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定位素质教育与文献检索课的切入点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在高等院校中开展素质教育必须与专业教育紧密结合,这已成为教育界的共识。而如何“结合”,则是个值得探讨的问题,它关系到素质教育的落实和专业教育职能与水平的提高。与其它课程相比,结合文献检索课开展素质教育,具有更大的必要性、更有利的条件和更好的效果。本文将针对素质教育所要求的四个方面,谈谈如何在文献检索课中加以贯彻实施的问题,同时对文献检索课的有关教学内容、教学方法问题提出了若干改革建议。  相似文献   


Supportive digital resources are key to supporting educators’ pedagogic practices in teaching children to be literate. But locating suitable resources can be confusing, with as claims about products being educational, aligned with curriculum outcomes, and even as ‘silver bullets’. In Australia, a lack of specificity in national and state curriculum guidelines about resource selection creates inconsistencies within and across schools. We investigate how teacher-selected digital resources are used in early childhood classrooms to support literacy learning. Drawing on three independent Australian classroom-based studies, we share three examples of children engaging with digital resources. Together, they show that not all digital resources promote active and engaged literacy learning in meaningful and socially interactive contexts. We propose principles for selecting digital resources to promote playful, scaffolded, and exploratory literacy learning.  相似文献   

自麻省理工学院开放课件运动以来,网络公开课逐渐成为了一种世界性的潮流。因此,如何建设本土化特色的网络公开课值得关注和思考。网络公开课是名校在网络上免费公开名师的优质教育资源,以便于感兴趣的学习者学习。其总体目标定位于开放共享优质教育资源,促进学习者学习,提高高等教育质量,搭建终身学习立交桥,构建学习型社会。其主要特点有:公益性、开放性、共享性、新颖性、自主性和数字化等。我国网络公开课建设具有政府支持、基础扎实、有可借鉴的经验等优势,但也存在理念上分歧、资金上缺乏、知识产权保护难等不足。我国网络公开课建设需处理好3个基本问题,即谁来开发网络公开课,为谁开发网络公开课及怎样开发网络公开课。  相似文献   

Web-based education has been enjoying greater popularity because of its undeniable advantages. It has been seen as a panacea by more and more people in educational field, including language teaching. Based on the realization of the great potential brought by the development of technology, some viewpoints about the relationship among technology, teaching and pedagogy are put forward: firstly, technology is a tool, not a strategy; secondly, pedagogical concerns and theory should drive the way technology is used in education, not the other way around; thirdly, what matters more than technology is how the technology is used for learning, and how it is integrated into the daily classroom scheme so that active engagement in acquisition-oriented work take place; and finally, the change of learning environment inevitably calls for parallel changes in teaching and learning procedures. Available technologies can greatly enhance both student-teacher and student-student interaction and can afford students increased opportunities for self directed learning. To be most effective, technology must be used to support well-planned curricular goals and should involve carefully designed activities providing students with meaningful educational experiences.  相似文献   

Reflections on Web-based language teaching   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1.IntroductionRecentinformationtechnologicaldevelopments,especiallytheWorldWideWeb,haveprovidedapowerfulstimulusfortheproductionofarangeofelectronicmaterialsforeducationandthereforechangedthewayofeducationquitedramatically.ThemajorcontributionoftheWebisthewayinwhichinformationcanbeassessedandreviewed.Theuseofagraphical,coherentinterface,andtheuseofhyperlinksthatenableonetoassociativelybrowsethroughseriesofdocumentsprovideauser-friendlyfrontendtotheInternet.TheWebenablesanyuserthatisconnecte…  相似文献   

Book Review     
The University of North Carolina's Plant Information Center (PIC) is a Web-based scientific learning center that connects students to a virtual herbarium of plant specimens and to a collection of botanical and educational resources. This article introduces PIC and reviews the concept of metadata and its relation to the evolving Web-based educational environment. The emphasis is on PIC's metadata applications, specifically the incorporation, development, and integration of a series of metadata schemas that underlie the project. Attention is also given to PIC's metadata research initiatives and how PIC's metadata architecture can contribute to the design of similar enterprises.  相似文献   

对电大在线用户访问情况的调查分析表明,近年来学生上网访问量显著增加,学生上网时间也有规律可循;如何维持与提高上网访问量,提高网上学习活动的质量是目前面临的主要问题。电大要积极推进课程资源的建设与整合,充分发挥教师在网上教学活动中的主导作用,适时制定网上学习的监控评价与激励措施,着力强化网上学习的支持服务,以促进网上学习的有效开展。  相似文献   

Open educational resources (OER) are digitised material freely available to the students and self learners. Many institutions had initiated in incorporating these OERs in their higher educational system, to improve the quality of teaching and learning. These resources promotes individualised study, collaborative learning. If they are coupled with Learning Objects of Learning Management System (LMS), they can lead to opportunities for further pedagogical innovation. It has become increasingly important for educational institutions to support these resources, in a planned and systematic manner. Adapt, assemble and conceptualise existing OERs to respond to diverse learning needs of students and support a variety of learning approaches for a given learning goal is a challenge. In this work, convergence of OERs with Learning Objects is done through metadata using classification techniques. Localisation of these high quality learning materials with the learning content of LMS, delivered as a single instructional unit may help in greater knowledge delivery and this can satisfy the learning needs of diverse student.  相似文献   

