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This article argues that commodity flow is a defining characteristic of children's television programming, and that this flow of commodity and corporate-brand images builds into the genre a relatively coherent selling ethos. Three-hour blocks of programming, recorded on two different Saturday mornings for several broadcast and cable networks, were analyzed to highlight commodity flow within and between networks. This flow of commodities on children's television indicates a blurring of the distinction between content and promotional forms and illustrates the high level of commercialism targeted at this audience.  相似文献   

论印度电视体制的转型   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
印度电视业1959年起步,几十年来一直是印度国家电视台独家垄断。上世纪80年代中期国家电视台DD实行改革,电视作为单一宣传教育工具的传统观念逐渐改变。到90年代后期,已然形成国家电视台、本土商业电视台和外国卫星电视共同参与市场竞争的三足鼎立格局。本文按大致的时间顺序,概述印度电视转型前后的几个发展阶段,并分析印度电视业格局变化的原因和产生的影响。  相似文献   

电视制作和图书馆似乎是毫不相干,但现代信息技术和计算机应用技术的普及,使它们之间找到了交叉点。电视制作进入图书馆,更新了人们的传统观念,是图书馆工作的一个创新。  相似文献   

Fiction, particularly movies, enjoys the license to abandon philosophical rigor and play free and loose with issues somewhat related to the traditional personal identity concerns of philosophers. Double-named characters appear frequently in movies raising issues of double-identity to deepen the intrigue of their narratives. This paper explores the 1947 American film noir Out of the Past, which depicts the double identity and subsequent incarnation/embodiment of its protagonist by his abandoned past as a private detective who has crossed his gangster employers. In addition, the essay reaches “outside” the film to discuss the use of incarnation in the application of such notions as star or role, by taking as an example, its star Robert Mitchum, which leads us to how forces largely independent of their wills, incarnate certain actors, setting them up outside their films for multiple identities.  相似文献   

钱宇 《图书馆建设》2011,(12):73-74,78
近些年来,图书馆领域不断更新服务理念、创新服务模式,泛在服务模式应运而生。电视图书馆作为一种泛在服务模式,正在悄然兴起。常州电视图书馆对泛在服务模式进行了有益探索,在技术方面。形成了以数字电视网页和多媒体视频为主的表现形式;在内容方面,充分挖掘图书馆资源,结合地域、文化、馆藏等特点制作精彩电视节目,并有针对性地提供服务,在一定程度上实现了图书馆泛在服务。  相似文献   

城市与电视,都是重要的社会空间。通过这种空间属性的交互,城市社会学可以拓展电视研究的空间视野。对于城市现象与城市过程理解不同的四个流派(古典城市理论、人文主义城市理论、城市政治经济学理论、全球化城市理论),在研究态度、生态观念、生活方式、人文思考、时空观念、知识生产以及从社会功能等维度,对于电视研究的空间有所拓展。  相似文献   

石义彬  王勇 《国际新闻界》2006,(5):36-39,52
自产生以来,电视对社会形态及人们的思想观念产生了广泛而深远的影响。在后现代主义的形成中,电视也“功不可灭:”在一定程度上,正是20世纪中叶以来电视的迅猛发展,极大地改变了人们的私人生活空间和社会生活空间,深刻影响了人们的生存体验和思想观念,从而促进了后现代主义的产生。  相似文献   

Television is increasingly creeping into non-traditional spaces such as workplaces. As part of that movement, Ford Motor Company of Europe uses television as a key component of communication between top management and subordinates. The company broadcasts over its internal television system various Ford-related video and news stories to its plants in five countries—UK, France, Belgium, Spain, and Germany. As an employee in Ford of Europe's internal-communications team based in Cologne, I witnessed first-hand the inner dynamics of the deployment of television in a pan-European setting. Through television, the company is crafting a transnational corporate identity among its multi-national workforce, interpellating viewers in the various local sites within a larger “Ford family.” While television can act as a unifying force, the deployment of the technology also exacerbates tensions within the transnational entity as inflected by site-specific concerns—white collar/blue collar, international/national, management/union, labor/leisure, and public/private. Layered on top of this multitude of tensions remains the inherently propagandistic nature of developing news for a captive audience. For myself and others at the company, irony became a necessary tactic, to use DeCerteau's terms, to cope with the presence of a potentially monolithic technology in the prototypical transnational corporation.  相似文献   

本文根据西方公共产品提供与生产理论,对电视产品的生产和提供进行规范分析,提出了我国电视媒介体制改革的一些设想。  相似文献   

广播电视报是计划经济体制下行业垄断的产物,随着媒介市场化程度的加深,广播电视报面临强大的生存压力,这类报纸从当初简单的广播电视节目预告和节目介绍到今天的生活、娱乐等方方面面的报道,内容日益丰富,专刊是这些内容合适的载体.  相似文献   

Five versions (four experimental and one control) of a questionnaire were randomly distributed to 190 participants as part of an experiment investigating whether judgments of global television realism are influence by the salience of program genre. Questionnaires contained items asking respondents how often they watch either 1) news programs, 2) reality‐based crime programs, 3) crime drama programs, or 4) day and evening soap operas, followed by perceived realism and demographic items.

