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高职院校实验室管理的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
实验室是高等职业教育实现其人才培养目标的重要场所和必备条件,实验室管理是高校的一项复杂而又重要的管理工作,其管理水平的高低直接影响着培养的人才质量,决定了人才培养目标完成的好坏。研究实验室的管理,最终目的是为了提高实验室的工作效率,提高管理人员的管理水平,使实验室更好地为人才培养目标服务,完成人才培养任务,加快学校的发展。管理是一门学科,有着自己的特性,它适用于任何类型的组织。高校实验室管理也是管理的一种,也具有管理的通性,本文运用管理的基础知识,对高校实验室管理进行分析研究,明确了实验室管理的基本框架。  相似文献   

会计职业能力是会计职业者从事会计职业应具备的基本素质。本文主要探讨知识经济时代会计人员面临的挑战和要求,论述如何在会计教育中从知识传授向能力培养转变,使学生具备终身自我学习的能力;树立会计职业判断意识,从而具备会计职业判断能力。  相似文献   

基于工作过程的程序设计类课程开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
参照高职软件人才培养目标,围绕工作任务分析与行动领域内各知识点,分析VB程序设计类课程的教学任务,将其课程知识体系分为vB编程知识群和扩展知识群两个部分.在工作任务、职业能力及课程知识体系的分析基础上,设计冒泡排序、定时器、聊天程序、记事本和学籍管理系统5个学习项目,每一个学习项目又进一步分解成若干个学习型工作任务,学习与实践交替,使学生不断提高编程能力.  相似文献   

The development of a continuing vocational training programme at the Information Satellite Systems Joint-Stock Company (ISS JSC) during the transition from the planned Soviet economy to what is now called the Russian market economy is briefly outlined. How the collapse of a planned economy led to the degradation of engineering higher education (HE) is shown. The present system of engineering HE is criticized as a degraded relic of the Soviet one and an argument is made in favour of continuing vocational training in businesses like the ISS JSC, where the engineers are engaged in innovative activities. The schematic programme of training, retraining and improving the professional skills of the company’s personnel is presented. Some work assignments of the centre for personnel management at the ISS JSC are examined, in particular the preparation of target students along the ‘school–HE–industry’ chain.  相似文献   

Credentialing examination developers rely on task (job) analyses for establishing inventories of task and knowledge areas in which competency is required for safe and successful practice in target occupations. There are many ways in which task‐related information may be gathered from practitioner ratings, each with its own advantage and limitation. Two of the myriad alternative task analysis rating approaches are compared in situ: one establishing relative task saliency through a single scale of rated importance and another employing a composite of several independent scales. Outcomes regarding tasks ranked by two practitioner groups are compared. A relatively high degree of association is observed between tasks ranked through each approach, yielding comparable, though not identical examination blueprints.  相似文献   

Training researchers and practitioners have typically focused their attention on one type of transfer, the transfer of tasks that require trainees to learn and apply a prescribed standard procedure. Further, researchers and practitioners have examined this type of transfer in situations where supervisors hold trainees accountable for applying the trained knowledge and skill, Performance professionals have developed theoretical frameworks, training principles, and training guidelines to improve transfer based on this conception of transfer. In contrast, this paper presents a multidimensional perspective to training transfer. One dimension concerns task adaptability-a continuum from relatively closed tasks, where task steps are highly prescribed, to relatively open tasks, where the task steps can be adapted to varying circumstances of the job. The other dimension concerns worker autonomy-a continuum from heavily supervised to highly independent work. Based on this expanded perspective of transfer, for each combination of variable, we offer principles for effective transfer as well as specific problems which must be solved to achieve the best results. We also provide suggestions for evaluating training success and derive research propositions that deserve attention.  相似文献   

传统的W eb Service是建立在UDD I基础上的采用基于简单分类目录和关键字方式的。其匹配度都不高,为了提高查全率,需要在W eb及W eb Service服务中加入语义。本文详细介绍了semanticW eb及semanticW eb Service的上层服务结构,并深入的讨论了实现W eb Service发现的概念匹配方法。  相似文献   

Conclusion The current situation in many academic and industrial organizations provides little support for significant new ideas or changes in those areas where expenses or major retraining are required. While these areas are not typically critical for short-term organizational effectiveness, they are essential for the long-term health of these organizations. One answer to the lack of resources in these organizations is the formation of business/education alliances that typically provide economic support to academic institutions and needed personnel to specific corporations. While there are some problems associated with the formation of such alliances, it appears that their use in generally warranted as well as beneficial to those organizations which choosen to become involved.  相似文献   

在高职教育中岩土工程技术专业的人才培养方案的制订过程中,采取从毕业学生岗位分析到能力分析再到课程结构分析的方法,确定专业的核心课程内容。通过人才培养方案的编制,对岩土工程技术专业的培养目标、岗位定位、所需知识、应开课程有了明确的认识。  相似文献   

在传统Web服务的中,基于关键词的Web服务匹配缺乏语义支持,搜索效率低.语义Web技术与Web服务的结合,开辟了语义Web服务的研究领域,本文以所提出的匹配策略为主线,围绕语义Web服务层次松弛匹配机制,依次展开服务类别、服务文本描述、服务功能、服务质量四个层次的匹配研究,实现了从语法相似度、语义相似度和QoS相似度上对Web服务的选择.  相似文献   

