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Students in two offerings of a software engineering course were asked to write opinion papers regarding the use of Extreme Programming (XP) in an undergraduate computer science curriculum. The majority opposed the use of XP as the preferred life-cycle model for the project in that course, but they did support introducing some of the practices of XP in selected courses. They felt that unit testing and coding standards should become part of the introductory programming courses, but other practices should be deferred to specific project-oriented courses, or not introduced at all. Two pilot studies provided additional insights that are consistent with the students' opinions.  相似文献   

教育成其为教育,需要什么样的学习文化?教育成其为小班化教育,又需要什么样的学习文化?我们在学校办学特色“四色教育”的主体框架下,思考和探究为了“每一个”的小班学习文化。小班化教育为学校的学习文化构建提供了契机,小班理念下的学习文化建设就应该充分挖掘小班化教育的优势.使教育精致化、优质化、个性化。小班学习文化更应该关注每一个学生的生命状态。促进每一个学生的可持续发展。  相似文献   

在深入学习贯彻党的十七届四中全会精神的新形势下,我们又迎来了"全国未成年人思想道德建设工作经验交流会"的召开,这表明了党中央对未成年人思想道德教育工作一以贯之、持之以恒的坚定决心.  相似文献   

充分利用"讨论区"让每一个学生参与教学进程   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
传统教学很难使每个同学都参与到教学过程之中,上课发言、小组讨论都是好学生的天下,后进生很少有发表自己见解的机会。网络教学平台为每个学生参与教学进程提供了条件。那么如何有效利用网络教学平台克服传统教学中的不足呢?本文从如何充分利用讨论区使每个孩子都能发表自己的见解,进行彼此间的平等交流;如何利用讨论区中网络资源进行仿写练习和学生互评等两个方面,阐述了怎样建立新型的教学结构,使每个学生都能参与到教学进程之中。  相似文献   


Every Classroom, Every Day (ECED) is a set of instructional improvement interventions designed to increase student achievement in math and English/language arts (ELA). ECED includes three primary components: (a) systematic classroom observations by school leaders, (b) intensive professional development and support for math teachers and instructional leaders to reorganize math instruction, assessment, and grading around mastery of benchmarks, and (c) a structured literacy curriculum that supplements traditional English courses, with accompanying professional development and support for teachers surrounding its use. The present study is a two-year trial, conducted by independent researchers, which employed a school-randomized design and included 20 high schools (10 treatment; 10 control) in five districts in four states. The students were ethnically diverse and most were eligible for free or reduced-price lunch. Results provided evidence that ECED improved scores on standardized tests of math achievement, but not standardized tests of ELA achievement. Findings are discussed in terms of differences between math and ELA and of implications for future large-scale school-randomized trials.  相似文献   

2015年12月10日,由美国总统亲自签署的《每一个学生成功法》在确立州层面高标准目标、教育信息技术、教师问题、学前教育、考试等方面实行了一系列改革,新法案的这些改革举措具有强调提高弱势学生群体的教育质量、彰显教育政策的正义性和公平性和强调多样化、符合地方实际情况的教育政策等特点,通过分析,新法案在往后实施过程中将呈现教育权下放、教育投入继续增长和坚持改革等发展趋势,当然,新法案的颁布也引起了一些争议,但至于往后的具体实施情况如何,我们将拭目以待。  相似文献   

本文讨论了平等对待学生、理解学生对于教育的重要性。通过对学生人格、独立意识、诚信的尊重以及理解学生等的论述,指出:教师对学生的尊重理解是自身获得尊敬和理解的前提,也是取得教育成功的关键。  相似文献   

In the context of the debate about the extent to which secondary school Informatics curricula should include specifically vocational content, this paper explores the possibility that in Informatics teaching, there is value in adopting pedagogical approaches, rather than curriculum content, based on practice in industry and business settings. This paper reports research findings that raise questions about the widely held assumption that students will gain their programming knowledge and skills predominantly from classroom activities undertaken at the instigation of the Informatics teacher. Investigation of sources of students' information about programming skills and knowledge indicates that such an assumption is not well founded, and leads to the suggestion that innovative approaches to pedagogy in this area should be explored.Two studies, each a part of a larger project, are reported here. The first showed that a group of Grade 5 students, skilled programmers in the MicroWorlds multimedia programming environment, sought and acquired programming skills and techniques from a wide variety of sources, many of which were not classroom based. The second reports a formalisation of this model of student initiated seeking among a range of resource people for immediately needed expert advice. This was observed in a deliberately constructionist learning environment in an after-school Computer Clubhouse where students are supported by mentors with different specialist areas of expertise as well as by a teacher.The importance of these issues for Informatics teaching, assessment, course design and evaluation, and for the preparation of Informatics teachers is considered, and the need for further research in this area is outlined.  相似文献   

