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《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):344-365
This three-part study examines how privacy rules function to protect shared information from further revelation. Communication Privacy Management served as a theoretical framework to investigate issues related to boundary management. In the pilot study, college students (N = 409) described privacy rules and their use, and participants reported not further revealing the information when privacy rules were expressed by disclosers. In Study 1, participants (N = 167) reported on disclosing health-related information, and participants did not anticipate that recipients would further reveal especially when they used a privacy rule. In Study 2, dyads (dyad N = 257) reported on shared disclosure experiences, including both anticipated and actual boundary management. Study 2 findings include that privacy rules have limited effectiveness. The article discusses implications of privacy rule use when sharing private information.  相似文献   

Although adoptees are often stigmatized for their nonnormative identity, adopted individuals must communicate with nonfamily members to integrate their adoptive identity into their definition of self. In the current study, adult adoptees (n = 25) were interviewed about their processes for disclosing their adoptive status in their social networks. Drawing upon communication privacy management (CPM) theory, inductive analyses demonstrated that adoptees created motivational and contextual criteria to enact privacy rules surrounding adoption. Adoptees maintained privacy to avoid messages of “difference,” insensitive comments, imperviousness, and negative opinions about adoption. Adoptees disclosed about their adoption to build relational closeness and to educate/advocate for adoption. These privacy decisions were undergirded by the societal assumption that families are biologically linked or the discourse of biological normativity (Suter et al., 2014).  相似文献   

Guided by Communication Privacy Management (CPM), the goal of the current study was to examine parental infidelity and to learn what, if any, rules were enacted by participants to either provide access to or protect the information of their parent's infidelity. Rules used by participants to manage this information inside their family were labeled as internal, while rules used to manage this information outside their family were labeled as external. Participants included 13 adult children whose still married parents' relationship involved infidelity. Results indicated that participants created protection rules including two internal (maintenance and cultural) rules and one external (protecting the family from outside scrutiny) rule. Five access rules (context, sex, age, physical environment, and code terms), all internal, were also identified. The results of this study highlight the usefulness of CPM when examining how the knowledge of a parent's infidelity is managed by their children.  相似文献   

This investigation advanced six research questions focusing on the perceptions that individuals with high and low levels of shyness have concerning how others perceive them. Results demonstrated that individuals with high levels of shyness feel that others perceive them negatively while individuals with low levels of shyness view others as evaluating them positively. Given these findings, this report discusses future research in the area of shyness.  相似文献   

This study combines the fever model with communication privacy management to examine the conditions under which military wives are likely to disclose their family stressors or engage in protective buffering with their deployed husbands. Military wives (N =105) whose husbands were deployed and who had at least one child completed a web-based survey about the communication of family stressors during deployment. Protective buffering was associated with negative health symptoms, and disclosure was related to marital satisfaction. Wives' perceptions that their husbands were in dangerous situations as well as their perceptions that husbands were supportive of their disclosures were both related to protective buffering and disclosure.  相似文献   


HOW TO MAKE BETTER SPEECHES. By William G. Hoffman. New York: Funk and Wagnalls Co., 1948; pp. 266. $3.00.

YOU AND YOUR SPEECHES. By E. C. Buehler. (Revised edition) . Lawrence, Kansas: Allen Press, 1949; pp. 266. $3.00.

ESSENTIALS OF COMMUNICATIVE SPEECH. By Robert T. Oliver, Dallas C. Dickey, and Harold P. Zelko. New York: The Dryden Press, 1949.

FUNDAMENTALS OF SPEECH. A Text‐Handbook of Principles and Methods. By Roy C. McCall. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1949; pp. 240. $12.50.

PRACTICAL DEBATING. By Luther W. Courtney and Glenn R. Capp. New York: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1949; pp. xii: 308.

THE ART OF ACTING. By John Dolman, Jr. New York: Harper &; Brothers, 1949; pp. xx + 313. $3.50.

LIVING LITERATURE FOR ORAL INTERPRETATION. By Moiree Compere. New York: Appleton‐Century‐Crofts, Inc., 1949; pp. xii + 451. $3.00.

HANDBOOK OF RADIO PRODUCTION. By Erik Barnouw. Boston: D. C. Heath and Co., 1949; pp. xii + 324. $3.25.

VOICE AND DICTION. By Victor A. Fields and James F. Bender. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1949; pp. ix + 368. $4.00.

SPEECH METHODS IN THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. By Carrie Rasmussen. New York: The Ronald Press, 1949; pp. 340. $3.50.

