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Researchers have argued that an effort should be made to raise teachers’ and parents’ awareness of the potentially positive educational benefits of playing video games (e.g., see Baek, 2008 Baek, Y.K. (2008). What hinders teachers in using computer and video games in the classroom? Exploring factors inhibiting the uptake of computer and video games. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 11, 665671.[Crossref], [PubMed] [Google Scholar]). One part of this effort should be to increase understanding of how video games can be situated within teachers’ existing goals and knowledge of learning and instruction. However, relatively little research on game-based learning addresses teachers (Ketelhut & Schifter, 2011), and for many a gap remains between the apparent enthusiasm of researchers and policy makers relative to the potential of educational games and the attendant practicalities of selecting and implementing video games in classroom settings. This article begins to bridge this gap by providing research-based areas of awareness and a discussion of factors that can facilitate understanding related to choosing and using video games. To this end, we show how educational games can be conceptualized from different theoretical perspectives on learning and discuss a number of essential design issues that educators should take into account when considering a video game for educational use.  相似文献   

文章采用行动研究的方法论,对困扰我们的学习兴趣问题进行了研究。该研究借助Wiki协作备课平台,通过行动、交流和反思,以课例研究的形式初步解决了学生的学习兴趣问题。由外在的教学情境改变到内在的教学策略的提升的行动过程,也让我们更加意识到对思维的挑战才是游戏与教学的契合点。  相似文献   

This paper presents the result of an extensive study funded by HEFCE HEFCE is UK government Higher Education Funding Council for England. and the European Commission (EC) for Broadening the Learning in University Environment: Process Reengineering through Information and Networking Technologies (BLUEPRINT 2000) model. In comparison to other existing models which are merely focusing on stand-alone computer-based learning environment, this paper describes a complete model covering all aspects of tertiary education, not only servicing but also administering in an all virtual and electronic manner. The model considers an asynchronous and synchronous part. The asynchronous part deals with the discovery of learning material, course work, institution, course and institution brokerage. It also describes learning material and course development tools, administration and tutorship. The synchronous part of the model focuses on the intercommunication between virtual university members to ensure that isolation of learners is prevented as much as technology is able to help. The aim of this paper is to establish a commercial operation for administering, operating, marketing, delivering and supporting online and all electronic higher education, using information and communication technologies (ICT). The system would eliminate student's techno phobia across the range of organizations and disciplines by ‘total immersion’ using groupware, desktop videoconferencing with application sharing and access to resources via the Internet. Furthermore, the system will enable a high degree of online interactions from student-to-student, student-to-tutor, tutor-to-tutor, administrator-to-administrator and institution-to-institution both on one-to-one and forum basis. The BLUEPRINT 2000 model develops new and cost-effective methodologies for teaching dynamic subjects whilst improving the quality of student support in general. The system will lead to a potentially global club of life-long learners with access to the ‘first and best’ sources of education. In addition, it supports dynamic role assignment, that is a student of one subject can be a lecturer or tutor of another subject. It therefore utilizes resources and allows knowledge sharing in an optimal way on both individual and institutional basis. Hence it offers significant commercial benefits to all partners involved in the venture. The business case allows modular implementation based on pilots which will both generate revenues in the short term but also instigate the setting up of a dedicated IT infrastructure to support many new telematics services thus the implementation would be low risk in respect of financial and administrative operations.  相似文献   

梅耶提出的与设计在线教学相关的多媒体学习理论,有反应强化、知识获得和意义建构三种方式;无效学习、机械学习和意义学习三种结果;双向通道、容量有限和主动加工三个假设以及五种认知过程等。  相似文献   

Gaming, in its many forms, is becoming a more active force in classrooms. To prepare preservice candidates for this trend, one teacher education program asked candidates (n = 60) to develop games in varied curricular fields tied to curriculum standards. This article describes the development of a model game, assignment requirements, provides a content review of eight games (geography and novels), their features, and highlights benefits and lessons learned from this experience.  相似文献   

