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虚拟现实是由计算机技术和网络技术集成的新型综合信息技术,具有广泛的军事、工业、教育和医疗等应用前景。通过考察当前我国大学生的心理健康状况,提出了心理治疗过程模型,并结合认知理论和混沌理论提出利用虚拟现实技术解决抑郁症、强迫症的方法。在此基础上,设计了基于OpenGL和VC++的虚拟现实心理治疗系统框架,同时探讨了OpenGL和3DMAX三维建模、碰撞检测和人机交互等技术。  相似文献   

In response to aging patient demographics and a call for increased formal geriatric training in medical schools, a community volunteer geriatric mentor program, Bridging Generations, was developed to shape attitudes of medical students caring for the elderly. The geriatric mentor experience provided students with unique insight into the challenges and joys that accompany aging and encouraged the medical students to become empathetic and knowledgeable providers of care for geriatric patients.  相似文献   

The Anatomical Donations Program at the University of Michigan Medical School (UMMS) has begun a multiphase project wherein interviews of donors will be recorded and later shown to medical students who participate in the anatomical dissection course. The first phase of this project included surveys of both current UMMS medical students and donors concerning their perceptions of such a program. A five‐question survey administered via Qualtrics software was electronically mailed to all current medical students at UMMS, and a survey was mailed to registered and potential donors requesting information from the UMMS on anatomical donations. A total of 224 medical student responses (response rate 33%) and 54 donor responses (response rate 27%) were received. Seventy‐four percent of students and 81% of donors reported they would participate in this program if it existed. Students and donors supported the implementation of this program for varying reasons, though many felt strongly they would not want to participate in a donor interview program. These qualitative results support those of previous studies that show a majority of students desire a closer personal relationship with the donor, and these are the first results to be reported on donor perceptions of a donor interview program. Although many students and donors are in favor of instituting this program, others feel strongly that such an experience could be traumatic. The causes of these differing reactions need to be further explored, and the opinions of those who object to this study will be respected by maintaining voluntary participation in future phases of this study. Anat Sci Educ 6: 90–100. © 2012 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

This study examined first-year medical student attitudes concerning the elderly before and after instituting a geriatric mentoring program. The program began and ended with a survey designed to assess students' attitudes toward the elderly. During the mentoring program, students visited the same senior for four visits throughout the academic year. After each visit, students were required to write a narrative that included reflections on assigned themes. Comparisons of pre- and postsurvey data indicated that students became more positive in their attitudes toward older patients after the geriatric experience. Narratives indicated students were highly engaged in the visits with their seniors.  相似文献   

Medical students state the need for a clinically oriented anatomy class so to maximize their learning experience. We hypothesize that the first‐year medical students, who take the Surgical Clinical Correlates in Anatomy program, will perform better than their peers in their anatomy course, their surgical clerkships and ultimately choose surgical residencies. We designed and recently implemented this program for first‐year medical students. It consisted of General Surgical Knowledge, Orthopedic Surgery, Plastic Surgery, Urology, Cardiothoracic Surgery, General Surgery, Vascular Surgery, and Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) sessions. Each session had defined learning objectives and interactive cadaveric operations performed by faculty members and students. The program was elective and had 25 participants randomly chosen. An evaluative questionnaire was completed before and after the program. Comparative analysis of the questionnaires, first‐year anatomy examination results, clinical surgical rotation scores, and residency match results will be completed. The positive opinions of surgeons increased for all medical students from the pre‐evaluation to the post‐evaluation, and there was a greater increase in positive opinions for our participants. Our participants also had the highest average overall for all combined anatomy examinations. A need exists among medical students to develop a clinically correlated anatomy program that will maximize their learning experience, improve their performance and allow them to make moreinformed career choices. The recent implementation of this Surgical Clinical Correlates in Anatomy program fulfills this need. Anat Sci Educ 2: 265?272, 2009. © 2009 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of verbal interaction cues and ability grouping within a cooperative learning computer-based program. We blocked 231 eighth graders in a required science class by ability and randomly assigned them to homogeneous lower-ability, homogeneous higher-ability, or heterogeneous mixed-ability dyads. Each dyad was randomly assigned to a computer program that either did or did not contain verbal interaction cues designed to facilitate summarizing and explaining between partners. Results indicated that students using the cued version of the program performed significantly better on the posttest than students using the noncued version. Direct observation of student interaction indicated that students in cued dyads exhibited significantly more summarizing and helping behaviors than noncued students. Furthermore, higher-ability dyads exhibited significantly less off-task behavior than the other dyads. Implications for designing computer-based instruction for cooperative settings are provided.  相似文献   

