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With permission from Childbirth Connection, the concise version of the Listening to Mothers II "Survey Methodology" is reprinted here. Harris Interactive(R) conducted Listening to Mothers II: Report of the Second National U.S. Survey of Women's Childbearing Experiences on behalf of Childbirth Connection. The survey consisted of 1,373 online interviews and 200 telephone interviews with women who had given birth in U.S. hospitals in 2005, with weighting of data to reflect the target population. Interviews were conducted from January 20 through February 21, 2006. The methods used to conduct the survey and analyze the data collected are described.  相似文献   

With permission from Childbirth Connection, the “Executive Summary” for the Listening to Mothers II survey is reprinted, here. The landmark Listening to Mothers I report, published in 2002, described the first national U.S. survey of women''s maternity experiences. It offered an unprecedented opportunity to understand attitudes, feelings, knowledge, use of obstetric practices, outcomes, and other dimensions of the maternity experience. Listening to Mothers II, a national survey of U.S. women who gave birth in 2005 that was published in 2006, continues to break new ground. Although continuing to document many core items measured in the first survey, the second survey includes much new content, exploring earlier topics in greater depth, as well as some new and timely topics.  相似文献   

In 2013, Childbirth Connection published findings from a U.S. study of women’s pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum experiences, Listening to Mothers III. In this issue of The Journal of Perinatal Education, we publish the major survey findings of both the pregnancy and birth survey and the postpartum survey. This editorial discusses some of the major findings of the childbirth survey. Listening to what mothers have to say about their experiences suggests a mandate to “listen up” to what mothers are telling us and continue to advocate for evidence-based maternity care. Articles in this issue of the journal are presented.  相似文献   

无论是语法上还是文化上,日语和汉语之间都存在着各种各样的差异。日语人称代词的总数量要比汉语多,但是使用频率却远远低于汉语、日语的授受动词、被动句、谓语、敬语体系、行文结构以及汉日语言语法、句式的构造差异是造成这种差异的主要原因。这是与日本文化、日本人处理人际关系的习惯密不可分的。在翻译活动中,可以用认知语言学的基本规律来指导翻译实践,超越语言原有的构造和含义,从人类的认知角度、文化特征等更高的层次来进行翻译,达到翻译的最终目的。  相似文献   

针对高职院校日语专业的学生听说能力提高较慢的现状,提出了日语教学应以听力教学为重心,运用思维跟随方法,实施精听精解的教学模式,以期使学生尽快适应日语的思维和表达特点,有效地提高听力及会话能力。  相似文献   

文章阐述了文化词的“硬化”翻译与文化欠额之间的关系,进一步从译者的主观倾向和缺乏对文化的词的理解以及文化词的假性等值等几个方面分析、探讨了翻译中造成文化欠额的原因,阐明了文化词的“软化”翻译对读者的可接受性和文化传真的意义。  相似文献   

民族语文翻译是一种为增强各民族之间相互了解的跨文化解读,而从民族语文的翻译中可以窥视到一种文化与周边民族的文化适应过程,对跨境苗族语言文字的学习和理解亦不例外。因此,对族际间人文社会环境的文化适应过程的认识,为如何更加准确地进行民族语文翻译奠定良好的基础。  相似文献   

迄今,国内外学者关于翻译原则、翻译理论,发表过诸多的真知灼见。尽管这些理论、原则似乎无论什么样的翻译内容,都是“放之四海而皆准”的航标。但笔者认为针对不同的翻译内容,还是应当在翻译策略上有所取舍,比如谚语的翻译。谚语是民族文化的结晶。因此,笔者认为在谚语翻译中,应当侧重“以文化还原文化”,以期加深对中日谚语文化的了解和提高翻译水平。  相似文献   

翻译是运用一种语言把另一种语言所表达的内容和意义准确而完整地重新表达出来的语言活动。由于地理环境、社会历史、文化传统等的影响,英汉两种语言之间存在着很大的差异,这也成了英汉互译的最大障碍。作为译者,在翻译过程中应尽量减少文化差异对作品翻译带来的影响,如何处理源语和译入语的文化差异是一个亟待解决的难题。  相似文献   