高校普遍完成了网络教学平台的设计和构建,却不同程度的存在着资源不齐全、应用不方便等问题,影响了其效能的充分发挥.若想网络教学平台被充分利用且能持续发展,多媒体学习资源的生产与管理是关键.研究针对传媒和艺术类学习资源特点,探究应用媒体资产管理理念和技术,来实现学习资源的获取与存储、分类与编目、检索浏览与下载和版权管理.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present an escape box as a means to introduce the escape room concept into classrooms. Recreational escape rooms have inspired teachers all over the world to adapt the popular entertainment activity for education. Escape rooms are problem-based and time-constrained, requiring active and collaborative participants, a setting that teachers want to achieve in their classroom to promote learning. This paper explores the adaptation of the escape room concept into educational escape game boxes. These technology-enhanced escape boxes have become hybrid learning spaces, merging individual and collaborative learning, as well as physical and digital spaces. The design of the box with assignments on each side puts users face to face with each other and requires them to collaborate in the physical world, instead of being individually absorbed in a digital world. The developed box is a unique concept in the field of escape rooms; the content is adaptable. This paper describes the process leading to the design criteria, the design process, test results and evaluation, and provides recommendations for designing educational escape rooms.  相似文献   

为了解当代大学生学习投入与知识共享之间的关系,对328名大学生进行学习投入量表与知识共享量表的实证调研.研究结果表明:大学生学习投入水平与知识共享水平总体一般,学习投入与知识共享之间呈显著正相关,大学生获取知识是学习投入的有效预测变量.  相似文献   

文章以251名非英语专业大学二年级学生为研究对象,旨在探讨网络多媒体环境下大学英语自主学习策略的有效性。研究数据来自问卷调查、访谈和期末考试成绩。研究结果表明:策略培训有效,对实验班学生的自主学习策略和英语水平都产生积极影响。独立样本T检验显示,实验班使用策略的均值普遍高于控制班使用策略的均值,其中九种策略的使用呈显著差异;定量、定性研究都说明实验班的策略意识和学习效率得到提高;多元回归分析表明元认知策略中"关于学习者如何合理有效安排学习时间"和情感策略中"学习者自我鼓励和自我奖励"对学习者的英语成绩有显著预测力。  相似文献   

Why do some of adult learners successfully accomplish their learning while the others drop out? This has been an important question in the field of adult learning. For a long time researchers has been exploring this subject around learning barriers as well as motivations. Not until lately did some of adult and distance scholars start to pay attention to the question of why some of the adult students could successfully push through their learning process even if they are in a disadvantaged situation. Thus, Learner Retention has become one of the important themes to discuss in order to understand more about how to assist learners to persist through their learning. The main purpose of this paper is to explore how adult learners persist through their learning and factors that might have influences on them. Adult teachers and NOU students (including those who already graduated and those who dropped out) were interviewed and surveyed. Concluding from those data and content of interviews, this paper set a model that describes how adult learner retain through their learning process and some suggestions are made for better student learning support policies.  相似文献   

在全球基础教育教学方式不断重组改变的今天,教育游戏作为一种新兴的教学媒体,其寓教于乐的作用受到了相关领域专家、教师以及家长的广泛关注。游戏化学习或基于游戏的学习,尤其是使用移动应用程序和增强现实游戏,已经成为许多教育研究领域的主题。本文首先阐述了学习行为投入的概念和构成维度,并结合体验学习、动机—活动以及自我调节学习理论和现有学习行为投入理论模型,在分析AR游戏化教学环境的基础上,构建面向AR教育游戏的理论模型,并基于其具体的构成维度构建学习行为投入测度量表,根据测度量表设计了学习行为投入评测问卷,通过问卷数据的分析来研究AR游戏化学习环境下的学习行为投入的影响因素,将为后续AR游戏化教学环境下的学习行为投入评测体系的构建以及AR教育游戏支持下的学习者学习行为投入提升路径与策略探索提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

在参与中学习——成人培训方式的更新   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
成人学习的一般特点:自主性强,为学习而来,希望参与等。成人学习的动力,来自自身的兴趣和需要。成人的学习能力可以在培训者的鼓励和激发下发展变化。参与式培训则调动了成人的学习兴趣,提高了培训的实效。  相似文献   

