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As centers of research and study in colleges and universities, Chinese academic libraries are heavily used and play a significant role in higher education. However, the level of administration can affect service to patrons and have an impact on their development. In this paper, the characteristics of administration in Chinese academic libraries are examined from both a historical perspective and current practice. The problems arising from the centralization of authority and administrative structure are also examined. Some possible suggestions are made of ways to improve library services in areas such as the quality of leadership, the creation of new positions, the increased responsibility of assistant directors, the re-organization of work distribution, the establishment of reference services, the development of faculty and staff participation in committee work, the importance of a library liaison program and the importance of designing a strategic plan for the library.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]对美国高校图书馆公众科学服务现状进行梳理总结,以期为我国高校图书馆开展公众科学服务提供借鉴。[方法/过程]选取美国已开展公众科学服务的9所高校图书馆作为调研对象,从图书馆网站"公众科学"栏目的设置情况、公众科学项目推荐、资源推荐以及公众科学实践活动的开展等方面进行分析和总结,在此基础上对我国高校图书馆开展公众科学服务提出建议。[结果/结论]指出我国高校图书馆应加强公众科学教育,引导馆员和公众积极参与公众科学实践;在图书馆网站上建立功能完善的"公众科学"栏目;开展形式多样的公众科学活动;充分利用创客空间推动公众科学服务的发展;设置公众科学服务岗位;发挥图书馆学会和联盟的力量,鼓励和指导高校图书馆开展公众科学服务。  相似文献   

大学图书馆用户满意度调查方法研究及启示   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20  
澳大利亚大学图书馆应用Rodski用户满意度调查方法从用户的角度评价图书馆的服务工作绩效,找出图书馆服务工作的重心及急需图书馆改进的领域,以利于整体把握和推进图书馆质量管理工作。文章从调查目的及指导思想、RodskiGroup与澳大利亚大学图书馆馆长委员会(CAUL)合作方式、调查方法及数据统计方法、调查结果在图书馆工作中的应用等方面研究评价了这种调查方法及其给我国大学图书馆用户满意度调查研究和图书馆服务质量评估工作带来的启示。  相似文献   

Two years after the initial 2002 study, a greater number of academic health science libraries are offering digital reference chat services, and this number appears poised to grow in the coming years. This 2004 follow-up study found that 36 (27%) of the academic health science libraries examined provide digital chat reference services; this was an approximately 6% increase over the 25 libraries (21%) located in 2002. Trends in digital reference services in academic health science libraries were derived from the exploration of academic health science library Web sites and from digital correspondence with academic health science library personnel using e-mail and chat. This article presents an overview of the current state of digital reference service in academic health science libraries.  相似文献   

This article brings together results from a number of separate studies carried out in 2004 and 2005 analysing the results of user surveys in UK academic libraries. Results from four LibQUAL?+?? surveys and six surveys based on a template available from the Society of College, National and University Libraries are compared. Several common themes emerging from the analyses are examined, including differences in response rates and library behaviour between the various user groups, and the relative importance of a range of library services. Discrepancies between the responses of library staff and their users in areas such as the provision of information resources are noted. Associations between campus libraries and subject disciplines are likely to influence interpretation of survey results within institutions. There are similarities in the overall picture of user behaviour provided by both survey instruments. The implications for service development and delivery are discussed and a pilot benchmarking study reported.  相似文献   


Academic research libraries can employ several approaches to advance the institutional mission. First, libraries can shift from goals focused on collections and traditional library services and instead align with their campus academic plan and an emphasis on supporting the institution's strategic initiatives. A second approach is for libraries to modify their organizational structures from being function-based on the tasks that traditional libraries performed (e.g., public services, technical services, collection development) and move instead toward organizational units that directly support their university's missions (e.g., undergraduate education; graduate and professional education; research, scholarship, and creative activity; and public engagement). The key is to have library staff engaged in work that contributes to vital institutional outcomes such as student success and faculty research productivity. Academic research libraries should also continue to work towards an assessment program that demonstrates the value of the academic research library in providing quality services that advance the institutional mission.  相似文献   

