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怀特海率先张扬的孕育于古希腊的智慧教育观,颠覆了现代知识教育观的统治地位,构成了智慧教育观迄今仍被奉为圭臬的经典形态。该智慧教育观尽管以其对教育目的深刻洞察、对知识教育向智慧教育转化必要性的透彻分析、对智慧教育运用知识方法的精辟揭示、对智慧教育同生活整体内在统一性的精当提炼、对智慧教育节奏和周期的勾勒等内容,对教育哲学和与教育实践产生了深刻影响,但却存在着智慧观缺乏彻底性、知识观基础缺乏批判性、德性取向缺场、超主体性意识欠发育等诸多仍被学界所盲视的缺陷。使其由唯主体性取向向主体性取向与超主体性取向相融通的综合取向提升、由直接运用知识取向向基于健全图式运用知识取向演进、由认识论能力论取向向生存状态论取向演进、知识观基础由前批判性取向向批判性取向转变、智慧观基础由非批判性形态向批判性形态提升、德性属性由德性取向缺场向德性取向在场转变等改进举措,能有效消解其上述缺陷,有助于当下学界关于智慧教育观的认知提升到新的境界。  相似文献   

进入21世纪,为实现国家的科技创新与信息化,马来西亚提出了2020教育发展愿景目标.与之相适应,中小学教师教育也经历着四个重要的变革,即培养有反思力的教师、养成教师的信息化能力、促进教师的实践能力、关注教师教育者的质量.同时,马来西亚的教师教育改革也面临着一些问题与挑战.  相似文献   

The author summarizes the development of guidance and counseling and the concurrent development of counselor education in Malaysia. Four current counselor education programs in Malaysia are described. The need for school counselors in Malaysia is addressed, and differences between the number of counselors needed and the projected number of counselors who will complete education programs are identified.  相似文献   


Moral education is being phased into the state‐approved curriculum in Malaysia and is designed for non‐Muslim pupils in the school population. The stated aim of the curriculum is the development of a ‘morally‐mature’ person who will be able to make independent judgements in a moral conflict situation. This paper gives an account of the processes involved in the evolution of the moral education programme, while commenting on issues that impinge most centrally upon it.  相似文献   

本文站在构建"和谐"社会的高度,提出了理解和实施"和谐教育"之理念;阐述了和谐教育核心是以人为本,其目标是实现整体的人的发展;着重从课堂教学层面提出了实施和谐教育的方法与途径,对当今新课程改革的推进与深化提出了若干思考与建议。  相似文献   

This article draws upon expected retirement age cohorts as a main determinant to financial planning preparation in Malaysia. The return rate was 55% from 600 questionnaires distributed. Five hypotheses were analyzed using hierarchical and stepwise regression analysis. The results revealed that expected retirement age cohort variables made significant contribution to financial planning preparation as well as personal orientation towards retirement planning, particularly the younger age cohort. There is an effect on personal orientation towards retirement planning. No significant effect was found between expected retirement age cohort and current financial resources, but older age cohorts were relatively more significant predictors.  相似文献   

The Delphine Hanna lecture is a memorial to the contributions and vision of a great leader. It is a tribute time-out, a moment in time when we stop what we are doing to look back thankfully and to commemorate her life. It is also an opportune moment to consider what we have made of her legacy today and to look forward to the world that awaits future generations of professionals in our fi eld. Never before has there been such a need for clear 20/20 vision. As we look ahead to the year 2020, future scenarios for our fi eld are as diverse as our disciplinary bases. To sharpen our focus, we can draw upon scenario-planning methodologies used with some success in the business sector, where survival is premised upon accuracy.  相似文献   

Availability of technology is no longer an issue, but in view of the promise of distance education and the development of electronic communication and network, the distance learning programme at the Universiti Sains Malaysia is directing its virtual multimedia course delivery via online education. The instructional design aspects of a multimedia course topic are presented. The results of a preliminary perceptions towards online education in distance learning conducted at the recent launching of online education in USM revealed that students perception is still focused on accessibility and presentation rather than pedagogical techniques and interactivity.

