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Crowdsourcing, or “obtaining information or services by soliciting input from a large number of people,” is becoming known for the impressive productivity of projects that ask the public to help transcribe, describe, locate, or categorize cultural heritage resources. This essay argues that crowdsourcing projects can also be a powerful platform for audience engagement with museums, offering truly deep and valuable connection with cultural heritage through online collaboration around shared goals or resources. It includes examples of well‐designed crowdsourcing projects that provide platforms for deepening involvement with citizen history and citizen science; useful definitions of “engagement”; and evidence for why some activities help audiences interact with heritage and scientific material. It discusses projects with committed participants and considers the role of communities of participants in engaging participants more deeply.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 分析科研众包项目的协作模式,为我国在开放环境下开展协作研究提供理论指导和行动指南。[方法/过程] 通过分析Crowd Research项目的协作过程,从公众科研人员招募、研究过程协作、结果提交、成果产出4方面入手,详细说明各部分的关键步骤,总结Crowd Research对我国发展科研众包项目的启示。[结果/结论] 研究发现,Crowd Research基于众包思想,发展了一种新型的科研协作模式,公众科研人员在专业科研人员的带领下可以协作参与研究过程,包括自主选择里程碑、同行评估提交内容、互相分配贡献值、合作发表学术论文等。  相似文献   

Publishers will usually make decisions based on their experience and knowledge in book publishing. However, there are risks of losses as markets can be unpredictable. Now, with the availability of various online social platforms, “crowdsourcing” is being used by publishers and authors to gather new ideas and innovations. This article will analyze how the crowdsourcing platform is used by industry players to attract active participation from the public, especially in the title development process. Publishers or authors also need to understand which platform is appropriate and how to use the platforms as a marketing communication tool. The netnography approach will be used to gather and analyze the data related to the specific subject area of the study, including literature review and online observation. Based on our observations, platforms such Wattpad and Ilham Karangkraf are popular among Malaysian authors and publishers, and had been used to get crowd engagement as well as to communicate with readers. With it, sometimes a work that has many readers or followers will be published.  相似文献   

Participation in discussions about the public interest can be enhanced by technology, but can also create an environment in which participants are overwhelmed by the quantity, quality, and diversity of information and arguments. Political participation is at a greater disadvantage than non-political activities in that participants from different parties already start out with established differences, which requires them to reach some form of common ground before progress can be made. Those seeking authentic deliberation are discouraged to participate when confronted with uncivil and inflammatory rhetoric. These issues are often exacerbated in online discussions, where lack of identity cues and low barriers to entry can lead to heightened incivility between participants, often labeled as “flaming” and “trolling”. This paper explores the extent to which moderator systems, tools online discussion forums use to manage contributions, can reduce information overload and encourage civil conversations in virtual discussion spaces. Using the popular website Slashdot as an example of sound moderation in a public discourse setting, we found that users move toward consensus about which and how comments deserve to be moderated. Using these findings, we explore how transferable these systems are for participation in public matters specifically to the unique attributes of political discussion. Slashdot's political forum provides a comparison group that allowed us to find quantitative and qualitative differences in political posting, comments, and moderation. Our results show that large scale, civil participation is possible with a distributed moderation system that enables regularly lively debates to be conducted positively because the system provides tools for people to enforce norms of civility.  相似文献   

网络舆情与现实事件的良好结合与互动,有助于公众参与公共决策的实现。论文着眼于研究“南京绿评制度”形成的相关网络舆情在不同途径传播的特征,从公众网络信息行为的各要素出发,分析得出公众在参与公共决策的过程中与政府决策之间存在着倒逼机制,网络舆情对于公共决策的形成起着一定的影响作用。  相似文献   

共建共享理念是新形势下指导我国档案事业发展的重要理念,志愿服务是广大社会公众参与档案事业建设的重要途径。对我国公众参与档案馆志愿服务活动情况进行问卷调查,结果发现当前公众参与档案志愿服务活动的人数很少、参与比例很低,参与者主要是女性,年龄集中在21~40岁之间,参与人群主要是事业单位人员、学生和行政机关工作人员等;参与者整体文化程度较高,中东部地区人数较多,但总体参与次数较少,且主要集中在重大节假日期间,大多数志愿服务活动在档案馆或广场公园等公共场合进行,公众获取档案志愿服务活动信息的途径较为单一,主要通过文件通知、网络广播电视等渠道了解。最后以共建共享理念为指导提出:努力扩充志愿活动环节,不断丰富服务内容与项目;多平台、多渠道协同共建并加强联动宣传推介;构建面向公众需求的志愿服务机制,共享服务成果与效益等。  相似文献   