文章从大学图书馆现代化的六个前沿课题入手,对教育部高等学校图书情报工作指导委员会和北京大学图书馆合作研制的《大学图书馆现代化指南针报告》进行内容解读,并提出大学图书馆现代化的三个时代命题,以期为全国高校图书馆从业人员和研究人员深入理解和全面应用《大学图书馆现代化指南针报告》,开展大学图书馆现代化建设、规划、研究与评估提供重要参考。  相似文献   

对高校图书馆馆藏评估与优化的思考   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
简述了馆藏评估对图书馆发展建设的重要意义和作用,并以上海大学图书馆为研究案例,对该馆2007年入藏中文图书的使用流通状况进行了统计、比较和分析总结。在此基础上,指出图书馆应从定量和定性两方面进行馆藏评估及优化,应根据本校发展目标、学科设置、服务对象等多种因素,建立适应本校的科学合理的学术馆藏。  相似文献   

This paper presents a pilot study that examined the information seeking behaviors of Chinese graduate students at the University of Windsor. Findings on current Chinese students' perceptions, expectations, and use of library services are highlighted including implications for academic libraries to meet international students' information needs.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(27-28):105-122
The traditional library organization for over forty years has been divided into technical services and public services. The age of automation, however, is bringing these two areas much closer together, and in some large academic libraries, the technical services librarian and the public services librarian are the same person. The work done in serials acquisitions and collection development is now available online in many libraries. Several libraries also have automated serials control and cataloging capabilities. With the advent of online access to serials, reference, interlibrary loan and library instruction services have simplified the work demands for the reference librarian. This conclusion suggests that cooperation between technical services and public services is the logical solution to provide the best possible service to the library patron.  相似文献   

This study examined the use of academic libraries by academic sponsored researchers in the social sciences at five universities in the greater Boston area. It provides information about researchers use of the library during the proposal development and research stages; it inquires into other information sources employed by the researchers; and it collects data about the types and ages of information materials used in support of the respondent's research projects. Analysis of the responses indicates that for the majority of the researchers, the library was used between one and five times during their proposal development work but that the resources of the library were not a factor in the development of their research proposals. While the researchers indicated that they had used or expected to use their campus libraries as well as other libraries during the course of their research, they also expected to obtain research related information from other sources. They ranked their personal collections first in importance as the place they turned to for information materials in support of their research activity, with their campus library or libraries ranked second.  相似文献   

A review of library literature shows a general trend of technical services in academic libraries to reorganize into teams. This paper analyzes the results of a survey conducted in 2010 in order to answer four research questions: how extensively technical services in academic libraries have moved into the use of teams in organizational structures; how extensively technical services in academic libraries have done training related to teams; what team characteristics are demonstrated by teams in technical services in academic libraries; and how the effectiveness of teams is perceived by staff and faculty who work in technical services in academic libraries.  相似文献   

Awareness and understanding of copyright laws are critical in the proper administration of copyright in academic libraries. Data from 38 library staff and 4 head librarians was used in a sequential explanatory mixed methods approach to assess the level of awareness and understanding of copyright laws among library staff with regards to balancing user rights with rightsholder rights in academic libraries in Ghana. The data was collected using questionnaires and qualitative interviews. Though awareness of all the copyright laws, which was not influenced by the educational status of staff was high, the level of understanding was lower. Work experience, schedule of work and current position of staff significantly influenced the level of understanding. The generally moderate level of understanding of copyright laws for library staff; particularly for fair use and creative commons licensing, is a worrying development for copyright administration in academic libraries in Ghana.  相似文献   

随着信息化的高速发展,用户对资源需求的无限性和资源获取的便捷性要求提高,传统图书馆和数字图书馆已很难满足用户日益多样的需求,图书馆正在探索由数字图书馆向智慧图书馆的过渡和转型,图书馆的资源管理、业务流程、服务模式等都将发生变化。目前,我国智慧图书馆建设正处于研究探索阶段,缺乏成熟的理论指导,也缺乏不同图书馆系统内和不同区域图书馆间的统筹规划。本文试图探讨以下五个问题:智慧图书馆的概念之惑,智慧图书馆的名分之实,智慧图书馆的建设之困,智慧图书馆的合作之需,智慧图书馆的理论之贫。建议从理论层面深入研究智慧图书馆建设的相关问题,包括建设标准、建设模式、合作路径等,用成熟的图书馆学理论指导智慧图书馆建设的实践。  相似文献   