L'éducation à distance en ligne à l'Universiti Sains Malaysia :Perceptions preliminairs

La disponibilité de la technologie n'est plus un problème mais devant les promesses de l'éducation à distance et le développement des réseaux électroniques de communications, le programme d'enseignement à distance de l'Université Sains Malaysia oriente ses cours virtuels multimédia via l'éducation en ligne. Cet article présente les aspects de l'élaboration éducative d'un sujet du cours multi-media. Les résultats des perceptions préliminaires vers l'éducation en ligne dans l'enseignement à distance conduit lors du lancement du « on-line education » dans l'USM a révelé que la perception des étudiants est toujours concentrée sur l'accessibilité et la présentation plutôt que sur les techniques pédagogiques et l'interactivité.

Online Fernstudien an der Universität Sains Malaysia, Malaysia: Vorläufige Auffassungen

Verfügbarkeit von Technik ist heute kein Thema mehr. Im Hinblick auf die Aussichten von Fernstudien und der Entwicklung elektronischer Kommunikation und Netzwerken führt die Universität Sains Malaysia die Zulieferung ihrer Fernstudienprogramme mit virtuellem Multimediamaterial online durch. Die Gesichtspunkte für ein Multimediakurs-Thema werden dargestellt. Die Ergebnisse einer vorläufigen Meinungsbildung in Richtung Online-Unterweisung im Rahmen der kürzlich erfolgten Einrichtung von Online Education in USM offenbarte, dass im Zentrum der Wahrnehmung der Studenten immer noch mehr der Zugang und die Darstellung denn die pädagogischen Techniken und möglichen Interaktivitäten stehen.  相似文献   

In this issue, we have compiled six original papers, outcomes from the U.S. National Science Foundation (US-NSF)-funded REESE (Research and Evaluation on Education in Science and Engineering) 2020 Vision: The Next Generation of STEM Learning Research project. The purpose of 2020 Vision was to re-envision the questions and frameworks guiding STEM research in the twenty-first century, given that notions of learning have changed significantly in the last decade. The papers present diverse research principles that emerged from an initial 2020 Vision conference at Oregon State University (OSU), were then vetted more broadly with the science education community nationally and internationally, and presented in a public 2020 Vision symposium series also at OSU. Individually and as a group, these papers argue that if STEM learning is lifelong, life-wide and life-deep, research designs need to cut across the diverse settings and investigate the multiple contexts and media in which learners live and interact. Authors call for research paradigms that holistically reflect questions of the “what, when, where, why, how and with whom” of STEM learning. Associated Forum papers respond and expand the conversation by critically examining the recommended research principles and in some cases, challenging both authors and editors to think even more broadly. Two Key Contributor pieces highlight the contributions of researchers who have helped to push on these research boundaries, advancing science education research nationally and internationally. A final synthesis paper, a case study of research being conducted in a diverse, under-resourced community in Portland, Oregon provides one example of how the 2020 Vision research principles might be integrated into a comprehensive STEM learning research study.  相似文献   

新加坡、马来西亚的私立教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文概要介绍和分析了新加坡、马来西亚私立教育的发展概况和发展特征.  相似文献   

马来西亚高等教育适应终身教育需求的变革   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
马来西亚为应对知识经济发展和本国发展的需要,采取了一系列措施来建立终身教育体系。其中最主要的一部分工作就是对高等教育进行了一系列改革,并取得了不小的成就。我国与马来西亚均是发展中国家,也都在致力于建设终身教育体系,因此,研究和考察马来西亚高等教育为适应终身教育发展需求所做的变革,可以为我国提供一定的参考和启迪。  相似文献   

"厄洛斯(eros)"是古典政治哲学和教育哲学的主题与内核.爱欲意味着人对美善本身以及与此内在相关的灵魂不朽的执着追求.不过,人的生命不是神的生命,它是可朽的,人若想实现不朽,就必须通过教育,与他人的灵魂结合在一起.正是出于这种对美善的爱,苏格拉底把教化优秀青年,使其卓越,看作是自己的神圣使命,而他自己也在这样的教化中实现了自己的灵魂不朽.  相似文献   