Peer teaching has been recognized as a valuable and effective approach for learning and has been incorporated into medical, dental, and healthcare courses using a variety of approaches. The success of peer teaching is thought to be related to the ability of peer tutors and tutees to communicate more effectively, thereby improving the learning environment. Near‐peer teaching involves more experienced students acting as tutors who are ideally placed to pass on their knowledge and experience. The advantage of using near‐peer teachers is the opportunity for the teacher to reinforce and expand their own learning and develop essential teaching skills. This study describes the design and implementation of a program for fourth year medical students to teach anatomy to first‐ and second‐year medical students and evaluates the perceptions of the near‐peer teachers on the usefulness of the program, particularly in relation to their own learning. Feedback from participants suggests that the program fulfills its aims of providing an effective environment for developing deeper learning in anatomy through teaching. Participants recognize that the program also equips them with more advanced teaching skills that will be required as they move nearer toward taking on supervisory and teaching duties. The program has also provided the school with an additional valuable and appropriate resource for teaching anatomy to first‐ and second‐year students, who themselves view the inclusion of near‐peer teachers as a positive element in their learning. Anat Sci Educ 2:227–233, 2009. © 2009 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

目的:为了解学生对医疗保障制度的知晓和应用,为大学生提供全面周到的医疗保障服务。方法:采用自制调查问卷,对2010级-2012级在校大学生进行自填式问卷调查。结果:(1)50名被调查的大学生中,有32人(64%)知道大学生医疗保险。(2)有22人(44%)生病会首选校医院就诊,45人(90%)经常在药店购买药品。结论:调查发现大学生对医保知晓和应用率不高,对医保内容和如何利用医保不甚了解。建议以校医院为主要责任单位应该加大宣传力度,规范医疗服务,为大学生提供及时、全面、到位的医疗保障服务。  相似文献   

Residents routinely make significant contributions to the education of medical students. However, little attention has been paid to rewarding these individuals for their involvement in these academic activities. This report describes a program that rewards resident teachers with an academic appointment as a Clinical Instructor. The residents participate in the laboratory portion of the anatomy program at the Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine. They prepare weekly cadaver dissections and present these dissections to the first year medical students. Guidelines developed by the anatomy faculty and approved by the appropriate committees at both the Cleveland Clinic and Case Western Reserve University establish requirements that a resident must meet to qualify for an academic appointment. Evaluation of this program indicates that it has been very successful based on medical student feedback, resident interest in gaining teaching experience, and residency directors appreciation of the opportunity for residents to gain valuable teaching experience in an academic setting.  相似文献   

创新大学生"三下乡"社会实践活动的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学生按照“受教育、长才干、作贡献”的原则,开展文化科技卫生“三下乡”社会实践活动,这是传播科技文化的桥梁,符合马克思主义认识论的要求,能帮助大学生认识成长的正确道路,有利于大学生了解国情、社情、农情和民情,是建设社会主义新农村的内在要求,促进了大学生综合素质的提高。在新形势下要努力创新大学生“三下乡”社会实践活动。  相似文献   

