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The final report of the Joint Task Force on Computing Curricula (CC2001) suggests that an updated computer science curricula must reflect the broadening nature of our discipline. Two areas that are included in the CC2001 are software engineering (SE) and human-computer interaction (HCI). While the first inclination might be to incorporate HCI concepts into a traditional SE course, we propose a different approach. This paper outlines a project-oriented HCI course in which we are able to emphasize some SE notions in the context of HCI concepts. Our course is also a maturation class for our students because they are exposed to a number of non-programming computer science activities, including project specification, software and interface design, user testing, prototyping and use of guidelines. We include an overview of course content that illustrates our approach. We also describe our coverage of specific CC2001 knowledge units and provide some feedback data for our course.  相似文献   

A network-centric university teaching and research environment based around mobile robots is described. It supports teaching a wide spectrum of computer science and engineering subjects (e.g., digital electronics, computer architecture, operating systems, communications, distributed processing, software engineering, machine vision, artificial intelligence, embedded computer design, real-time computing, HCI, computer graphics, virtual reality, etc.) within a single unified experimental environment. This enables students to combine their coursework so as to build more complex, interesting and industrially relevant systems, thereby significantly increasing their motivation and knowledge. The laboratory infrastructure makes extensive use of networks to produce a versatile and cost effective teaching and research environment. This paper will focus on the teaching aspects of the laboratory, describing the technical infrastructure and showing how it is used to support the Essex Un! iver sity information technology curriculum and report on the effectiveness of the approach. Finally, to demonstrate the more general academic synergy provided by this laboratory a short overview of some of the research applications is presented.  相似文献   

信息时代的到来 ,计算机知识的日益普及 ,给大学计算机基础教学提出了新的要求。本文在分析我校计算机基础教育发展现状基础上 ,从课程体系建设、网络化教学环境的建立两方面就我校如何适应社会发展需要提出了发展设想。  相似文献   

程序设计实践课程是高校计算机学科部分相关专业的必修课程之一,该课程对于高校学生的逻辑思维能力和动手实践操作能力要求较高。然而,在高校程序设计实践课程中学生对待课程的"畏难"心理、学校对于程序设计实践的重视度不够、高校教师考核方式的不科学等都是阻碍高校学生编程能力提高的障碍。结合时代发展及我国教育信息化规划,本文提出以项目教学为驱动的程序设计实践课程的"翻转课堂"+SPOC教学模式。根据项目驱动教学特点,基于"翻转课堂"+SPOC的网络在线教学平台,笔者结合具体Java教学实例从课前准备、课中教学和课后评价三个方面对程序设计实践课程展开了教学研究,为高校计算机程序设计实践课程提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

算法设计与分析是计算机专业的一门棱心课程,具有较强的理论性和复杂性,对授课教师提出了较高的要求。本文介绍了一些授课过程中的教学经验和如何能够更好的讲授本课程的一些思考。  相似文献   

C语言课程是计算机专业重要的基础课,也是学习其它高级程序设计语言的基础,具有承上启下的作用。但很多高校教师在讲授C语言时,并没有基于计算机系统结构和汇编语言等课程进行教学,导致C语言教学对学生而言只能达到“知其然”,并没有“知其所以然”。因此,针对网络空间安全学科下的C语言教学,提出将计算机系统结构和汇编语言课程作为C语言前期基础课程的改革思路,从程序语言底层执行过程出发进行C语言课程教学,并对C语言课程教学案例进行分析。  相似文献   

随着国际竞争日益激烈,对创新科技人才的需求也不断扩大,为了适应时代发展的要求,我国对基础教育进行了全面的课程改革,而作为这次基础教育改革新鲜出炉的科学学科更是倍受关注,由于涉及知识面广而教材内容简扼,给教学带来了很大的困惑。因此,将异常丰富的网络应用到科学学科教学领域也就成了必然。  相似文献   

