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Over the last few decades, businesses have developed sophisticated information systems that allow the capture of vast amounts of data. Such data can be potentially useful for enabling government authorities to improve their processes and services. For example, access to business documents and track and trace information associated with supply chain activities is of great interest to customs administrations. Such information holds the potential to make customs risk assessment processes more efficient and effective and to enable faster clearance of goods crossing borders. Businesses, however, are often not willing to voluntarily share information with the government beyond what is strictly mandated to be shared by law (e.g. submitting customs declarations). There is only limited academic research and a general lack of understanding amongst practitioners about how voluntary business-government information sharing can be achieved. In this study, we present a framework to analyse the barriers, drivers, and enablers of voluntary business-government information sharing and the governance processes that make such voluntary information sharing possible. Our analysis shows that voluntary business-government information sharing can succeed when there are strong drivers and a government agency willing to take the lead in initiating the process.  相似文献   

Experience developed in two university libraries, Advertising and Marketing School of Rio de Janeiro library and Medicine Faculty of Petrópolis library, members of CBIES/RJ-resource sharing consortia of Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, with the aim of identifying benefits for both institutions through their participation in the consortia. The main results are as follows: scientific and technological knowledge sharing, cooperative acquisition of software and databases, and the development of a cooperative online serials catalog; facilities to search for and access information. This experience shows how library consortia are efficient tools to information resource sharing and can contribute to increase the quality of academic education.  相似文献   

Information asymmetry and information sharing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although much digital divide research focuses on access to technology, another cause of the divide is the lack of information awareness that we call information asymmetry. Information asymmetry often stems from inadequate information sharing and can result in negative consequences for both the information poor and the information rich. Information asymmetry has been insufficiently studied as a possible cause of underdevelopment and inequality. In response, we develop a typology to classify information asymmetry into two categories, horizontal and vertical, and then identify those information sharing practices that cause the imbalance. To illustrate the negative consequences of information asymmetry and the potential benefits of information sharing, we discuss two examples from the experiences of modern American Indian tribes. First, Indian tribes face horizontal information asymmetry when they attempt to access the capital markets, and second, they face vertical information asymmetry in terms of law enforcement data sharing. This article also describes our ongoing examination of horizontal information sharing among tribes and vertical information sharing between tribes and others sovereigns in the American polity as possible solutions to the problems created by information asymmetry. These strategic responses are embodied in two information systems, the Tribal Financial Information Clearinghouse and an Intergovernmental Tracking System for sharing law enforcement data. We conclude with a discussion of how our typology can be more generally applied to other instances of information asymmetry.  相似文献   

A new model of information sharing practices in academic communities is based on Latour's circulatory system of scientific facts, and some elements of Foster's non-linear model of information-seeking behavior. The main proposition of this model is that information-sharing practices and context simultaneously shape each other. The proposed model supports Foster's conceptualization of information practices as non-linear processes, but its emphasis on the interdependence between context and information practices provides a more effective means to capture complex negotiations involved in information-sharing practices. The proposition is that the major reason for nonlinearity in information practices is a continuous shifting of actors' interests, pressures, and concerns. Capturing these dynamic relations becomes possible through this model. The model also offers a way to generate a number of research questions and hypotheses, and as such it could be a useful tool for empirical studies on information sharing in academic communities.  相似文献   

In an effort to help raise awareness about the need for disaster planning in health sciences libraries, emergency response planners at the Claude Moore Health Sciences Library at the University of Virginia considered how best to promote the idea and provide a forum for gathering and exchanging information, while maintaining control over content in order to keep the focus and the quality of the entries consistent. The blog they created has been successful in providing much-needed assistance to hospital libraries and other libraries, both large and small, as well as for individuals and other organizations worldwide.  相似文献   

The gap between the approval of RTI laws and their implementation leaves room for discretionary bias and discrimination from government officials. This paper explores possible discretionary bias and ultimately discriminatory behavior exhibited by Uruguayan government agencies while answering RTI requests. We explore whether public officials are more likely to respond to requests from citizens that are informed about their right under the RTI law vs regular citizens, as well as from influential citizens (journalists and firm owners). We also assess whether public servants' responses to RTI requests are gender-biased. We conducted a randomized field experiment to test for unequal treatment given to citizens' requests by Uruguayan government officials, considering different citizen categories. We find that only those citizens who know the RTI law and invoke its existence have a greater likelihood of obtaining an answer from bureaucrats. This result is driven mostly by men's requests declaring they know the law when making their request, while invoking the law doesn't make a difference in responses to women. These findings show that public campaigns to promote citizens' awareness of RTI laws and their use, not only would increase requests, but also governments' responsiveness regarding RTI requests.  相似文献   

The paper explores boundaries of cross-boundary information sharing and integration in the context of Taiwan e-Government by using an integrated framework of boundaries adopted from the literature. The discussion of the various boundaries provides a thorough lens to understand the complexity of cross-boundary information sharing and integration. The adopted framework of boundaries is proved to be a useful analytical tool to perceive various vertical and horizontal boundaries in initiatives of cross-boundary information sharing and integration in different e-Government contexts. A new process boundary in the vertical dimension is also identified. In addition, the case shows that centralized information systems can help government agencies to cross the boundaries of information sharing and reduce the number of boundaries government agencies may encounter. Lastly, it is perceived that vertical boundaries are not always easier to cross than horizontal boundaries.  相似文献   