The development of generic capabilities or graduate attributes in communication, teamwork, critical analysis of information, problem solving and ethical practice is widely recognised as a desired outcome of higher education. This emphasis on generic capabilities has emerged despite ongoing debates about the concept and development of such capabilities. A recent review of comprehensive audits of Australian universities has found little evidence that such outcomes are being achieved. We used data from four different evaluations, both qualitative and quantitative, to explore whether these important generic capabilities are being learned by undergraduate students in the University of New South Wales (UNSW) new Medicine Program. University of New South Wales medical students are significantly more positive than other UNSW students that their university experience is developing several generic capabilities. Measurements concerning generic skills development from the Australian 2009 Learning and Teaching Performance Fund process support these findings. Analyses of qualitative data from two methodologically different student surveys found consistent evidence that medical students value generic capability development in the UNSW program. Furthermore, we report evidence that current UNSW medical students rate their clinical learning in professional placements as a significantly better experience than students in the previous discipline-based program. We believe this is a consequence of generic capability learning in the early years of the new program, such that our students are better prepared to maximise the value of learning from professional experiences. Our results represent consistent evidence of successful generic capability development as a result of a program-wide innovation in undergraduate education. To validate further our conclusions, external assessments of our graduates' generic capabilities in-action in the workplace are currently being obtained.  相似文献   

Deaf and hard-of-hearing (d/hh) students are traditionally educated within self-contained programs at residential or special day schools, within self-contained or resource classrooms in public schools, or within regular education classrooms with support provided by an itinerant teacher. The co-enrollment model offers a promising alternative in which these students are educated within a regular education classroom composed of both d/hh and hearing students and team-taught by a teacher of the deaf and a regular education teacher. This article examines the development of one such program and the social and academic performance of the d/hh students within the program. Data on social interaction between d/hh and hearing classmates suggest that specific instructional strategies that promoted students' sign language development, identified d/hh students as "sign language specialists" and grouped d/hh and hearing students during academic activities resulted in increased interaction between these two groups of students. Stanford Achievement Test scores in the areas of reading vocabulary, reading comprehension, mathematical problem solving and procedures indicate that although d/hh students scored below the national normative hearing group, reading comprehension levels exceeded the national normative sample of d/hh students during both years two and three of the program. We discuss the challenges of implementing a co-enrollment program.  相似文献   

Poldre  Peeter A. 《Interchange》1994,25(2):183-193
Mentoring programs have been advocated for a variety of higher educational settings, including medical education. Reviewing the literature suggests that consensus is lacking on definitions of mentoring, resulting in difficulties with evaluation of mentoring programs. This article describes a systematic approach to designing a mentoring program for medical students that addresses questions of goals, mentor functions, mentor selection, preparation and matching to protégés, and evaluation of mentoring programs. Student participation in all phases of program design and implementation is emphasized.  相似文献   

Success for All (SfA) is a comprehensive school reform program with a strong emphasis on cooperative learning that aims to improve students’ social emotional learning alongside students’ cognitive learning. In the present study it was examined whether SfA led to improved students’ social behavior in Grade 1–3 of primary education. Peer sociometric data was collected for 974 students aged 6–9. Using multivariate multilevel analysis we found no significant effect of SfA on students’ pro- and antisocial behavior over time. However, a significant interaction effect was found showing that antisocial behavior of students from disadvantaged backgrounds decreased in the intervention condition in Grade 2. This is a promising finding given that the SfA program was especially developed for schools serving large numbers of disadvantaged students. Implications of the study are described.  相似文献   

医学高等院校的毕业生是国家宝贵的人才资源,做好医科类大学生的就业工作,事关其生涯发展和价值实现,事关医学高等教育的提质转型,事关医疗卫生事业的改革发展。近年来,医学毕业生每年递增,就业压力逐年递增。在此情况下,医学生的职业规划日渐显示出其重要性与紧迫性。借助对苏北某医学院校所开展的职业规划教育情况的调查,可以发现,医科类大学生对于职业规划教育基本上持认可态度。但是现有就业指导体系仍存在体制僵化、内容贫乏、路径单一等问题。为此,结合医学生的专业特点,建立大学生就业指导服务体系至关重要,需要从师资、教学计划、教学内容、教学方法等方面进行探索和改进。  相似文献   

