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System innovativeness was determined through the use of rankings for each district from three distinct sources: the district superintendent, the professional staff of the system, and a ranking derived from a panel of ten experts. Selected sections of an instrument designed by the Cooperative Project in Educational Development (COPED) were used to obtain data regarding the interpersonal behavior (independent) variables. Spearman's rank order correlation was used for determining the relationships between the dependent and the independent variables. Independent variables having a significant relationship (p < .05) to school system innovativeness were; social support provided by the principal as perceived by the professional personnel (.01), the perceived problem-solving adequacy of staff meetings (.01), satisfaction with the amount of time devoted to problem-solving in staff meetings (.05), perceived powerlessness in system faculty and administrative council meetings combined as a single variable (.01), and openness (.05) and trust (.01) as interpersonal process norms of the system as perceived by professional personnel.  相似文献   

加拿大高中职业合作教育计划之研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
加拿大高中的职业教育迅速发展,大大提高了学生的劳动技能素质。分析加拿大高中合作教育计划的特点和优势.合理地吸取加拿大实行高中合作教育计划的经验.可以为我国职业教育的发展.特别是职业技术院校工学结合的开展提供很好的借鉴。  相似文献   

根据中共中央宣传部、教育部关于进一步加强和改进高等学校思想政治理论课的意见要求,从2006年秋季开始全国高校普遍实施思想政治理论课新课程方案。如何适应新课程方案的要求,充分发挥思想政治理论课在高校思想政治教育中的主渠道、主阵地作用,已成为思想政治理论课教师面临的严肃课题。本文针对实施新课程方案中遇到的困惑和挑战作了一些建设性的思考,以便有针对性地实施新方案。  相似文献   

Testing a Model of Program Curriculum Leadership   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study tests the curriculum leadership framework that Stark and Lattuca adapted from Quinn's model of management styles. Chairpersons of departments nominated as effective in curriculum planning answered a survey about their leadership activities and styles. Factor analysis partially supported the model. Activities that chairs reported did not correspond well, however, with leadership styles they chose as most effective.  相似文献   

公平的课程在于能使潜能各异的学生选择适宜的课程以充分发展自己。根据我国高中教育的实际情况,公平性在课程中有着其具体形象。高中新课程在一定程度上关注了公平性,却也有着“效率原则”的痕迹。要实现此次课程改革所追求的教育民主的理想,必须有一套切实可行的措施来保证新课程的实施。  相似文献   

新课程迫切需要建立一个以促进学生发展为目的、对象和主体多元、方式多样的高中学业成绩评价体系。高中学生的学业成绩评价体系包括过程性的评价和终结性的测验考试两部分,其中终结性的测验考试分为基于课程模块的学业成绩评价和学生毕业成绩水平的评价两个不同的层次。构建高中学业成绩评价体系还要注意研究评价体系的协调和简约、开放式试题与开放式考试的评分、毕业水平评价与高考的关系等问题。  相似文献   

课程的组织结构包括垂直结构、水平结构、垂直水平结构三种。法学专业课程体系的改革应注意课程内容的“三化”,加大实践教学力度,积极拓展学生的知识面。具体设计应从调整14门核心课,构筑公共课选修课模块和专业课选修课模块,适度增加学生综合能力训练的课程,完善实习课程体系,健全论文课程体系等方面加以改革与完善。  相似文献   


This study examined the reading achievement patterns of impulsives and reflectives under varying phonics approaches in beginning reading instruction. The study used 170 second grade students who were classified as having an impulsive or reflective cognitive style and as receiving phonics instruction via an analytic or synthetic approach. Achievement in vocabulary and comprehension was measured by the Gates-MacGinitie Reading Test. As such, the investigation was a post-hoc aptitude-treatment interaction study employing a step- down analysis model. Results supported the existing body of research which indicates that reflectives tend to be better readers than impulsives. However, multivariate analyses indicated reflectives in the synthetic approach performed significantly better than impulsives only in vocabulary. Under an analytic approach, the reverse was true; reflectives were significantly better only on the variable of comprehension. While the limitations of the study should be considered, it was suggested that the word recognition and vocabulary skills of reflective readers could be enhanced by beginning reading programs emphasizing a more intensive phonics approach.  相似文献   

高中教育与大学教育的衔接是基础理科创新人才培养的重要环节。大学-高中协作共同体建设是我国创新人才培养模式的一种新尝试。本研究通过问卷调查和访谈调查发现,南京大学与南京市金陵中学开展的"准博士培养站"实验项目,为探索大学-高中协作共同体的模式,培养和发展学生对科学的兴趣,端正、提高学生对科学的认识,以及提高学生的自主学习能力诸方面取得了显著成效。调查结果也表明,高中课程改革与教师专业发展工作亟待深化和提高。  相似文献   

以辽宁机电职业技术学院无损检测专业为例,根据接装备制造业的无损检测专业要求哥口能力体现,以及课程体系开发的基本原则,对课程体系建设中的培养目标、实现路径、课程设置等问题进行了详细的阐述.  相似文献   

During a major curriculum change in a computing service course the opportunity was taken to evaluate the effectiveness of the old and new courses in fulfilling the expectations of students enrolled in them. In neither case were the students' expectations completely realised, but the changed curriculum significantly improved the match between expectations and actual experience.  相似文献   

吴稼稷 《丽水学院学报》2004,26(6):79-81,99
专业教学课程、实践教学课程及课程教学内容是高校课程体系的重要构成.也是高校教学改革的关键内容.在实施过程中,专业教学课程要拓展基础,实践教学课程要突出社会技能训练,课程教学内容要体现知识与思想的统一。  相似文献   

学科考试评价要实施多主体评价:注重对学生学习过程与发展过程的评价;积极探索多方位,多角度评价策略;充分发挥考试评价的激励功能;确定具有可操作性的评价内容;要运用网络平台,对学生科学探究能力进行有效评价,切实遏制应试教育的负面影响。  相似文献   

为完善现有的安全工程课程体系,通过调研现行的国际标准,分析现代安全科学原理,在考虑学校特色与行业通用相结合的基础上并参照《高等学校理工科本科专业规范(参考格式)》设计了安全工程专业教育知识体系,该知识体系包括"系统管理、设计预防、危险源辨识、风险管控、应急救援、行业知识、学校特色"7个知识领域。在此知识框架下,再进行知识点的划分,形成了安全工程专业课程体系。  相似文献   

以自动化专业卓越工程师教育培养计划为背景,研究本科层次培养的课程体系问题。提出包括公共基础课、学科基础课和专业限选基础课的教学计划,以及校内集中实践性教学和企业实践教学的课程体系。对于校内集中实践性教学和企业实践教学给出了具体的实施内容和考核办法。  相似文献   

本科学前教育专业的目标定位和课程设置问题   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
随着幼儿园教师教育层次的提升,本科学前教育专业的定位再不能沿袭上世纪50年代以来的做法而应以培养"高素质的学前教育工作者"为目标,并以此构建"培养人—培养教师—培养学前教育工作者"为思路的课程体系。在明确学前教育专业性质的基础上对实践教学、艺术教学等需要重新认定以便与新的培养目标接轨。  相似文献   

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