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A new central public library is being planned for the town of Veria, Greece, to open in 1995. The building, funded by the Ministry of Education, will have its design selected as the result of a limited architectural competition. In addition to the library benefits for Veria, it is hoped that the building and the planning process related to it, will serve as a model for other Greek public library building projects.The article describes the author's involvement as consultant to the Veria project, working with the librarian on the preparation of the brief. Following short accounts of the Greek public library scene; the community to be served by the Veria library; the drawbacks of the present building; the site for the new library, and aspects of the brief, the writer ends with a discussion of the difficulties and constraints faced by the consultant advising on an overseas project.  相似文献   

守旧与创新--对公共图书馆服务中几个问题的思考   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
曲晓玮 《图书馆论坛》2003,23(4):112-114,111
论述了图书馆服务中有些优良传统如公益性服务原则、外借阅览等基础服务以及咨询台的设立等应该得到传承和重视;而在服务的创新方面,服务竞争与服务效益观念的增强、服务领域的拓展及文化服务功能的加强尤为重要。  相似文献   

This article focuses on the impact of learning spaces as well as collaborative technology, which affects library building and design. The article illustrates that learning spaces are an important component in the design of library buildings rather then a temporary trend. During each of our company's latest public library building projects, both librarians and architecture teams have recognized the need to support increases in learning activities. To bring more users to the public library, they recommended that the building needed increased seating to support training, education and in‐house cultural programming. The stories cited in this article suggest that there is a relationship between learning spaces and collaborative technology. Among librarians and library planners, learning spaces are seen as a unifying requirement for the expansion of library services. They recognize that the library's seating plan must include more learning spaces to support social networking, sharing and project base learning. Our qualitative findings suggest that public libraries need more learning spaces to support new types of digital work.  相似文献   

目前我国公共图书馆的设施总量、建筑面积总量和馆藏纸质图书总量三项基础性指标已居世界第一,一所设施平均覆盖人数和电子资源总量两项基础性指标已步入世界先进水平。与英、美、日、韩等国相比,目前我国存在短板,一是基层、农村公共图书馆质量水平低,二是基础资源人均拥有量低,三是体现服务效能的指标差距明显。英、美、日、韩等国公共图书馆步入世界先进水平的历程显示出一些基本规律:公共图书馆事业快速发展有赖于经济快速发展奠定坚实基础,公共图书馆整体跃升到世界先进水平一般经历10—20年,公共图书馆立法是推动事业快速发展的强大动力,加强基层、乡村公共图书馆建设是普遍重视的任务。我国公共图书馆迈向世界一流的重点举措包括:一是建设世界一流卓越公共图书馆群,打造100家主要共性指标处于世界领先水平、中国特色鲜明的标志性公共图书馆,拓展和深化"图书馆之城"建设;二是实施公共图书馆"强县馆"计划,主要包括县级公共图书馆资源保障和服务效能倍增"三步走"计划、县级公共图书馆数字服务能力提升计划;三是实施乡村公共阅读空间提质增效行动,推动农家书屋与县级图书馆总分馆体系融合发展,公共阅读广泛嵌入乡村文旅设施,新型公共阅读空间向乡村延伸。世界一流公共图书馆体系的中国特色主要表现在:公共图书馆事业纳入公共文化服务体系建设总体战略;满足人民文化需求和增强人民精神力量相统一;政府强有力主导公共图书馆体系建设;区域协作、对口帮扶,全国一盘棋促进公共图书馆均衡协同发展。  相似文献   

现代性、后现代性与公共图书馆职业   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公共图书馆是现代性的一部分,同时又为现代性输出价值。现代性的建设过程之中又催生了后现代性的生成。公共图书馆职业遭遇到了后现代性力量的影响,这些影响包括职业使命削弱、核心价值困境、政治理性消解等。思考和解答公共图书馆职业的后现代境遇则是我们必须面对的重要命题。  相似文献   