随着社会的进步和教育的发展,闲暇教育受到人们的广泛重视,但对这一课题的研究在我国尚属初始阶段.在对闲暇教育初步探讨的基础上,鉴于高等教育在闲暇教育领域中的主导作用,本文侧重论述了高等教育实施闲暇教育的意义、目标、内容、方法和途径等问题.  相似文献   

从20世纪80年代开始,马来西亚政府就适时调整了私立高等教育发展政策。在政府的支持与引导下,私立院校通过学分转移、双联课程和邀请外国大学设立分校的方式,不断对教育实践的国际化进行探索,并先后经历了“请进来”和“走出去”两个时期。目前,马来西亚私立高等教育国际化进程不断加快,已经成为亚太地区重要的教育输出国。  相似文献   

This article examines the relationship between educational development and the role of the State in Malaysia. The focus is on the major shift in educational policies towards democratisation, decentralisation and privatisation of the Malaysian education system in the post-NEP (New Economic Policy) era. The article argues that the nature of the State has changed over historical periods depending on the condensation of power among the competing groups in this multi-ethnic society. The recent political developments in Malaysia show the emergence in the 1990s of a “developmental State” which perceives education as a means of human resource development as it strives towards rapid urbanisation, industrialisation and globalisation of the Malaysian economy.  相似文献   

随着现代远程教育实践的飞速发展,我国远程教育理论研究取得了长足的进步.在经济全球化的时代,我们有必要跳出本民族语境,了解国外同行、域外文献是否关注我国的远程教育?是如何关注的?关注的热点是什么?借以从一个侧面观察中国远程教育是以什么样的形象呈现在他人语境里,中国远程教育对世界远程教育所做的贡献程度,测度国家层面上对中国远程教育的关注程度.本研究通过对由国外学者把持话语权的国外远程教育学术期刊、学术组织网站有关文献的国际联机检索,从国际视野的角度考察上述问题,采用文献计量分析的方法,通过提出研究问题、抽取文献样本、确定分析单元、内容编码与统计、解释与检验等基本步骤,从文献数量与年度分布、期刊分布、研究主题与领域分布、关键词所在位置分布、著者的机构与地域分布等多重角度,对文献内容进行客观系统的量化描述与分析,旨在换一种方式来思考中国的远程教育,为人们提供一个认识中国远程教育的新视角.  相似文献   

Teaching in general and teachingof mathematics in particular are matters ofgreat importance for contemporary society.Over the years, societies have establishedinstitutions in order to incorporatemathematics and science into the culture ofsociety with the clear intention ofencouraging a scientific vision of theworld among the population. This intensesocial process of scientific enlightenment has helped us recognize theneed to implement educational modificationsin the specific field of mathematics basedon designs that are better adapted toschool practices. Mathematics educationdeals with the systematic study of theeffects of such processes; in this paper,we have decided to describe a certainevolution of its research problems. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Tertiary Education and Management - The paper has a conceptual nature, and will depart from the literatures on performance management in general and public management in particular and confront...  相似文献   

终身教育理论视野中的远程教育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
远程教育为中国教育带来了改革的契机,也必将对促进高等教育大众化、普及化;健全终身教育体系;推进人的全面发展产生影响。同时,在发展远程教育中,人们不能仅仅关注采用多少先进的技术手段,更要关注新手段的采用对教育本身的影响。如:学生的自主学习系统、管理制度和管理手段、资源共享等,使中国远程教育走上可持续发展之路。  相似文献   

本简述了一百多年来马来西亚华教育发展的历史,介绍了华教育在马来西亚所处的地位、管理机构、学校和学生人数以及面临的种种挑战,讲述了马来西亚以“董教总”为首的华人社会长期以来为实施华教育不断抗争、冲破各种阻力的奋斗历程。  相似文献   

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