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We are developing a course in concurrency for high school students. The course is being developed in phases of refinement on the basis of feedback received from teachers and students. We have found persistent difficulties that students have in understanding fundamental concepts, which has led us to investigate their preconceptions of concurrency. This paper describes the results of this investigation. The work is anchored in constructivism, which stresses the importance of prior knowledge upon which new knowledge is built. The students were asked to solve concurrency problems, both prior to the course and after learning just the basics of the subject. Analysis of solutions reveals that students: (a) find that solving a problem on the order of actions is more natural than the critical section problem, (b) are divided in their preference for centralized and decentralized solutions, (c) employ inappropriate heuristics, (d) invent computational models as they work, (e) attribute parallelism where it does not exist, (f) attribute intelligence to systems. Based on these findings, we were able to modify the course to address these problems of prior knowledge.  相似文献   

语文课程是中等职校各类专业学生必修的主要文化基础课,但相对陈旧的教材内容和教学观念束缚了学习基础本就薄弱的学生的学习积极性,影响了教学效果的达成.改变这一现状应当从转变教师的教学观念入手.教师应当着眼于中职教育的特点和当前学生的实际需求,进行有针对性的教学设计,以提高语文教学质量.  相似文献   

计算机数学,又称离散数学,是计算机学科的重要专业基础课程。在实际教学中发现,计算机科学专业的学生对该课程感兴趣的不多,多数畏惧其概念多、理论强且抽象。利用一种函数式程序设计语言(Haskell)辅助学生进行计算机数学中相关概念理解及其实际编程实验,主要针对课程教学中代数系统(如群)知识点,通过群定义及其性质验证实验来介绍函数编程技术,可以帮助计算机专业学生更好地学习理解计算机数学课程,并能充分调动其学习积极性和主动性,还可培养学生接受新知识的能力。  相似文献   

大学物理是高等院校的基础必修课,将STS教育理念融合于物理教学中,教学目标由个体认知的发展、知识的掌握,转向包括认知、情感、态度在内的科学素养和人文情怀的普遍提高,使学生在创建的实际技术情景和社会背景下去学习和利用物理知识和技术,即让物理知识融于技术、融于社会,这是以学生发展为本的综合性教育。  相似文献   

文章以太阳能光伏发电装置制造实践项目为例,详细介绍和探讨了其建设背景、建设内容及考评方案设计。通过在传统光伏装置制造实践项目中引入电子编程和智能控制元素,实现了多学科、多技术工艺的交叉融合。根据通识课程选课学生专业背景差异较大的特点,在课程各实践环节提供了最低保障,确保每个学生都可以完成所有实践环节。同时,还制定了多维度、梯度式考评制度,激励小组协作创新。  相似文献   

University students in other disciplines without prior knowledge in statistics and/or programming language are introduced to the statistical method of decision trees in the programming language R during a 45-minute teaching and practice session. Statistics and programming skills are now frequently required within a wide variety of research fields and private industries. However, students unfamiliar with these subjects may be reluctant to join a full course because of time or student workloads or other commitments or a belief it is not for them. The proposed session is short and can be used as an ice-breaker to let students have a basic understanding of running statistical models in programming language.  相似文献   

Practical abilities are important for students from majors including Computer Science and Engineering, and Electrical Engineering. Along with the popularity of ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ACM/ICPC) and other programming contests, online judge (OJ) websites achieve rapid development, thus providing a new kind of programming practice, i.e. online practice. Due to fair and timely feedback results from OJ websites, online practice outperforms traditional programming practice. In order to promote students’ practical abilities in programming and algorithm designing, this article presents a novel teaching idea, online judge & practice oriented teaching (OJPOT). OJPOT is applied to Programming Foundation course. OJPOT cultivates students’ practical abilities through various kinds of programming practice, such as programming contests, online practice and course project. To verify the effectiveness of this novel teaching idea, this study conducts empirical research. The experimental results show that OJPOT works effectively in enhancing students’ practical abilities compared with the traditional teaching idea.  相似文献   

A new programming course to prepare novices for the traditional Computer Science 1 course (CS1) is proposed. The course uses 3D interactive animation in a novice-friendly environment to introduce object-oriented programming concepts and help students develop problem-solving skills. Pedagogical issues are presented that involve the use of visualization and graphics concepts, the notion of state, and programming language concerns. A study of practice and experimentation with this course is underway. The evaluation plan for this study is briefly described and some early results are summarized, along with observed benefits and concerns.  相似文献   