佛山市图书馆邻里图书馆项目运营两年多的经验表明,家庭藏书是公共图书馆文献资源的重要补充,将家庭藏书纳入公共图书馆同一平台流通是一个新课题。为了探究家藏图书在流通管理中信任不足的问题,文章设计了基于区块链技术的家藏图书流通平台。平台兼具资源整合、个性化推荐、信用构建及实时监控等功能,旨在盘活社会文献资源,构建多元共建、协同共治的高可靠性自动管理和生态运作服务模式,形成公共图书馆服务模式的全新生态。  相似文献   

"农家书屋"工程是保障农民群众基本文化权益的惠民工程。"农家书屋"的性质和管理与公共图书馆非常相似,因此,发挥公共图书馆资源采购、资源管理、读者服务工作的经验和优势,对推动农家书屋的科学与可持续发展。  相似文献   

As the implementation of e-Government projects is becoming increasingly important in both public and private organizations, the need to successfully tackle project management emerges. Without a project management framework, those who commission an e-government project, those who manage it and also those who work on it will not have the necessary tools to plan, organize, monitor and re-schedule tasks, responsibilities and milestones. The present paper outlines a goal-driven and knowledge-based framework to plan and manage the critical aspects of e-government projects. A specifically designed tool supports the framework application and a lighthouse project of the Greek public sector is presented to illustrate the application context, leading to reusable conclusions on achievements and problems faced.  相似文献   

在构建社会主义和谐社会、全面推进社会主义新农村建设的今天,农村图书馆作为人类文明和文化的整理、储存、传播、利用之地,是农村公共文化事业的重要组成部分。在城市图书馆配套相对完善的今天,村民对农村图书馆的需求显得尤为突出。新农村图书馆为农民提供健康的文化活动,对社会主义精神文明的建设产生深远影响。  相似文献   

以东莞图书馆图书流动车项目为例,通过效益评价分析,说明东莞图书馆图书流动车服务存在的问题,重点探讨如何通过合理调整图书流动车的服务站点来提高服务效益,以及如何对服务效益进行评价分析,从而更好地促进图书流动车服务的发展。  相似文献   

The University of California, San Francisco, is an academic health sciences campus that is part of a state public university system. Space is very limited at this urban campus, and the library building''s 90,000 square feet represent extremely valuable real estate. A planning process spanning several years initially proposed creating new teaching space utilizing 10,000 square feet of the library. A collaborative campus-wide planning process eventually resulted in the design of a new teaching and learning center that integrates clinical skills, simulation, and technology-enhanced education facilties on one entire floor of the building (21,000 square feet). The planning process resulted in a project that serves the entire campus and strengthens the library''s role in the education mission. The full impact of the project is yet unknown as construction is not complete.  相似文献   


Public libraries today are gingerly stepping into the emerging philosophy among successful businesses around the world: customer experience. Libraries are hiring staff with “customer experience” in their title, others are curious and want to learn more. Most of the resources currently available to libraries hoping to get started take a corporate approach particularly as it impacts financial success. The bottom line is that all of us are in the customer experience business, whether we know it or not. It goes to the heart of everything we do – how staff interact with the public and each other, the value libraries provide to a community, even the cleanliness of the restrooms. Additionally, many of those companies that library users experience in their daily lives – health care, insurance, retail – have already jumped on the customer experience bandwagon, overall raising the public’s expectation of what they should experience in libraries. How and where to start? How does a library build a road map to develop a customer experience philosophy and culture, which staff will embrace and support? When building a new library how do you design that building using a customer experience lens? Columbus Metropolitan Library has spent the last 5 years mapping out a customer experience practice, which includes staff training, journey mapping, customer insights, customer engagement training, and library design.  相似文献   

构建公共服务平台,营造便捷阅读环境   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
公共图书馆是政府主办的公益性文化服务机构,是公共文化服务体系建设的重要骨干,是独立运用现代化传播方式,广泛覆盖全社会城乡基层,为广大人民群众传播科学文化知识的中枢平台。要建立一个公益性的、有鲜明地方特色的、为全民阅读提供全方位服务的公共服务平台,让用户通过公共服务平台获取比图书馆现实馆藏丰富得多的资源,弥补图书馆资源的不足。  相似文献   

新公共服务理论是在对新公共管理理论进行反思和批判的基础上建立的一种行政管理理论与模式,由于其核心理念与图书馆核心理念有着一定的契合,因此将新公共服务理论引入到高校图书馆服务建设,将在管理机制、人才建设、理念建设等方面带来诸多的启示与理论支撑。  相似文献   