Whether biologists share data depends on data type. This study employed an integrated theoretical framework combining theory of planned behavior and institutional theory to investigate individual motivations, technological resources, and institutional pressures affecting data sharing intentions between biologists depending on whether they were sharing genome sequence data or regular lab experiment data. A series of statistical analyses including principal component factor analysis, hierarchical regression, and independent sample t-test were conducted on a total of 342 survey responses from biologists. The results suggest that biologists' data sharing intentions are influenced by individual motivations, technological resources, and institutional pressures, and that the intensities of those factors are considerably different for genome sequence data and lab experiment data. This study suggests that data sharing by biologists varies depending on the type of data they produce, and that different policies and technological supports should be applied to facilitate the sharing of diverse biological data types.  相似文献   

图书馆信息资源共享模式新论   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
文章简述现有图书馆信息资源共享模式的发展历史、发展原因和发展特点。从信息资源共享的概念入手,认为共建共享仅仅是图书馆信息资源共享的一个方面,对基于信息资源产业链的信息资源共享进行了较深入地探讨;认为图书馆信息资源共享研究和实践的新模式应该是把共建共享和基于信息产业链共享这两方面的纵横结合。  相似文献   

市场经济环境下全社会信息资源共享模式探索   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
文章提出了信息资源共享应是全社会的并引入了市场机制的共享,同时提出了该共享的模式。  相似文献   

试论落后地区的文化信息资源共享工程建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
化信息资源共享工程建设对落后地区的社会主义“两个明”建设发展具有重要意义,将改变该地区化落后的现状。落后地区的发展进程与发达地区存在较大差距。因此,其化资源共享工程的建设和发展就有其不同的特点、规律和要求。本谈谈化信息资源共享工程在落后地区的建设的不同特点和方法。  相似文献   

文化共享工程版权使用方式的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全国文化信息资源共享工程集版权作品的传播者、使用者和创作者于一体,本文通过比较合理使用、法定许可、版权补偿金制度、交叉许可模式、授权要约模式、集体管理制度等几种版权使用方式对共享工程的适用性,为适应海量授权,认为文化共享共程应该要坚持多种模式并举.  相似文献   

From 1961 through 1966, the National Institutes of Health operated a facility for the rapid distribution of unevaluated preprints to research workers—an obvious precursor of many of the activities taking place today on the Internet. The experiment began with 32 researchers in a single Information Exchange Group (IEG). It grew to seven IEGs with total membership over 3600. During 1966, more than 1.5 million copies of preprints were produced and distributed. Considerable enthusiasm was generated among researchers who valued the speed of dissemination. Critics charged that the quality of the average preprint deteriorated with increased participation. They also noted that the unplanned burdens on production had often delayed receipt of the preprints until after they had appeared as formally reviewed journal papers. During this period, the Atomic Energy Commission had mounted a similar experimental program of “written informal communications” that was limited to theoretical high energy physics. Note: The NIH experiment ended as described by this summary, which was published inScience (154:843, 18 Nov. 1966). Obviously, no one wished to pay for it any longer. Despite the efforts of librarians at NIH, National Library of Medicine, and National Technical Information Services, we have not been able to locate the promised final report—A.H.  相似文献   

In recent years, government agencies on all levels and in all branches have increasingly engaged in harmonizing business processes, standardizing information sharing, and interoperating their information systems, which indicates a rising need for intra- and inter-government collaboration. Simultaneously, the technical capacity for process integration, information sharing, and system interoperation/interoperability (INT-IS-IOP) has also greatly increased. While a number of INT-IS-IOP projects have faced serious challenges leading to problematic project outcomes, other projects have produced the desired results. Using the amended Scholl/Klischewski (2007) framework this study systematically analyzes documents of nineteen cases of mostly successful projects, which were carried out across Europe. Based on the results of this analysis, we identify and document key foci and characteristics of successful projects. The comparative case analysis also helps assess the explanatory power of the Scholl/Klischewski framework, its applicability to practice, and its utility for evaluative purposes.  相似文献   

本次年会共收到有关文献信息资源共享方面的论文30篇,入选18篇,其中公共系统图书馆有14篇. 本文从以下四个方面作一归纳:文献信息资源共享的含义;文献信息资源共享的重要意义;实现文献信息资源共享的难点;开展文献信息资源共享的对策.  相似文献   

论信息资源共享模式的变革   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
认为信息资源共享的发展经历了三个阶段:文献信息资源共享阶段、信息资源共建共享阶段和全社会信息资源共享阶段;对每个阶段的情况和特点进行总结,指出我国信息资源共享目前正向第三阶段发展,并呈现出以市场经济为导向,以宏观调控为辅助手段,以信息网格为平台等特点。  相似文献   

论电子政务信息资源的共享与保密   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
网络技术和计算机技术的飞速发展推动了电子政务的发展,在电子政务的建设过程中,电子政务信息资源的建设至关重要,文章从电子政务信息资源的概念入手,探讨了电子政务信息资源的共享与保密的问题.  相似文献   

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