Learning programming concepts in school raises various theoretical and pragmatical questions. The experience, accumulated these past years in this field, enables us to measure the scope of the difficulties encountered both by the pupils in mastering the basic programming concepts and by teachers in building pertinent learning situations. The experiment, reported in this paper, focuses on the comparison of the effects of «programming schemes» activation versus «drawing schemes» activation on the memorization of geometrical figure characteristics. The children of the «programming group» are asked to manipulate «computer programming objects» in order to describe a figure. They build up a schematic internal representation in which the pertinent information is presented without any reference to the metrical characteristics of the object. Conversely, the representation, elaborated by children who use «familiar schemes» (drawing), is closer to the figure characteristics of the image but it induces them to make more «false recognition» of the object when one asks them to find the target among other figures.  相似文献   

摘 要:Online Judge在线评测系统作为提高学生基础编程能力的重要途径之一,在当今十分强调编程能力的社会背景下显得尤为重要。由于大一新生普遍存在编程能力不足的问题,在分析目前主流OJ平台的基础上设计并实现了针对学校情况定制的OJ在线评测系统,为程序设计赛事培训与课程实践提供练习平台。在详细描述OJ平台主要功能、技术架构及具体实现方案的同时,也重点强调了对于实现系统安全性和并发性方面的优化与创新。  相似文献   

Computer programming is a subject that requires problem-solving strategies and involves a great number of programming logic activities which pose challenges for learners. Therefore, providing learning support and guidance is important. Collaborative learning is widely believed to be an effective teaching approach; it can enhance learners’ social interaction and offer a learning environment which provides rich learning experiences. However, the social interaction in collaborative learning does not occur automatically. Without proper guidance strategies or supporting tools for collaborative learning, the learning effects can be disappointing. To solve such a problem, a problem posing-based practicing strategy was proposed to support the development of a collaborative learning activity in a computer programming practice course. The students were guided to raise computer programming problems to boost the discussion among team members. The problems raised in each team were then exchanged and solved by another team to examine the coding and to provide feedback. To investigate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, an experiment was conducted in a C# programming course. Two classes of students from a university participated in the experiment. One class with 25 students was randomly assigned as the experimental group, and learned with a collaborative learning activity using the problem posing-based practicing strategy; the other class with 28 students was the control group, which learned with a conventional collaborative learning activity. The results show that the proposed strategy benefited the students in terms of improving their learning achievement, in particular, their programming skills. Moreover, it was found that the students who learned with the proposed approach had higher self-efficacy and lower cognitive load than those who learned with the conventional collaborative learning approach.  相似文献   

刘宇  谢岳  崔东泽 《教育技术导刊》2009,19(11):221-226
2020年春季,为应对新冠肺炎疫情,各级学校“停课不停学”开展在线教学。为使“分离式”高校通识课在线教学顺利开展,实现与课堂教学的“实质等效”,以OBE与主体间性教育理念为导向,对基于腾讯课堂+“教学立方”学习平台+对分课堂的创新思维与创新技法课程教学进行设计与实证研究。由于通识课学生专业和年级不同,且人数众多,在课程伊始,对学生进行“起点测”问卷调查,据此进行差异化课程设计与教学规划。在课程结束后,对学生进行“结果测”问卷调查,并将其结果与教学评价和期末成绩结合,对课程教学效果进行比较研究。结果表明,基于“教学立方”学习平台,学生知识掌握率、课程交互情况、学习收获、学习体验和满意度均有显著提升,但期末考试平均成绩略为下降。最后对新兴技术背景下高校通识课教学提出建议。  相似文献   

Operating systems is an example of a subject that, with the right tools, can be taught in an applied manner, giving students the opportunity to understand, and hence appreciate, the fundamentals of commercial operating systems such as Unix and Windows. Not surprisingly, the tools needed in an operating systems course are, at a minimum, a hardware testbed and a programming language into which algorithms can be translated. This paper describes how many of the salient points concerning operating systems, such as concurrency and critical regions, can be covered in an applied manner using the PC, the C programming language, and extensions to C.  相似文献   