This article argues that a design studio can be a dynamic medium to explore the creative potential of the complexity of sustainability from its technological to social ends. The study seeks to determine the impact of an interior design/architecture studio experience that was initiated to teach diverse meanings of sustainability and to engage the participants with refined design applications that used sustainable choices. A teaching scheme that utilised a team of instructors with varying degrees of knowledge and competence in different aspects of the topic, mediated the education of both the students and the instructors themselves. The results were documented through observing the students and, later, a survey of the graduates. The study revealed that this studio experience developed a heightened awareness of sustainability as a multidimensional concept that requires critical thought processes, and greatly influenced the recognition of environmentally responsible design as an imperative in education. The findings also suggested that, ideally, sustainability should be addressed earlier, at lower levels, and needs to be woven into every aspect of a curriculum.  相似文献   

针对近几年来中学所开设的新课程——《信息技术》课所带来的师资等问题,在大量社会调查的基础上。以师范院校计算机教育专业的教学活动为基点,面向基础教育为研究方向,阐述了注重培养师范院校计算机教育专业在校生的教学能力、使在校生从各方面提前作好中学《信息技术》课教学准备、把师范院校计算机教育专业办成中学《信息技术》课教学基地等问题,并提出了相关教材如何进行改革的设想与建议。  相似文献   

单片机课程是计算机专业的核心课程。本文针对计算机专业的特点,在单片机实验课程教学中,增加了实验教学内容中的设计创新部分,进行了实验教学项目、实验教学地点和实验教学时间三个方面的教学拓展,对提高计算机专业学生的硬件设计能力、动手能力和单片机应用系统设计能力方面起到了良好的效果。  相似文献   

VB课程是职高院校计算机专业的一门重要的专业基础课程,其教学目标是让学生能够真正的理解、运用“面向对象”的思想方法,设计程序。如果仅把VB系统预定义的类作为教学内容,就会使“面向对象”的思想方法变为“基于对象”的思想方法,其实质是伪“面向对象”的思想方法。所以,要把创建类、在类中添加属性、方法、事件的思想方法融入到教学过程中,做到真正的“面向对象”。  相似文献   

计算机网络课程实验教学探讨   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
"计算机网络"作为信息类课程的一门重要专业核心课,是计算机科学与技术专业基础知识体系的重要组成部分。实验教学环节是理论教学的重要补充,实验教学环节的创新与突破,将是高校教育教学方式及人才培养模式改革的关键。本文得益于精品课程的建设实践,从实验内容、方法与手段、管理模式以及考核方式等方面描述了我校"计算机网络"课程建设的一些具体做法和经验。  相似文献   

Conclusion The goals of this project were to design and implement a series of courses that would better prepare elementary school teachers to teach science and would promote positive attitudes toward science and science teaching. The initial offering of the first series of courses met with moderate success. Although the courses fostered an increase in cognitive knowledge, the magnitude of the improvement was not what we had anticipated. There was no significant improvement in the attitudes of the students toward science or science teaching. The science course has been revised and is currently being offered for both preservice and inservice teachers. The revisions include lengthening the class time, so that the material can be covered at a more relaxed pace, and increasing the amount of active team teaching by the instructors to further emphasize the interrelations between chemistry and biology and to eliminate the fragmentation of the course. It is hoped that these changes will also have a positive impact on the students’ attitudes toward the course and thus toward science in general.  相似文献   

随着高校专业教学改革的深入,工作室模式教学已被引入艺术设计专业教学。艺术设计专业是一个应用性很强的专业,如何选择一个切实可行的设计项目一直是工作室教学模式展开的关键。本文从城市VIS设计项目出发,以阜阳市为切入点,引导学生进入工作室,在教学流程的推进中加强了师生之间的交流与合作,逐步完成设计任务。探索了以城市视觉形象塑造为主导的设计工作室教学模式。  相似文献   

编译原理课是计算机学科重要的专业基础课程之一,而云课堂作为“互联网+教育”的典型教学形式,受到了广泛关注,因此建立基于云课堂的编译原理课程在线教学模式对推进计算机相关课程教学范式改革具有借鉴作用。针对当前计算机课程教学改革需求,建立SPOC课程资源+云课堂+线上实验的三位一体编译原理课程在线教学模型,提出编译原理在线云课堂设计思路、基于云平台的在线实验和在线课程考核方式等全程线上课程教学实施的解决方案,该方案在实施过程中表现出较好的教学效果。  相似文献   

