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The education of engineering graduates at Aalborg University is an exceptional experiment in an international context. The curriculum is project-organized from the day the new students arrive until their graduation. The work is project-organized and carried out in small project groups. An assessment of the results of our study programmes in engineering was carried out after almost 20 years of experience. This discovered that the graduates and their employers considered the programmes to be very suitable in preparing graduate engineers for the engineering professions. The assessment also revealed that the knowledge and experience which the graduates had gained in project work were considered to be of greater value for their professional activity than were the knowledge and experience gained from lectures etc. This paper presents a brief introduction to the educational concept and to the main results of the assessment.  相似文献   

发达国家继续工程教育经验及借鉴意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
自20世纪中期以来,发达国家把发展继续工程教育当做促进国民经济、参与国际竞争的强大支柱。积极推进继续工程教育,并积累了许多宝贵的经验:政府高度重视继续工程教育的立法工作;推行“有薪学习假”;办学主体多元化;确保继续工程教育经费;着重培养应用型人才。借鉴这些成功的经验。对我国继续工程教育的发展大有裨益。  相似文献   

Maintaining the vitality of human resources is as important as maintaining the level of capital equipment. In this paper a model for the continuing education of industrial professionals in the field of control technology in Slovenia is presented. The main idea concerns a programme of courses that serve to disseminate knowledge through active learning. The programme was launched by means of a Tempus project. The main achievement is the cluster of eight courses that already runs on a regular basis. The first experiences, resulting from positive initial response from industry, are summarized and some of the problems and perspectives are outlined.  相似文献   

随着学前教育第一轮三年行动计划的推进,学前教育机构的数量迅速增加,但质量问 题尚未得到足够的重视。通过评估促使学前教育机构质量提升的工作尚待完善,须借鉴国内外发达 国家与地区的评估经验,加强地方学前教育质量保障体系的建设。这些先进经验包括:政府重视并 积极资助评价研究,制定适宜的评估体系;评价体系更关注教育质量,更重视机构的自我评估;评估 机构独立,权限完整,工作效率高,具有权威性。  相似文献   

日本研究生教育改革与日本人口结构变化、科技立国战略和研究生规模扩张紧密相关。从20世纪90年代开始,日本以多样化和高度化为研究生教育质量建设目标,采取从内到外、从事前到事后、从政府主导到社会评估的发展道路,最终形成由大学内部自我评估、第三方认证评估、法人绩效评估组成的研究生质量保障日本模式,标志着日本研究生教育进入到以多元化评估机制为基本方式的竞争时代。在新世纪,这一体系还面临着若干急需解决的矛盾。  相似文献   

日本高等工程教育的质量评估机制   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
本文介绍了日本技术人员教育评估机构(JABEE)对高等学校相关工程技术专业的评估认证标准,分析了它对专业教学的影响,认为工程教育的目的首先是培养工程技术人员,因此工程教育的评估与认证也应该围绕这一中心进行。工程教育的质量管理与工程技术人员的国家资格认证直接挂钩,不仅有利于工程技术人员个人的发展,而且能够推动工程技术教育的专业化发展,进而加速整个国家产业经济的发展。  相似文献   

本文简要介绍了笔者参与中国地质大学(北京)和大庆油田联合培养石油与天然气工程专业工程硕士研究生过程中的一些有益的做法和措施,并就今后的工作重点做了进一步的思考。  相似文献   

在我国职业技术教育驶入规模扩张的良性轨道之后,职业技术教育的质量保障和提高已经成为核心问题.在国际上,进行质量评估认证是保障和提高职业技术教育质量的最为重要手段.美国、德国和日本在职业技术教育的质量评估认证体制、标准和程序上都积累了大量经验,包括双层认证体制、基准性标准体系和周期性复审制度.随着宏观环境的变化,美、德、日三国职业技术教育质量评估也表现出一些共性趋势:外部评估与内部质量管理有机结合,质量评估与政府财政资助挂钩,质量评估与从业资格获取密切对应.  相似文献   

This phenomenological study examined 20 tenured and nontenured counselor educators regarding their experiences of motherhood and academia. Two central themes from the interviews emerged: environmental influences (including position flexibility, experienced discrimination, and felt support) and choices and circumstances (including defining and establishing boundaries and accepting decisions). Findings are important for understanding academic mothers’ experiences and underscore the need for additional research in the field that specifically addresses these issues.  相似文献   

印度近年来在工程技术方面取得了世人瞩目的成就,工程技术人才得到了世界的承认。这与其对高等工程技术人才的培养是分不开的。印度在高等工程技术教育方面所进行的一些改革有力地推动了工程教育的发展和国民经济的增长。其中一些在政策、管理、合作、课程等方面的一些成功经验和存在的问题对改善我国的工程教育有着借鉴和启发的作用。  相似文献   

通过分析工程教育研究的内容,结合地方型高校的特点,从工程教育中专业与伦理责任教育的培养思想出发,对工程类大学生教育培养改革方法进行探讨。提出基于工程设计思想课程设置应考虑的基本因素及课程设计过程中采用三步模式教学法,同时对于工程伦理教育的必要性进行分析,探索适合我校工程伦理教育的方法;并探索适合该工程教育方法的先进评价体系,利用模糊综合评价方法设计评价系统,经应用证实该方法的有效性和可行性。  相似文献   

