. The researcher conducted an on-line survey of participants (N v = v 103) focused on their on-line communication activities and social support. The results indicate a modest negative correlation between emotional support received on-line and perceived stress, differences in emotional support scores based on perceptions of disadvantages of on-line support groups, and different motives for using the community between people with cancer and family members. The study also describes suggestions based on the results that were made to community administrators and which could be used by other on-line support communities.  相似文献   

A review of the emotional support and social support literature indicates a paucity of instruments which directly measure the phenomena of interest. While many have utilized assessments of “strong” or “weak” links between relational partners, they have not examined the communication modalities specifically. They have also tended to view emotional support as a unilateral product of a source or receiver rather than a product of communicative interactions. In order to examine support more carefully, a unidimensional instrument was developed to measure the communication of emotional support in relationships. As tests of convergent validity, it was suggested that perceptions of emotional support will be positively correlated to perceptions of relational solidarity and relational quality. The final instrument consisted of 13 communication based items with high reliability and evidence of internal, face, and convergent validity.  相似文献   

面向人文研究的国家数据基础设施建设   总被引:7,自引:7,他引:0  
人文科学研究正在向以数据为驱动的新型研究模式转型,形成所谓“数字人文”研究新范式。“数据科学”为这些变化提供了方法论基础,支撑研究活动的基础设施也需要经过改造或重新建立。新的人文研究平台以数据为基础,以方法为导向,提供统一的数据资源管理、大数据分析、可视化展示和智慧型服务。这些变化将带来更大范围和深度的数据资料的应用和协同研究,将使研究人员以过去难以想象的尺度和维度提出问题。数字人文基础设施建设可以是国家层面的,也可以是地区行业或组织机构层面的。图书馆、博物馆、档案馆等人类记忆和文化遗产机构近20年来馆藏内容大规模数字化,可以通过升级为数字人文研究平台,转型为数字人文基础设施的重要组成部分,继续在数字时代发挥其巨大的价值。图1。表3。参考文献13。  相似文献   

Information communications technology provides a way on the World Wide Web for national museums to represent the cultural artefacts they house. Framed by the notion of cybercolonization, a colonizing of cultures and cultural institutions by computing ideas, this on-site case study of the State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia examines computing ideas shaping information communications technology developments within the museum and, particularly, its current IBM sponsored website 〈http://www.hermitagemuseum.org/〉. The paper will illuminate subtle cybercolonizing influences by Global IBM evident in the website structure, design, targeting, esthetic choices, cultural content realignment, IBM corporate e-business underlay, and American English branding. The notion of cyberglocalization, an adapting of global cyber processes to local circumstances, is offered as an avenue to address colonization present in the Hermitage-IBM website. The case study offers museum professionals an illustration of the underlying assumptions about information communications technology (ICT) ideas, interaction, and appearance in the development of museum websites.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to validate a template for the instruction of interpersonal communication. Two dimensions emerged that characterize the study of communication: a theory—application dimension and a communication—relationships dimension. These anchors serve as the foundation for the Interpersonal Communication Template. Juxtaposing these two dimensions yields a four‐quadrant template featuring: theory—communication; theory—relationships; application—communication; application—relationships. Journal articles were categorized within the four quadrants. Five hundred and seventy two articles were reviewed, resulting in the identification of 998 interpersonal communication theories, constructs, and contexts. The theories, constructs, and contexts were then collapsed into 120 interpersonal communication topics. To derive the interpersonal communication topics, the co‐coders utilized the constant comparative method (i.e., analytic induction) (Glaser & Strauss, 1967). The organization of the 120 topics within the communication—relationships and theory—application dimensions provides an illustration of the field utilizing the Interpersonal Communication Template as an organizing mechanism. Implications of the template for research and instruction of interpersonal communication are discussed.  相似文献   

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