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The world is too small to function within borders. Librarians have recognized the need for mutual respect and co-operation between nations, and the importance of their role in achieving this end. IFLA represents the interests of librarianship and has established various core programs that address common concerns. Aspects of international co-operation include the needs for preservation of materials, resource sharing through international networks, international telecommunications, librarian exchanges and materials exchanges. Obstacles to technology, finances and cultural differences must be overcome. Developed nations must assume an open and helpful attitude toward sharing technology with underdeveloped nations so that they can begin to thrive, standards of living improve, and economic markets open. Librarians can effect major changes in the way information is transmitted across borders, thereby shaping information policy and the resulting world order.  相似文献   

In an overview of information sharing environments in selected countries, this article examines the legal controls on such exchanges from an international perspective. These are important considerations in many regards. An initial theoretical analysis regards such sharing as an efficiency matter, then turns to specific settings and the conditions framing those environments. Common issues are then summarized and general principles are considered thereafter with a view to the future and what other nations might pursue in these regards.  相似文献   

If we wish to extend co-operation among the different peoples of the world on the basis of information exchanges, we must do more than create the global information infrastructure and highway which form the technological basis for the information society of the 21st century An effort must also be made to resolve sensitive issues involved in mutual understanding between peoples belonging to different cultures and speaking different languages. This will not come about if the tendency for some languages and cultures to dominate others is allowed to persist. A long-term international programme of action is needed to preserve cultural diversity and multilingualism in the infosphere. The basic forms of such action could include: preservation — by means of the appropriate media — of the cultural heritage of peoples with no written language; the development of computer translation systems; extension of the study of the most widely spoken languages (in terms of the number of speakers) in secondary and higher education; the elaboration and adoption of general ethical standards for the writing, reviewing and citing of scientific publications, particularly articles in periodicals; the elaboration of agreed scientific terminology in different languages; the development of co-operation on the inclusion of national literature in international databases; the devising of ways and means of protecting the infosphere from pollution. Given the world-wide importance of such action, it would be appropriate to conduct it under the auspices of UNESCO and of the International Council of Scientific Unions, as was done in the late 1960s and early 1970s for the UNISIST programme.  相似文献   

If we wish to extend co-operation among the different peoples of the world on the basis of information exchanges, we must do more than create the global information infrastructure and highway which form the technological basis for the information society of the 21st century An effort must also be made to resolve sensitive issues involved in mutual understanding between peoples belonging to different cultures and speaking different languages. This will not come about if the tendency for some languages and cultures to dominate others is allowed to persist. A long-term international programme of action is needed to preserve cultural diversity and multilingualism in the infosphere. The basic forms of such action could include: preservation — by means of the appropriate media — of the cultural heritage of peoples with no written language; the development of computer translation systems; extension of the study of the most widely spoken languages (in terms of the number of speakers) in secondary and higher education; the elaboration and adoption of general ethical standards for the writing, reviewing and citing of scientific publications, particularly articles in periodicals; the elaboration of agreed scientific terminology in different languages; the development of co-operation on the inclusion of national literature in international databases; the devising of ways and means of protecting the infosphere from pollution. Given the world-wide importance of such action, it would be appropriate to conduct it under the auspices of UNESCO and of the International Council of Scientific Unions, as was done in the late 1960s and early 1970s for the UNISIST programme.  相似文献   

科技资源共享包括信息、设备与数据、人员流动和科研成果等4 个方面的共享。现有的共享形式有知识网 络平台及数据库、科技创新比赛和奖励、科技论坛和会议、地区或国际间科技合作和交流。共享的协调体系由共享主 体和共享规则组成。共享的动力机制是构建科技资源共享体系的核心问题。成功推进共享实现的动力机制的关键在于 合理解决共享的外部性问题和分担风险。管理体制、资金保障、信息渠道和人才管理均会影响共享效率。  相似文献   