Current engineering courses are not structured to develop real problem-solving skills in their students. They rely on a bottom-up approach to learning, where the first three years is spend mostly on theory, with almost no practice at problem definition. Instead, the students spend most of their time solving carefully designed exercises. Real-world problems are not as neatly packaged as these exercises, and, as a consequence, graduate engineers often lack the problem-definition and problem-recognition skills that are essential if the theory they have learned is to be useful to them. On the contrary, a problem-oriented course requires the students to develop those problem recognition skills. It also is intended to develop student-directed learning, and group and communication skills. A problem-oriented approach was used in 1991 in two second-year courses in civil engineering—surveying and computing. The courses were well received by the students, and the average exam result for surveying showed a noticeable improvement, while the average exam result for computing showed a marginal improvement. (There were, however, other encouraging signs in the computing course.) The author believes that the difference in response between the two subjects is due to the difference between working in groups and working individually, and a course change for the computing subject for 1992 is proposed.  相似文献   

首先请允许我代表教育部高教司对清华大学工程教育研究中心的成立表示热切的祝贺!借此机会,谨向各位老领导致以新春的祝愿,也向多年来从事工程教育的各位专家、老师表示诚挚的问候! 清华大学作为新中国"红色工程师的摇篮",具有很好的工程教育传统,也是目前我国工科实力最强的学校之一,曾培养出大批优秀的工程师,为中国工程教育的发展作出了突出贡献.在改革开放三十周年之际,清华大学成立工程教育研究中心,对工程教育进行系统、深入的研究,探讨在新形势下创新型工程人才培养的基本规律,必将对未来我国工程教育的发展和工程教育的质量的提高起到积极的促进作用.  相似文献   

《华盛顿协议》作为各国之间高等工程教育学历互认协议,对各国的高等工程教育产生了很多积极的影响,推动了各国高等工程教育的改革,促进了本科教育培养方案的不断发展和完善,提高了教学质量。2016年6月2日,中国成为《华盛顿协议》的正式会员。为有利于工程教育认证背景下土木工程专业评价的规范化,文章进行了专业评价系统的研究。  相似文献   

A programme at Sydney University designed to assist trainee teachers to meet the needs of individual children with difficulties in learning is described. Meeting these needs is defined as: being able to assess the child's learning, select appropriate learning experiences, select resources, manage the behaviour of the child, model appropriate language, explain concepts clearly, set out a suitable programme, maintain records, and write a report on the child's progress. Repeated surveys of trainees and more recently of the children and their classroom teachers indicate that the programme is largely meeting its objectives. Whether students work in the Early Learning Unit, the Language Development Unit, or the Numeracy Unit, it appears that this programme is an effective way of operationalizing the theoretical knowledge acquired during initial teacher education. Further, the programme seems to have had positive effects on the classroom behaviours of the children involved. The programme requires significant staff time, but it is an efficient way of supplying individual attention to children and ensuring that learning takes place. Students rate the provision of close supervision as essential to the success of the programme. The repeated request for more time in a programme such as this suggests that the preparation of teachers would be enhanced if they were able to experience the programme in both mathematics and language development.  相似文献   

本文介绍培养博士生的三点体会:第一,导师要按学科前沿和国家急需结合的目标去培养研究生。在实现这个共同目标的过程中,形成师生相长的关系。第二,导师应以培养学科继承人的情怀培养博士生,避免雇佣关系和过于“亲密”的关系。第三,注意德育工作,建立正确的科研规范,在学科集体中形成一种公正、团结和奋斗的氛围。  相似文献   

"化工分离工程"是化学工程与工艺专业的核心课程之一。随着化工行业的迅速发展,分离工程在现代化学工业及相关工程领域中的应用越来越重要,这也对课程教学提出了更高的要求。文章以工程教育认证指导思想为指引,结合"化工分离工程"课程的特点,从教学大纲、教学方法、多元化评价方法等方面探讨学习评价改革。通过学习评价模式改革,最大限度地加强学生学习活动的主体意识,提升专业学习的兴趣,提高学习效率,更加客观真实地反映学生的学习情况,从而提高课程教学的质量。  相似文献   

根据工程教育认证理念下实验教学评价指标设计、标准设置、数据获取及分析的基本准则与方法原理,提出一套包含学生、教师、专家及教学管理人员三位一体的实验教学质量评价体系,开发推行以学生为评价主体融"评学"与"评教"为一体的实验教学在线评价系统,健全和完善基于工程教育认证的实验教学质量评价机制,为工程类专业教学质量持续改进提供可靠的数据来源。  相似文献   

课程是学校教学的基本活动,课程评价是课程管理非常重要的一个环节,是权衡教学目标设置与达成、提高教育教学质量的重要因素,也是课程教学改革的一个重要方面。建立针对工程教育专业认证中毕业要求的课程评价机制是内部质量保证的核心。  相似文献   

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