美国高校图书馆标准及其自评   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
目前,国内高校图书馆重视硬件的建设和评估,而美国新版高校图书馆标准在关注图书馆的输入指标的同时也考量输出指标,特别是强调了读者受图书馆馆藏与服务影响的“成效”,在评估时,通过对比组的比较和一系列的问题为图书馆评价自身的工作和决策提供更为详细的信息。我国高校图书馆从美国高校图书馆新标准及其自我评估的实例中可以发现许多可借鉴之处。  相似文献   

分析指出当今开放获取已获得广泛的民意支持,大学、科研机构等学术和管理部门纷纷出台开放获取政策,甚至将其作为国家发展战略;开放获取出版规模也迅速壮大,网络环境下传统商业学术出版面临挑战;开放获取顺应学术交流体系变革的需求,是不可逆转的发展方向。认为学术交流体系的巨变将会给大学图书馆带来革命性影响,大学图书馆应顺应历史潮流,将开放获取提升为事关未来发展的关键议题,在未来开拓全新的服务领域,深度参与校园学术活动,实现图书馆的战略性转变。  相似文献   

With the wide variety of vendor services available, discount or other traditional factors may no longer play a predominant role in determining an academic library’s vendor selection. A questionnaire was sent to 291 academic librarians to survey their vendor selection criteria and methods. Using preliminary results from the survey, this paper examines the mix of vendors’ traditional services vs. new services that now enter into the selection decision. Further, it considers differences in practice based upon library budget size. These initial results indicate that the traditional areas of corporate reputation, approval plan management, and acquisitions services consistently receive the highest ratings of importance. The areas covering outsourcing and electronic data transmission are rated higher by those libraries using these services. As more libraries seek these services from their approval vendors, the services will likely increase in importance in librarians’ decision-making processes.  相似文献   

��[Purpose/significance] In view of the differences between China and western developed countries in social system, social culture, economic development level, etc., this paper compares the different characteristics of the special services of public libraries in China and abroad, and provides reference for the development of the special services of public libraries in China.[Method/process] Based on the investigation of the status of the special services of public libraries in China and abroad, this paper respectively identified the main types of special services of Chinese and foreign public libraries through cluster analysis and conducted comparative analysis to reveal the commonalities and differences.[Result/conclusion] Comparing the characteristics of the special services of Chinese and foreign public libraries, this paper finds that the academic content of the special service of Chinese public libraries need to be improved, and the training of library professionals needs to be strengthened, and further attention needs to be paid to the interaction between libraries and their users in service process, so as to improve the attraction and influence of the special services of the public library.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]针对我国与西方发达国家在社会制度、社会文化、经济发展水平等方面存在的差异,对比国内外公共图书馆特色服务的不同特点,为我国公共图书馆特色服务的发展提供参考。[方法/过程]在对国内外公共图书馆特色服务现状展开调查的基础上,通过聚类分析识别中外公共图书馆特色服务的主要类型并展开对比分析,揭示其中的共性和差异。[结果/结论]对比中外公共图书馆特色服务的特点发现,我国公共图书馆特色服务内容的学术性有待提高,图书馆专业人才的培养还需要不断加强,应当进一步重视在服务过程中图书馆与用户之间的交互,以此来不断提升公共图书馆特色服务的吸引力和影响力。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]了解华裔留学生的信息素养、偏好与倾向、对图书馆的认知及个性化需求,提出华裔留学生延伸服务的策略。[方法/过程]在对国内外相关研究文献进行调查的基础上,对两所"侨校"的华裔留学生进行问卷调查,回收376份有效问卷,并进行统计和分析。[结果/结论]华裔留学生的基本信息素养不高,对图书馆移动终端服务的关注程度较低,使用图书馆的频率总体偏低;华裔留学生偏好人际直接交流的方式、倾向于"实地"学习;华裔留学生对图书馆的必要性及重要性的认知程度较高,其需求呈多样化特点。提出识别华裔留学生群体的需求和倾向,发掘后备人力资源,关注文化差异等高校图书馆对华裔留学生延伸服务的策略。  相似文献   

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