语法翻译教学法是外语教学实践中历史最悠久的教学法,然而却一度被斥之为"过时"。从语法翻译教学法的形成和特点入手,通过对语法翻译教学法在高级日语教学中的现实价值进行探讨,认为语法翻译教学法在现代外语教学中有其存在价值和发展前景。同时通过对高级日语教学中的语法翻译教学法应用现状的分析,提醒教师应反思语法翻译教学法的应用特点,认为教师应该根据实际国情和教学需要,吸收语法翻译教学法的精华并结合其他教学方法,取长补短、相得益彰,使高级日语精读教学更具活力和效率。  相似文献   

20世纪20、30年代日本唯美主义文学在中国曾有过明显的译介,并在中国现代文坛掀起了一股模仿日本唯美主义文学的浪潮。形成的原因有三:文化环境的影响,时代环境的影响,中国古典文学的影响。  相似文献   

在全球化信息飞速发展的时代,同其他语言一样,日语中也派生出许多新词,在日语翻译中,日语词典的更新显得有些滞后,造成有不少词语在现有词典中查不到或没有对等的词义注释,例如"ATA"、"筐体"等等。为此,文章首先把这类词语定义为日语中的类"ATA"词语,并结合实际翻译过程的经验,评述了这类词语在翻译过程中存在的问题及解决问题的技巧。  相似文献   

在全球化信息飞速发展的时代,同其他语言一样,日语中也派生出许多新词,在日语翻译中,日语词典的更新显得有些滞后,造成有不少词语在现有词典中查不到或没有对等的词义注释,例如"ATA"、"筐体"等等.为此,文章首先把这类词语定义为日语中的类"ATA"词语,并结合实际翻译过程的经验,评述了这类词语在翻译过程中存在的问题及解决问题的技巧.  相似文献   

20世纪初叶的“译书热”推进了日本近代启蒙思想在中国的传播。诚然当时的日汉译粗劣有余精品不多,但此乃时代使然,亦是中国的日语翻译从幼稚走向成熟的必然。正是这“译书热”造就了新世纪中国的译坛之兴,译事之盛和译才之济,这才是其真正的价值所在。  相似文献   

The initiators caspase-9(CASP9) and caspase-10(CASP10) are two key controllers of apoptosis and play important roles in carcinogenesis.This study aims to explore the association between CASPs gene polymorphisms and colorectal cancer(CRC) susceptibility in a population-based study.A two-stage designed population-based case-control study was carried out,including a testing set with 300 cases and 296 controls and a validation set with 206 cases and 845 controls.A total of eight tag selected single nucleotide polymorphisms(SNPs) in CASP9 and CASP10 were chosen based on HapMap and the National Center of Biotechnology Information(NCBI) datasets and genotyped by restriction fragment length polymorphism(RFLP) assay.Multivariate logistic regression models were applied to evaluate the association of SNPs with CRC risk.In the first stage,from eight tag SNPs,three polymorphisms rs4646077(odds ratio(OR) AA+AG:0.654,95% confidence interval(CI):0.406-1.055;P=0.082),rs4233532(OR CC:1.667,95% CI:0.967-2.876;OR CT:1.435,95% CI:0.998-2.063;P=0.077),and rs2881930(OR CC:0.263,95% CI:0.095-0.728,P=0.036) showed possible association with CRC risk.However,none of the three SNPs,rs4646077(OR AA+AG:1.233,95% CI:0.903-1.683),rs4233532(OR CC:0.892,95% CI:0.640-1.243;OR CT:1.134,95% CI:0.897-1.433),and rs2881930(OR CC:1.096,95% CI:0.620-1.938;OR CT:1.009,95% CI:0.801-1.271),remained significant with CRC risk in the validation set,even after stratification for different tumor locations(colon or rectum).In addition,never tea drinking was associated with a significantly increased risk of CRC in testing set together with validation set(OR:1.755,95% CI:1.319-2.334).Our results found that polymorphisms of CASP9 and CASP10 genes may not contribute to CRC risk in Chinese population and thereby the large-scale case-control studies might be in consideration.In addition,tea drinking was a protective factor for CRC.  相似文献   

翻译,尤其是学翻译,是一项跨化交际活动,其复杂性、我性和模糊性是其它任何一门人学科所无法比拟的。因此引起无休止的是是非非之争论也就不足为奇。传统翻译对“信”(忠实)的追求无论在实践中还是在理论上已成为不攻自破的神话,所谓的“化境”也不过是一个可望而不可即的理想。林译小说中“删节原作”和“增补原作”的现象不止是翻译问题的一个特殊个案,它所涉及的也不仅仅是一个技术性的问题,而是直接指向化多元系统内的各种关系。  相似文献   