Summary and Conclusion The above discussion should make my position clear-that the issue of appropriate media is dependent on the quality of the personnel. Skilled personnel can perform a variety of tasks such as arguing the case for a more central role for media and technology in instruction, developing low-cost alternatives, giving support to the minority with “high tech”, selecting and adapting imported media and technology to fit local conditions, and exploring traditional non-technological options for the purpose of enhancing learning. In my view, the option of training personnel is a bottom-up approach to the question of media and technology. This approach gives the practitioners the knowledge which is required to make choices, to innovate, and to select. Given such power, the practitioners are in a position to argue the case for more media resources; they are able to generate effective and responsive learning environments, using the available media and technology. Such effectiveness and responsiveness is surely what cultural appropriateness of media and technology is about. The program of teacher education that we are developing at the University of Zimbabwe is intended to produce competent media producers and users. By offering courses in media and technology to prospective teachers, and offering training to key media personnel working in other training colleges, we hope to develop the skills of our teachers to a point where they can be innovators in the process of developing culturally appropriate media and technology.  相似文献   

制度与知识的互动是推动社会经济增长的重要因素。但是好的制度能够促进知识的创新,不好的制度选择会阻碍或遏制知识的创新。制度与知识创新互为相关。教育制度的创新是知识创新的重要部分,大学培养的人才是推动制度创新和知识创新的基本要素。我国改革开放的成功充分证明,经济制度的改革创新,推动了我国高等教育体制的改革创新,从而推动了我国人才培养观念的转变。创新人才的培养是我国高等教育面对21世纪的根本任务。  相似文献   

人才培养质量是课程的出发点和落脚点。在现代教育中,知识、能力、素质的协调发展是人才培养质量的核心要求。因此,从人才培养质量出发可对课程功能做这样的解读:授予学生立体化的知识网络是课程的基础功能;培养学生全方位的能力是课程的主体功能;引导学生养成良好素质是课程的核心功能。  相似文献   

本文对建立远程教育人才培养成本核算体系的客观必要性及成本核算体系的构成内容进行了探讨,并提出了在实际工作中运用这一体系应注意的问题,以期对办学单位优化资源配置、确定最佳培养成本、提高办学效益具有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

Sixty female hooded rats received a sequence of 40 shock-escape training trials, 20 response prevention (or pseudoprevention) trials, either 0, 5, or 20 shock-escape retraining trials and then nonshock extinction procedures. Results of extinction using escape speed and trials-to-criterion indices showed that, in each retraining condition, response prevention reliably facilitated extinction relative to pseudoprevention controls, the degree of facilitation decreasing as amount of retraining increased. In 5-and 20-trial retraining conditions, prevention procedures also reliably impaired shock-escape performance on early retraining trials, this effect dissipating before the start of extinction.  相似文献   

旅游业是一个综合性极强的服务行业,这一行业的不同领域职业区别很大。因此,旅游专业教育具有鲜明的市场特征。旅游专业教育必须适应旅游业的发展,旅游专业人才的培养必须突出旅游行业特点,始终围绕市场需求调整和确定人才培养方案,依据旅游业发展对人才的需要设置专业。  相似文献   

This article examines a new training design for continuing professional development that aims to support the learning of the novel knowledge and skills needed in emerging professional fields by interconnecting academic and workplace settings. The training design is based on using two advisors, one from working life and the other from an academic context. The article examined whether participants’ personal orientation to adaptive expertise predicts the success of a guidance process. The interconnection of workplace and academic contexts was expected to occur through guidance practices. In addition, the features underlying the most successful guidance relationships were analysed. Data were collected by conducting repeated semi-structured interviews with 18 course participants, eight academic advisors and eight workplace advisors in the context of a 1-year energy efficiency training programme. The results indicated that a trainee’s personal orientation towards adaptive expertise is a significant component in successful guidance processes. An interconnection of workplace and academic knowledge and practices was hardly found in the guidance provided by each participant’s academic and workplace advisors. The feature underlying the most successful guidance relationships are related at the personal, dyad and context levels. An excellent match between the expert profiles of the learner and the advisor appears to be especially critical for successful guidance and powerful knowledge exchange in emerging fields. However, finding matching advisors is often challenging. Many problems are presumably solved if these ‘right persons’ can be found and if the trainees are themselves oriented to utilise the novel resources provided to them by the advisors.  相似文献   

构建社会主义和谐社会对高校创新人才培养的目标、任务、方式都提出了新要求。当前高校创新人才培养过程中还存在一些不和谐的现象和因素,要培养适应和谐社会需要的创新人才,需要树立和谐教育理念,促进个性与共性的有机结合,坚持知识、能力、素质的辩证统一。  相似文献   

要实现教育部新颁发的《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》所提出的人才培养目标,必须提高课程效益。这就要求我们要善于融合英语专业技能课程和相关专业知识课程。发挥相关专业知识课程知识结构严谨和内容丰富的优势并采用案例教学和任务型教学是融合相关专业知识与英语语言技能的有效途径。  相似文献   

现代学徒制是传统学徒制与职业教育良好结合的最佳产物,具有较强的专业实用性和可操作性.高职院校互动融合式校企合作人才培养模式以培养“具有必要理论知识和较强实践技能的高素质、技能型专门人才”为培养目标,契合当前高职教育人才培养的实际需求情况,是高职教育校企合作发展的应用趋势.  相似文献   

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