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数字图书馆的出现是网络高度发展的直接产物,它对网络教育有着巨大的推广作用。数字图书馆与网络教育的结合将形成一种新的高等教育制度和办学模式。本具体分析了数字图书馆对促进网络高等教育发展的作用,提出了未来网络高等教育发展的思路。  相似文献   

论数字图书馆对促进网络高等教育的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数字图书馆的出现是网络高度发展的直接产物 ,它对网络教育有着巨大的推动作用。数字图书馆与网络教育的结合将形成一种新的高等教育制度和办学模式。本文具体分析了数字图书馆对促进网络高等教育发展的作用 ,提出了未来网络高等教育发展的思路  相似文献   

探讨了万维网(Web)在大学教育中的应用现状与趋势。Web激发我们通过采用信息和通信技术,从根本上改变大学教育方式和提高大学教育质量的想像力。Web在大学教育中的应用,主要呈现为正式和非正式学习的区别,在线分发和使用的学习材料的格式、包装,虚拟学习和管理学习环境中的材料、过程管理,语义Web提供的解决方案等,同时预示着新的挑战,如大规模开放式在线课程和身临其境的3DWeb。  相似文献   

Case studies have long been used as a method of reinforcing teaching. The development of the World Wide Web presents new opportunities for developing and disseminating more detailed and effective case studies to a far wider audience. This paper examines the development of one web‐based case study developed by the author since 1996. It also examines its advantages over a paper‐based study in terms of ease of use and maintenance as well as the current and possible uses for it for educational users at all levels  相似文献   

As a teaching tool, the World Wide Web (WWW) is unprecedented in its ability to transmit information and enhance communication between scientist and student. Just beginning to be developed are sites that actively engage the user in the learning process and provide hands-on methods of teaching contemporary topics. These topics are often not found in the classroom due to the complexity and expense of the laboratory equipment and the WWW is an ideal tool for overcoming this difficulty. This paper presents a model for using the Internet to teach high school students about plasma physics and fusion energy. Students are given access to real-time data, virtual experiments, and communication with professional scientists via email. Preliminary data indicate that student collaboration and student-led learning is encouraged when using the site in the classroom. Scientist/student mentoring is enhanced with this form of communication.  相似文献   

This article describes the use of the Internet and the World Wide Web for the asynchronous delivery of MBA coursework. The planning and implementation processes are described, as are resources used to implement content creation and design of the delivery system. A Web committee was created to appraise the need for consultants, set priorities for course development, recommend content design, recommend hardware and software for delivery and student access, and study security for examinations.  相似文献   

This special section contributes to an inclusive cognitive model of information problem solving (IPS) activity, touches briefly IPS learning, and brings to the notice methodological pitfalls related to uncovering IPS processes. Instead of focusing on the IPS process as a whole, the contributing articles turn their attention to what is regarded the heart of IPS, namely the evaluation of information. In this commentary we reflect on theoretical, methodological, and instructional design issues. Results are commented upon and future research is addressed. A vignette is presented to illustrate the aforementioned issues.  相似文献   

分析了传统CAI的缺点和出现在互联网内基于WWW的多媒体CAI的概念,从软件和硬件的角度分析了它的可行性、结构和它的实现方案.  相似文献   


The vast educational potential of the Web continues to be largely unrealized in schools. There are many reasons for this, including cultural lag and the speed of technical advancements. Specific problems include educational Web pages that lack interaction, educational fads, frantic implementation of distance education with no regard for quality control, lack of teacher training, lack of institutional technical and pedagogical infrastructure, limited Internet access, and antiquated hardware. The article concludes with a call for research into these problems.  相似文献   

基于网络的研究性学习模式初探   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
随着计算机网络技术在教育中的广泛应用,基于网络的学习模式正得到深入地研究和普遍地重视。本文从网络技术对研究性学习的技术支持谈起,探讨了网络环境下研究性学习模式的学习过程、师生活动以及教学组织原则等要素,并给出了网络环境下的研究性学习实例。  相似文献   

This article sketches the significance of aurality in hypermedia, notes that the field of English studies is constructing the World Wide Web as a verbal and visual medium, and proposes a transtextual framework to aid technical communicators in designing musical hypermedia. Because the study of music on the World Wide Web is nascent, this article includes references to art and film music, whose theories and practices are substantially developed.  相似文献   