师生教学关系的走向:从主客体到主体间性交往   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
师生教学关系的性质关系到教育本质和教育规律等重大问题。师生在教学中互为主客体关系被教育理论界大致认同,但这种关系的弊端已初见端倪,主体间性交往关系才是师生在教学中应有的关系,这种关系可通过增加师生有效性交往的次数,完善师生教学交往信息反馈系统,发挥学生主体性,转换教育理念措施来实现。  相似文献   

基于问题的学习与我国的教育现实   总被引:79,自引:0,他引:79  
基于问题的学习是将学习"抛锚"于具体问题之中的一种情境化了的、以学生为中心的教学方法.它主张问题是学习的起点,注重学生的已有知识、小组合作和教师的指导或促进在学习活动中的作用.PBL与我国新课程改革中倡导的教育观念具有基本的一致性,但要全面实施这种模式,还必须要面对我国的教育现实,处理好教师角色转换与师资培训模式不协调的问题和学生自主学习与教育资源不足的矛盾.  相似文献   

The field of adult education has been increasingly focused on ways of educating adults outside of educational institutions and on the fragility of the teaching and learning process for a while now. It is much less a question of how pedagogic intentions can be successfully implemented through organisational measures and/or professional actions and more a question of how the addressees deal with such efforts, as well as how they learn without them. The centre of attention is, therefore, the “self”, which utilises its leeway, i.e. to ignore teaching provision, to acquire knowledge alone, to behave antagonistically etc. The spaces in which the self operates are, however, not suspended by shifting the centre of attention. We must explain how the relationship between individual scope and the different framework conditions can be captured terminologically. Luhmann’s differentiation between interaction systems and organisational systems in connection with Goffman’s understanding of situated activity provides a number of good starting points. If we want to investigate teaching and learning settings empirically within this context, the methods of reconstructive research are appropriate. In particular, they make it possible to grasp the irreducible obstinacy of each interaction and make visible how subjects act within interaction structures and how they form such structures themselves. A criticism of such procedures is that they do not reflect the interaction with previous structures or “objective” relationships. If this criticism is accepted, it is necessary to resolve the issues of linking insights into the specific form of interaction situations with their historical, biographical and socio-cultural conditioning.  相似文献   

文章拟针对高师现代汉语课程教学脱离基础教育课程改革实际需要的突出问题,以促进语文教师专业化发展为旨归,从现代汉语课程教学的知识观、教学观、学习观、评价观等几方面具体分析了存在的弊病,提出了教师在课程实施中应积极开发课程资源、突出师生对话、激励学生学习、以评价促进学生发展等策略,以适应基础教育新课程改革对师资的需要。  相似文献   


This paper examines the way mismatches occur between what lecturers believe students understand when technical concepts are used and what the students actually make of those concepts. A hard look is given at certain ‘academic myths’ which block educational exchange, among them the notion shared by many that learning entails mainly the verbal regurgitation of what has been taught. How can lecturers achieve the empathy requisite for genuine teaching and how can students adopt attitudes that make genuine learning more possible? The paper answers these questions by sketching a notion of higher education as a willingness to modify what one thinks by an openness before the challenges of other values and beliefs; and by suggesting that an approach more self‐critically aware of the pedagogic process, utilizing methods such as the keeping of reflexive notebooks, can facilitate a more effective mode of learning.  相似文献   

Enthusiasts and evangelists of open educational resources (OER) see these resources as a panacea for all of the problems of education. However, despite its promises, their adoption in educational institutions is slow. There are many barriers to the adoption of OER, and many are from within the community of OER advocates. This commentary calls for a wider discussion to remove these barriers to mainstreaming OER in teaching and learning and argues for a rethinking of the idea of ‘open’ to make it more inclusive by redefining the concept. It reminds us of the original thinking behind OER – which was to create universally available educational resources that can improve the quality of teaching and learning. This commentary posits arguments against conflating OER and open education, questions the narrow definitions of OER, and raises issues around how to be more flexible and open to mainstreaming OER and removing barriers from within the OER movement.  相似文献   

教育理论原创:缺失归因与解决策略   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
教育理论的原创研究是基于本土、面向本土的研究 ,解决本土现实的教育问题。由于各国的教育有着共通性 ,这种基于本土的原创性教育理论就必然地具有一定的世界性。我国教育理论原创缺失因历史的原因使原创的努力失去传统积淀的支撑 ;缺乏时代的精神文化氛围 ,学术批判力的弱化 ,问题意识的淡薄 ,教育理论与实践的疏离亦是其缺失的原因。而学术批判力的提高 ,教育研究问题意识的增强 ,教育理论向教育实践的回归 ,树立教育研究的超功利关怀等 ,使提高教育理论的原创成为可能。  相似文献   

研究性学习的资源建设   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
研究性学习作为一种基于广泛资源的学习方式,必须确立新的“教育资源观”,根据学生的实际需要和资源的特点,对学习资源进行合理的分类,引导教师和学生更好地利用和开发学习资源。  相似文献   

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