Digitalization has expanded the scope of citizen participation. Nevertheless, there are no conclusive findings on online citizen participation and inclusive policymaking. This study adds in line with the discussion with a fresh perspective of institutional bias. It presents new evidence by examining the process, participants, policy agenda, and sentiments of public opinions from the government-led and Internet-empowered citizen participation regarding the 2017–2035 Shanghai Master Plan. Four findings are reported based on the in-depth case study with text and sentiment analysis. First, the government-led model provides institutionalized opportunities for citizen engagement throughout the policy process, while the Internet-empowered citizen participation is characterized by contingency and ad hoc. Second, the government-led model remains elite-dominated, while the Internet empowers a wider scope of stakeholders with an open and popularized participation platform. Third, the public opinion from the Internet-empowered model often goes beyond or even against the pre-defined official principles and goals. In contrast, the civic discussion in the government-led model influences policy by changing the sequence of policy agenda or providing focus within the official setting. Fourth, citizens, especially the experts, are more likely to give positive feedback in the government-led model than the Internet-empowered approach. These findings confirm and identify the remaining institutional bias that hinders inclusive policymaking in the Internet age. Theoretically, it reminds scholars to examine the institutional arrangements regarding citizen participation carefully. Practically, it indicates that the central government could facilitate inclusive policymaking at the local level by reducing the institutional bias of the government-led approach and utilizing text and sentiment analysis to urge the local government's response to Internet-empowered public opinion.  相似文献   

本文实证研究大学生网上社会公共事务参与状况和影响因素,发现:只有17%的活跃学生网民积极参与网上社会公共事务;大学生活跃网民和普通网民在网络知识和技能上并不存在明显差别,网络影响力、民生问题思考力、信息分析处理能力、舆论监督效能感和性别是影响大学生网上社会公共事务参与的显著因素。  相似文献   

当前我国档案馆馆藏资源存在严重的单一化问题,尤其是在机构改革后档案馆公共文化职能日益凸显的情况下,档案馆馆藏无法满足公众利用需求的现象愈发突出,因此档案馆必须探寻多元化的资源建设路径。文章通过对新加坡国家档案馆“公民档案管理员”项目的分析,发现公众参与式的档案馆藏资源建设有利于提高公民参与积极性,节约档案馆开发资源的成本,发挥档案价值。最后从公众参与模式的定位,馆藏资源构建以及参与者的素质三个方面提出公众参与模式的馆藏档案资源建设策略。  相似文献   

By analyzing the Citizenship Involvement Democracy survey conducted on American citizens, this paper investigates categorical and demographic disparities between online and offline political participants and examines the two-sided effects (reinforcing and mobilizing) of the internet on political participation. The analysis presents three main findings. First, those who participate in online political activity do not differ categorically from those who conduct their political activity offline. Second, cross-group differences in how actively individuals participate in political activity make little distinction between offline and online modes. There is a trade-off between the generational gap in online political activity and the racial gap in offline political activity, but the gap in political participation between the socioeconomically advantaged and their counterparts appears in both online and offline political activities. Finally, the internet plays a dual role in mobilizing political participation by people not normally politically involved, as well as reinforcing existing offline participation.  相似文献   

屈南 《图书情报工作》2020,64(3):145-152
[目的/意义]对英格兰公共图书馆广泛开展的韵律时光项目进行介绍和分析,旨在对我国公共图书馆开展学前儿童家庭阅读推广活动的创新和发展提供理论及实践借鉴。[方法/过程]采用网络调查法和案例分析法,结合一手资料,从开展状况、活动模式、成功要素3个方面对该项目进行深入分析。[结果/结论]结合我国国情,提出我国公共图书馆开展学前儿童家庭阅读推广可借鉴的方面:重视参与者视角的活动效果、质量;充分考虑服务对象的特殊性;采用标准化活动模式;深入挖掘我国具备音乐性的优秀儿童文学作品。  相似文献   

首先介绍了众包的缘起与发展情况,分析了众包的内涵,例举了国外图书馆界的众多众包案例。在此基础之上,提出众包馆员制度,并与图书馆员2.0进行比较,提出众包馆员实施众包项目的关键步骤:选择众包项目,进行任务分解,制定激励机制和评审机制,选择发布平台,引导与监管众包过程,进行知识管理、整合及利用。最后,阐述了众包馆员的重要作用。  相似文献   

For decades, user participation has brought value to various systems development projects. Today, there are expectations that public e-service development will experience the same benefits. However, existing research has shown that introducing user participation into public e-service development can be challenging. In this study, we interviewed citizens in order to explore their willingness and ability to participate in public e-service development according to three user participation schools: User-Centred Design, Participatory Design and User Innovation. Our findings show that citizens in general are willing to participate, but their ability to do so is limited. Based on our findings, we developed nine propositions to explain citizens' willingness and ability to participate in public e-service development. The propositions contribute to practice by acting as a tentative guide for systems developers when they use user participation schools as inspiration in public e-service projects. They also act as a starting point for future research into conditions for user participation in public e-service development.  相似文献   

This study examines the extent to which acculturation and enculturation orientations affect online political participation, political involvement and voting intentions among a sample of Turkish-Dutch immigrants. The study uses data from Turkish-Dutch participants. Structural Equations Modelling (SEM) is employed for assessing the relationships in the conceptualized model. The findings show that enculturation and acculturation influence online participation and involvement, which in turn, are related to voting intentions. The study further examines the mediating role of political involvement and online political participation. Political involvement mediates the relationships between enculturation and acculturation and voting intentions. The results further indicate the effect of online participation on voting intentions is mediated by political involvement. The study findings provide insights into offline and online cultural and civic engagement tendencies among an important immigrant segment that policy makers should consider in the future.  相似文献   