This paper describes a microcomputer interfacing course for computer science students. Students build simple logic circuits to interface a microcomputer with real‐world devices, such as stepper motor and digital displays, and program the computer to monitor and control these devices. Programs are written in Pascal and assembly language. The emphasis is placed on applications rather than on theory. This course is especially designed for computer science students who are proficient in software programming but have little or no experience in electronics. The experiments described here have been developed on the Apple ft microcomputer, but they can be easily adapted to other microcomputers.  相似文献   

Attempting to educate practitioners of computer security can be difficult if for no other reason than the breadth of knowledge required today. The security profession includes widely diverse subfields including cryptography, network architectures, programming, programming languages, design, coding practices, software testing, pattern recognition, economic analysis, and even human psychology. While an individual may choose to specialize in one of these more narrow elements, there is a pressing need for practitioners that have a solid understanding of the unifying principles of the whole. We created the Playground network simulation tool and used it in the instruction of a network security course to graduate students. This tool was created for three specific purposes. First, it provides simulation sufficiently powerful to permit rigorous study of desired principles while simultaneously reducing or eliminating unnecessary and distracting complexities. Second, it permitted the students to rapidly prototype a suite of security protocols and mechanisms. Finally, with equal rapidity, the students were able to develop attacks against the protocols that they themselves had created. Based on our own observations and student reviews, we believe that these three features combine to create a powerful pedagogical tool that provides students with a significant amount of breadth and intense emotional connection to computer security in a single semester.  相似文献   

Scratch is a visual programming environment that is widely used by young people. We investigated if Scratch can be used to teach concepts of computer science (CS). We developed learning materials for middle-school students that were designed according to the constructionist philosophy of Scratch and evaluated them in a few schools during two years. Tests were constructed based upon a novel combination of the revised Bloom taxonomy and the Structure of the Observed Learning Outcome taxonomy. These instruments were augmented with qualitative tools, such as observations and interviews. The results showed that students could successfully learn important concepts of CS, although there were problems with some concepts such as repeated execution, variables, and concurrency. We believe that these problems can be overcome by modifications to the teaching process that we suggest.  相似文献   

In this article, we present an experiential perspective on how a big data analytics course was designed and delivered to students at a major Midwestern university. In reference to the MSIS 2006 Model Curriculum, we designed this course as a level 2 course, with prerequisites in databases, computer programming, statistics, and data mining. Students in the class were mostly seniors or at the graduate level, and had a strong technical and quantitative background. We include details of concepts covered in the course, as well as summaries of four major sample course assignments used. Some of the concepts covered include large‐scale data collection and management using the Hadoop ecosystem, stream mining, visual analytics, and social network analytics. Besides Hadoop, the course also introduced various IBM and Teradata big data tools. We show how the course modules align with the intended learning goals and course objectives. A post‐course survey indicated that the structure and organization of the course helped students clearly and concisely assimilate the course content.  相似文献   

《visualBasic程序设计》的特点是可视化编程,它具有较强的应用性,教学中如何充分激发学生的学习兴趣,提高解决问题的能力是这门课的关键所在。采用“用中学”教学方法,通过一个个鲜明的案例去学习VisualBasic程序设计,不仅让学生灵活掌握VisualBasic语言,而且有效地提高了学生的动手能力。  相似文献   

This paper provides an auto-ethnography or narrative of self related to the development of international experiential education programmes in nature developed by Vacation School Lipnice (VSL) in the Czech Republic. The paper provides the cultural background that influences the course design and provides examples, through participant observation, of the international development of VSL's Intertouch courses over the past decade (1997–2007). VSL is a non-profit, non-governmental organization of about 100 active members—volunteers coming from all over the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and other countries. Since 1991 VSL has been a member of Outward Bound International, a global experiential education organization. The aim of the VSL courses is to provide ways for further development of the capacities of body and mind using the ‘dramaturgy’ approach to course design, which brings together the distinct elements of art, music, drama and adventure. Courses consist of body-and-mind challenging activities, creative art workshops, discussions and contemplations. Dramaturgy goes beyond traditional interpretations of adventure training, allowing for the integration and balance of physical, social, creative and reflective/emotional ‘waves’ that can change according to the needs of the group. The concepts presented aim to provide examples for creative programming practice and applications to develop more holistic outdoor and experiential courses for youth and adults globally.  相似文献   

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