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Programming is an activity through which students can learn about other domains, but the difficulty of programming diminishes its usefulness as a learning activity. One approach to facilitate the use of programming for learning is to view programming as a skill like those taught through apprenticeships, and to use the apprenticeship concept of scaffolding to facilitate doing and learning through programming. Scaffolding means providing modifiable support (through fading) that communicates process, coaches, and elicits articulation. Software‐realized scaffolding embeds scaffolding in a computer‐based environment. Emile implements software‐realized scaffolding to facilitate student learning of physics by facilitating students building computer‐based models and simulations. In this article, I present Emile's features as examples of software‐realized scaffolding, and I present the results of an evaluation of Emile's effectiveness. Students were able to use Emile to create fairly sophisticated programs and gained a qualitative understanding of kinematics in the process.  相似文献   


This article describes the effort undertaken at the University of Iowa to institute a software engineering curriculum at the graduate level. Specifically, the article presents the experiences over 2 years in developing a pilot 2‐semester course in object‐oriented software engineering. This pilot course had the goal of introducing practical and realistic object‐oriented software engineering to students, and developed several innovative techniques to achieve this goal on a very limited budget. Students were exposed to realistic software engineering phases, processes and methodologies in developing real‐world software. This pilot course has culminated in a Master of Science subtrack in Software Engineering offered cooperatively by the Departments of Computer Science and Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Iowa, which made its debut in the Fall of the 1992/1993 academic year.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The purpose was to investigate cognitive strategies as differential determinants of co‐operative learning in peer‐based interaction environments. Computer‐supported Intentional Learning Environment (CSILE) was used. Participants were 51 students who studied in 3rd Grade classrooms. There were three individual working conditions: optimistic, pessimistic and defensive pessimistic. A total of 52 homogeneously or heterogeneously paired dyads on a measure of cognitive strategies were observed. Results show that individual working conditions are more productive than dyadic conditions. Specifically, optimistic strategy is related to better processing of ideas in databases than the other strategies. Moreover, heterogeneous dyads are not so beneficial configurations. Pessimistic strategy is not so debilitating a strategy as is usually assumed. This study shows that different cognitive strategies, and configurations of them, produce different kinds of results in the processing of ideas with computer‐supported learning environments.  相似文献   

To describe the spatial tendency and complex relationship of geological structures, a digital modeling based on geographic information system and the visualization of hydroelectric engineering geology information are presented. The functions of information visual query, spatial cutting, section drawing, and coupled analysis with hydraulic structures are realized. The geologic model can match the attribute data with the shape data of geological structures, and organize the information for spatial query and analysis of the 3D model. With an application in Laxiwa hydroelectric project on the upriver of Huanghe River, the method provides a 3D parallel section view and query results of geoinformation, and 3D section views of geoinformation along axis of spillway tunnel,and along the 5th axis with underground structures, respectively.  相似文献   

Smart phones are a kind of phone installed with a corresponding open operating system that can make a phone work like a computer.More and more students are showing their dependence on them.Based on the smart phone platform,we can design many kinds of applicants for our phones that generate these suggestions,exploit a distant learning for M-learning on smart phone.It is a good way for people to learn a language and we should make good use of it.  相似文献   

Whyaresomestudentssuccessfulatlanguagelearningwhiletheothersarenot ?ThejobofteachingandlearningEnglishwouldbequiteeasyifwecouldworkouttheanswertothequestion .Wecan’tHowever ,wecanfigureouttheanswertosomefactorswhichseemtohaveastrongeffectonastudent’ssuc…  相似文献   

A recent study of programmed learning, including experimental use in an electrical engineering department, indicated that the most fruitful application of teaching machine methods is in the presently nonprogrammed or loosely programmed hours spent by students outside classroom or laboratory periods. Programs already developed for use in this study have been concerned with analytical skills; further programs under development are concerned with concepts. Larger scale experiments are planned in which additional questions can be answered, particularly as to whether exposure to programmed instruction adversely affects the capacity of the student to learn independently.  相似文献   

Education and Information Technologies - In this study, considering the effect of interactive learning environments on human cognition, we have examined extraneous processing effects of multimedia...  相似文献   