SPEECH IN THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. By Lorna Shogren Werner. Evanston, Illinois: Row, Peterson and Co., 1947; pp. 222. $2.00.  相似文献   

In this study, communication privacy management theory (CPM) provides a theoretical framework for investigating the development of privacy rules and strategies for females disclosing a minority sexual identity (MSI) in the workplace. Analysis of in-depth interviews indicated that participants’ rules were influenced primarily by role and relational risk evaluations. Findings nuance CPM’s conceptualization of role risk to identify 3 variations: risk to employment status, professional image, and ability to complete tasks. In addition, connections between workplace relational and role risks and how gender identities influence risk assessments and disclosure are demonstrated. Despite risk, participants disclosed personal information at work and often did so utilizing implicit disclosure strategies in everyday interactions to test confidants’ reactions and normalize their MSI in the workplace.  相似文献   

Communication privacy management theory maintains permeability rules manifest as communication strategies used during conversation. Although postdivorce families tend to privilege openness, this conclusion is based on recalled reports and single discussions about negatively valenced topics. To determine whether ambiguity functions as a manifestation of permeability rules and its effects on relational satisfaction and psychological well-being, 39 parent-emerging adult child dyads discussed one negatively valenced and one positively valenced postdivorce topic. Results indicated parents were ambiguous while discussing negatively and positively valenced topics, and children were perceptive of parents' ambiguity during the conversations. No differences were found between parents' use and children's perceptions of parents' ambiguity. Further, children's relational satisfaction and psychological well-being were affected by ambiguity in both discussions.  相似文献   

Alcohol-related posts on social-networking sites (SNS) can damage college students’ reputations and relationships and contribute to risky behavior. However, little is known about how college drinkers engage in privacy management involving alcohol content. Through 48 interviews and a Communication Privacy Management lens, this study uncovered criteria on which students relied to develop relatively impermeable boundaries around alcohol posts, the ways they collectively negotiated privacy with peers, and how participants implicitly and explicitly communicatively negotiated privacy turbulence. Findings suggest important connections between the co-occurrence of online privacy management and identity management, including how facework is involved in remediating privacy breaches and the co-opting of privacy. Findings also inform efforts to educate college drinkers about on-and-offline strategies to manage alcohol-related SNS content.  相似文献   

This study analyzed the discourse of a pro-anorexia website, prettythin.com. Narratives and posts were thematically analyzed using communication privacy management as a framework to understand the tension between revealing and concealing an eating disorder. Two themes were constructed during data analysis: (a) personal ownership and control, with the subtheme strategies for maintaining control and (b) communication choices surrounding disclosure and two subthemes, (i) seeking to fulfill needs face-to-face and (ii) positive fulfillment of needs online. Theoretical and practical contributions are addressed in terms of how communication theory can help understand people living with eating disorders. Specifically, how these individuals manage their personal information online and face-to-face and how prettythin.com provides support to men and women with eating disorders.  相似文献   

Key to understanding the process of privacy management is examining how boundary turbulence is individually experienced. Building on the principles of communication privacy management, I considered how the amount of dissemination beyond the dyadic boundary corresponds to the automatic emotional reactions, behavioral responses, and higher-order cognitions reported in response to boundary turbulence. Two hundred sixteen college-aged students described recent privacy breaches and reported their individual emotional, behavioral, and cognitive responses to the betrayal of confidence. Results revealed that the amount of dissemination of private information was positively associated with anger, fear, and sadness. Furthermore, anger incited the use of distributive tactics, and this association was stronger for individuals who ruminated. Congruently, sadness prompted withdrawal behaviors, and this relationship increased as cognitive avoidance increased.  相似文献   

摘要基于社会影响理论,从信息类型和交流情境角度研究了与口碑交流有效性相关的三个因素,即信息类型(事实型vs评价型)、关系强度(强关系vs弱关系)和口碑信息传播方式(一对一vs广播式),并以169名网站参与者为实证对象,采用2×2×2因子设计实验来验证所提出的假设。最终结果显示:评价型信息比事实型信息对口碑交流有效性有更显著的影响;关系强度对口碑交流有效性有显著影响;口碑传播方式在关系强度对口碑交流有效性影响上起到了调节作用。对网络平台提供商和口碑宣传商提出了提高电子口碑交流有效性的策略和建议。图4。表5。参考文献22。  相似文献   