国际文化关系中的图书馆   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Libraries as a type of cultural institutions have sustained their role as bridges interrelating people of different nations and promoting mutual understanding of them. They also broaden the nation s influence in international affairs. The basic activities of them are of 2 ways: 1) The direct way of starting overseas library programs, and 2) Participation of libraries at home in projects of international cultural exchanges and co-operation. These activities are subject to various aspects of politics, technology and culture,especially the political one which serves directly the foreign policy of the government.This is also the library's main feature in international cultural realtions.International organizations play an important role in this field.  相似文献   

Background and purpose: Throughout his career, Leslie Morton was interested in international developments in health librarianship. In memory of the work he did in this field, the authors examine current developments in international health librarianship and describe some current themes. Procedures: The authors draw from their combined experience in international activities and the published information available from selected library associations and related organizations. Findings: Although many of the major health library associations around the world are tackling agendas specific to their own country, issues of international concern are emerging in common. These are grouped around globalization, partnerships and co‐operation, electronic access, especially open access, and working with the developing world in a number of different ways. Of course, the basis of all of these initiatives is to improve the health of the population by providing the best possible access to materials. Conclusions: Professional associations can provide a useful institutional infrastructure for addressing issues of international interest. Librarians should encourage their associations to develop these international initiatives and to seek out new and innovative ways to work together across international boundaries.  相似文献   

我国图书馆信息资源共享机制现状调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
了解图书馆信息资源共享机制的建设现状是实施机制创新的基础.对我国图书馆信息资源共享机制现状的问卷调查表明:我国图书馆共享机制较好地发挥了图书馆的主观能动性,促进了图书馆信息资源共享的可持续发展,但是在建立开放的共享组织及为共享发展提供监督保障和政策保障方面有所不足.我国有必要构建完备的图书馆信息资源共享机制体系,改革现有机制建设中的不足,建立与环境相适应、实践性强的共享机制.  相似文献   

基于B/S的信息资源共享平台的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用J2EE开发的B/S体系结构的信息共享平台具有开放性、兼容性、可扩展性、安全性等优点,将逐渐为信息资源共享平台所选用。本文探讨了利用J2EE开发B/S方式的信息资源共享平台的构架、主要核心技术,以及共享平台的基础型。  相似文献   


There are opportunities for Law Librarians, no matter what their position, to assist with the development of information technology in many interesting locations throughout the world. This article describes two such opportunities experienced by the author in East Africa. The article also provides a starting place for those who wish to become involved as well as listing some issues one should take into consideration when considering such an opportunity.  相似文献   

Information sharing is considered an important approach to increasing organizational efficiency and performance. With advances in information and communication technology, sharing information across organizations has become more feasible. In the public sector, government agencies are also aware of the importance of information sharing for addressing policy issues such as anti-terrorism and public health. However, information sharing can be a complex task. Identifying factors that influence information sharing is critical. In the literature, research in information sharing focuses on the interpersonal, intra-organizational, and inter-organizational levels. This paper reviews the current information-sharing research, discusses the factors affecting information sharing at the three levels, and provides summative frameworks. These frameworks provide a means to discover future research opportunities, and a systematic way for practitioners to identify key factors involved in successful information sharing.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]合作是美国开放政府计划的三大原则之一,是推动美国政府数据开放运动进程的关键因素,研究美国政府数据开放共享的合作模式,总结美国开展政府数据合作共享的经验,为我国开展政府数据开放共享的合作工作提供借鉴。[方法/过程]采用文献资料调查法和案例分析法,探讨美国政府数据开放共享的3种合作模式:政府间合作、政企合作以及政民合作,结合我国的实际情况对这几种合作模式的成功经验进行总结。[结果/结论]我国可以通过以行政等级为主线统筹政府数据开放工作、构建跨部门的合作组织、加强国际交流与合作、促进数据产业的发展以及鼓励社会公众参与这5个方面来促进我国政府数据开放共享与合作。  相似文献   