Excerpts are presented from an interview by the Bulletin of the Medical Library Association buildings projects editor with four academic health sciences library directors: one who had recently completed a major library building project and three who were involved in various stages of new building projects. They share their experiences planning for and implementing library-building programs. The interview explores driving forces leading to new library buildings, identifies who should be involved, recalls the most difficult and exciting moments of the building projects, relates what they wished they had known before starting the project, assesses the impact of new library facilities on clients and services, reviews what they would change, and describes forces impacting libraries today and attributes of the twenty-first century library.  相似文献   

大力开发与提升图书馆公共文化服务能力   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
论文提出图书馆大力开发与提升公共文化服务能力的理念,围绕提升公共文化服务内涵、提高公共文化产品供给、丰富公共文化服务内容、打造公共文化服务品牌,提出了一些新的思路。作者认为:只有进一步解放思想、开拓创新。积极实践和探索开发与提升公共文化服务能力的新途径和新办法,才能不断发挥图书馆在公共文化服务体系中的重要作用和影响。  相似文献   

示范区(项目)创建与公共图书馆发展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
抓住创建国家公共文化服务体系示范区(项目)的契机乘势而上,将会为公共图书馆在"十二五"时期的发展赢得良好的环境和条件。示范区创建标准中的"公共图书馆指标"体现的导向和特点是:把提升服务能力、改善服务效益作为重要内容;促进远程服务能力和流动服务能力建设;重点任务指标化推进。第一批创建示范项目中的"公共图书馆项目"有三种类型:总分馆体制的探索与实践;基层公共图书馆的基础建设;全民阅读活动。公共图书馆参与示范区创建,首先要形成全面达标的时间表、路线图和保障条件,其次要提炼出在创建过程中重点突破的问题。公共图书馆打造示范项目应特别关注的问题包括:免费开放环境中服务能力建设和服务效益提升;建立科学合理的设施服务半径、覆盖面积指标,探索流动服务、数字服务与阵地服务的配置原则和标准;探索利用文化信息资源共享工程设备和网络的数字图书馆和数字文化馆一体化建设方案。  相似文献   

图书馆建筑的理想与现实--广州新图书馆建设启迪   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘洪辉 《图书馆论坛》2006,26(3):228-230,240
结合广州新图书馆建设项目的实际问题,探讨图书馆建筑的理想与现实,对图书馆作为城市标志性建筑、图书馆在新馆建设中的主导作用和图书馆的生态文明等问题进行了分析,提出了较为现实的解决方案。  相似文献   


Ever since the library at Humboldt State University had been renovated in the early ′70s, staff had been complaining about the air quality in the building, which was blamed for all sorts of ailments, from nausea, to skin and eye irritation, to severe allergies. The library administration finally pushed for a solution to the problems and hired an environmental firm to investigate the air quality. At the same time, recognizing that old carpets also have been found to contribute to indoor pollution, the administration commissioned a selected group from all sections of the library and from Plant Operations, to undertake a study and recommend new floor covering options for all areas of the building. The group studied resilient materials, hard floors, and wood floors exhaustively and came up with detailed recommendations about the different types to be used in different areas. As soon as funding became available, most public and stack areas were covered with a carpetlike new generation, low emission, self-adhesive, closed-cell vinyl backed nylon floor covering, with no ill side effects to date. The success of this project is in great part due to the fact that staff for the task force was drawn from all departments and from outside the library and from the fact that the administration accepted the recommendations and followed up on most of them in good faith.  相似文献   

社会组织参与图书馆公共服务供给对于满足公众文化需求、消除数字鸿沟和完善政府文化供给具有重要价值。为此,必须要创新社会组织参与图书馆公共服务供给的模式,着力构建政策参与、资源动员、项目合作、志愿服务和社区自助等多种模式。社会组织在图书馆公共文化服务供给方面具有独特优势,但由于受多种因素约束和自身特点所限,社会组织应该主要提供图书馆基础服务和个性化服务,这是社会组织参与图书馆公共服务供给的边界和限度。  相似文献   

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