As access to the WWW increases in schools and classrooms it is vital for educators at all levels to examine closely its potential roles in learning. Much emphasis has been placed upon making the WWW available without enough emphasis on methods of using it so students will benefit from instruction based upon it. A continuing goal of modern pedagogy is to help students move beyond the lower order cognitive domain, knowledge and comprehension, to higher order thinking skills: application; analysis;, synthesis; and evaluation. Students also need critical thinking skills. These skills are necessary for dealing with the demands of the future information society, which will be even more complex and demanding than at present. In order to foster the skills mentioned above, teachers are urged to provide learning environments that are learner-centred, authentic, problem-based and collaborative. Les relations entre le World Wide Web et les aptitudes des pensées. Comme l'accès au WWW s'accroît dans les écoles et les classes il est vital que les enseignants À tous niveaux examinent de près son rÔle potentiel en éducation. On a mis beaucoup l'accent sur les possibilités d'accès au WWW sans mettre assez l'accent sur les méthodes d'emploi par les étudiants de facon À ce qu'ils puissent bénéficier de l'instruction qu'il permet. Un objectif constant de la pédagogie moderne est d'aider les étudiants À dépasser le domaine cognitif limité. le savoir et la compréhension vers des aptitudes de pensée d'un ordre supérieur : applications, analyses, synthèses et évaluations. Les étudiants ont aussi besoin de pensée critique - ces aptitudes sont nécessaires pour faire face aux demandes de la future société de l'information, qui sera encore plus complexe et exigeante que maintenant. De facon À favoriser les aptitudes mentionnées ci-dessus , il faut que les enseignants fournissent les environnements éducatifs qui sont centrés sur l'apprenant, authentiques, basés sur la résolution de problèmes et la collaboration. Der Zusammenhang zwischen dem World Wide Web und den Denkfähigkeiten. Mit den wachsenden Zugängen an das WWW in Schulen und Klassenräumen wird es für Lehrer auf allen Ebenen immer dringender ihre zukünftige Rolle im Unterricht zu überdenken. Es wurde sehr viel Wert auf die Verfügbarkeit des WWWs gelegt, ohne jedoch auf Anwendungsmöglichkeiten zu achten damit die Lernenden von einem auf dem Web basierenden Unterricht profitieren. Ständiges Ziel moderner Pädagogik ist, Studenten zu helfen, über die untere Stufe des kognitiven Bereichs, Wissen und Verständnis, auf eine höhere Stufe des Denkprozesses zu gelangen: nämlich Anwendung, Analyse, Synthese und Bewertung. Schüler brauchen auch kritisches Denken. Diese Fähigkeiten sind notwendig im Umgang mit den Anforderungen der zukünftigen Informationsgesellschaft, die noch komplexer und schwieriger als die jetzige sein wird. Um diese Fähigkeiten zu fördern müssen Lehrer Lernumfelder schaffen, die sich am Studenten orientieren, authentisch sind, auf Problemlösungen basieren und collaborativ sind.  相似文献   

This study examined the efficacy of minimalist instruction to develop self-regulatory skills involved in Web searching. Two versions of minimalist self-regulatory skill instruction were compared to a control group that was merely taught procedural skills to operate the search engine. Acquired skills were tested on Web search tasks and search tasks in an online library catalogue. Self-regulatory skill instruction was found to increase practice time by 25%. However, it did not enhance search performance on the test tasks. Explanations are advanced for these findings and topics for further research are identified.  相似文献   

WWW的发展加快了因特网上化学资源的传递。通过使用化学资源搜索引擎,我们可以获得献、期刊杂志、化学软件、教育研究、数据库、专刊和行业有关的有用信息。结合Wwb of Sci-ence和ChIN的运用,讨论了因特网上化学信息资源的检索方法。  相似文献   


Students in my on‐campus literature classes have made good use of a series of computer programs that I have created for text analysis. I offered a course via the World Wide Web that provided 14 of my programs to students throughout the world. My course taught those students how to use the programs, and as they completed the assignments, students not only learned to use software for literary analysis, but they also often gained new kinds of insights into the study of texts.  相似文献   

关于网络教材设计的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对网络教材的设计思想、设计原则以及在设计过程中应考虑的一些因素做了分析和讨论,同时,也对网络教材的开发提出了自己的看法和具体的步骤.  相似文献   

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