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CRACK A JOKEArnold is such a hilarious person!He cracks a joke at every oppor-tunity.From early morning to late at night he is cracking jokes.It ishard to stay serious when you are around Arnold.Word explanationhilarious/hi'l(?)ri(?)s/αdj.引人发笑的,滑稽的 crack/k(?)k/v.(使)裂  相似文献   

在这大千世界里,人人会遇到困难或陷入困境。此时此刻,是锲而不舍,知难而上?还是止步不前,举手投降?不同的人会做出不同的选择。请看下面一段小对话。  相似文献   

奋 O肛犯E奋Up Tn收E‘‘目-BURN YOUR BRIDGES BEHIND YOU_MONEY BURNS A HOLE IN YOUR POCK卫T一B URNTHE MIDNIGHTOIL一KEEP THE HOME FIRES BURNING^. Wbrk late at川ght.B. Beu”.bletogobaek.C.Keep eve甲面ngn山山”口gth。物y it alway一doeLD.NOt able to save.E。划该ve a 6re.U you COuld not save,would:1.—you burn vour bridg.玩州nd you?2.—you bum the而山目ght 01123·—mone丫bum a hole运丫our即山t?M几巨en you keeP the sames比edule atho血you alwa钟had,do you:一生…  相似文献   

COME IN HANDY“Is everyone ready for the picnic?”asked Karen.“Jack and Elliotwill bring their coolers,and Phil and June will bring blankets.Do weneed anything else?”“I also have a cooler,”said Andrea.“Perhaps I should bring it.Itmight come in handy if we have a lot of extra food.”  相似文献   

TALK BIG Timothy was braggi!19.“My family 15 going to China next som·mer.We will be gone for eight weeks.We are going to see eve尽thi:、gin China,stay with imPortant PeoPle,and even get to meet the Premierof Chir一a!’电 “Well,maybe you are going to Ch  相似文献   

CHECK-UP TIME——CRACK A JOKE——CRACK A SMILE——CRACK THE WHIP——CRACK UPA.Make people work hard.B.Laugh very hard.  相似文献   

CRACK A SMILEMargie's part in the school playcalled for her to be very funny.When she was doing the funniestscene, the audience was hystericalwith laughter. But Margie rem-ained composed. She did not  相似文献   

BIG CHEESE Candice is so active at school.She is class president,a cheerleaderfor the football team,on the track team, and editor for the newspaper.She really is a big cheese at West High School.Word explanation:  相似文献   

CRACK THE WHIPMs.Enders is a very difficultteacher.Her students work hard-er than anyone else,but they alsoseem to learn more.She will nottolerate any fooling around inher room,either.The students  相似文献   

Ben was going on a two week business trip without his family.Hedid not want to leave them,but he knew he had to go.He told hischildren,“Pay attention to what your mother tells you,do your chores,and finish your homework.”He told his wife,“I'll call every night to seehow everyone is.I am sure everything will go smoothly and be just fine.So,keep the home fires burning until I get back.”  相似文献   

COME TO LIGHTEveryone thought Betty was a good administrator.She had beendoing the job for five years.But,in the summer of 1983,several thingsbegan to come to light which caused people to wonder if she was doinga good job after all.  相似文献   

CALL ON THE CARPETProfessor Anthony was very disturbed with Jewel,She was the onlystudent who had not turned in a term paper.He had given everyone morethan enough time to finish so he did not understand her lapse.Monday  相似文献   

MONEY BURNS A HOLEIN YOUR POClKET“What do you mean by sayingyou have no money?”said Elise’sfather.“I just gave yon your allo-  相似文献   

近两年来,上海流行一句话——“捣浆糊”。此词用在不同的场合表示不同的意思。如用在学习工作上则表示“马马虎虎”、“能混则混”,“能过且过”。然而学业上的进步,职务上的晋升靠“捣浆糊”是不行的。勤奋努力、竞业精神才是我们应该倡导和推祟的。请读下面的对话、看看什么样的人能够晋升?  相似文献   

注释:蝙蝠侠与蜘蛛人是两部颇为美国孩子喜欢的同名电影中的主人翁。他们艺高胆大,足智多谋,见义勇为,是孩子们崇拜的偶像。短文中的Preston 和 James 为维护各自心中的超级英雄争辩着,都想证明自己敬仰的英雄是最棒的,看到此情景,他们的母亲不得不出来劝阻。要不然,弟兄俩肯定要争论得打起来。“come to blows”这一成语表示“动手打起来”  相似文献   

COME DOWN HARD ON "You were told to clean your room and make your bed." said Fred'smother. "Since you have not done anything, I know your Dad will bevery disappointed in you when he comes home. I am afraid he will comedown bard on you for not being organized."Word explanation:make one's bed 整理床铺disappointed/(?)/a.失望的,沮丧的organized/(?)/a.有组织的,有系统的  相似文献   

BIG FROG IN A SMALL POND Glen was a leader in his high school. He enjoyed it when peoplerecognized him in school and on the street. He was unhappy when hewas in a group of people who did not know him. When it was time for Glen to choose a college, he decided to go toKnox College, which was very small, rather than a large school. He  相似文献   

BURN YOUR BRIDGESBEHIND YOU“Before you tell Adam thatyou do not want to work thereany more,be sure you have anotherjob that you like more,”said Eric.“After all, you do not want Adamto fill your old job so you could  相似文献   

CALL IT A DAY“We have been working on this report since 8∶00 a.m.I am verytired,and my back is hurting from bending over this table.How do therest of you feel?”asked Francis.Andre replied,“I am exhausted,too.Let's call it a day and con-vene again tomorrow morning.”  相似文献   

CALL TO ORDERIt certainly was noisy in the meeting hall.There were 250 peoplethere,and they all seemed to be talking.Mrs.Wang wanted to beginthe meeting on time,but no one seemed to be settling down.She finallycrashed her gavel down on the table so the meeting could be called to or-der.  相似文献   

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