实践证明,传统课堂中的计算机辅助学习模式和基于局域网的语言实验室英语教学模式存在一定的弊端。而基于便携网络的小组交互课堂教学模式是通过教师端便携无线网络与学生端设备瞬时接收和传送信号的多媒体授课模式。这种教学模式基于专属WIFI的无线局域网技术,以“绿色教学”和“学生有指导性地自主学习”为宗旨,确保教师在规定时间单位内给予学生相对的自由和独立性,以期弥补个体差异带来的认知失衡,培养学生自主学习的本领。  相似文献   

在在线学习环境中,社区感、社会存在感是影响学生成功和满意度的重要因素。在线学习领域的研究者和实践者越来越关注多媒体工具、富媒体教学方法对在线课堂中社区感、社会存在感的积极影响的有效性。此外,随着在线学习环境越来越多媒体化,计算机媒介学习环境的内在社会障碍可能会越来越少。因此,本文首先调研了相关的理论框架和概念,包括社会存在理论、计算机媒介交流环境中的社区;然后探讨了特定的多媒体方法对于社区建构、社会存在的有效性。  相似文献   

采用大学生专业承诺量表和学习投入量表对382名在校大学生进行调查。结果显示:一、大学生的专业承诺总体水平良好,且在性别、专业和年级上差异显著;二、大学生学习投入较高,且存在显著的年级和专业差异;三、大学生学习投入与专业承诺存在显著正相关。四、学习投入与解释专业承诺29%的变异,且回归系数显著。结论是:大学生学习投入能够有效预测专业承诺。  相似文献   

文章以Web of Science数据库2010~2020年收录的学习投入度方面的1355条文献数据为样本,通过知识图谱进行可视化分析,探究国际教育领域学习投入度研究的焦点与未来转向,结果发现:国际教育领域学习投入度研究主要围绕学习投入度内涵分析和本质探索、学习投入度作用机制的实证研究、提升学习投入度的方式和路径探究、学习投入度的测量和评估四个焦点问题;随着学习科学、脑科学、智能技术等的兴起,学习投入度研究将转向寻求学习投入度研究的跨学科与本土化平衡、人工智能技术赋能学习投入度的研究、重视学习投入度多源数据分析及其影响因素研究等三个方面。研究有助于从整体上了解教育领域学习投入度的国际进展和前沿趋势,以期为我国教育领域的学习投入度创新发展提供参考。  相似文献   

开展公益教育是时代环境变化、社会转型的客观要求。家庭公益教育是公益教育的有机组成部分,是突破当前“应试型”教育模式,构建“家庭-学校-社区”三联动下系统、多元的公益教育模式的关键环节。我国家庭公益教育的开展存在诸多障碍。调查发现,这些障碍主要为家长认知障碍、家庭公益行动障碍及制度性障碍。针对这些障碍,在借鉴美国家庭公益教育经验的基础上,提出了破解之策。  相似文献   

文章从多媒体学习的角度,解析插图本科技古籍《天工开物》的多媒体学习理论价值,并依据迈耶多媒体设计的原则,总结出《天工开物》中图文设计的特点与技巧,从而为当今多媒体教学软件的界面设计提供借鉴.  相似文献   

以公安本科院校为例,通过实证研究发现,在行业院校中基于“心智-美德”导向的学习参与模型成立,且均对学习结果产生正向影响。其中,心智导向下的学习参与主要影响学生批判性思维的养成,美德导向下的学习参与主要影响学生成绩排名和职业认同感的形成。行业院校应重视人才选拔和培养质量评价指标的多样化和客观化,以目的为导向,有针对性地激发学生不同类型的学习参与。  相似文献   

团队学习互动教学方法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
团队互动教学方法是在科学发展观指导下,以实现学生的全面发展和教学相长为目的,借鉴学习型组织理论、团队学习理论以及互动学习等理论,以学习团队为载体,科学划分教学内容、灵活运用多种教学方法,形成和谐的师生互动、生生互动、学生个体与学习中介及个人环境互相影响,从而产生教学共振、达到教学效果的教学方法。  相似文献   

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