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Should a computer science student be able to write a simple interrupt‐answering routine? Can we have students write simple interrupt‐answering routines? What programming assignment can be given to help students understand how “system service calls” work (i.e., how do we get from nonprivilege mode to privilege mode)? Our machines with vendor‐supplied operating systems limit our assignments in some areas. Hence, we must use a “virtual machine.” Virtual machines can be produced using simulators and can be used to reinforce basic concepts by giving programming assignments on them.  相似文献   

Lean six sigma is a management methodology that firms can employ to achieve substantial improvement in supply chain performance. However, few pedagogical exercises facilitate students’ use of a comprehensive set of lean six sigma principles within a supply chain context. We describe the Airplane Supply Chain Simulation that helps students understand how lean six sigma concepts may be leveraged to improve supply chain performance. The basis of this simulation is a four‐tier supply chain, consisting of suppliers (two tiers), a manufacturer, and a customer, that produces three models of paper airplanes to meet randomly distributed customer demand. In the first of three successive runs, a highly structured simulation is executed in which supply chain roles are well defined, material flows are convoluted, and a “push” production strategy is followed. The first simulation as the “current state” and, for the second and third simulation runs, challenge competing student teams to leverage lean six sigma concepts to develop a “future state” that enables the fulfillment of all customer orders at the lowest cost. Results based on statistical analyses of survey response data from 194 MBA students show that the Airplane Supply Chain Simulation is an effective participative, team‐based learning tool.  相似文献   


The cultivation of understanding regarding civil engineering in students requires them to conceive things in a manner that allows for a comprehensive grasp of practical aspects in alignment with theoretical principles. This requirement is more robust when students are being taught the aspects of infrastructure management. Visualizing the core principles and elements of infrastructure management within a full-scale context is required for students to fully understand the various concepts that compose it. Technology intervention for generating an “enhanced visualization environment” can facilitate improvement in both the teaching and learning process. Virtual Reality (VR) is technology intervention that provides real-world like sensations to its users within a simulated setting, enabling them to safely entertain, learn, experiment, and feel. This paper presents a study on the application and assessment of using virtual reality for infrastructure management education in civil engineering. A bridge inspection module was designed for a Cave Automatic Virtual Environment (CAVE) based system called “Projection VR”, installed at the NED University Virtual Reality Center (NED VRC). Test sessions were designed to experiment with and measure the effectiveness of VR through feedback. This involved a group of 69 senior-year undergraduate students as subjects enrolled in a course on structural design and drawing. Feedback was taken through structured rubrics-based assessments. The results showed that subjects demonstrated a higher capacity for concentration in VR environments and found the VR experience to be easy to use, proximate, comfortable, and extremely captivating. More exposure and practice with VR can positively enhance students’ experience. A limitation to the study presented in the paper is that for real-world situations, where damaged components of structures are often hidden, there will be need for a different modeling mechanism in order to capture such damages. Models generated through Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) scanning can serve to compensate for the limitation.


The increasing use of simulation and other role playing activities as teaching devices prompted this study. It was designed to evaluate changes in cognitive learning and attitudes that could be attributed to participation in a simulation unit. Two junior college political science classes (N = 67) were used for the study. Treatment was randomly assigned. The simulation group participated in a 4-hour unit; the control group received instruction in a “lecture-question-answer” manner.

There was no statistically significant difference in cognitive learning between students in the simulation group and students taught by the “lecture-question-answer” method. Within the limitations of the study design, the analyses showed that simulation produced desirable attitudes and resulted in polarization of feelings toward government.  相似文献   

高伟  颜蕾  郭瑾 《教育技术导刊》2021,19(12):231-234
近年来,随着我国中等职业教育的快速发展,如何更好地培养适应社会生产需要、有较强实践能力的应用型人才成为当前突出的问题。然而,教育实践环节面临的安全环境难以搭建、设备及教师数量不足等问题严重影响了教学效果,进而阻碍中职教育的发展。虚拟现实技术具有沉浸性、交互性和想象性等特点,为解决上述问题提供了契机。针对当前虚拟现实技术在中职实训教学中的应用,提出做好传统实操课模式与虚拟现实搭建操作环境的结合互容,搭建企业、中职、虚拟现实研发三方合作平台等建议,并对未来在VR基础上融合使用AR、MR、XR等新技术的创新教学方法作出展望。  相似文献   