This qualitative study of 29 physician mentors reports their perspectives on mentoring medical students in a well‐respected medical school’s formal, assigned, longitudinal mentoring program that has a curricular component in the second year. Using a phenomenologic inductive approach, common themes identified centered on mentors’ relationships with their students and the characteristics of the relationships. Most mentors said their relationships solidified in the second year, where curricular responsibilities included teaching and evaluation. Mentors saw their roles change, yet relationships continued to develop as mentees advanced through medical school. They were surprised when students sought contact, support, and advice in years three and four of their programs. Mentors worried whether they “did enough” for their students, yet described their experiences and relationships as rewarding. Mentors subsequently found satisfaction in the continuing relationship during the clinical training years. The researchers note the importance of the curricular component for providing a purpose and structure for relationship development and in facilitating relationship development in this assigned mentoring program.  相似文献   

新时期培养适用于基层医疗卫生服务需求的卓越医生教育计划是推进地方医学院校临床医学教育综合改革、提高人才培养质量的有效途径。实施过程中树立整体的大卫生观,构建与卓越医生教育计划相适应的理论和实践教学体系,多元评价医学生的发展,全程贯穿医德教育,满足人才培养的终身教育要求,创新医学教育人才培养模式,主动适应国家医疗卫生改革发展方向,培养面向基层的初级医疗卫生保健人才。  相似文献   

Teaching is an increasingly recognized responsibility of the resident physician. Residents, however, often assume teaching responsibilities without adequate preparation. Consequently, many medical schools have implemented student‐as‐teacher (SAT) programs that provide near‐peer teaching opportunities to senior medical students. Near‐peer teaching is widely regarded as an effective teaching modality; however, whether near‐peer teaching experiences in medical school prepare students for the teaching demands of residency is less understood. We explored whether the anatomy‐based SAT program through the Human Structure didactic block at Mayo Medical School addressed the core teaching competencies of a medical educator and prepared its participants for further teaching roles in their medical careers. A web‐based survey was sent to all teaching assistants in the anatomy‐based SAT program over the past five years (2007–2011). Survey questions were constructed based on previously published competencies in seven teaching domains – course development, course organization, teaching execution, student coaching, student assessment, teacher evaluation, and scholarship. Results of the survey indicate that participants in the anatomy‐based SAT program achieved core competencies of a medical educator and felt prepared for the teaching demands of residency. Anat Sci Educ 6: 385–392. © 2013 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

The Biomind program is a new open inquiry program for Israeli biology high school students. The Biomind program is facilitated by diverse activities of asynchronous on-line forums for teachers and students. This research aims to analyse the discussions that occurred over a period of three years in these forums, in order to obtain a picture of the benefits that virtual discussions hold for the implementation of the open inquiry program. The results presented in this article indicate that students required assistance mainly with searching scientific information, finding experimental techniques and procedures, and phrasing inquiry questions. The three most frequent areas that were discussed in the teachers' forum were technical and procedural aspects of experimentation, bureaucracy and phenomenon identification. In addition, issues such as inferring and discussing, logical progression of the inquiry process, scientific writing, teacher-student interaction, reflective thinking, affective points of view, and forum administration were raised in the forum discourses. The forum discourses create a learning community that contributes to the implementation of the Biomind program, and pinpoint the aspects that should be taken into consideration in the future.  相似文献   

Managing a whole body donor program is necessary for facilitating a traditional dissection‐based anatomy curriculum in medicine and health sciences. Factors which influence body donations to medical science can therefore affect dissection‐based anatomy teaching. In order to determine whether age influences the attitudes of medical students to donations, this study surveyed, by Likert‐type questionnaires, first‐year graduate‐entry medical students attending a dissection‐based anatomy course. In contrast to attitudes among younger traditional‐entry medical students, initial support for whole body donation by an unrelated stranger (83.8%), a family member (43.2%) or by the respondent (40.5%) did not decrease among graduate‐entry medical students after exposure to dissection although there was a significant shift in strength of support for donation by stranger. This suggests that older medical students do not readily modify their pre‐established attitudes to the idea of whole body donation after exposure and experience with dissection. Initial ambivalence among respondents to the idea of donation by family member was followed by opposition to this type of donation. These findings demonstrate that age modulates the influences on a priori attitudes to whole body donation that exposure to dissection causes in younger medical students. Anat Sci Educ 2:167–172, 2009. © 2009 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

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