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This study examined the perceptions of college students using supplemental web-based instruction (WBI). During the fall quarter of 1997, the researchers surveyed higher education students in five courses at the University of Georgia. The survey included 13 five-point Likert scale questions followed by four open-ended questions. The results show that students found the supplemental WBI site beneficial, overall, to their learning while the bulletin board discussions outside of class were the most liked feature. However, most students would not consider taking a course that was conducted entirely through this medium, without any class meetings.his research interests include education, policy, and technology  相似文献   

随着信息技术的出现和发展,从20世纪末开始,世界远程教育领域正涌动着一场信息技术变革的热流。“交互”、“独立”、“合作”等一些概念成为了当前的热点教育名词。其中,“交互”这一概念在基于Web的网络教学(WBI)中更是倍受关注。但是人们对WBI交互的理论认识仍然比较匮乏。因此,我们需要根据已有的一些学习和交互理论,对WBI交互进行科学的理论抽象,把握WBI的交互模式。这样才能使我们对WBI交互有深刻的认识,便于我们更好地运用这一手段为网络教学服务。  相似文献   

高职院校网络教学资源平台的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
构建网络教学资源平台,支撑教学实施和资源建设是高职院校信息化的重要内容。根据高职教育新的发展,本文分析了高职院校网络教学资源平台的功能需求,在此基础上提出了相应的技术架构,进而分析了构建平台系统的几种策略。  相似文献   

如何使教师每一天的课堂面授教学实现信息化,实现信息技术与学科课程教学的整合,这是21世纪全球基础教育革新和发展面临的重大课题.设立学生人手一部电脑的网络教学实验班,是大规模、深层次地实现日常课堂教学信息化的有效办法.本文介绍了设立网络教学实验班以及在发展中所遇到的困难和取得的成果,着重阐述了设立网络教学实验班所起的引领作用,以期对网络教学有一定的借鉴作用.  相似文献   

网络英语教学是一种新型的教学模式,相对传统英语教学而言具有一些明显的优势。由于我国还处于中小学信息化的建设时期,硬件、软件方面都还存在很多问题,制约了网络英语教学的开展。为加快推进中小学网络英语教学进程,必须加强区域统筹,集中力量建设网络英语教学资源库,加强中小学硬件条件建设,同时还需要帮助教师更新教育观念,提高其信息技术能力和英语网络教学技能。  相似文献   

随着教育信息化工作的不断深入,包括计算机技术在内的多种技术得到了极大的发展,但摆在我们面前的一个需要思考的问题是“高投资是否带来了高效益,大投入是否带来了大产出”。是否高性能的教学媒体,会自动提升教学效果与效益,本文就教育信息化、教学媒体、媒体技术与媒体效益进行了探究。  相似文献   

《材料力学实验》网络教学管理系统设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络技术迅猛发展所带来的各种优势为研究和制作各类课件提供了良好的设计平台,针对材料力学实验过程,研制了实验教学系统、实验数据处理系统和实验教学管理系统。该系统利用先进的网络和多媒体技术实现知识和技能的传播,利用Browser/Server模式和网络数据库技术快速、准确的处理实验数据,通过ASP和ADO技术实现高效、安全的系统管理。  相似文献   

To engage in the practices of science, students must have a strong command of science academic language. However, content area teachers often make academic language an incidental part of their lesson planning, which leads to missed opportunities to enhance students’ language development. To support pre-service elementary science teachers (PSTs) in making language planning an explicit part of their science lessons, we created the Academic Language Planning Organizer (ALPO). The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the ALPO on two levels: first, by examining participants’ interactions with the ALPO as they identified academic language features, objectives and supports; and second, by exploring the ways that participants translated identified language supports to planned science activities. Findings indicated that, when using the ALPO, PSTs identified clear language functions and relevant vocabulary terms, and also frequently developed clear, observable and measurable language objectives. When lesson planning, PSTs were largely successful in translating previously identified language supports to their lesson plans, and often planned additional language supports beyond what was required. We also found, however, that the ALPO did not meet its intended use in supporting PSTs in identifying discourse and syntax demands associated with specific academic language functions, suggesting that revisions to the ALPO could better support PSTs in identifying these academic language demands. Implications for supporting PSTs’ planning for and scaffolding of science academic language use are presented.  相似文献   

Web-based courses have increased in number as one of the primary modes of distance education in undergraduate nursing programs across the United States. An online survey of 171 nursing faculty in the United States with experience teaching Web-based courses served as the primary data source. Interviews and a review of course Web sites provided additional comparative information. Results of this study indicated online faculty spent significantly more time in planning and implementing a Web course than they did a traditional course. Despite this time commitment respondents perceived the teaching experience to be a successful and effective form of instruction that they felt could be used to deliver any type of nursing course. The online teaching experience was described as both collaborative and highly interactive. Most respondents indicated they preferred online teaching to traditional face-to-face instruction. This positive reaction to teaching online supports the future viability of Web-based instruction at colleges of nursing.  相似文献   

关于写作教学有效性的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前中小学的写作教学主要存在写作教学内容缺失、写作指导缺位、写作教学观念落后、一些作文试题的导向错误、写作体式要求失当等问题。要解决这些问题,必须把"写什么"与"怎么写"放在提高写作教学有效性的层面加以反思。首先,要理清写作目标与写作内容的关系,要规定具体的写作课程内容;其次,写作教学的重心应该转移到切实加强对学生"怎么写"的指导上。  相似文献   

