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卢雨 《当代教育论坛》2006,(24):109-110
法国是艺术之乡,几百年来出现了许多伟大的艺术家。法国的高等美术学院在世界上享有很高的声誉。这些院校曾为世界各国培养了大量优秀的艺术人才,其中就有许多我国著名的艺术家,如林风眠、徐悲鸿、吴作人、吴冠中、常书鸿等老前辈。他们后来都成为了中国现代形态的美术教育的开拓者和播种人。应该说,法国的高等艺术学院与中国的学院美术是紧密相连的。本文主要对当代法国高等美术学院的艺术教育之特点进行分析,以期为中国艺术教育提供参考。一、当代法国高等美术学院艺术教育20世纪的西方艺术在时代变迁的大背景下,均发生了“反传统”的剧烈…  相似文献   

霍伟航  甘嘉莉 《高教论坛》2020,(3):74-76,81
以大学生为样本,运用自我效能和内在动机理论,以社交需求为切入点探讨网络游戏中社交行为对沉迷网络游戏内在动机的影响。研究表明:被调查者在网络游戏中社交涉度越高沉迷网络游戏内在动机越强,被调查者对游戏虚拟人物个性化装扮在网络社交与沉迷网络游戏内在动机的关系间具有显著的中介作用,被调查者对游戏虚拟人物个性化装扮以及其自我效能感对网络社交与沉迷网络游戏内在动机关系间呈链式中介作用。  相似文献   

Microcomputers offer unique opportunities for systematic variations in the presentation of educational materials and for research concerning the social, motivational, and academic consequences of these different variations. This paper explores one set of theoretical controversies and policy debates that has been stimulated by this new technology for instruction. It is argued that conflicting views concerning the role of intrinsic motivational processes in instruction underlie differences of opinion concerning the relative costs and benefits of instructional games and discovery-learning environments, the expected impact of different styles of teaching, and the merits of alternative strategies for the design of detailed tutorial interactions.  相似文献   

The author presents a tour d'horizon of the field of higher education studies, including research on higher education, citing the relevant publication series and journals dealing with the subject, the strongest institutions, worldwide, offering university level studies in the field, and the antecedents of the endeavour. It is growing in importance as higher education institutions and systems expand, diversify, and become increasingly complex, requiring more and better insights regarding themselves for various purposes. The field needs to more fully tap findings in parallel interdisciplinary fields and to publicize the results of private institutional endeavours such as institutional research. A very glowing prognosis for higher education studies is given.  相似文献   


The purpose of the paper is to present and analyze research on teacher education in Brazil, focusing on the research production of graduate programs and research centers (represented by theses, dissertations and final reports of studies developed in the country by Brazilians), and articles published in national journal by Brazilian authors. First, a brief history of the development of educational research in Brazil is presented; this is followed by a discussion of the state of the art of research in Brazilian teacher education. Finally, some conclusions and recommendations for the future are presented.


《比较教育研究》计量评价与比较教育研究发展现状分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章以<中国期刊全文数据库>为统计源,对1998-2003年<比较教育研究>进行了计量评价,并得出我国比较教育研究人员的个人及小规模的智力因素在研究中仍起着决定性主导作用、科研人员使用的外语文献资料数量要高于中文文献资料、外语水平较高,和该刊论文质量、在国内比较教育研究方面所占有的重要地位都很高等结论.  相似文献   

我国网络教育发展历程述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络教育在我国发展了十余载,根据其发展痕迹可将其发展历程分为预备期、初创期、成长期、成熟期和新时期五个阶段。在发展过程中,网络教育实现了从学历教育向非学历继续教育的转型,完成了从高等教育领域到基础教育、职业培训、企业E-Leaming和教育服务市场的扩展,其完善的公共服务体系、成功的市场融资和成熟的商业化运营,使其逐步走向成熟,从而迈向腾飞发展的新时期,担当起构建灵活开放的终身教育体系的重任。网络教育已成为我国重要的人力资源培养形式,但尚有巨大开发空间,需在发展过程中加强反思精神以促进其全面发展。  相似文献   

Fostering Intrinsic Motivation in Early Childhood Classrooms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Young children are born with an innate curiosity to learn about their world. This intrinsically instigated learning is often called mastery motivation. Patterns of motivation are established at an early age. The early childhood years are crucial for establishing robust intrinsic motivational orientations which will last a lifetime. By the time many children reach school, much of their motivation has been lost or replaced with extrinsically motivated learning strategies. Preschools and elementary schools have been criticized for contributing to such negative motivational patterns in children. This can be changed. Early child care situations and preschools can instead be instrumental in the strengthening of children's motivation. The goal of this paper is to show that through an understanding of the beginnings of motivation, we can begin to find ways to build strong motivational patterns in children that can carry on to later years of learning.  相似文献   

文章论述我国在线教育的发展概况,特别是对具有特色的高等教育在线教育平台加以介绍,分析了在线教育的优势与局限,建议进一步提高在线教育平台的质量,倡导线上教育与线下教育相结合的方式,并列举多项行之有效的线上教育课堂管理方法,建立线上教育管理机制,以提升线上教学质量。  相似文献   

以学生学习成果为导向的高校评估在美国和其他国家已经使用了很长一段时间。评估的主要作用包括取得资格认证以及课程设置的提高。本文综述了学生学习成果评估的背景、发展过程以及在评估的实际操作中可能遇到的理论和实践上的挑战,比较了目前高校主要使用的测试工具以及它们的优缺点,指出测评者一定要清楚测量的目的以选择最合适的测量工具,要达到最佳测量效果需要从学校、教师和学生层面注意的问题。  相似文献   

自我观:远程学习者的第一内动力   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
自我观是远程学习者的"总开关". 学习动力首先来源于内在的个性倾向,包括学习者的需要、动机、兴趣、意志、观念等心理因素;其次表现为学习活动中的心理体验,包括学习者的控制感、效能感、归因方式、期望感和焦虑感等;再次产生于教学系统的心理触发,包括教学引导、教学服务和环境设计等.对远程学习者而言,优质的教学系统是外动力,即外在的推动力;积极的个性倾向是内动力,即内在的源动力;有效的学习活动则把内外两种动力合二为一,形成新的生长力,即具有体验性、动能性和生态性特征的学习动力.显然,学习动力的提升要从内动力着眼,生长力着手,外动力为辅,要切实体现以学为中心、教服务于学的远程教学思想.  相似文献   

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