高质量的软件开发,关系到中国IT产业的可持续发展.高质量编程技术的教育必须贯穿软件教学始终.培养学生编写高质量程序的能力,是"案例编程"教学的主要目标.  相似文献   

用Flash MX中的ActionScript实现物体斜上抛运动,绘制出运动轨迹和函数图形,制作出交互 式多媒体课件,可以动态再现物理教学的过程。论文阐述了斜上抛运动课件的编程方法及设计思想,给出 部分原程序。  相似文献   

“自然分材教学”坚持“弱生上进,优生更优,全体学生齐发展”的教学理念,体现了人文关怀和科学精神的融合。它通过感情先行、自学互帮、普补结合、档案跟踪等环节,将素质教育落到实处,满足学生个性化发展需要,让每一个学生扬起希望的风帆。  相似文献   

This study explores the impact of one-to-one computing on student achievement in Ohio high schools as measured by performance on the Ohio Graduation Test (OGT). The sample included 24 treatment schools that were individually paired with a similar control school. An interrupted time series methodology was deployed to examine OGT data over a period of 5 to 8 years. Overall student performance and content-specific achievement in math, reading, science, social studies, and writing were not significantly affected by the introduction of 1:1 computing. Treatment schools using a netbook device produced the greatest overall change in scores.  相似文献   

大学生品牌项目在当今大学校园正如火如荼的广泛开展起来,企业和校园在大学生项目中寻找到契合点共谋发展之时,我们发现品牌项目给大学生带来了更多接触社会的机会,也给企业获得了更大的发展利益平台,但我们发现大学生品牌项目的开展随着项目的过多泛滥,使其发展陷入瓶颈阶段:大学生品牌项目走入极端化境地,不是重视校内就是忽视校内,如何将校园与社会有机的结合起来正是本文研究的重点.本文将通过调查研究大学生品牌项目及其社会化运作的现状和重要性来探计大学生品牌项目社会化运作的前行之路.  相似文献   

当前,在实现义务教育阶段优质教育资源均衡分配的基础上,人们正将目光逐渐聚焦于学校的内涵发展,致力于让每一个学生获得成功的机会。本文在分析导致学生间不公平的深层机制的基础上,从家庭教育、学校教育、社会教育、学前教育等多方面综合切入,寻求共同应对的联动机制,为构建一个全方位的教育基本公共服务体系提供参考。  相似文献   

After decades of fluctuating presence in gifted education, the arts are surprisingly establishing themselves in academic classrooms, spurred by arts integration with science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) curricula or science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics (STEAM). This renewed interest provides the opportunity to recognize the artistic process as an effective way to deepen and enlarge the scope of academic content. Teachers can readily identify potentially talented students in their classrooms who immerse themselves in arts activities. Students in every classroom, if provided with substantive arts integrated curricula, can learn to perceive with discrimination, metaperceptively mold creative interpretations, and communicate these performances/products expressively to others with insightful critiques. Artistic ways of knowing mirror the artistic process and provide the opportunity for every student in every classroom to think like an artist.  相似文献   

了解师生对校园网不同主题信息的关注度,是校园网建设的重要一步,也是决定校园网服务质量的关键因素。通过分析网页浏览行为,结合用户关注度衰减的规律,提出一种基于校园web浏览行为的师生关注度计算方法,利用K-means算法对师生浏览主题进行聚类,计算出师生主题关注度,最后通过实验证明所提出的师生关注度计算方法是有效的。  相似文献   

工程造价管理工作贯穿于项目建设的全过程,一个建设项目从经营运作开始,到项目的招、投标,再到项目的施工直至竣工结算,都与预结算工作紧密联系在一起。在建筑市场日益激烈的竞争中,遵循市场经济规律,合理确定工程造价,是企业生存、发展,创造良好的经济效益和社会效益的基础。  相似文献   

美国大学"信息化校园计划"述评   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
本文介绍了从1990年就开始启动的美国“信息化校园计划”(The Campus Computing Project),其中涉及到美国各级各类大学的信息技术应用和发展情况,如信息技术发展规划、经费投资、教学应用状况、师资培训情况等方面的详细统计资料和数据,通过这些介绍,可以使我们比较清楚地了解美国高等教育在信息技术发展方面的最新进展,为我国目前正在进行的大学信息化进程提供一些有益的借鉴经验。  相似文献   

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