A growing number of Americans are living with chronic health conditions that require informal, ongoing care from family members who are also in the paid labor force. In this exploratory study, communication privacy management is used to make sense of chronic caregiving (N = 48–64) and noncaregiving (N = 174–178) employees’ disclosure preferences, intentions, and behaviors in the workplace. We find that workers in general anticipate that they would disclose to many individuals at work about their caregiving, but employees actually disclose much less information to far fewer people at work when they occupy the chronic caregiver role. For chronic caregivers, positive perceptions about coworker supportiveness predict increased disclosure behaviors. Finally, future research directions as employers, workers, and policy makers prepare for the complex challenges associated with negotiating paid work and unpaid chronic caregiving are provided.  相似文献   

This study examined adolescents' and young adults' use of topic avoidance with their mothers, fathers, stepmothers, and stepfathers. The types of topics avoided differed according to the type of parent-child relationship. Specifically, adolescents and young adults engaged in the most topic avoidance with their stepparents (regardless of whether the stepparent was a stepmother or stepfather), followed by their fathers, and then their mothers. Quantitative measures indicated that sex was the most frequently avoided topic across all relationship types. Open-ended responses revealed additional commonly avoided topics, including talking about the other parent/family, deep conversations, and money (e.g., child support payments). The most frequently reported reasons for this avoidance were self protection, relationship protection, and conflict. This research suggests that children in stepfamilies face unique decisions about topic avoidance. Communication Boundary Management Theory (Petronio, 1991) was used to explain how adolescents and young adults might engage in topic avoidance to regulate their personal boundaries, constructing relatively impermeable boundaries with some adults while maintaining looser boundaries with others. Finally, numerous practical suggestions are offered for understanding the balance between openness and closedness in stepfamilies and for promoting healthy stepfamily functioning.  相似文献   

This study examined adolescents' and young adults' use of topic avoidance with their mothers, fathers, stepmothers, and stepfathers. The types of topics avoided differed according to the type of parent-child relationship. Specifically, adolescents and young adults engaged in the most topic avoidance with their stepparents (regardless of whether the stepparent was a stepmother or stepfather), followed by their fathers, and then their mothers. Quantitative measures indicated that sex was the most frequently avoided topic across all relationship types. Open-ended responses revealed additional commonly avoided topics, including talking about the other parent/family, deep conversations, and money (e.g., child support payments). The most frequently reported reasons for this avoidance were self protection, relationship protection, and conflict. This research suggests that children in stepfamilies face unique decisions about topic avoidance. Communication Boundary Management Theory (Petronio, 1991) was used to explain how adolescents and young adults might engage in topic avoidance to regulate their personal boundaries, constructing relatively impermeable boundaries with some adults while maintaining looser boundaries with others. Finally, numerous practical suggestions are offered for understanding the balance between openness and closedness in stepfamilies and for promoting healthy stepfamily functioning.  相似文献   

基于问卷调查,从5个维度测量图书馆员的沟通满意感,即对组织整体沟通氛围的看法、沟通开放性、相关工作信息的获取、直接主管的沟通意识及态度与主动性、同事之间的沟通关系等。在此基础上,从性别、入馆年限、职称、职位、教育背景方面,对不同馆员群体的沟通满意感及其相关因素进行考察,以发现其规律和特点。  相似文献   

网络传播环境下的中国广播发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以网络音频传播的近期发展为背景,考察了国内传统广播电台面临的变动和挑战,对网络传播与传统广播传播的互动和影响提出分析和讨论。本文认为,国内主流广播电台始终在努力融入网络传播领域,尽力扩大活动空域,但是面对科技进步带来的冲击,广播体制改革创新的重要性愈发明显。网络时代的传统广播需要发挥新闻传播优势,并加强自身体制改革创新。  相似文献   

陈廉芳 《图书馆学刊》2009,31(12):10-12
介绍了定题情报服务的概念和现状,分析了信息共享空间开展定题情报服务的必要性,就基于信息共享空间完善定题情报服务发展条件和服务流程问题发表了自己的观点。  相似文献   

舆论作为一种意见形态,一旦与“管理”发生联系,其内涵的复杂性不容忽视。当舆论管理主体上升为国家权力机构,这种管理应被理解为规则管理。在一般情况下,它不直接干预意见本身,除非这种意见非法,而是对意见的表达规则实施行政管理,以便造成舆论的有序流动。  相似文献   

This study focuses on the communication style of transformational leaders. Seven different communication styles were established and labeled: emotionally intelligent, impatient, controlled, insecure, avoiding, dominating, and transparent. Responses from 216 Finnish CEOs indicate that certain communication styles are connected with transformational leadership, including the emotionally intelligent, the transparent, and the controlled styles.  相似文献   

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