韩国留学生直到中级阶段才逐渐习得“没有”句和“不如”句。由于母语中缺少相对应的句型,“不比”句直到高级阶段才有所习得,其使用频率明显低于汉语本族语者,常被“没有”句替代或产生截搭的偏误。正确使用频率“不如”句最高,其次是“没有”句,“不比”句最低。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the processes that predict reading acquisition. Associations between (a) scaffolding errors (e.g., “torn” misread as “town” or “tarn”), other reading errors, and later reading and (b) vowel and rime inferences and later reading were explored. To assess both of these issues, 50 6‐year‐old children were shown a number of CVC words, and word reading errors were noted. Children were then taught families of riming words that could serve as a basis for rime or vowel analogies (e.g., “bark”, “mark”, “dark” → “park” or “harm”) before attempting to read the CVCs a second time. Children’s reading ability was measured at age 6 and two years later at age 8. The results showed that, among word reading error groups, only scaffolding errors at age 6 were unique predictors of reading at age 8, after reading, vocabulary, and phonological awareness were controlled. Vowel but not rime inferences predicted reading at age 8. The results are used to inform a model of the role of phoneme awareness and grapheme use in early reading development wherein vowel inference‐use helps to specify precise representations of CVC words from preliminary scaffolding errors.  相似文献   

《琵琶记》中是非问句根据疑问程度可分为询问句、测度问句、反诘问句三类。是非询问句大多数使用疑问标记,即疑问语气词“么”、“那”、“乎”,其中近代汉语新兴的“么”用频最高。是非测度问句只使用近代汉语新兴的测度疑问副词“莫是”、“莫不”、“莫不是”、“敢”、“敢是”,句末不使用疑问语气词“么”。是非反诘问句大多数使用疑问标记,即近代汉语新兴的反诘副词“终不然”、“难道”及古已有之的反诘副词“岂”、“可”。《琵琶记》中还有一类特殊的是非问句,属于句式糅合现象,其是由是非询问句与否定陈述句糅合而成的。  相似文献   

It can be especially controversial when pupils are transferred to the “Hauptschule”, which is the lowest of three tracks in the German secondary school system. The acceptance of this type of school is very low for both parents and pupils. By contrast with the transfers of pupils to the high ability grammar school (“Gymnasium”), there are no recent studies on transfers to the “Hauptschule”. Analyses using data from the Bavarian partial sample in the KOALA-S study show that the discrepancy between the aspirations of parents and pupils on the one hand and the school type recommended by teachers and the pupil registrations on the other hand is particularly large when pupils are transferred to the “Hauptschule”. Discrepancies concerning transfers to the “Realschule” (intermediate track; commercial/technical secondary school) or “Gymnasium” are less severe. Unwanted attendance at the “Hauptschule” most frequently affects children from families with lower social or educational status. Analyses with an elaborated simulation procedure (counterfactual calculations) show that attendance at the “Hauptschule” mainly results from poor school achievements, whereas social selectivity due to parents decision making or transition regulations is far less important.  相似文献   

This research focused on the concept of “force” (“CHI‐KA‐RA” in Japanese) in Newtonian mechanics. The primary objective was to develop a tool, based on metaphor, to interpret student thinking in learning scientific topics. The study provides an example of using the tool to trace the process of mutual changes in thinking during a dialog among students who have different perspectives on the same topic. “Social metaphorical mapping” was used to interpret a dialog between two groups of junior high school students with different epistemological paradigms with regard to the concept of force (CHI‐KA‐RA) in the learning environment of a computer simulation. Both source domains were recontextualized through social metaphorical mapping and the process of mutual changes in concepts was traced. Participants noticed that the Buridanian 1 1. Buridan was a French scientist in the fourteenth century who proposed a theory of impetus. concept of“force” differs from the Newtonian concept of “force,” differentiated between the concepts of “force” that use the same Japanese term “CHI‐KA‐RA,” and noticed that the Buridanian concept of “force” resembles the Newtonian concept of “momentum.”  相似文献   

作者根据对外汉语教学的需要,在HSK动态作文语料库中对以英语为母语的第二语言习得者习得“了1”和“了2”的情况进行了调查,并对其中的正确用法和使用偏误加以归类和分析,指出习得者的习得顺序是先习得“了1”后习得“了2“。研究显示运用以英语为母语的第二语言习得者“了1”和“了2”习得顺序,并分析了“了1”和“了2”习得顺序的原因和教学上的应对策略。  相似文献   

以"工程化"理念为基础,在原有"环境工程学实验"教学改革的基础上,针对教学中现存问题,采用"线上+线下""实际操作+虚拟仿真""固定+开放"几种混合式教学模式,进行了工程化实验教学的全过程改革探索.通过优化整合实验室资源,规范开放实验室管理制度为实验教学提供支持与保障.采用"线上+线下"全过程评价方式,完善了教学过程管...  相似文献   

从战国到元朝,主要由“箸(筯)”表示“夹饭菜或其他东西的细长棍子”义,偶尔也用梜(筴);到明代,产生了新词“筷(快、筷子)”;从清朝到民国,“筷(快、筷子)”用例逐渐增多,“箸(筯)”逐渐减少,“梜(筴)”几乎消失;到现代汉语,“筷(快、筷子)”完全替代了“箸(筯)”、“梜(筴)”。  相似文献   