全国文化信息资源共享工程技术体系的发展与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
全国文化信息资源共享工程作为一项以现代信息技术为基础和载体的文化推广工程,信息技术的应用贯穿于其方方面面。共享工程启动5年来,随着建设重点的改变、建设内容的增加以及信息技术的快速发展,其技术体系也经历了较为显著的变化和调整,信息整合、资源建设规范体系建设、政务外网资源传输等成为重点技术。共享工程技术体系将在符合工程总体建设思路和发展方向的前提下,逐步形成能够统一协调管理、资源分布建设、全面共享、自由访问的开放体系,并最终实现与数字图书馆系统的高度融合。  相似文献   

新技术的发展给图书馆带来了极好的发展机遇和前所未有的冲击。图书馆人应趋利避害,让读者充分享受新技术带来的便利服务,调整心态跟上技术发展的步伐,协调好速度与质量的关系,积极应对信息技术发展带来的挑战。  相似文献   

In today's world, sharing and connecting get easier every day with the rapid development of and ubiquitous access to the World Wide Web. It enables one to acquire information about their profession and connect with people anytime, anywhere. While celebrating this wide availability of information and connectivity, one-to-one personal sharing is not to be dismissed. Instead, we should make the best use of it in developing our profession. Both the Hong Kong Library Association Mentoring Programme and the International Librarians Network are newly launched mentoring programmes addressing the increasing demand for connecting and networking LIS professionals both locally and globally. This paper aims to compare these two mentoring programmes in terms of the successful factors of and learning support given to the Hong Kong LIS community, as well as the effectiveness of these personal sharing platforms. Their strengths, similarities, and impact to the LIS community will be discussed.  相似文献   

在信息化日新月异的今天,有效实现信息资源的交流和共享已成为公众关注的焦点,开放的办公文档格式必将在信息沟通与交互中发挥重要作用,论文从开放文档格式的内涵出发,系统概述了国际及国内开放文档格式标准,在此基础上总结了UOF独立发展的意义,并对其深度优化做出了探索。  相似文献   

针对档案信息资源共享的特点,采用有效的隐私保护技术实现档案信息的安全共享,防止敏感信息的泄露和被非法访问,已经成为当前国内外档案界一个亟待解决的课题。研究基于受限访问和自由访问的档案信息共享隐私保护的两种主流技术,并进行语义处理能力的分析;提出档案信息隐私保护的技术策略,一是以信息拥有者的隐私策略为研究对象,研究和实现基于策略的档案信息隐私保护技术,二是从知识和语义的角度研究信息匿名保护和隐私推理攻击的检测和防范,改进传统的匿名化隐私保护方法;采用基于知识技术的访问控制策略,研究档案信息共享隐私保护框架,使档案信息的共享安全具备智能处理的基础,在档案网站中的实践具有现实意义。  相似文献   

数据库技术与数字图书馆中的信息组织   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
数字图书馆的概念从1993 年提出到现在已有7 年, 其间各国都对数字图书馆的建立做出了许多有益的研究和探索, 极大的推动了全球范围内的资源共享。为了适应这一研究的新趋势, 本文从数据库技术与数字图书馆的关系出发, 探讨了数据库技术如何应用于数字图书馆中信息资源组织的问题。  相似文献   

从协同学角度构建电子政务系统中信息资源共享子系统与业务子系统的协同模型,提出实现协同的策略:建设服务型政府,加强技术的自主开发、鼓励选择国产技术,强化CIO的领导权和决策权,完善政府业务流程标准化和规范化,建立信息安全风险管理和应急体系,严格遵循各项管理标准,协同建设中的各个方面要与实际发展阶段相适应。  相似文献   

中间件是伴随着网络应用的发展而逐渐成长起来的技术体系。中间件技术的发展,将聚焦于消除信息孤岛,推动无边界信息流,支撑开放、动态、多变的互联网环境中的复杂应用系统,实现对分布于互联网之上的各种自建信息资源的简单、标准、快速、灵活、可信、协同和综合利用。提高部门IT基础设施的敏捷性,降低总体运行维护成本。  相似文献   

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