This article is an interdisciplinary reflective response to an intensive studio learning and teaching experience involving artists, academics and postgraduate students. The authors of this article teach, research and practise in coding, digital design, dance, and virtual and live performance. As lecturers and students we reflect upon and propose future approaches to art practice in tertiary education informed by live performance, performance capture and studio‐based responses to digital and virtual platforms. We reflect on an innovative contribution to the field of research–teaching nexus as informed by digital and virtual data capture identifying the key element of immediacy in live performance and choreographic improvisation with systems. We reflect on practice‐based inquiry via the Choreographic Coding Lab (CCL) model – a dialogical negotiation between capture technology and interdisciplinary artists in industry and academia. How can we encourage potential studio inquiry as an adapted model in tertiary learning and teaching? Our interdisciplinary voices, presented as authors’ reflections, provide suggestions for future studio‐based, active learning contexts.  相似文献   

程序设计课程既要完成语言语法介绍,又要培养学生编程能力,教好这门课对培养学生计算机专业能力具有重要意义。2020年春季由于疫情影响,程序设计课程转为在线教学模式。为适应在线教学特殊形式,程序设计课程教学采用OJ系统、增加代码风格、优化成绩统计等方式进行改革。阐述了程序设计课程在线教学方式,总结了在线教学改革创新点。课程数据分析表明,教学改革后73.6%的学生代码风格评分达到优秀水平,81.6%的学生课程实验合格,学生编程能力得到提高,为后续课程学习打下了良好基础。  相似文献   

《计算机网络基础》课程是一门发展着的前沿学科,是我院本、专科各专业必修的一门专业基础课程,是通信技术与计算机技术相结合的产物,内容广泛,学习难度较大,尤其在学习计算机网络体系结构这部分知识时,学生的学和教师的教都认为是一重点,也是一难点。所以,本文将从一实例出发逐渐推导出计算机网络体系结构模型OSI/RM的教学内容,从而使学生进一步了解什么是计算机网络体系结构。  相似文献   

Distance education technology can be used to increase the teaching of science in schools. However, the use of the technology must be carefully monitored. This paper describes the general use of 2-way video/2-way audio technology to link three remote sites and a studio. To evaluate the instructiors' and participants' use of this technology, video recordings ofall 11 (2-hour) broadcasts were reviewed. In general, the instructors were able to conduct a semester long hands-on science course, however, there were many science teaching techniques that had to be altered for this technology. When this technology is used for hands-on science, the hardware itself must be improved so that continuous interaction can take place between the studio and all remote sites. Science topics and activities may prove to be one of thebest fields to present with the technology, because of the practical lab based nature of science. Hands-on science activities seem to lessen the feeling of distance between remote sites and the studio.  相似文献   

Design educators have long used studio-based learning environments to create communities of learners to support authentic learning in design. Online social media platforms have enabled the creation of distributed studio networks (DSNs) that link studio-based learning environments into expanded communities of practice and potential networked improvement communities. As learning scientists, we do not adequately understand how to infrastructure learning and resource sharing across distributed studios. In this ethnography of the infrastructure of Design for America, a DSN, we analyzed data from interviews, online communication, and field observations as the organization grew its network of university design studios. We found that Design for America managers faced challenges of providing support and resources to address wide variation in needs across studios. Lacking an existing comprehensive network collaboration platform, managers created a proto-infrastructure to distribute support across studios. By studying their iterative adoption of communication and collaboration tools and organizational routines, we define a unique set of design principles to infrastructure DSNs: (a) surfacing local progress and problems, (b) affective crowding, (c) solution mapping, and (d) help routing. Assembling constellations of tools and designing platforms based on these principles could support learning in and the improvement of DSNs across domains.  相似文献   

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