This article examines the 2013 apostolic exhortation Evangelii Gaudium by Pope Francis in terms of its significance for addressing LGBT?+?issues in Catholic learning environments. Using the 10 capabilities necessary for human flourishing as outlined by Martha Nussbaum in her capability approach to civil society and questions of social justice, I argue that the implications of Evangelii Gaudium for Catholic learning environments are significant and provide necessary guidance for addressing LGBT?+?social justice issues where these issues have often been ignored or insufficiently addressed. In Evangelii Gaudium Pope Francis is challenging the global community of Catholics to consider what kind of society the Church is producing, and I argue that a capabilities approach provides a fruitful way in which to consider and respond to this challenge. Although written with Catholicism in mind, the challenges presented by Pope Francis are pertinent for consideration by other faith communities and educators more generally.  相似文献   

语法教学应当讲求Learning by using,Learning for using的原则。本文以冀教版小学英语第八册第20课《Tomorrow we will work and play》为例,诠释小学英语语法的教学模式——"精讲多练,以练为主,点到为止,注重运用"。语法教学是英语教学的重要组成部分,那么我们应当如何摆正语法教学在小学英语中的位置,实现有效的语法教学呢?《Tomorrow we will work and play》是冀教版小学  相似文献   

A new framework for free-surface design is proposed.Using Manifolds can generalize the spline scheme to surfaces of arbitrary topology,Physics-based modeling incorporate physical laws into shape representation to provide direct shape interaction.The combination presents a new method inherits the attractive properties of the manifold surface as well as that of the physcis-based models.  相似文献   

1. How do you memorize new words? New words should be mastered in several ways. First, pronunciation, if you want to pronounce the word correctly, you‘d better listen to it first and practice it again and again by imitation. Second, spelling if you want to metmorize the word,you‘d better learn some knowledge for word building and pronmctation rules,Third,meaning and use,  相似文献   

1. How do you memorize new words? New words should be mastered in several ways. First, pronunciation, if you want to pro- nounce the word correctly, you'd better listen to it first and practice it again and again by imitation. Second, spelling, if you want to memorize the word how to spell, you'd better learn some knowledge  相似文献   

In recent years, unequal access to high-quality preschool has emerged as a growing public policy concern. Because of data limitations, it is notoriously difficult to measure disparities in access to early learning opportunities across communities and particularly challenging to quantify gaps in access to high-quality programs. Research Findings: Using unique data from Georgia’s universal prekindergarten program, this study provides empirical evidence of the relationship between community characteristics and the availability of high-quality preschool opportunities. We show that in Georgia, a national leader with respect to preschool access as well as quality, there are still meaningful differences in quality across communities. Low-income and high-minority communities offer state preschool classrooms that are rated significantly lower on a widely used and validated measure of classroom process quality. Practice or Policy: This process quality gap is troubling given the positive relationship between our process quality measure and children’s learning. Note that we do not see similar gaps in structural measures of quality, which are the aspects of quality more often regulated but are also weaker, inconsistent predictors of children’s learning. Implications for policy are discussed.  相似文献   

With the development of information technology, computer-assisted language learning is becoming a trend in foreign language teaching environment. It is argued that characterized by the universal availability of authentic materials, the multimedia capability and the nonlinear (hypermedia) structure of the information, the World Wide Web have the potential to enhance language learning. This paper evaluates a web-based listening programme in terms of language learning potential, learner fit, authenticity and impact. It concludes with the appropriateness of the tasks designed in this programme.  相似文献   


Engineering students on control courses lack a deep understanding of equilibrium and stability that are crucial concepts in this discipline. Several studies have shown that students find it difficult to understand simple familiar or academic static equilibrium cases as well as dynamic ones from mechanics even if they know the discipline’s criteria and formulae. Our aim is to study the impact of a specific and innovative classroom session, containing well-chosen situations that address students’ misconceptions. We propose an example of Active Learning experiment based both on the Didactical Engineering methodology and the Conceptual Fields Theory that aims at promoting a conceptual change in students. The chosen methodology allows, at the same time, a proper design of the student learning activities, an accurate monitoring of the students’ rational use during the tasks and provides an internal tool for the evaluation of the session’s efficiency. Although the expected starting conceptual change was detected, it would require another activity in order to be reinforced.  相似文献   

The paper is to explore whether or not group cooperative learning in author’s university can make students learning deeply.In 2004,the Chinese Ministry of Education constituted"College English Teaching Syllabus"(College English Teaching Syllabus,2004,showed in appendix),in which it makes it clear that the properties and objectives of College English teaching are:College English teaching is a teaching system which has the content of English language knowledge,English applied skills,learning strategies,intercultural communication.According to the syllabus,lots of Chinese universities will aim to explore new and effective teaching modes,which will stimulate college English teachers to reflect their traditional teaching methods and make the corresponding improvement inevitably.  相似文献   

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