School Level Conditions Affecting the Effectiveness of Instruction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this article, the current status of school level factors, as they appear in research reviews and in school effectiveness models is criticised both from a theoretical and from an empirical perspective. School level factors are often related to student achievement without taking into account the classroom level, where teaching and learning primarily take place. As a theoretical alternative, an overview of school level factors that enhance the quality of instruction, time for learning and opportunity to learn at the classroom level is provided. These factors are supposed to contribute to the explanation of differences in student achievement. Some empirical support for these ideas is found in educational research studies that have made use of three‐level analyses.  相似文献   

信息化教学的有效性策略研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
信息化教学有效性研究是当前任职教育研究的热点。文章阐述了信息化教学有效性的内涵,并从强化六种“意识”出发,对提高信息化教学的有效性进行了探讨,对于在信息化条件下进行任职教育教学具有很好的理论指导作用。  相似文献   

This paper compares two protocols for web-based instruction using simulations in an introductory physics class. The Inquiry protocol allowed students to control input parameters while the Worked Example protocol did not. Students in the Worked Example group performed significantly higher on a common assessment. The ramifications of this study are discussed in relation to Scientific Discovery Learning and Cognitive Load Theory.  相似文献   

教学有效性是网络教学发展的必然追求.网络教学交互在网络教学过程扮演着重要的角色,是实现网络教学有效性的充分条件,也是影响教学有效性的直接影响因素.有效的交互有利于整合教学丰富的资源,控制网络教学过程,激发学习者的学习动机,引导协作学习,促进学习者意义建构.  相似文献   

The assessment of students’ capabilities and learning outcomes has long been considered an important factor in instructional design and program planning and refinement. The information provided by clinicians, however, has not always been presented to classroom teachers in a form that will allow them to amend their classroom practices to the students’ advantage. This paper reviews the recent history of psychoeducational testing and examines several attempts to link assessment with instruction within the information processing domain. The authors present a case for the inclusion of testing procedures that inform teachers of students’ information processing capabilities and they argue that clinicians and educators must work together to translate these data into effective remediation and instruction practices.  相似文献   

Web-based homework (WBH) Technology can simplify the creation and grading of assignments as well as provide a feasible platform for assessment testing, but its effect on student learning in business statistics is unknown. This is particularly true of the latest software development of Web-based tutoring agents that dynamically evaluate individual students' skill level and purport to respond with appropriate, targeted teaching to improve learning efficiency. In this article, we compare traditional, textbook-based homework assignments with three systems of WBH for undergraduate business statistics courses: ALEKS, PH Grade Assist, and custom-made online quizzes in Blackboard. These systems represent a range of media from artificial intelligence–based tutoring to instructor-controlled objective testing. Using a common assessment test, we compare the performance of students taught with these different systems. Our study finds, as we anticipated, that student performance depends significantly upon teacher experience and student academic competence. Once these factors are controlled for, however, the technique used to deliver homework makes little difference in student success. In contrast to other published research, we do not find any advantage to automated tutoring and identify some limitations of this approach based on both instructor and student feedback.  相似文献   

新的媒体,不仅能够提供新的教学方法,也能够提供完全不同的教学模式,为新的教学理念提供展示的舞台。该文以《现代教育技术》网络课程为例,介绍了蕴含其中的新教学理念,体现了对技术作用于教学问题的理解,围绕网络课程,可以开展基于行动的学习,在行动中掌握如何将技术整合于课程教学中。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  Food companies and supporting industries need inexpensive, revisable training methods for large numbers of hourly employees due to continuing improvements in Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) programs, new processing equipment, and high employee turnover. HACCP-based food safety programs have demonstrated their value by reducing the number and frequency of multimillion-dollar food recalls. The focus for the future must be proactive training of plant personnel to ensure continuous improvements in plant food safety and quality. In response to this need, we developed training modules focused on applying HACCP principles, quality aspects, and production information to individual poultry unit operations. Learning objectives were evaluated using discount usability testing techniques to optimize the delivery system and to ensure a satisfactory e-learning experience. Discount usability testing of this virtual orientation was successful in obtaining vast amounts of feedback. Usability issues with the training materials were identified. Expected completion times were not met by most participants, indicating that a change in the format of the course might be necessary, perhaps segmenting the modules into smaller sections to be reviewed independently of one another. Another suggestion by the evaluators was to include narration for the sections, which might in turn speed up the completion times. A navigation error was discovered by these users, as well as other critical errors in design. Other errors, such as font inconsistencies and page design changes, were also discovered by the participants.  相似文献   

Making causal inferences from a quasi‐experiment is difficult. Sensitivity analysis approaches to address hidden selection bias thus have gained popularity. This study serves as an introduction to a simple but practical form of sensitivity analysis using Monte Carlo simulation procedures. We examine estimated treatment effects for a school‐based support intervention designed to address student strengths and needs in academic and nonacademic areas by leveraging partnerships with community agencies. Middle school (Grades 6–8) statewide standardized test scores in mathematics and English language arts (ELA) were examined for students in a large urban district who participated in City Connects during elementary school. Results showed that the estimated treatment effects in both subjects were reduced slightly with the inclusion of U, a hypothesized unobserved binary variable. However, simulated effects fell within one‐sided 90% confidence intervals for original treatment effects, suggesting only a mild sensitivity to hidden bias. Moreover, almost identical estimated treatment effects were observed when the magnitude of the mathematical difference between each pair of the conditional probabilities of U given the treatment indicator Z was the same.  相似文献   

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