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During the last decade, the higher education sector has experienced many pressures and changes (Hanna, Educause Review, 38(4), 25–34, 2003; Scott, Educause Review, 38, 64–80, 2003; Waterhouse, The power of e-learning: The essential guide for teaching in the digital age, 2005). Universities around the world are facing the need to adapt to a rapidly changing educational and social landscape, in which technology is both the main cause of change and a tool for dealing with the change. This study examines the organization-wide technological changes that have infiltrated every aspects of life at all universities that are part of the higher education system in Israel during the last 7 years: the introduction of on-line instruction, e-learning and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) technology for university work processes The research findings show that there is a mechanism for managing organization-wide technological changes at Israeli universities but it is not a rational one. This study proposes a model for managing organization-wide technological changes in universities on the basis of the existing mechanism, using knowledge management strategies for the purpose of change management: KM-M-CM (Knowledge Management as a Mechanism for Change Management) Implementation of this model will make it possible to realize the challenge of transforming the university from a "knowledge institution" to a "learning institution." It will come life to the extent that the higher education system in Israel, its leaders and decision-makers understand the need for a permanent mechanism to manage change and adopt this rational model in order to establish it.  相似文献   

管理哲学诞生以来,虽然影响力日益扩大,但在某些关键问题上,学界一直难以达成一致意见。这一方面是因为这门学科诞生的时间比较短,研究的领域又比较宽阔,难以进行总结性研究;另一方面则是因为应用型研究偏多,而基础性研究偏少,尤其对一些基本概念,没有大家出来进行一个权威性概括和结论。而这些问题又是如此重要,直接指引着本学科的研究方向,因此无法回避。文章从历史背景、语源学、研究实际、未来展望等角度对管理哲学中的管理概念进行了尝试性分析,希望起到抛砖引玉的效果。  相似文献   

Creating a positive working atmosphere in the classroom is the first concern of many student and beginning teachers in secondary education. Teaching in multicultural classrooms provides additional challenges for these teachers. This study identified shared practical knowledge about classroom management strategies of teachers who were successful in creating a positive working atmosphere in their multicultural classrooms. Twelve teachers were selected who were regarded as successful classroom managers in Dutch multicultural classes by their principals and students. Video-stimulated interviews were used to elicit data about the practical knowledge of these teachers. The teachers were aware of the importance of providing clear rules and correcting student behaviour whenever necessary, but they also wanted to reduce potential negative influences of corrections on the classroom atmosphere. They aimed at developing positive teacher–student relationships and adjusted their teaching methods anticipating students' responses. Most teachers seemed reluctant to refer to the cultural and ethnic background of their students.  相似文献   

With the emergence of Knowledge Economy and its penetration into every aspect of society, many industrial functions have been changing, including management and labor relations. In this paper, the author first presents a system view of management and labor relations under Knowledge Economy, and then based on it, elaborates on effect of Knowledge Economy on them, using the case of HP as demonstration. In the end, conclusion is made that new dynamic equilibration will develop, depending upon the dynamic power contrast of the above two subjects under dynamic changing circumstances of Knowledge Economy.  相似文献   

This paper provides a point of view on the relationship between learning and knowledge management in corporate training. This relationship forms the framework for the development of an effective learning management system (LMS). It comprises four sections: (1) a theoretical analysis of the relationship between training and knowledge management. In today's corporate environment, characterized by rapid change and restructuring, organizations need to become “learning organizations”; (2) some examples are provided of how training issues are intertwined with other processes, such as sales, communication, research and development (R&D), external network management; (3) corporate universities are the means for achieving those goals. They are efficient as long as they become strategy-supportive organizations. Such a structure is in need of the appropriate technology tool, an LMS; (4) it is possible to underline which functionalities are needed in order to have an efficient LMS. These are the kinds of considerations that led ID Technology in developing LiveLearning. Thus, an LMS for corporate training should take into account the relationship between knowledge management and training. An LMS should allow the integration of training with company processes and should assist in meeting corporate university goals. The same considerations also guide decision makers when choosing an LMS.  相似文献   

课程设计是教学工作的重要组成部分,是实践性教学的关键球节,是理论联系实践进而转化为实际动手能力的重要手段,是教学质量保证体系的重要组成部分,是落实教学全过程的重要保证。如何构建课程设计(大作业)组织实施与管理体系,是课程设计有序进行和培养综合应用型人才的前提和保证。  相似文献   

There is increasing emphasis on the use of evidence-based practices (EBPs) in child welfare settings and growing recognition of the importance of the organizational environment, and the organization's climate in particular, for how employees perceive and support EBP implementation. Recently, Ehrhart, Aarons, and Farahnak (2014) reported on the development and validation of a measure of EBP implementation climate, the Implementation Climate Scale (ICS), in a sample of mental health clinicians. The ICS consists of 18 items and measures six critical dimensions of implementation climate: focus on EBP, educational support for EBP, recognition for EBP, rewards for EBP, selection or EBP, and selection for openness. The goal of the current study is to extend this work by providing evidence for the factor structure, reliability, and validity of the ICS in a sample of child welfare service providers. Survey data were collected from 215 child welfare providers across three states, 12 organizations, and 43 teams. Confirmatory factor analysis demonstrated good fit to the six-factor model and the alpha reliabilities for the overall measure and its subscales was acceptable. In addition, there was general support for the invariance of the factor structure across the child welfare and mental health sectors. In conclusion, this study provides evidence for the factor structure, reliability, and validity of the ICS measure for use in child welfare service organizations.  相似文献   