Between Twitter revolutions and Facebook elections, there is a growing belief that information and communication technologies are changing the way democracy is practiced. The discourse around e-government and online deliberation is frequently focused on technical solutions and based in the belief that if you build it correctly they will come. This paper departs from the literature on digital divide to examine barriers to online civic participation in policy deliberation. While most scholarship focuses on identifying and describing those barriers, this study offers an in-depth analysis of what it takes to address them using a particular case study. Based in the tradition of action research, this paper focuses on analysis of practices that evolved in Regulation Room—a research project of CeRI (Cornell eRulemaking Initiative) that works with federal government agencies in helping them engage public in complex policymaking processes. It draws a multidimensional picture of motivation, skill, and general political participation divides; or the “analog” aspects of the digital divide in online civic participation and policy deliberation.  相似文献   

��[Purpose/significance] The paper introduces and analyzes the rhythm time project in the public library of England and aims to provide the theoretical and practical reference for the innovation and development of the family reading promotion activities for pre-school children in public libraries in China.[Method/process] By using the method of network investigation and case analysis, combined with the first-hand data, this paper made a deep analysis of the project from three aspects:the development situation, the activity mode and the elements of success.[Result/conclusion] Combined with China's national conditions, this paper puts forward those aspects that our public libraries can use for reference on the family reading promotion activities for pre-school children:attention should be paid to the effect and quality of the activities from the perspective of the participants, the particularity of the service object should be fully considered, standardized activity model is worth drawing lessons from, and it is necessary to excavate the excellent children's literature works with musicality in our country.  相似文献   

过去十年,公众科学已经从一个新兴概念逐渐演化成互联网环境下群体协作的利器。然而,由于公众科学项目发起主体的多元性、参与方的广泛性和异质性、实施过程的复杂性和动态性,其运行机制和管理方式还有很多难点。科研众包理念是成功开展公众科学项目的前提和重点,因此可以作为公众科学的理论视角去进行概念解析,而对于科研众包类型的解构也将有助于公众科学项目的模式设计。本研究认为基于科研众包类型和公众科学开展环境两个维度,可以有效构建公众科学项目的业务模式并进行业务划分;以“机构观”的思想去驱动、管理并维系公众科学项目的发展,加入第三方组织机构这一实体可以重构公众科学项目的运作模式。而立足于图书情报学科,可以对数字人文类公众科学项目进行深入探索,尤其可以从特色馆藏利用、数字人文平台构建、科研数据管护以及用户激励和培训等方面开展后续工作。图4。表1。参考文献45。  相似文献   

了解突发事件中我国智库应急情报保障体系的组成要素、相互联系以及存在的问题,为更好地发挥我国智库在突发事件中的应急情报保障作用和提升应急情报保障的质量水平提供依据。采用自下而上的经验性研究设计思路,以Q事件背景下的33个智库为案例,爬取33个智库在Q事件期间发布的各类型资料,采用扎根理论三级编码思路构建理论体系。应急参与主体、应急保障对象、应急情报需求、应急保障内容和应急保障流程是智库应急情报保障体系的构成要素。其中,应急情报需求是驱动力,应急参与主体是推力,应急保障对象是拉力,而应急保障流程和应急保障内容彼此紧密联系,是智库发挥应急情报保障作用机制的核心部分。根据研究结果,提出融合众包模式、鼓励公众参与、引入新兴信息技术、提高应急情报需求感知效率以及提升应急参与主体协同联动水平等建议。  相似文献   

众包对图书馆的影响及其运用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
众包理念和模式在图书馆领域的运用,将影响图书馆学理论架构,促进图书馆学理论创新;重新界定图书馆的组织边界,促进图书馆制度创新;打破图书馆专业化的门槛,促进图书馆技术和业务流程的创新。图书馆应充分借鉴众包的优势,鼓励大众进行知识交流与创新,加强图书馆文献资源建设的针对性,提高图书馆文献揭示与读者检索的一致性,推动图书馆资源和网络信息的开发与利用,促进图书馆知识交流。  相似文献   

李静  谢耘耕 《新闻界》2020,(2):37-45
本文基于2010-2018年10600起舆情事件,考察了事件本身属性、媒介传播、网民参与及政府干预对网络舆情热度的影响。多元分层回归模型的结果表明:1.环境和文化体育类事件网络舆情热度较高,反腐倡廉类事件网络舆情热度较低;因为大型活动和科技发现引发的舆情事件传播热度较高。2.由传统媒体、网络新闻首次曝光的舆情事件热度较低。3.出现第三方、网络谣言、网络动员的舆情事件热度较高,意见领袖的出现对网络舆情热度没有显著影响;网民舆论倾向性非常正面的舆情事件传播热度较高。4.网络舆情事件中如果国家部委进行了干预,则舆情热度较高;政府干预的时效性越差,网络舆情热度越高;政府采用新闻发布会、社交媒体回应的舆情事件热度较高,利用对外公告或文件回应的舆情事件热度较低;政府干预级数与网络舆情热度正相关。  相似文献   

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