付本静 《海外英语》2011,(9):208-209,221
语言和文化有着不可分割的内在联系。翻译不仅是语言的转换,更是文化的转换。思维方式、时间观念、宗教信仰等诸多文化因素的不同,会导致人们对同一事物有不同的理解和解释,从而给翻译带来重要的影响。为了解决文化差异给翻译带来的困难,促进翻译的顺利进行,要根据不同的情况采用直译、意译、增译、对译等不同的翻译方法。  相似文献   

Rhodococcus equi, previously known as Corynebacterium equi, is one of the most important causes of zoonotic infections in grazing animals. Increased cases of human infection with R. equi have been reported, especially in immunocompromised patients, within recent years. We present a case of R. equi bacteremia in a 51-year-old man with diabetes and liver cirrhosis, on long-term corticosteroid therapy after skin-grafting surgery. The patient recovered soon after he was treated with vancomycin. This review focuses on the microbiological characteristics of this organism, and the diagnosis and treatment of this infection.  相似文献   

Objective:Weed pollens are common sources of allergens worldwide.The prevalence of weed pollen sensitization is not yet fully known in China.The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence of sensitization to weed allergens from Artemisia,Ambrosia,and Humulus in northern China.Methods:A total of 1144 subjects(aged from 5 to 68 years) visiting our clinic from June to October 2011 underwent intradermal testing using a panel of 25 allergen sources.Subjects with positive skin responses to any pollen were further tested for their serum concentrations of IgE antibodies against Artemisia vulgaris,Ambrosia artemisiifolia,and Humulus scandens,and against the purified allergens,Art v 1 and Amb a 1.Results:Of 1144 subjects,170 had positive intradermal reactions to pollen and 144 donated serum for IgE testing.The prevalence of positive intradermal responses to pollens of Artemisia sieversiana,Artemisia annua,A.artemisiifolia,and H.scandens was 11.0%,10.2%,3.7%,and 6.6%,respectively.Among the intradermal positive subjects,the prevalence of specific IgE antigens to A.vulgaris was 58.3%,to A.artemisiifolia 14.7%,and to H.scandens 41.0%.The prevalence of specific IgE antigens to the allergen Art v 1 was 46.9%,and to Amb a 1 was 11.2%.The correlation between the presence of IgE antibodies specific to A.vulgaris and to the Art v 1 antigen was very high.Subjects with A.artemisiifolia specific IgE also had A.vulgaris specific IgE,but with relatively high levels of A.vulgaris IgE antibodies.There were no correlations between the presence of IgE antibodies to H.scandens and A.vulgaris or to H.scandens and A.artemisiifolia.Conclusions:The intradermal prevalence of weed pollen sensitization among allergic subjects in northern China is about 13.5%.Correlations of specific IgE antibodies suggest that pollen allergens from Artemisia and Humulus are independent sources for primary sensitization.  相似文献   

The search for active toxins for managing weeds or plant diseases is believed to be a promising avenue of investigation. However, the effects of Alternaria toxins on insects have just begun to be investigated. Bioactivities of toxins from four strains of Alternaria alternata on Rosa chinensis and rose aphid Macrosiphum rosivorum were tested in the present study. At a concentration of 50.0 μg/ml, the crude extract (toxin) of strain 7484 was found not to be harmful to rose plants with excised leaf-puncture method (P≥0.079), and rose plants showed enhanced resistance to rose aphids when this Alternaria toxin was sprayed on the plants (P≤0.001). However, this toxin caused no detrimental effects on aphids in insecticidal bioassay at a concentration of 10.0 to 160.0 μg/ml (P≥0.096). Therefore, the Alternaria toxin had significantly induced the resistance of rose plants against rose aphids, demonstrating that the resistance mechanism triggered by the Alternaria toxin in the rose plant may also be used by the plant to defend itself against insects. Further bioassays aimed to discover the olfactory responses of aphids to the toxin-induced volatiles of host plants. The aphids were significantly more attracted to both volatiles emitted and collected from control rose plants than to both volatiles emitted and collected from the toxin-treated rose plants (P≤0.014). This result showed that the toxin-induced resistance related to the volatile changes of host plants.  相似文献   

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