Global measures of television realism were influenced by the viewing questions that preceded them, such that questions about more realistic programming prompted judgments that television programming in general is more realistic. Except for one condition, questions measuring the perceived realism of a specific genre, rather than television in general, were not influenced by the salience manipulation. These results call into question the utility of global television realism items.  相似文献   

Contextualized in television program viewing, the current study seeks to develop a new scale that captures individuals' feelings of being connected to others via media consumption. Literature on general human motivation and media consumption motivation sheds light on social relatedness in television experiences. Data suggest a three-factor structure of the focal concept of feeling connected via television viewing (FCTV): (1) a perception of shared viewing among one's immediate social circle and anticipation of subsequent communication as aided by television programs, (2) a sense of global community enhanced by shared television experiences, and (3) communication with distant unknown others. A stronger sense of FCTV predicts a greater tendency for an individual to watch a program when it is first released, and to watch it together with one's friends, as well as a higher level of general involvement with television. Further, we differentiate the focal concept of feeling connected to other television viewers via television viewing from the related concept of parasocial interaction with television characters. Relative to parasocial interaction, FCTV better predicts collective viewing and first-run viewing.  相似文献   

本文以专业主义研究的社会、认知和伦理三个维度为分析框架,以奥运会国际公用电视信号制作者群体与制作理念为分析对象,探索性地分析了体育电视专业主义指标框架的三个维度,识别出体育电视专业群体、强调体育精神的传播理念、保持角色中立,为体育精神服务等三个维度的11个指标。  相似文献   

香港凤凰卫视实现跨国传播的启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
若干年来 ,炎黄子孙无不希望中国人、用中国话、从中国人的视角制作的电视节目能传播到世界各地的华人社区。 1996年在香港创建的凤凰卫视 ,经过 6年的悉心开拓 ,已建成了中文台、资讯台、欧洲台、美洲台、电影台 5个频道 ,覆盖了亚洲、美洲、欧洲、大洋洲、非洲的 80多个国家和地区。这一可喜现象令人感到 ,实现上述梦想的日子已经不再遥远。凤凰卫视为什么能在短短 6年取得如此骄人的成就 ?他们的经验对我们有什么启示 ?本文探讨和回答了上述问题  相似文献   

娱乐节目与快乐哲学——韩国电视娱乐节目分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
徐国源 《国际新闻界》2009,(3):28-30,40
本文通过对韩国电视娱乐节目的分析,探讨娱乐节目在韩国公共文化生活中的意义。韩国娱乐节目以快乐主义为价值取向,以娱乐为本位,显示了后现代文化的某些美学旨趣。作为在传播中生产的文本形式,娱乐节目的价值应置于传播情景中理解。  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(2):216-241
Two studies examined the effects of repeated viewing on children's comprehension of videos. In Study 1, 72 children aged 6–8 watched The Sword in the Stone. Afterwards, children who had seen the film before were compared with those for whom the film was novel. In Study 2, 291 children aged 4–8, watched one of two versions of a short story in which the main character's appearance was incongruous with her behavior. Children were tested after one or four exposures. Results of both studies indicated that repetition reduced initial developmental differences in comprehension and helped younger children inhibit the perceptual salience of characters’ appearance. However, children's understanding of the more complex causal sequences and the moral of the film in Study 1 remained low, despite prior exposure.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationships between television viewers’ empathy and affective orientation and their identification with their favorite television characters. Results showed that viewers’ perspective taking and affective orientation positively predicted cognitive-emotional identification and group identification, and affective orientation positively predicted similarity identification. Similarity in viewer and favorite character sex and the genre in which the favorite character appeared also predicted identification.  相似文献   

Many components of Information Literacy (IL) are too massive to be addressed in a single instruction session, yet an introduction to these concepts is essential for students' academic careers and intellectual development. This study evaluates the impact of applying excerpts from television comedies that illustrate ACRL's Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education to library instruction sessions for first-year students. Pre- and posttest results from 193 subjects and interview data from two focus groups indicate that television comedies can be integrated into one-shot instruction sessions to demonstrate IL concepts in an accessible and dialogue-provoking manner.  相似文献   

Internet news consumption is growing and television news viewership is decreasing; however, online news is not a substitute for television news. This study found motives for seeking political information from television and the Internet to be information-seeking, entertainment, civic duty, and social utility. In seeking political information, audiences use Internet and television in conjunction as supplements or complements, rather than as substitutes. Multiple regression analysis showed that information-seeking and social utility predicted television use, and information-seeking and civic duty predicted Internet use.  相似文献   

The current study examined the interpersonal coordination of nonverbal immediacy behaviors in the emotional support process. Participants (N = 216) disclosed a distressing event to a confederate who was trained to exhibit emotional support that varied in high, moderate, or low nonverbal immediacy. After the 5-minute conversation, participants evaluated the confederate on several scales. Trained coders coded 10 immediacy cues of confederates and participants. Results indicated that participants tended to match confederates, regardless of the immediacy condition. Perceived liking for the helper did not moderate immediacy matching and exerted only a main effect on confederate immediacy; participants reported liking better highly immediate helpers than either moderately immediate or nonimmediate helpers. The study also generated several sex differences, such that, with the exception of eye contact, women tended to match confederates more than did men.  相似文献   

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