市场经济的发展,特别是旅游业的发展需要从业者不断提升自身的知识、技能和综合素养,培训成为达成这一愿望的最佳途径,而作为高校的旅游管理专业面向社会开展培训工作责无旁贷。这种培训工作具有全员性、经常性、多样性、灵活性、计划性的特点。在具体实施时应综合考虑培训需求、培训目标、培训内容、培训时间、培训效果等诸方面。  相似文献   

To date the development of technical systems to support learning either in schools and universities (CSCL-systems), or in companies (knowledge-management systems) have largely developed separately concurrent, with no or little mutual exchange of experience. The approach presented here seeks to combine the strengths of both lines of development in order that both benefits from each others advantages achieve advantages for each development. Detailed requirements engineering is presented regarding, three research fields: communication theory; learning processes; and a study in companies. The requirements collected led to a sophisticated concept of annotations where annotations serve as communicative contributions, and (segmented) material is used as context. The combination and distinction between communicative contributions, and the material itself is a suitable approach for integrating the advantages of CSCL-systems (communication support) and knowledge management systems (support of content storage). These requirements are combined in a software system, KOLUMBUS, presented with its key features. To gather experience with KOLUMBUS and to convey potential for further improvement, two case studies were conducted. The main results, advantages and further potentials derived from these two case studies are described in this paper. The paper concludes with design recommendations for similar technical systems, as well as organizational hints for CSCL-groups (in schools or universities as well as in companies).  相似文献   

本文从高等院校的学生工作体制、职能、内容等方面,对学生的管理工作理念进行了分析探讨,以期对做好新形势下高等院校学生工作有所裨益。  相似文献   

知识管理在中美教育机构中的应用研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
目前知识管理在教育机构中的应用较为滞后 ,但其思想和方法同样适用于像大学、教育管理部门这样的组织机构。教育机构也可以通过实施知识管理达到提高响应能力和工作效率的目的。在高等教育中 ,知识管理工作体现在面向学生的教学和管理活动中。通过对中美两国教育机构调研的数据分析可以看出 ,在与知识管理相关的因素分析上 ,如知识管理的实施与激励形式、作用力和学校规模等方面 ,中国学校与美国学校在认识上具有不同的相关程度。这些差异反映了两国知识管理发展水平的不同 ,同时 ,对中国的高校实施知识管理具有启发意义 ,即知识管理本身本非目的 ,而是一种手段 ,应将它同具体的工作有机结合 ,才能取得更好的效果。  相似文献   

论知识经济时代新型学校管理观的构建   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在知识经济条件下,伴随着教育与管理系统的全面重构,学校管理变革乃大势所趋。本文在宏观背景审视的基础上,具体分析了学校管理在新形势下面临的困惑与发展的趋势,以新的范畴观、组织观、过程观、职能观、动力观、发展观、领域观等七个方面为视角,全方位地推演出知识经济时代学校管理观的基本图景。  相似文献   

发展高等职业教育,必须要注意解决好思想组织,理论指导,借鉴与创新,师资队伍,实践基地,教材建设,教学方法及有效管理等问题。  相似文献   

工程管理实施阶段的投资控制,是工程管理过程中人、机、料投入的主要阶段,工程数量较多、计算难度较大。应熟悉和掌握合同、设计图纸、充分利用工程量计量清单资料及有关法律文件,做好事前投资控制、事中投资控制、事后投资控制。结合工作实践经验,对工程管理实施阶段的投资控制进行了分析。  相似文献   

知识经济时代,传统图书馆管理的种种弊端已不能适应新的时代要求。知识管理作为一种新的管理思想和工具,已在国内外许多企业内卓有成效地实施。研究知识管理与图书馆管理关系,借鉴知识管理思想,对于提升图书馆服务创新能力具有重要意义。  相似文献   

会计委派制在全国试行以来,已取得了初步成效,本就会计委派制的成绩、法规、制度完善配套及应审慎推行这三方面进行探讨,以使会计委派制更加完善和更好地发挥作用。  相似文献   

目前,我国高校专利管理机构面临着校内科研工作者对专利保护不够重视、职务发明权属模糊影响发明人的积极性、权益分配不合理、缺乏统一健全的专利管理体制、缺少教学机构与模式等突出问题。本文针对这些问题提出了高校专利管理机构规范化的概念,阐述了高校专利管理机构规范化的内涵、核心内容,归纳了建章立制、调整结构、树立信用、重视人才、强化交流等具体措施。  相似文献   

从实践的角度,设计了配置管理活动、工作流程、指南清单及清单内容。力图为软件企业从事配置管理活动提供一个实施指南范本,以供借鉴。  相似文献   

在对单点登录技术进行详细分析的基础上,设计了一种结合业务系统自身认证系统的认证和二次开发接口认证的单点登录方式,并成功地应用于湖北省科技信息研究院知识管理系统,取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

欠发达地区教育管理信息化建设机制与实施策略研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为推动欠发达地区教育管理信息化建设,缩小城乡教育“数字鸿沟”,该文通过文献研究、实地考察、问卷调查、数据分析等方法,在分析云南、贵州、甘肃三省教育管理信息化现状的基础上,探索欠发达地区教育管理信息化的建设机制与实施策略,提出通过政府专项经费与多渠道融资结合、整体打包争取优惠价格、使用适当比例生均公用经费、企业部分收益投入再生产等方法建立资金保障机制;通过政府主导、企业参与、业务驱动和学校购买服务等措施建立长效的使用机制,以统一平台、四级应用和建立专网来降低基层应用的技术门槛,同时给出了教育管理信息化评价机制的模型与指标体系,为欠发达地区教育信息化的实施提供新的发展思路。  相似文献   

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