历史数据在历史教学与试题编制中经常出现,在使用中容易出现问题,阻碍了教学及测评的正向拓展。因此,应注重历史教学中数据使用的"适切性",其中包含数据使用的"位置"是否合适和数据解释是否合理两大维度,被概括为"适合"、"贴切"。文章通过剖析不当使用的实际例子,印证了不够"适合"与"贴切"所造成的数据型史料的运用缺憾,提出合理使用历史数据的相关建议以及避免数据使用失当的有关思考。  相似文献   

As organizations continue to expand their implementation of Lean practices, business schools and corporate training organizations have developed numerous games and simulations aimed at teaching Lean concepts in manufacturing settings. However, simulations have lagged behind the most recent adaptations of Lean outside of the factory in services, and more specifically, in office settings. In this article, we present a Lean simulation game, referred to as “Computer Solutions, Inc.” that provides participants with hands‐on experience in applying Lean principles in a nonmanufacturing setting. The simulation takes place in the order‐quote department at “Computer Solutions, Inc.,” a company that specializes in designing customized computer solutions for small businesses. The order‐quote process is purely office‐based and involves such activities as collecting information, processing information, filling out documents, and forwarding those documents to different parts of the organization. This simulation is implemented as a “pencil‐and‐paper” exercise that can be performed by students in the classroom. Our simulation brings some unique benefits that are often missing from current Lean manufacturing‐based simulations. It involves multiple rounds of Lean improvements that can span several weeks, providing students a chance to identify wastes and to make a thoughtful application of Lean tools and techniques. Students also get to experience the challenges of group dynamics that are often present in team‐based improvement efforts.  相似文献   

《论语》一书记述了孔子应答弟子及时人的言论,书中弟子称孔子为“子”、“夫子”、“孔子”甚至“仲尼”,称谓复杂多变。由于周代崇尚礼乐文化,对称谓也有一套严格的礼仪规范,人们在日常交往中不可能出现错误,因此清代崔述以弟子面称孔子为“夫子”而疑其篇章为伪作。通过辑录《论语》中称谓为“夫子”的言论,从“夫子”的本义和周代对称谓礼仪的规范两方面进行分析,可知“夫子”这一称谓在《论语》中有不同含义,有表示对孔子学识的崇敬,也有表示对孔子曾是士大夫身份的尊重,从而说明在当时,弟子面称孔子为“夫子”是有可能的。  相似文献   

英语否定句是表达人们对客观世界事物、现象及内心认识和感受作出否定阐述的基本句式。常见的否定句由明显表达否定意义的副词no、not及由包括它们的复合词如never、noting等构成。另外,英语中大量存在的带有表达否定意义的前、后缀词语如用来充当句子主要成分时,也可看成是否定句,如dislike、unhappy、valueless等。对这些结构的理解与翻译并不难。但英语中还大量存在着并不包含明显的否定词语,而整句表述的却是否定意义的结构。它们通常会使用特定的词语与句式来表达否定意义。本文对12种此类结构进行梳理与归纳,并通过大量实例来展示其用法,以期对初、中级英语学习者在正确理解和准确翻译它们时有所帮助。  相似文献   

依据权势与等同的理论,在华南师范大学进行调查,了解90后大学生如何使用称呼语称呼大学校园的工作人员。调查结果显示,权势与等同作用于学生对老师的称呼,师生距离远,权势起作用,学生使用“老师”作为称呼语;师生距离近,等同起作用,学生使用拟亲属称呼和英文名。称呼语“老师”表达了学生对老师的尊重和敬畏;拟亲属称呼和英文名表达了学生对老师的亲近和密切的师生关系;流行语“帅哥”、“美女”和“亲”进入学生的校园称呼语系统。  相似文献   

“活动型学科课程”作为普通高中思想政治课程新的课程理念与学科定位,其实现需要通过教科书中的活动设计作为学科内容的载体和实践来支撑。普通高中思想政治教科书的活动设计可以从“有什么用”“怎么使用”“谁来使用”三个角度进行设计和理解,以此构成了“活动—内容—学科核心素养”(功能维度)、“活动—情境—议题”(实践维度)、“活动—学生—教师”(主体维度)三个层面的活动设计思路。以活动设计的这三个维度为指引,推进高中思想政治课教学形态的转变,从而在“活动型学科课程”理念的教科书呈现与教学落实上确立起行动共识。  相似文献   

在使用人称代词时既可以按照其本来的语义特征,又可以在"人称"和"数"两方面发生突破,从而使得其使用呈现出纷繁复杂的情况。通过考察大量的实例,我们发现,在这纷繁复杂的背后表现出一定的规律,即在"数"的方面倾向于使用复数形式;在"人称"方面倾向于向听话人靠拢,站在跟听话人一致或比较接近的立场上选用相应的人称代词。而之所以呈现出这样的规律,与人类普遍存在的"自己人"心理和"面子"心理有着密切的联系。  相似文献   

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